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1) Don't cuss too much. Of course there's cussing, but I don't think you need to say f*ck a thousand times to get your point across. Wrestlers don't do it, so please don't do it either.

2) Don't say anything that is really offensive to someone. Even if your wrestler is against America, don't take it too far. There's joking and being offensive, just take it easy on the comments.

3) You can use other wrestlers in your roleplays as long as you talk to them about it. That's why most of the e-mails are posted, so that you can talk about your angle amongst each other. If you made a strategy form, that's not for your roleplay, that's for NCW to put into a show.

4) If you roleplay you will get a match. There's 4 shows a week, you may not be in all of them, but if you roleplay, good things will come for your wrestler. Roleplaying and strategy forms are the only way you will be put into a match, unless your injured and you e-mail me about an angle.

5) You can have up to 5 wrestlers, but you must keep up with all of them. If your slacking off and not roleplaying with one of them, that wrestler will be fired and you will not be allowed to choose that wrestler anymore. Your allowed to change whenever you want, as long as you finish the storyline that that certain wrestler is in at that moment.
For example if your Big Show and your having a fued with Rey Mysterio, but you want to be Booker T; you have to wait for your fued with Rey Mysterio to end, then you can change.

6) This is the most important rule. HAVE FUN. This e-fed is for your entertainment, so make the best of it. If you've been here a long time and you want changes, e-mail me about them, maybe I'll make your wish come true.

E-mail NCW