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Date - This Thursday

Place - ???

Deadline - Wednesday 8EST,

The wwe parental warning comes up on the screen for a couple of minutes as it fades. Suddenly the Smackdown intro is played with Smackdown music playing in the background. A picture of HBK and Austin are shown as the intro fades taking you inside the San Antonio, Texas arena where huge masses of pyro and fireworks are going off exploding off of the ramp. The camera pans around the arena showing the 24, 204 screaming fans on there feet for the very first Smackdown since WWE-FED2K3 reopens. As the camera pans around the arena celeberties are shown as the fans chant loudly. Suddenly the camera sets down on the announce table which is back at ringside where Tazz and Micheal Cole are seated. ||
Tazz: Hello everyone and we welcome you to WWE's very first RAW since it reopened and folks it's great to be back. Welcome everyone to Monday night RAW I am Tazz and next to me is Micheal Cole, Micheal Cole what a show we have in store tonight for these fans...

Micheal Cole: That's right Tazz it is great to be back here and tonight as you said will be a huge night for the WWE. Not only do we have huge matches tonight but we have a huge match next week that will air on raw that starts tonight.
Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho (WWE World Championship) gimmick (Standard Match)

Michael Cole - This match is a Standard Match for the WWE World Championship title. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 227 pounds, from San Antonio, Shawn Michaels!!! (crowd cheers **********)

[Sexy Boy plays all over the arena as Shawn Michaels walks down to the ring ]

Michael Cole - and his opponent, weighing in at 231 pounds, from Ney York, New York Chris Jericho!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[5-4-3-2-1! BREAK THE WALLS DOWN! Jerichos music plays as he walks down the isle and steps into the ring Shawn Michaels drops Jericho with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. Chris Jericho checks out the ring. (ring, ring, ring) Shawn Michaels does a cartwheel and kicks Chris Jericho in the face. Y2J gets hit with the shooting star press from Shawn Michaels. The ref starts the count. ...1 Chris Jericho escapes. ]

Tazz - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like Y2J.

[ Y2J moves back to his feet. Jericho hiptosses Shawn Michaels. Shawn Michaels gets hit with the shooting star press from Jericho. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 Shawn Michaels escapes. Shawn Michaels gets up. Chris Jericho gives Shawn Michaels a reverse neckbreaker. Shawn Michaels is back on his feet. Shawn Michaels gets hit with a back heel kick. Shawn Michaels gets back to his feet. Shawn Michaels picks up Y2J and delivers a bone crunching shoulderbreaker. Chris Jericho gets hit with the shooting star press from Shawn Michaels. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Y2J kicks out. ]

Tazz - Shawn Michaels was so close!!

[Chris Jericho is back on his feet. Shawn Michaels executes a huge gutbuster on Chris Jericho. Chris Jericho stands up. Y2J applies the clawhold on Shawn Michaels. Shawn Michaels pins Jericho against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. ]

Tazz - forearm choke!

[Chris Jericho uses a lariat on Shawn Michaels. Jericho puts Shawn Michaels in an arm grapevine submission. Jericho fist drops Shawn Michaels on the mat. Y2J climbs to his feet. Shawn Michaels goes for a Scorpion Death Drop but Jericho dodges the attack. Shawn Michaels drags Jericho to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Jericho gets sidewalk slammed by Shawn Michaels. Shawn Michaels chants start. (..2) Shawn Michaels swings a Steel chair and hits Jericho. Jericho is bleeding as a result. (...3) Shawn Michaels puts Chris Jericho in an arm grapevine submission. Chris Jericho moves back to his feet. (....4) Jericho grabs Shawn Michaels by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder. (.....5) Jericho and Shawn Michaels move back into the ring. Shawn Michaels gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Chris Jericho comes over and smashes Shawn Michaels's head into it. Shawn Michaels rakes the face of Y2J in attempt to make a come back. Shawn Michaels punches Jericho in the gut. Chris Jericho trys for a spear but Shawn Michaels avoids it. ]

Michael Cole - I wish every match could be like this!

[Jericho places Shawn Michaels on the turnbuckle and executes the double underhook superplex. Now Chris Jericho standing. Chris Jericho executes the sleeperhold on Shawn Michaels. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ... Shawn Michaels escapes. Y2J sends Shawn Michaels to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Chris Jericho cuts Shawn Michaels with a blade. Shawn Michaels is bleeding as a result. (..2) Chris Jericho short clothslines Shawn Michaels. (...3) Chris Jericho kicks Shawn Michaels on the floor. Now Shawn Michaels standing. (....4) Shawn Michaels takes Jericho off his feet with a short-arm clothesline Jericho stands up. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Y2J hits Shawn Michaels with an earringer. Y2J is bounced off the ropes and hit with the rocker dropper. Y2J stands up. Jericho tackles and begins punching Shawn Michaels. Now Shawn Michaels standing. Y2J gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Shawn Michaels. Shawn Michaels chants start. Shawn Michaels grabs Y2J's head and hites him in the face. Shawn Michaels rakes his fingers across Jericho's back. Shawn Michaels hits a running sommersault legdrop on Jericho. Now Jericho standing. Shawn Michaels uses a legsweep faceslam to bring Jericho down. Shawn Michaels pins Chris Jericho with a rolling cradle. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Michael Cole - Shawn Michaels has won the match!

Michael Cole - The winner of this match, WWE World Championship champion, Shawn Michaels!!!

RHYNO vs. The Rock (Non Title) gimmick (Standard Match)

Michael Cole - This match is a Standard Match for the Hardcore Title title. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 275 pounds, from Miami, Florida, The Rock!!!

[IF YA SMEEELL, WHAT THE ROCK, IS COOKIN'! The Rock's music plays as he walks down the isle and into the ring ]

Michael Cole - and his opponent, weighing in at 275 pounds, from Detroit,Michigan, RHYNO!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[Walks down looks at fans and gets into the ring The Rock heres the crowd screaming so he gets on the ropes and raises the peoples eyebrow RHYNO tests out the ropes. (ring, ring, ring) RHYNO is hit with a backward kick. RHYNO climbs to his feet. RHYNO chops The Rock. ]

Tazz - chop!

[The Rock hits a flying karate chop right to RHYNO's neck. RHYNO get nailed with a double axhandle chop from The Rock. RHYNO gets up. The Rock double underhook faceslams RHYNO hard to the RHYNO. RHYNO executes the German suplex on The Rock. RHYNO is back on his feet. The Rock climbs to his feet. ]

Michael Cole - Is this a great match or not?

]Â - Yes sir!

[RHYNO executes a ropeflip hiptoss on The Rock. ]

Tazz - ropeflip hiptoss!

[RHYNO applies an arm wrench to The Rock. The Rock hits RHYNO with a rolling elbow smash to the face. RHYNO gets hit with a diving elbow smash from The Rock. The Rock gets back to his feet. Now RHYNO standing. The Rock gets elbowed to his midsection by The Rock. The Rock grabs RHYNO by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder. The Rock brings RHYNO down with a Mexican armdrag takedown. RHYNO with an exploder suplex on The Rock. RHYNO chants start. RHYNO slingshot elbow drops The Rock. RHYNO grabs The Rock's arm, takes him down, and puts him in the armbar. Earl Hebner asks The Rock if he quits. ... ... RHYNO tightens the hold. ... RHYNO breaks the hold. RHYNO and The Rock go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) The Rock gets up. (..2) The Rock rakes his fingers across RHYNO's back. RHYNO with an Aztecan suplex on The Rock sends him to the floor. RHYNO climbs to his feet. The Rock gets up. RHYNO nails The Rock with a belly-to-back suplex. RHYNO stands up. The Rock and RHYNO move back into the ring. The Rock suplexes RHYNO. The Rock jumps off of the turnbuckle with a 450 splash on RHYNO The Rock is back on his feet. The Rock just laid the smackdown on RHYNO after the Rock Bottom The Rock catches RHYNO in a backslide and goes for the pin. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3

Michael Cole - The winner of this match, and The Rock!!!

Trish vs. Molly Holly (WWE Womens Championship) gimmick (Standard Match)

Michael Cole - This match is a Standard Match for the WWE Womens Championship title. On her way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 135 pounds, from Forrest Lake, Minn., Molly Holly!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[Molly Holly comes to the ring. ]

Michael Cole - and her opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Trish !!! (crowd cheers ******)

[music hits and she comes down the ramp and fans cheer loudly Molly Holly tests out the ropes. Trish places Molly Holly on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. (ding, ding, ding) Molly Holly uses a snap mare takeover on Trish . Trish moves back to her feet. Trish slaps Molly Holly in the face. Trish is up again. Molly Holly uses a closed fist on Trish . ]

Michael Cole - punch!

[Trish hits Molly Holly with the back of her elbow. Trish uppercuts Molly Holly. Trish chops Molly Holly. Molly Holly trys for a spine buster but is not strong enough to lift Trish .Molly Holly kicks Trish in the groin. ]

Tazz - Molly Holly with a kick to the groin.

[Trish executes a headlock takedown. Molly Holly is back on her feet. Molly Holly kicks Trish in the head. Molly Holly stomps Trish . Trish gets up. Trish grabs Molly Holly's head and DDT's her on the mat. ]

Tazz - If Trish keeps using moves like that DDT he could win the match!

[Trish moves back to her feet. Trish fist drops Molly Holly on the mat. Molly Holly is up again. Trish comes from behind and bulldogs Molly Holly. Trish moves back to her feet. Trish picks up Molly Holly and executes the cradle DDT. Trish gets up. ]

Michael Cole - What an outstanding match!

[Trish measures Molly Holly up and drops a closed fist. Trish stands up. Trish sets Molly Holly up DDTs her into the mat. Trish suplexes Molly Holly. Trish uses a snap mare takeover on Molly Holly. Trish executes the Supper DDT on Molly Holly! Trish covers Molly Holly. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 ...3

Michael Cole - The winner of this match, and new WWE Womens Championship champion, Trish !!!