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"I know nothing, I know not myself, I know not you. This place around me only confuses and distorts my reality. If this is my supposed life, then where is my being? Where is my realm of limitations? If this is my world, then why do I have no control? And if this is me, why dont know who I am? Thus I walk around; angry, confused, hurt, and so very very lonely."

-Chris Lemke

The rain is pouring down upon a figure sitting down on a bench. He’s dressed in a black leather jacket and dark khakis and black shirt. Default stands before a large building. Default looks around and reaches in his pocket and pulls out a cigarette. Default puts the cigarette in his mouth and pulls out a matchbox. He take one out and lights it. As he brings the flame to the cigarette it illuminates his face and casts an eerie glow on Default and reveals his sunglasses even though the sun is overcast by the blackness of the clouds. He takes a big puff of his cigarette and blows out the smoke causing several people to move away. One man walks over to a security guard and appears to be talking and then points to Default. The security guard comes up to Default and stares at him. Default just takes another puff of the cigarette and stares right back at him. Default blows the smoke into the security officers face. The guard winces at the burning smoke going into his eyes. He tries to regain his composure but by this time Default has lost interest. The security guard clears his throat in attempt to get Defaults attention. Slowly Default turns his head to meet the gaze of the guard.

Guard: Excuse me sir, but you need to extinguish your cigarette.

Default just stares at the guard. He blows out the smoke and pulls the cigarette from his mouth. He looks at it then back at the guard. Default then takes his free hand and opens up the Federal Express mailbox that he is standing next to. He pulls open the door and flicks the still lit cigarette into the mailbox without breaking his stare at the guard. The guard rushes to the box and tries to stick his hand in an grab the cigarette but the door is too small and smoke already begins to emit from the mailbox. The guard completely loses focus on Default who turns and leaves the guard to the quickly growing fire. Default pushes open the doors to the building. There is a large sign in the brightly lit building proclaiming it to be the Mall of America. Default stands just beyond the doorway surveying the scene of literally thousands of people moving from one promotion of materialism to another. Men and woman. Adults and children. All so self consumed just worried about what they have to have or what others will think of them. The scene makes Default sick. He can feel the bile form in the back of his throat. All he can is look in pity and disgust at these insignificant losers. With their self righteous attititudes and their vast conformity of bullshit. They don’t move, they scatter. They collect. They aren’t even aware of the vermin that they become. To Default they are just mice.

God I am really this bored...

Default finally takes motion himself wandering around the mall looking at people. He draws several looks from the shoppers but Default could care less. They are nothing to him. Just these subhuman, sub intelligent, pests. One store catches Defaults eye. He goes into the sports equipment store. He looks around going up and down the aisles. Not just seeing but looking. Surveying. To Default these aren’t sports equipment, these are tools. Tools to bring down this society of idolatry and materialism. To Default these are weapons. Default walks to the next aisle. He seems to lighten up at this aisle. He reaches over and picks up a 9 iron. He shakes it around in his hand. It feels good. Lightweight, but sturdy. IT could hurt, damage. An employee approaches Default. Young and naive he begins to tell Default all about this product. Default soon grows disinterested in the club as the child rattles more of its pure materialistic value. Golf. The very idea itself make Default sick. The boy looks at Default, apparently he’s asked Default a question. But this peon does not deserve an answer. Instead Default decides to give an education of his own to the boy. Default take the club firmly in hand and brings the wedge of it right under the boys chin. The boys expression changes radically from one of excitement and eagerness to one of the most basic emotions man can elicit. Fear. The fear in his eyes gives Default a sense of pride. Lesson learned. Default withdraws the club and stares at the boy who is still frozen where he stands. Default then tosses him the golf club and the boy anticipating being hit with it by Default falls backwards and knocks over a display of golf balls. Several employees rush over to see the commotion but Default is gone already. He’s found something else to catch his attention and in one smooth motion he grabs what he desires out of the bin and holds it up, he examines it, flips it around in his hand and walks out of the store without paying. No one even seems to notice because of the distraction that his young patsy caused. Default slips the object inside of his jacket. It feels good. He can feel it as he walks. Its not just the sensation of the texture. But the feeling of power. Every step brings more and more confidence. He has a tool. A weapon. Who knows who will feel its wraith.

Something else catches Defaults eye this time. KB Toys. He looks inside and sees nothing but society’s illness. Corrupting itself from the core. Ending its future before it even has the chance for that independent thought. He looks at children. Everyone in the store look at children. But Default doesn’t look. He sees. And what Default sees is not just children, its innocence. To be even more direct Default sees the corruption of innocence. It boils his blood. Looking at the children running up and down the store, begging for more and more. Grabbing toys off the shelves their greed overtaking their needs causing them to act like rabid dogs. That’s when something else catches Defaults eye. A boy of about 9 thrusting an action figure in his mothers face. Default walks up the boy and the mother and rips the package out of his hands. He examines it and then tears open the cardboard backing and pulls out the toy causing the trash and toy accessories to fall to the ground. The mother grabs her child and run out of the store but Default cannot be deterred from what he is seeing. He feels the rage boiling inside of him. This plastic molded version of himself. A XWF action figure of Default. Default takes the toy and snaps it in half and throws the pieces. Default turns to leave but in front of him is an entire display of XWF Action Figures. There’s a Bigg Rigg and a Cyren and a Kore. Actually there’s a whole bunch of Kore’s. Default stands there in a state of disbelief which very quickly turns to anger. Extreme ANGER. Default pushes the display over causing a huge crash and everyone to turn and look. Default kicks the figures and stomps on them. Then he stops and picks one up. The box is smashed and he pulls out the toy. A miniature figure of Confusion. Default looks at it and smiles a half cocked smile. Then the smile fades and he pushes his thumb back on the figures head and it pops right off. Default drops the toy and walks out of the store the same way he walked in. Cool and casual. Powerful. As Default leaves the store several store security guards run in and try to figure out what happened. But Default is gone. Without so much as looking back.

Default keeps walking, passing several people but knowing that their insignificance is none of his concern. Finally he comes to a stop. Sears. A national chain that breeds this materialistic bullshit. Defaults anger builds once again. He walks into the store and past the perfume aisle and takes a right. A woman comes up to him and asks if he needs assistance but Default just shrugs her off and keeps walking. The woman not taking a hint follows Default and keeps asking him if she can help. Default stops right in his tracks when he sees the XWF clothing display set in front of him. The woman thinks that Default is interested and proceeds to tell him about the merchandise. Default boils over inside. He tries to see past his anger. But that woman asked if he wanted to try one on. Default turns to face her and in once sick motion pulls out an aluminium baseball bat that he was carrying in his belt and smashes against the glass jewelry counter. The woman just stares at him with her mouth open and finally screams. Default grabs the bat and turns it on a cardboard cutout of Jon Page with the XWF universal title belt. He smashes the cutout and then brings it down on the rack holding the shirts. Then the brings the bat to the wooden display table holding more of the clothing. Default marches through the store smashing mannequins and jewelry. People everywhere are fleeing and screaming away from Default. Default goes up to the makeup and perfume counter and takes out the glass with one swing. Several security guards come to see what is going on and then rush Default but Default takes the bat and shoves it into the guy of one and then brings to the back of another and the third grabs Defaults hand but Default flips him over and sends him flying through the pieces of the cosmetics counter. Default drops the aluminum bat and looks around the store. He takes another step but sees what he’s standing on. An XWF Massacre shirt. Default picks up the shirt and stares at it. Then he pulls at the collar and the shirt rips in half. He drops it to the floor and walks out of the store and the mall. He steps out of the doorway and pulls out a cigarette. He looks to his left and sees several fire trucks putting out the fire that was in the mailbox. He smirks and walks to his car.

Default: That was fun...