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All lovely things will have an ending, all lovely things will fade and die; and youth that's so bravely spending, will beg a penny by and by.

Youth is the first victim of war; the first fruit of peace. It takes 20 years or more of peace to make a man; it takes only 20 seconds of war to destroy him.

The scene takes place in the well known city of Buffalo, NY. The sky is of a perfect blue this mid afternoon in September as the ICWA Sportitorium is the scene for our next segment. Hosting a capasity of 5,500 seats, two have now become occupied.

Hunter sits in a seat two rows back from the front row. He has a cooler in the seat in front of him and is drinking a beer with his long legs resting over the top of the seat in front.

He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a smoke lighting it. He takes a deep drag and exhales into the air. He scoots down in the seat even more, looking as if he were going to take a nap.

He takes another deep drag and flips the smoke onto the floor infront of him and finishes off his beer. He raisies his arms in the air streatching them and then placing his hands behind his head as he turns to the right looking at Summer..

Long night? she smiles. Just think, in a few hours from now Michael Audron will be meeting his demise in this very ring. It's about as exciting now sitting here as it will be to fight him again isn't it?

You know Summer it is times like this I really miss having vacation days. You know I could phone in from home and tell a monkey how to beat this punk, but since I don't have a monkey here we sit. I guess it is a good thing though. Now we can show all these other people just what we are made of.

You know that alot of freaks here over look us. They are to wrapped up in their own little world to realize that we mean what we say. You have guys bring belts in from other feds and shooting off at the mouth that there is no one here that is good enough to step in the ring with them.

Well after Meltdown everyone's eyes will be open just a bit wider and their guts will be just a bit tighter after this match.

Summer smiles and shakes her head, she looks down at something that she's trying to hide from Hunter. A small laugh is heard coming from her lips as Hunter's attention now focuses upon what Summer is trying to hide.

OK gurl what are you hiding? Show me it or else....

Summer's laugh now becomes more aggressive, tears form in her eyes as she sits shaking her head and fanning herself for air.

I... I don't think you wan.... Summer nearly chokes laughing so hard. to see this picture I maintained from the personel office. Summer giggles quietly now as she has the picture in her hand fanning herself continuously. Hunter turns to his right, grabing her by the waist and tickles her, trying to get the picture from her.

Hey..... uncontrolable laughter Sto......p dat, Ok...O......k I'll show you, but don't dare ask me how I got this.

Summer shyly lets go of the image as Hunter snatches it from her hands.

Hunter looks at it and looks to Summer and looks back at the picture again... He sits there puzzled and then looks at Summer. Say it ain't so Summer say it ain't so....

Summer's laugh suddenly stops, she glares at Hunter as he shows absolutely no sign of laughter.

What is it... What's the matter Hunter? Say what aint so?

This picture..... It is so sad that they let a kid like this grow up to reproduce...

Summer begins to laugh again as she shakes her head and reaches for the picture.

I know what you mean, but Sweetheart... She begins to giggle This young man here is the one you're going to be facing at Meltdown. Hunter snatches the picture once again and stares at it closely.

Well I guess I don't need to tell him to eat well then do I? You know all kidding aside time is short for Fat Mike. He has been chosen and not by us but by Drew himself. So if he wants to lay blame for anything that happens to him he needs to thank the Prez. I personally will enjoy beating on him again and trust me the bell is not going to save time.

The first match had a little blood in it. This one is going to be a blood bath and there is not a damn thing anyone can do about it!!!

Summer stands looking out across the ring, she leaps over the guardrail and entices her way inside the ropes and into the ring.

Well, I'd say this is where it's all going to take place come tomorrow night, but that's nothing we don't already know. What the audiance and Drew needs to know is that New Breed is back, and we're better than ever before.

The scene fades with Summer looking out to the seats motioning Hunter to the ring with a wink and a very curvaious finger.

Who said we have to wait to show these idjits what we're made of...