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Click the names to see stats and art for:

Superstar Billy GrahamUpdated 5/12/12

Blackjack LanzaUpdated 5/24/12

Bobby Duncumadded 5/29/12

Bulldog Don Kentadded 8/02/12 (credit: Jerod Rickert, M Taggart)

Baron Von Raschke 8/20/12

Joe Turco6/01/13


Blackjack Lanza (tag version) 9/02/12

web site and all artwork by Mark A. Taggart

This site is not affiliated in any way with Filsinger Games. Images on this web site may NOT be used or reproduced in any way(electronic, print, and all other mediums) other than for personal use without permission of the artist and site owner, Mark Taggart.