This, above all else, is what will make or break a young wrestler. Too many guys come in to an e-fed trying to be a Stone Cold Clone, or a HHH. And while these personalities are entertaining on television, the average guy behind a keyboard won't have the same timing of a real wrestling superstar, the same motivations, the same ideas that the real ones have. And chances are, that gimmick is already being taken to some extent by a current efed superstar. So what's the point? Make your own character! If you're new, try to make him an exaggeration of your own personality; you'll find yourself using lines that you use in the real world in roleplays. this can prove to be very exciting and hold some great story lines. If you're experienced, try something radically different from yourself, but whichever path you choose, try something new and explore new areas! Honestly, folks, how many times can you be told to "know your role" before it becomes tedious? Make your character something you'd want to see on TV. The more descriptive you are with your character, the easier it will be to imagine him in a variety of situations. With this as your basis, it'll be no time at all before the character has his own catchphrases, his own mannerisms, and more importantly, his own titles!
Cursing, unfortunately, is an everyday part of life. The fact of the matter is, you can't turn around today without hearing the dreaded f-word. And it's even slipped into e-wrestling unfortunately. Not as an occasional thing; but as a descriptive word in each and every sentence of the roleplay. Sure we're all desensitized to it, but one question remains: if you're cursing all the time, how do we know that you're mad? Keep it to a minimum and use your curses wisely. You don't want to leave a bad impression with everyone else right? Keep your mouth clean and you'll be taking one step ahead of those who don't. Think of it this way, would a Pro wrestler get fired if he used your roleplay as an interview? If so you probably better change things around.
Probably most importantly of all, try and have lots fun. That's what e wrestling is all about and that’s what this fed is all about. The more we get along, the more you and I can enjoy ourselves, the easier our work will be and the better we will both like each other. if you make this hard for me then I'll make it hard for you. Simple enough, I think so.
Use correct grammar and spelling. I know this shouldn't be the focus of each and every roleplay, but it will make you look a lot better if you speak correctly and have everything spelled right. A good way to help with this is to write your roleplays in a program like Microsoft Word 2000 or something that has a spell check you can use. I know some of you get enough English everyday at school without this lecture but not trying to sound like a teacher/professor here but you'll help yourself out if you improve in this area. One of the things I despise is seeing a good roleplay ruined by atrocious spelling and the grammar of a three year old. Trust me, I've seen it - bad spelling WILL lose you matches. Bad grammar WILL lose you matches. Here are some examples...
1. see, buy, you just dont gotwhst it taks!prpare to loose! If your roleplay looks like this, then you should prepare to lose to your opponent.
This quote was apparently written by a narcoleptic who fell asleep and landed head first on the keyboard, or better yet, somebody who just didn't care about their work. The punctuation is horrible and the spelling is disgusting. This is really a shame, because if you can decipher the message, it’s not bad!
2. They're just one thing you need to now, and it's that I'm the best! Simply one thing to say, Learn how to talk 2nd grader.
This quote is much better. The spelling is great, the meaning is clear; it all looks good. The only things that stand out are the misuse of the word "they're" and the use of "now" instead of know. Minor maybe, but they can, and have, made the difference in a close match.
If you want to stand out on top, try to use HTML. I know that this isn't the easiest thing in the world to do, but the more you practice it, the better you'll get. I recommend getting a message board to allow yourself to this practice this HTML technique. The 'roleplay' boards are free and can be set up rather quickly. Using HTML can also help you make an awesome web site for your wrestler. HTML use in your RP's will help you a great deal. Don't use so much HTML by have 400 different colors in your text but make it very nice, unique, and professional looking. To get to know some HTML look at out HTML help guide. this should improve everyone's skills a great deal.
Roleplay as often as possible. I'm not saying 10 times a day or anything, but at least one every other day. Make them quality roleplays. Even if you don't have a match during this week, if you want true 'heat' brought onto your wrestler, you will roleplay consistently! What I mean by 'heat' is simply this: heat is the amount of respect you get from the rest of the fed and the staff of the NAWA. The more 'heat', the better your chances of winning a match, and the way you improve your Heat Rating is through QUALITY ROLEPLAYING! What I mean by quality is that it's something other than "Oh, I'm going to kick your ass, see ya Tuesday!" or "I'm going to get the pin1,2,3!!". Create a scene and follow the angle. I'll try work with you on your angles and we'll create some great stuff, but you as the wrestler need to roleplay to make it happen. Remember its Quality not Quantity that makes great a wrestler.
Don't ever complain about losing. If you want to talk about a loss, talk about how it was you that lost, and that it doesn't matter because you're going to get your opponent next time. We all want to see that kind of attitude in the NAWA. If you are talking about how you should not have lost on the Roleplay Board, Prez Danny and the staff once and only once will warn you. The next time it happens you will be fired and you won't be able to return to the NAWA period! No if and or but's there will be nothing that you can do to change this rule. Remember, past success is no guarantee for future glory. Just because you won today doesn't mean you'll win tomorrow. Work hard and you'll be rewarded. Don't work at all, and well, you'll see. The more you bitch to us the more we begin to hate you as a wrestler and the more we see you as an annoying person.
Simply read over the Rules of the federation and abide by them all. Break a rule, and you can bet something will happen no matter how good or bad you are. No matter if you’re our best or worst wrestler. what's fair is fair.
Follow these guidelines and you can bet you will shine in the spotlight. It's not an easy job but if you’re willing to make the effort and take the time, then so are we. If you do everything like we ask of you there will be no problems and you can bet you will stand out as a wrestler in this federation. You will also see a great improvement with your wrestler.