Forward | -
the past few weeks WHW was giving out hints that they might have
signed RVD The Whole F'N Shown! As reporters tryed to get it out
of Paul Heyman from WHW they couldn't! So over the past weeks WHW
has kept its fans waiting for RVD's debut apperance!
Forward | -
Scene |-
scene opens up at the hotel where Rob Van Damn is waiting in his
room by a telephone waiting anxiously for a phone call so it looks
like when all of a sudden the phone rings and RVD answers it!
Rob Van Damn]|- Yo
Yo Yo its RVD, The Whole F'N Show! Who's This?
Paul E. Heyman]|-
RVD you know who this is! It's me Paul Heyman!
Rob Van Damn]|- Oh
hey whats up Heyman?
Paul E. Heyman]|-
Nothing much! It's just I need to talk bussiness
with you, If you know what I mean?
Rob Van Damn]|- Ya
no problem! Whats on you mind?
Paul E. Heyman]|-
Well I need to talk to you about you coming
to wrestle in WHW?
Rob Van Damn]|- Yea
ok so what about it?
Paul E. Heyman]|-
Well do you think you can come over to WHW
and give me a quality wrestler!
Rob Van Damn]|- Well
Heyman thats a great offer, But I am going to do one better for
you! Not only Am I going to come over to WHW I am going to bring
The Whole F'N Show with me!
Paul E. Heyman]|-
Whatever you say Rob!
Rob Van Damn]|- Wait
Wait Wait.... Did you just call me Rob?
Paul E. Heyman]|-
Umm I believe so...
Rob Van Damn]|- Paul
Paul Paul.. You can call me The Whole F'N Show RVD!
Paul E. Heyman]|-
Yes whatever just a few more things we need
to discuss before you head on over here!
Rob Van Damn]|- Ohh
yea and whats that?
Paul E. Heyman]|-
Well The Whole F'N Show RVD you see as of
right now you are one of the best wrestlers WHW has to offer! Now
as seeing as we are having our brand new show by the name of "Evoloution"
I would like to schedule you in a match!
Rob Van Damn]|- Ok
sounds good! Might you know who I am facing in my first match?
Paul E. Heyman]|-
Was a matter of a fact I do! RVD you are going
to be in a World Title Qualifying Match
vs. Jamie Noble and vs. Buff Bagwell!
Rob Van Damn]|- Those
chumps! Man Heyman everytime we talk you make me laugh! Ok whatever
I will face those two and not only face them but let them know that
The Whole F'N Show is here for 1 Reason and 1 Reason only and thats
to show WHW and all it's fans the RVD is The Whole F'N Show!
Paul E. Heyman]|-
Ok Glad to hear that! Now you can to American
Arilines and pickup your tickets and be here ohh say around May
6th at thats when Evolution will Air for the first time!
Rob Van Damn]|- Ya
ok I'll be there!
Paul E. Heyman]|-
Rob Van Damn]|- Oh
By The Way Paul thanks for bringing me to WHW you won't be dissapointed!
RVD finishis his sentence he hangs up the phone and walks back to
bedroom in the hotel to start packing his bags! After he has packed
his bags, he picks them up and leaves the hotel!-]]
Scene |-
scene opens up outside the hotel where he is waiting for his limo
to pick him and a man is standing next to him who looks very professional!
Rob Van Damn]|- Geeessss
Limo drivers can't find a good one, and If you do they quit the
next week because they use the excuse " You aren't paying me
enough " you know what I mean?
Professional Man ]|-
Your telling me! I hate god damn limo drivers,
I mean I hate them with a passion!
Rob Van Damn]|- Well
The Whole F'N Show don't hate them just thinks they need to stop
being such little babies!
Professional Man ]|-
Who is The Whole F'N Show?
Rob Van Damn]|- Ohh
Sorry that would be me! Nice to meet you I'm Rob Van Damn!
Professional Man ]|-
Ohh ok your that actor!
Rob Van Damn]|- No
No No, thats Jeane Claud Van Damn! I'm Rob Van Damn I just got signed
to WHW to wrestle! I'm a wrestler you know The Whole F'N Show?
Man Looks Confused-]]
Rob Van Damn]|- Ohh
forget it nevermind! So back to our subject why do you hate limo
drivers with a passion?
Professional Man ]|-
Well If you must know, My wife left me a week
ago today for a limo driver! WHO IS 18 YEARS OLD.
Rob Van Damn]|- Ouch
thats gotta hurt!
Professional Man ]|-
Your telling me!
Rob Van Damn]|- So
do you ever watch wrestling?
Professional Man ]|-
No I don't really get into it! I mean from
what I hear it's fake and well the one time I watched it the promo's
Rob Van Damn]|- Well
then you have never seen The Whole F'N Show cut a promo, Because
if you did you wouldn't be able to turn the t.v. off when wrestling
was on!
Professional Man ]|-
And The Whole F'N Show is who again?
Rob Van Damn]|- That
would be me!
Professional Man ]|-
Ok! Well why arn't you there now at the arena
where the other wrestlers are!
Rob Van Damn]|- Well
i just got signed so that is where I am headed! I have to be there
By May 6th wich won't be hard! Shit nothing about my debut is going
to be hard I mean I am going up against two of the weakest people
in the WHW! Jamie Noble that dude looks like a hic smells like a
hic and well damn he is a hic and have you seen his grilfriend?
Professional Man ]|-
Rob Van Damn]|- Well
be glad because she looks like one of the nasty porn stars that
they use for the really wierd stuff that involves wips, chains ,
and handcuffs!
Professional Man ]|-
My kind of girl!
Rob Van Damn]|- Ya
ok whatever! Anyways then I have to face Buff Bagwell now this is
the funny one in the match! Get this, this guy thinks he is buff,
If you saw a picture of this guy you would laugh shit I think your
muclels are bigger then his!
Professional Man ]|-
Well I have been working out here and there!
Rob Van Damn]|- Ya
good for you! Anyways I will win this match with ease 1..2..3..
and The Whole F'N Show is out of there with a win and a good laugh!
camera pans around to show that RVD's Limo is arriving!-]]
Rob Van Damn]|- Well
theres my ride! I Wish you the best of luck! Yo by the way watch
Evolotion on May 6th you will see me!
Professional Man ]|-
Ok I Will!
Rob Van Damn]|- Aight
scene fades black as you see RVD's limo driving away from the hotel-]]
Scene |-
scene opens up as RVD is checking into his hotel across the street
from First Union Center. The camera pans around to show RVD standing
there unupatiently!
Rob Van Damn]|- Can
I get some God Damn service here?
Hotel Desk Clerk]|-
Sir there is no need to curse!
Rob Van Damn]|- Ya
Ya shut up and get me my room!
Desk Clerk]|-
Well why don't we just be rude to! Sir can
I ask you what your name is?
Rob Van Damn]|- Well
you sure may! My name is The Whole F'N Show!
Desk Clerk]|-
Sorry The Whole F'N Show I don't see you booked
here for a room!
Rob Van Damn]|- What!?
What!? ohh my bad check under Rob Van Damn!
Hotel Desk Clerk]|-
Ok Rob your room is on the 10th floor room
#850 and here are your keys!
man holds his hand out wanting a tip-]]
Rob Van Damn]|- Ohh
my bad you must want a tip right!
Desk Clerk]|-
That would be nice yes!
Rob Van Damn]|- Ok
ummm... Let Me Think here.... Ok I got it Don't Breath Under Water!
That tip might save you one day!
Laughs as he walks away! He enters the elevator where he sees beatuiful
women and RVD gets a big grin on his face-]]
Rob Van Damn]|- So
ladies how's it going today?
Ladies ]|- Preety
Good, And yourself?
Rob Van Damn]|- Fine
Fine Thanks for asking!
Ladies ]|- Hey
wait a minute I know you! Your Rob Van Damn
Rob Van Damn]|- Well
yes I am!
Ladies ]|- Ya
great to meet you Mr. Damn! What are you doing here in Philly?....
Wait a second don't tell me you signed with WHW?
Rob Van Damn]|- Well
as a matter of a fact I have and I have a match on May 6th Vs. Buff
Bagwell and Jamie Noble!
Ladies ]|- WoW!
Man is this exciting!
hear the Bing that you hear when an elevator door stops and the
doors slide open!-]]
Rob Van Damn]|- Well
ladies its been great but I have to get ready to face a few losers!
So I will talk to ya later!
steps out of the Elevator and walks down to room #850 , opens the
door and shuts it in the cameras face!-]]
Scene |-
scene opens up as RVD is sitting watching film of Buff Bagwell and
Jamie Noble as Paul Heyman walks in the hotel room!
Paul E. Heyman ]|-
Just the man I was looking for!
Rob Van Damn]|- I
guess that makes me lucky then huh?
Paul E. Heyman ]|-
Sure does! Ok so on to bussiness! You have
a match next week on Evoloution Vs Jamie Noble and Buff Bagwell!
Now RVD I signed you because I know you can boost are ratings because
you are The Whole F'N Show!
Rob Van Damn]|- Damn
right I am! Now onto the thos losers! Paul I mean couldn't you have
scheduled me in a better match with some more talent! Beucause come
next week I am going to rip apart those to idiots and make them
wish they never signed with WHW!
Paul E. Heyman ]|-
Thats what I want to hear!
Rob Van Damn]|- Thats
why I said It!
Paul E. Heyman ]|-
Great! So do you have any more surpirses up
ur sleeve?
Rob Van Damn]|- Not
really I mean I am going to go to the ring in awhile and adresse
the crowd! And let buff and jamie know this is not going to be a
free ride! So they need to bring everything they got well hell that
isn't even going to be enough! Well shit Jamie Buff your just plain
out screwed!
Paul E. Heyman ]|-
I'll Let them know!
Rob Van Damn]|- Great
now get out of my room I have to get some shut eye!
Paul E. Heyman ]|-
Ok! I will talk to you later!
scene fades black as Heyman is trying to fit his chunky ass through
the hotel door and RVD throwing shit at him and laughing-]]