September 10th, 2002
I just saw one of the most exciting things I have seen in a while in the world of movies. They have redone a movie of the Thomas Harris book, Red Dragon. Red Dragon is the prequel to Silence of the Lambs, and is in my opinion, the best out of the 3. There was a movie called Manhunter a few years back that was also based on the book Red Dragon, but I thought it sucked, of course I still own it because I am a huge Hannibal Lector mark, but it just wasn't up to par. So, I think it said October sometime, Red Dragon the movie will be in theatres, and that rules!!
The baseball players have come to an agreement with the owners. Yippe freaking doo. One of the things they got was an increase to the league minimum wage. I guess it's because earning a minimum of $250,000 a year to play a game is just not enough. I'd like to see how many guys are actually making the league minimum anyways. Good for you baseball players, now go back to work you whiny little crybabies!
Thursday, I will be making my first of 2 trips to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan in the next 2 weeks. This time I'll be travelling with Johnny Handsome and Chris Steele. We will be wrestling for Pro Outlaw wrestling at 2:00pm at the U of S. I have absolutely no idea who I will be wrestling against, but it will be a good way to judge the fans and see what to expect for my big match against Dr. Luther on September 15th.
The Best of Juggernaut Volume II, "Better Red than Dead" has finally been completed. After just under a year of technical delays and other malfuntions, the tape is finally done and is being sent to me from Washington this week. This tape has much better matches than the last one, including matches against Tommy Dreamer and Steve Corino along with some clips from one of my matches at Korakeun Hall in Tokyo Japan. Along with the matches, is a somewhat different approach to Independent wrestler videos, I have quite a bit of behind the scenes footage that will definitaly make anyone chuckle. You can order your copy of "Better Red Than Dead" by e-mailing me at the price through the mail is $30 and that includes the shipping and handling. If you live in the USA, the price is also $30 but in US funds to cover the extra cost for shipping across the border. Personally (even though I'm a bit biased) I think it is a great video and a definite must buy.
Ah yes, let's move on to this week's pictures of the week. I am having one hell of a time coming up with the pictures of the golf course or the scary ring crew guy in Winnipeg, so once again I will have to dip into my archives and pull out a couple of pictures. This first one is a picture I though was cool when it got sent to me a couple years ago. It's from one of my many matches with Billy Two Eagles, I believe this one was taken in Oregon of Washington somewhere. Billy coming off the top rope with a dropkick. A couple things about Billy Two Eagles.....he is probably the hardest working and possibly the craziest 25+ year wrestler out there, and if you think you enjoy chops, go wrestle Billy!!
This second one was taken in 1999. Here I am busting out a over the top belly to belly suplex on "Rocket" Randy Tyler. Look at the old school camo pants!!!
I had an idea for a new top 10 list, but it completely slipped my mind in the last couple hours. I think it was a good one too. I'll think about it hard for a week and see what I can come up with. I am in need of a new top 10 since I don't think I've done one in a couple months.
Friday is another Stampede Wrestling show here in Calgary. I will be tagging with Kanage against the Stampede Wrestling tag team champions, Bruce Hart and TJ Wilson. Who know what will happen in the match, TJ is a fantastic talent and Bruce always has some tricks up his sleeves, but whatever happens, I know we won't be the ones lying on the mat crying like babies.
That's it for this week, again if you're interested in the new Best of Juggernaut Volume II video, e-mail me at
Until next time.....Chicks Dig Scars.... Red Dragon is going to kick ass!!....... do the wittle baby ball pwayers want their suckies?...... and put down the weapons you pussies!!!