The man behind the Characters

This is the part i hate most, writing about myself, well here we go.

Name: Rob Craig.
Age: 21
D-o-B: 6th of November 1981.
Home Town: Sydney Australia.
Interest: Wrestling (well duh), computer games, kick boxing, skirmish and weapon collection.
Piercings and Tattoos: 3 pierces at the bottom of my left ear, tattoo on upper left arm (design below & pic below.) Second tattoo on upper arm/shoulder of right arm. (pic below)
Fav wrestlers: Mic Foley, Raven, RVD, the Hardys, Undertaker, Tommy Dreamer, Michael Modest, Christopher Daniels, Tajiri, Kurt Angle, Al Snow and Owen Hart (RIP).
Fav bands: Metallica, Stabbing Westward, Type O Negative, Alice Cooper

This is the tat i have on my arm, the original design was done by Grant, my kick boxing trainer who has about 4 tats himself. Hopefully i'll get a pic of the actual tat on my arm up here soon.

Thats me, neither photo is very recent as i didn't have my tat done then and my hair is alot longer now, but they'll do for now.

Taken in April 2002 at a skirmish event i went to, i'm somewhere in the center of the front row, just look for a blond dude with short hair (thats right, i got a hair cut.)

A old pic that actually shows my actual tat, you can see it is old as my hair is still long in the pic.

My second tattoo, got on 9th of Jan 2003.
Both my tattoos where done by Ashe who works at Mark of the Gypsy in the Fairfield area.