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The only real loser is a quitter
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EWA Arena

:::To Be Successful:::

(Everybody wants to succeed in life. Everybody wants to be the top man. Everybody want it….everybody seems to want it the most. You can't all want it the most. So how can we tell? It's the dedication, love, and acceptance to the sport of wrestling that makes a man stand out from the rest. To be successful, you need to have the heart of a champion…the heart of a winner. There will be many people who will say things like that, but not really mean it. They're not in it for others…just themselves. Is that a good thing? Well it all depends on how you feel about it. One can't make the other see what they see; it's all based on opinion. Opinions that don't really matter to most people. All that matters is that the job gets done, and it gets done with a victory. You don't need to know anything else…just be yourself… be…a winner.)

:::To Be Successful:::

.::Start RP::.

{{The scene opens up in, what appears to be, an abandoned warehouse. There is rubbish throughout the room, and in the centre of the room, is a ring. Clouds of dust float through the air, as the only lighting is supplied by the sunlight seeping through the boarded up windows. The door, located on the opposite side of the room, slowly opens, and in walks Tank. He is wearing a pair of black and red Airwalks, a pair of baggy blue jeans, a black sleeveless shirt, and a fitted black and blue Quicksilver hat on backwards. There is a lever on the wall, and Tank pulls it down. Sparks fly from the ceiling, and the lights flicker, then the room is completely lit. He walks into the room, looking up and around. His eyes then become fixed on the ring. He walks up to the ring, steps up on the apron then though the rope. He runs and bounces off the ropes a few times, then stops in the middle of the ring.}}

TANK:Years ago, this was where it all started. This was where I learned the ropes. The beginning of my career. Look at me now. I'm in the EWA amd I have the will to win. I am the man. I will become the Champion in no time. I can do it. This is my shot. I have a chance to make something of all the hard work in this Ring. It's time to make something of my self it's time for me to be a champion. I will go though and barricades to get to the titles. No matter what I can and will win. But right now I am just worried about getting a match and Getting paid. Hell I will take on any one. I'm not afaird of any one and I will dominate. At any cost I will win the match. As long as the fans are behind me then I will win. I have respct for the people in this fed but not alot. They have to earn respect from me. If they want the respect then they must prove that they should get it. Now I know I came in to late to enter the world title tourny but I will get my shot. I will be victorious.

{{Tank walks over to the corner taking off his hat and shirt, and looks into the camera.}}

{{All of a sudden the door that Tank can though opens again and Tanks girlfreind Kala can be seen. She slowly walks up and gets into the ring. Tank Looks at her And then starts to talk.}}

Tank: So what are you doing here?

Kala: I came here to be with you.

Tank: Well I got stuff to do Hunny.

Kala: I know. I was thinking mybe you and I could go out for supper or something.

Tank: Sure after my Promo is over OK?

Kala: OK. I got something esle to ask you.

Tank: What?

Kala: Can you Take me to the EWA. I just want to see your locker room.

Tank: Sure maybe tomorrow.

Kala: One more thing.

Tank: What?

Kala: Have you even thought about fixing this place up and Starting a Wrestling school or Backyard Wrestling or something.

Tank: you know, that a good Idea. I will fix this place up.

Kala: I will be waiting i the car.

Tank: OK. Cya in a bit.

Kala: Bye.

Tank: Bye.

{{kala leaves and Tank turns and picks up his shirt he Puts it on and then looks into the camera.}}

Tank:So it starts. The EWA World Title Tournament. 16 superstars entering, one making it through. And I must say, I really like my chances of getting that title after the winner is declaird. I mean I know I can hang with the big boys but can they hang with me? Or is it going to be like I run right though them. I'm read for any thing they put in front of me. I don't Care if it's a champion or a pussy I will take the out. No Matter what I will win. Now whats with This Randy ortan Guy. I men whats up with that. What he couldn't handle the WWE? What about Blade. I don't get this guy. He thinks he's all that but there is nothing but there's nothin down there but fat. Now I like the Hurricane because he is cool and I'm a freak with power. Now the hole Counter Culture is really a pain in the ass. Now I know I have just got here but for some reason I think I'm going to have a little Problem with them. But You know what I'm going to fight though it. I will take on every body and Any Body. I am ready for this fed. I'm sick of this shit I wont a match and I will get one If it's the last thing I be. So any one come on I will fight you. So this will Not be the last you see of me and you beter remeber the name Tank because I will be on the top in no time. So if there is any one that thinks they can win or has the balls to fight me then please I will be waiting and watching my TV set. So come on Boys the Party Has only begin and you are already scared. I will see you later Bitch's.

{{Tank Exit the ring grabbing his hat. He take one more look at it and flicks the lights off again. The Cameras fade to a Picture of Tank.}}

.::Stop RP::.