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.:: Shloime Tanenbaum ::.

Shloime Tanenbaum

Grade: 11

Height: 5'7"

Weight Class: 171-189

Shloime has been all over the place. He left MTA in the middle of 10th grade, to pursue other...possibilities. But, after a long semester of losing his mind away from the team, he came back for more in 11th grade. Now, he's back, he's pumped, he's team manager, and he's ready to pick up from where he left off.

2003-2004 Season Record: 0-0

2002-2003 Season Record: 8-4


  • Wittenberg place winner

  • .:: PLUGS ::.

    Webmaster: Michael Kikozashvili | © 2003 MTA Wrestling