The show starts with General Manager Titan coming to the ring accompanied by his associate Darsyde. They show footage from last Friday when they visited Carnage in search of Titan attacker and flushed Greg Banks upside down in a toilet. Titan announces that tonight they are ready for the masked intruders and dare them to come out but nothing happens. Darksyde talks about the nine other opponents in the battle royal and how they are all in trouble. Titan announces that Darksyde could very well be the next Heavyweight champion. They are interrupted by The Cartel who show footage of their own of Titan getting ambushed again and start laughing. Titan starts threatening them but all of a sudden a masked person appears from under the ring and zaps Titan with a stun gun. The Cartel run to the ring and assault Darksyde until the Bad NuTz come out and clear the ring. Paramedics take a look at Titan as Bad NuTz announce that The Cartel will have a very short title reign because the real champs will reclaim the titles they lost last week
JD Xtreme takes on Meastro in a rematch from last week where they battled to a double count out. Maestro applies an arm bar and then viciously whips him into the corner and kicks JD in his face. Meastro covers but JD kicks out. Maestro charges JD in the corner again but the rookie jumps over him and then delivers a DDT. JD whips Maestro to the ropes and goes for a flying elbow but Maestro slides out of the ring. JD chases him on the outside but Maestro slides back in the ring and drops an elbow on JD as he slides in the ring behind him. Maestro kicks JD in the head and then locks him in a choke hold. JD reaches the ropes to break the hold and then kicks Maestro with an Enziguri. JD pins Maestro after delivering the Adrenalin Rush. JD celebrates his first victory as a bitter Maestro looks on as he walks backstage. Both competitors will be in tonight’s battle royal to determine JaeVeli’s challenger at this Sunday’s Summersonic pay per view
Titan tells Darkside to apply a bandage on his back but the henchman doesn’t feel comfortable touching Titan’s hairy back. Darksyde tells Jack Kent to do it instead. Titan said he’s convinced the Cartel is behind all of this. Darksyde says it’s impossible because the whole stable was at the top of the ramp when he got electrocuted. Titan says he’s been made a fool on his own show again and he won’t stop investigating until he catches the culprit
On July 29, 2007, The SIW presents the “Hottest Event of the Summer” Summersonic live from the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, Nevada!!
The injured Matt Uzi host another edition of “One On One With the Champ” and his guest is none other than the mother of the current SIW Hardcore champion Terror Soule. His mom agrees with Uzi that Terror should stay away from Angelica because she is nothing but trouble. Uzi asks who she thinks will win at Summersonic, her son, Joker, Blain or Sean? His mom chooses The Joker as the winner. They continue to talk about the sham weeding Terror had with Angelica and then they are interrupted by the hardcore champion himself. He tells his mother to stay out of his business and then gets into a stare down with Uzi and asks him to apologize for putting down Angelica. Uzi refuses and out of nowhere, The Joker and Alexander attack the champion from behind and assault him on the set until Zach Blain rushes out and levels both of them with steel chair shots. Uzi gets Mrs. Soule out of the ring as Blain has the hardcore title in his hands and stares down at a beaten Soule
Before the next match, Michelle is getting ready to compete when all of a sudden Brandon Gateman walks in. He asks if everything is alright and she says yes. Gateman sees flowers on the table and wants to know who they are from. Michelle doesn't want to tell him because he will get upset again but Gateman knows that they are from Darren Knight. Gateman tells her to get her shit together and walks out slamming the door behind him
The next match is a four way non title diva match between Rashaa Kaad, the #1 contender Michelle, Alize and the women’s champion Heaven Lee. Rashaa immediately attacks Michelle as Alize and Heaven get into a test of strength. Michelle whips Rashaa into Heaven and Alize and they both kick Rashaa and throw her out of the ring. Michelle nails Heaven with a bulldog and covers but Alize breaks the count by dropping an elbow to the back of Michelle’s head. Rashaa jumps off the top rope and levels Heaven with a drop kick and hooks a leg for a cover but the champ kicks out. Michelle pulls Rashaa by her hair and a fist fight breaks out between the two divas. Heaven and Alize attacks them from behind and the ring becomes a war zone as the referee gets knocked down. Late in the match, Alize hits Heaven with a clothesline out of the ring but Heaven Lee pulls Alize out with her. Back in the ring, Rashaa nails Michelle with the Kaad Slam and pins the #1 contender to pick up the huge win
Carnage Replay - For SIW fans that missed the last episode of Friday Night Carnage
Mohamed and Jaffar congratulate Rashaa backstage and tell her that Titan has accepted to give her a women’s title shot next Monday. Rashaa will battle the winner of the Michelle/Heaven match at Summersonic this Sunday. The fans boo as Jaffar tells them that the great Mohamed will strategically eliminate nine other imperialist pigs and become the #1 contender for JaeVeli’s Heavyweight championship
The Cartel are backstage with Trey, Cash, Alize, Heaven and their newest member Johnny J. discussing their strategy against Bad NuTz. A good friend of theirs, Sonny Smith from Carnage is with them and JaeVeli actually hopes he wins the battle royal so they can have a Cartel main event at Summersonic. C-Mac says he looks foward to winning the European title again and beating Nutz at his own match at Summersonic, a 60 minute iron man match. Vince mentions after Summersonic, The Cartel will own the Heavyweight, European and World Tag Team titles. Titan, Darksyde and security bust down their door and search the room. Darksyde finds Alize’s underwear and starts sniffing it until she smacks his head and takes it away from him. Titan then comes across a bag and finds Cuban cigars but nothing else. Vince closes the bag and tells him he didn’t see anything. Titan tells them that he will be keeping a close watch on all of them
Carnage preview. SIW Champion Ragin’ Craig will battle one of his Summersonic opponents Drako in a non title match. Darren Knight will also introduce a mystery partner as he takes on Johnny Ringo and his manager Bernardo in tag team action. Don’t miss this match and much more this Friday on MTV
Terror Soule takes on Zach Blain in the next match and the hardcore championship is on the line just six days before the hottest event of the summer. Blain and Soule exchange lefts and rights as the bell rings. Soule is launched over the top rope with a back body drop and then Blain leaps into Terror with a suicide dive. They battle all theway backstage where Blain beats Soule with a trash can and then whips him into the cement wall. Blain covers but Soule kicks out. Terror body slams Blain on a crate and then pulls out a set of linear lights and sets them up on the ground. Terror goes for a suplex but Blain reverses and suplexes Soule on the lights. Out of nowhere, The Joker and Alexander assault Blain and launch him head first into a fire extinguisher glass case. A bloody Soule rolls the crate and crushes Joker and alexander into the wall and then pins Blain after executing the Soule Fusion. Soul's blood drips on the title as he tells his fallen opponenst that this is just a preview of whats going to happen at Summersonic
Grunge arrives at the Cow Palace parking lot and is greeted with a mixed crowd reaction. Grunge tells Jack Kent this being on Brawl is like a homecoming. This is where he became a world champion for the first time. Grunge asks Kent if he missed anything tonight and Kent tells him that nothing much besides having to put a bandage on Titan’s hairy back, Terror Soule’s mom on Uzi’s talk show and a Brawl with Cartel and Bad NuTz. Grunge says he’s just in time to watch the world tag team title match and win the 10 man battle royal. Grunge says after Summersonic, Damage Inc will not only own Carnage, it will also take over Brawl. Grunge tells JaeVeli he is a marked man and he better be ready for a Damage Inc beating at Summersonic
A video promo is played on the Trevortron for Brawl’s newest diva, Skiddalz. The talented beauty from Richmond, Virginia will make her debut next week in a match against Alize
The world tag team championship is on the line in he next match as The Cartel take on Bad NuTz who use their rematch clause. Bad and the Heavyweight champion JaeVeli start the match and the confrontation is very intense. Jae choke Bad on the top rope but the baddest man on he planet nails him with elbow shots to his ribs and delivers a triple german suplex. Jae quickly tags in C-Mac. Bad executes an arm bar take down and locks C-Mac in a modified crossface but the sensational one fights his way to the ropes and Bad breaks the hold. Nutz is tagged in and the match is goes bak and forth until C-Mac avoids a clothesline and delivers the Italian leg sweep. C-Mac covers but NuTz kicks out. APB members come out at the top of the entrance ramp to watch the match but Bad doesn’t like it at all and confronts the team and all of a sudden a fight breaks out between Bad and APB. Back in the ring, NuTz is alone and in trouble as he’s getting double teamed by the tag team champions. Jae hits NuTz with the reality check and wins the match to keep the titles in The Cartel. After the match, security is busy breaking up the brawl between Bad and APB. Can Maurice Bad beat the odds at Summersonic and defeat one of the greatest tag teams in SIW history in a handicap Las Vegas street fight for $50 000?
This week in Brawl History……………
July 26, 2004 FedEx Forum, | Memphis, Tennessee Matt Uzi defeated Cyrus in a buried alive match on the inaugural edition of Monday Night Brawl
APB who have the American flag in the back of them are interviewed backstage moments before the big 10 man battle royal. Klubber says that Maurice Bad attacked APB first. Walker says that APB will not back down from anybody on Brawl, especially Maurice Bad. APB says that Bad is just bitter because APB defeated Affirmative Action in a big match . Klubber and Sylk tell the fans after they eliminate Bad, one of them will be winning the battle royal and challenge Jae for the Heavyweight championship at Summersonic
After a commercial break, the 10 man battle royal and final match is next. Here is the order of elimination:
1. Metalgod e. by Asylum(appeared from the crowd and attacked eliminated him) 2:01
2. Sonny Smith e. Maurice Bad 4:56
3. Mohamed e. by Klubber & Sylk 6:33
4. Maestro e. by JD Xtreme 8:00
5. Darksyde e. by Grunge 12:45
6. Grunge e. by Darksyde & Titan (Titan and Darksyde get angry at the elimination)15:55
7. Sylk e. by Maurice Bad 16:45
8. Maurice Bad e. by Klubber and Sylk (Sylk helps Klubber eliminate Bad)21:05
9. Klubber e. by JD Xtreme 22:04
Klubber gets a little assistance eliminating Maurice Bad over the top rope from his partner Sylk and Bad can’t believe it. Walker and Bad brawl on the outside but out of nowhere, JD Xtreme makes history and gets a huge victory as he eliminates Klubber by throwing him over the top rope from behind. After the match, security gets involved in the APB/Maurice brawl but in the ring is Heavyweight champion JaeVeli and the new #1 contender JD Xtreme who get into stare down. JaeVeli smiles sarcastically and tells JD he won’t make it out of Summersonic alive. The stare down continues between the two competitors as the show ends
JD Xtreme pinned Maestro to a double count out 10:11
Rashaa Kaad defeated Heaven Lee, Michelle & Alize – four way non title diva match 9:54
Terror Soule pinned Zach Blain to retain the SIW Hardcore championship 11:15
The Cartel defeated Bad NutZ to retain the World Tag Team Championship 13:51
JD Xteme won the 10 man Battle Royal 22:04
The Cartel invite Johnny Jobber into the Family after his match
Johnny Jobber pinned Jay Reynolds
General Managers: Titan
Announcing Team: Katie Mysfit & Jimmy Hayden, Carlos Perez and Pedro Alvarez (Spanish)
Writers: Kevin “Titan” McColl, TJD
Referees: Manny Kramer, Andrew Yung & Joe Berry
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