The scene opens to a jam-packed Nation of Wrestling house show, the fans have enjoyed fun and action filled night and they are hungry for more entertainment like only the NoW can deliver. Confusion falls over the crowd as a group of men walk out to the ring and begin to lay red carpet down and build a small podium in the ring, the ring crew finally finish and exit the arena through the entrance curtains. My Hero by the Foo Fighters hits the speaker system and the fans immediately begin to boo as RC Extreme and his band of misfits head out to the ring, the group have a different look to them, RC is dressed in a finely tailored tuxedo, Sabrina is dressed in an elegant designer evening gown and the big bodyguard Simon Paradise is also in a tuxedo, well a modified tuxedo anyway as the sleeves have been removed to expose his heavily muscled arms. They get to the ring and Simon holds the ropes open for both RC and Sabrina who make their way over to the small podium while Simon, who steps in over the top rope, stands in the corner and keeps a watchful eye over his employers. RC waves to the crowd like they are cheering him rather than booing him, finally he adjusts the microphone that is mounted into the podium and addresses the fans.


RC: Thank you, thank you, really I know you people already love me, there is no need to publicly display your affection for me. I’m sure you all must be wondering what is the formal occasion for tonight, I mean the red carpet, the tuxedo, the fancy evening dress, it is just so stylish isn’t it? Well I will tell you what this is all about…eventually.


Now this past week I was robbed by Etan Cross, you see he cheated to win, come on now you all saw it when he…when he…ah damn it take my word for it, Etan cheated his way to victory and soon I will get my chance to even the score.


That was yesterdays news anyway, speaking of yesterdays news how about Colossus, not only to I beat his ass but it has been made official that he can no longer wrestle, his career is over, finished, kaput, no more. So the only way Colossus can ever lay a hand on me again is if I should do something that security is authorised to actually get involved in physically. Hey Colossus, I know your somewhere in the back all pissed off and fuming over the fact you will never get another shot at me, so I have a little something for you, like a small peace offering shall we say.


RC reaches into the pocket of his tuxedo and fumbles around looking for something, he appears to have found what it is he is looking for and removes his hand, which is now in the all to famous gesture of a raised middle finger. The fans boo RC for his childish behavior all the while he laughs at his actions and the knowledge that Colossus can’t do a damn thing about it.


RC: You see this Colossus, this is about all you are worth in my eyes now, so sit your big ass down, shut up and learn to deal with the fact you are a nothing to me now and that I am virtually untouchable to you.


Now I look to the future, I see a Warzone ahead of me, one that pits me against Jake Briggs, Oden and Phoenix, of course there is the Bruiserweight strap on the line as well, I guess I had better take it upon myself to add a touch of class and style to that piece of gold.


RC is about to begin his rants about his three opponents upcoming at Warzone when all the lights go out with the exception of a huge spotlight that highlights the entrance ramp, some unfamiliar music begins to play and while the fans begin to mumble in confusion over who is on his way to the ring we can clearly see a smile on the face of RC Extreme and his cohorts.


RC: I guess the anticipation ends here as the reason for tonight’s formal occasion seems to have grown inpatient backstage and is ready for all the world to reflect in his glory. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, misfits and degenerates of all ages, I give to you, even though none of you deserve it, the man, the myth, the legend, BLADE.


Blade steps out from behind the curtains to a chorus of boos by all the fans. He is in his regular gear but with a tie on for the special occasion. Blade fingers a gesture to all the fans as if they were all cheering for him. Blade makes his way down the ramp and circles the ring as if time has stopped for him. RC Extreme, Sabrina and Simon Paradise are the only ones applauding Blade in the entire arena. Finally Blade makes his way into the ring. He shakes hands with all his comrades in the ring and steps up to the podium. He takes a moment to adjust his tie as if it were slightly off.


Please people, people hold your applause please. I thank you all for your warm welcoming. I couldn’t of imagined a more comforting welcome. RC, you’re looking sharp. Sabrina, beautiful as always and you Simon, there ain’t no other around here that could pull off that suit better then you. I bet that cost a fortune to be custom made. How come all these people weren’t informed to at least have a little class and dress for the occasion? I mean for god sakes, I know this is a hell hole but most of you could of at least maybe gone with a change of underwear. This is a monumental occasion and you people have the opportunity that everyone would die to be a part of. I can’t believe this town. You know soon as I came into this town I was mobbed by a bunch of BS’ers.


RC: BS’ers?


Blade: Yeah you know, Blade stalkers. Anyways it was ridiculous. The worst part is I had to rent a tux from this town and you wouldn’t believe the filth they have. I wasn’t about to put on some tux that some of these rednecks have probably all passed around. So this is what I was able to get. I wasn’t going to let them stop the greatest moment in sports entertainment history though. That’s right, your looking at the new era of the NoW. You’re looking at the XTC era. But the excitement doesn’t stop here. I got a little surprise for you guys as well. So with out further a due, I would like to introduce to you the newest member to XTC, Spade!


 Spotlights shine down at the top of the ramp way once again and as the same music begins to play. Fireworks shoot off as the echoing of boos already fill the arena. Out from behind the curtain walks a woman to everyone’s surprise. A few of the boo’s begin to turn to whistles. Spade holds her hands up in a pose like position. With a smile on her face she makes her way down and into the ring.


RC: WOW, where did you get this piece of ass?


Spade’s eyebrows raise at the comment and she slinks over to RC and looks him about and down with a mischievous smile on her face, the smile changes from mischievous to slightly sadistic as she grabs RC by the crotch and pushes upwards forcing him to go onto the tips of his toes, the crowd laughs at RC’s predicament while he tries to apologise but can’t get the words out due to the pain. Blade finally calls Spade off and she releases RC who falls to the ground in pain, RC looks up to Sabrina.


RC:  You could have tried to help me at least.


Sabrina: You brought it on yourself, so don’t look to me for sympathy.


RC slowly gets to his feet and walks up to the podium, he still looks to be in pain after his introduction to Spade, he tries to straighten himself up and address the fans in the arena again.


RC: Ok, like I was saying before, at Warzone I have not one, but three opponents, Oden, Jake Briggs and Phoenix.


First we have the freak that is all painted up like some circus clown, the very man who seems so hell bent on the destruction of Dark Skull that nothing else seems to penetrate that thick head of his. Phoenix I really don’t know how in the hell you got into this match but damn it you are in it and that means you will have to feel the Extreme Dream, my almighty boot can put anyone to sleep, including a sick freak like yourself. So Phoenix if you do actually find a way to focus on the match and not on your future brother in law you may very well have a chance at winning, well maybe not winning, but coming a close second at least. Hey I have an idea, since neither Dark Skull or yourself wants much to do with Maya at the moment maybe she could find a home in XTC, after all I’m sure we could come up with some special use for her.


And Jake Briggs, the man who is hanging on to the namesake of the Lords of Darkness only because it’s the only way people will actually bother taking any notice of him. Face it Jake, you lived in Tremier’s shadow during the final run of the Lords of Darkness and now you seem to think that you are it’s rightful successor since the demise of that blood sucking leech at the hands of Phoenix and Dark Skull. News flash Briggs, you are the past and just like the LOD you will disappear into nothingness.


RC reaches into the  pockets of his tuxedo and pulls out a couple of eye patches, he puts them on so that they cover both of his eyes and he begins to swing his arm around looking for the microphone that is mounted into the podium, he finally finds it and clasps a hand to it and begins to talk again.


RC: And finally in that match is the one and only blind fool named Oden. Oden I am not a rookie, sure I might be young but I have been around for a few years now, long enough that I can’t exactly be called a rookie, you see Oden we aren’t all old farts like you. Now I see, well not at the moment with these damn patches on, but I am aware that you are sending your lovely ladies to spy on myself and the other competitors in the match so that no one surprises you, well the only surprise I have is standing right there, or is he over there, maybe here…ah hell you damn well know I’m talking about Blade, we are the best damn team in the history of wrestling and that means you had better watch your back, when you deal with one of us, you deal with all of us. As for your women though, maybe they can provide a bit of entertainment at an XTC party or two after I successfully bring the bruiserweight title to where it belongs, truthfully that’s all they appear to be good for anway.


Spade taps RC on the shoulder and steps back, RC goes stumbling in the direction she tapped him on and walks head on into Simon and falls to the floor twitching, the crowd boos as they are aware that this is all just a mockery of the One Eyed Bastard. Blade steps back up to the podium. The echo of the boo’s seem to get louder as they continue their mockery.


Blade: You know, if having me return wasn’t a big enough surprise for you people, the rebirth of XTC and not to mention the greatest bombshell to ever hit I introduced Spade. But from the sound of it, it doesn’t sound like you people are quite yet satisfied. That’s why I didn’t come unprepared. That’s right, XTC TV is back on air and already in action. So with out any further a due, boys in the back lets get XTC TV up on the tron.


Suddenly up on the tron an image appears


Blade: Good lord, obviously Eclipse didn’t hear the part where Richmond announced that the stipulations of that match he lost were not a part of it. Looks like Eclipse has had a been to much of free time on his hands. But hey if you people don’t believe me, show the next clip boys.


Another image of Eclipse appears on the tron. This time the people are laughing and yet sickened at the same time while trying to boo XTC.


Blade: I don’t know why but I think this image taken of Eclipse speaks for itself. What were you doing? Trying to be a part of a diva bikini contest. Now the sick true is out about Eclipse. This deranged egocentric fool is nothing more then a cross dresser in his spare time off camera. Next time you decide to try something on, make sure there aren’t any cameras around. Now the guys in the back could put up images of Eclipse like this all day but frankly, I don’t want to see anymore of that myself. So for all you people’s enjoyment, we aren’t going to stop there though. Lets move on to another so-called superstar around here. The so-called rock star himself Surge. Boys put Surges latest image up there.


The image of Eclipse changes now to an image of Surge.


Blade: Wait a minute, that’s the rock star? What happen to you? Someone forget to take his medication? Or has it been one to many shots to the head? RC and I could put out a better record then Surge could if he tried a thousand times. Slapping together a little beat here and there and changing a few words just doesn’t cut it Surge. You don’t have real talent. All you have is real idiots that buy your crap. Just look at this place, I bet ever single one of these people here tonight have your music and look at their dumbfound faces. But it wouldn’t be right for us to continue this all at once. But don’t you worry folks, XTC TV is always rolling and you never know who is going to be next.


The fans are at their loudest they can be as they boo. They all exist the ring with arms in the air as if they were embracing thousands of cheering fans. Sabrina stops the group half way up the ramp. Acting like they have no idea what is going on, Sabrina mentions something to Simon. Simon Paradise makes his way back into the ring and grabs RC who still has the two patches over his eyes completely mocking Oden. Simon guides RC out of the ring and up the ramp way to the rest of XTC as the echoing boos are heard through out the entire arena. Soon as the group make their way back through the curtains, the cameras cut to a commercial break.