September 24th, 2002
Once again this edition of Juggerstories will be typed as I travel along the road to and from a couple destinations. I probably won't be typing every day, but it's always interesting to see what things pop into my head while I stare out a window at the passing scenery.
It's 5:00am and here we are, driving down the road towards Thuder Bay, Ontario. The glorious life of a wrestler. We had yesterday off, so we spent the night at one of the local Winnipeg nightclubs, called The Beach. That place treated us all like kings, and covered the drinks for everyone all night. Some of us judged something they called the "show me your underwear" contest. Basically, 6 girls came out on the dancefloor and stipped down to their undergarments in an attempt to win some money. Of course the motto of the night was "Skin to win" so one of the top contenteders was obviously the girl that was going commando.
Ealier in the night, I got myself into a rather heated video game fued with AJ Styles. It all started as we were playing some friendly trivia, then it turned into a video card game called Pick 21. I easily destroyed the hugely outmatched AJ and was having a great time rubbing it in. Of course, when we got to The Beach, there was a whole new set of games to play and though I won't officially tell you what happened when we played a head to head driving game, I will say that I wasn't the one rubbing in the victory this time. AJ is a great guy and an even better wrestler, but when it comes to video games, Brotha Jones is not a fan of losing..
The show on Thursday night was really good. The main event of AJ Styles vs. Jerry Lynn was worth the price of admission alone. You know it's a good match when 85% of the guys in the dressing room are trying to see what's going on. I know these two guys face each other on NWA TNA every once in a while, I highly recommend checking it out if you can.
Now it's around 10:00pm and we are travelling back to Calgary. The shows went well. The show in Winnipeg drew about 450 people and the one in Thunder Bay was just under 1000. No Holds Barred Wrestling draws extremely well for an Indy company. It has something to do with the guys that are used on the shows and something to do with the great promotion that they do in the towns. It's tough to draw people to a wrestling show when nobody knws about it, so NHB tries to make sure EVERYONE knows about it.
The talent on the shows, was absolutely top notch. Jerry Lynn and AJ Styles had a great match the first night along with another great one between Shane Douglas and Dr. Luther. The second night, Douglas faced Cyrus in a match that I watched all of and thought was great, then the main even was Jerry Lynn vs. AJ Styles vs. Dr. Luther in a 3 way match for the NHB Title, it was great. In the 4th match of the night, one of the new NHB stars, Ivan, faced my opponent from the last tour, Crash Crimson. The fight made its way up onto the top of a ring truck and saw Crash Crimson get launched off the truck, through a table on the floor. My personal favorite moment of the night was seeing the Highlander get blasted in the back of the head with a ladder, or course it was the stitches he needed that I really enjoyed. the NHB fans also had a very special treat since former Stampede Wrestling star and current huge All Japan star Johnny Smith was also on the shows.
Not only were the guys on the tour great in the ring but they were all great guys. I tried to get some pictures for the pictures of the week in the future, I just have to get them developed then scan them, I should have some by next week. I had a great time just talking wrestling with Shance Douglas, he has a brilliant wrestling mind and after 22 years in the wrestling business you can tell that he still has a huge passion to see things done right. The same can be said for Johnny Smith and all the guys. I think the conversations with Jerry Lynn leaned more towards death metal music than wrestling, which is fine with me. There wasn't much time between video games and his horrible jealousness of my great luchador techniques for AJ "Brotha Jones" Styles to spread too many words of wisdom.
Well this looks like a good spot for the pictures of the week for this week. Like I said, I'll have some pictures I took with a few of the boys up sometime soon, but for this week we will start with a picture taken sometime this summer when myself and Johnny Devine were off goofing around at a local dog park with Hot Shot's dog Lucy. Here's me and Lucy involved in a bitter battle for the frisbee.
This next picture was taken sometime during my sister's wedding reception last month. I am looking quite dapper in my suit. I'm probably trying to avoid dancing somehow in this picture.
It's pitch black out and I am typing away here as I site next to the freshly stitched and bandaged Highlander. For some odd reason, the drive seems to be alot faster at night. I think it has something to do with the fact that you can't see what's along the roads, which, in this part of the country, is absolutely nothing. If you stare at flat boring farm land for too long, it could make you go crazy. I will say, that the conversations that break out on the road are about the most unpredictable things. Everything from beliefs and religion to the male appreciation of Britney Spears.....weird stuff.
It's getting too damn late, and my brain has stopped running, so I really can't think of anything else to talk about. So, I think that will be about all for this week.
Until next time.........Chicks Dig Scars.......... It's ok Brotha Jones, it's only a game....... The best of Juggernaut Volume II, now available for sale!!.......... and Highlander's gots stitches....... HA HA HA!!