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Sometimes you want a big entrance and a lot of flash. Now is not the time for all that. In a very short time things have began to heat up between The New Breed and Paul Sterling. It started by some backstage comments and then a false accusation from Sterling saying that The New Breed cost him a title.

Knowing The New Breed like I do I know it does not bother them a bit. In fact they sit around and laugh about Sterling and his little self-abuse problem. Now the time is getting close and Hunter is waiting to get in the ring and show Sterling what he is made of.

Hunter: First off lets get this out of the way. Summer has been banned from the match. Well that is fine, in fact she is off taking care of New Breed business down south. Now we won’t have to hear Paul whine and bitch about how it was not fair for him. He will have no excuse to give on why he lost the damn match.

See Paul you can be the best thing that has ever happened to wrestling but you forget one thing. This is not a wrestling match. This is a street fight and I doubt you have been in many of them in your life. See this is the type of match I live for. The harder and bloodier the better. I know you worry about your face and all but after Meltdown you will not have to concern yourself with your looks that much. See I plan on making you an example for everyone to see. What I did at Summer Sizzler is nothing compared for what you are in store for.

Yeah I know that you have come here with a title from a defunked fed. You may have been something there, but you have to look at the people that were there. Damn man JB Shooter was a name there and that is sad as hell. So you can walk around with that piece of tin you call a title all you want it means nothing to me. It just shows that you need something to make you feel better than you really are. You complain that there is no one here that will step forward and stand up to you. Well bitch here I am first in line. I know you were hoping for someone you could just walk over but that is not the case. You get to face me and I know deep down that you are scared by that fact. It is ok …..wait no it is not. You want to be a man you want to prove something to do it with me. Get a win you can brag about and tell your grandchildren about.

You sit in your office answering fan mail that you have written yourself. You say that Summer wrote you saying she was sick of working with me. Hell boy everyone knows better. Then you show some fake picture saying it was sent to you and then you je*koff to it. Man you are sad, but if you can’t find a woman for yourself you can think and pretend one likes you. Reminds me of the kid in school who talked about sex all the time but had never had it except with himself. Is that you Paul? Are you the kind of guy who keeps an old stiff washcloth under your pillow for when you need time for yourself with your biggest fan. Summer would never be caught dead with a guy like you. She is not into pretty boys, or guys who can’t keep their hand out of their own pants.

Paul it is almost time, almost time for you to be brought back into realality. To face the fact that you are not as good as you think you are. You are not the man you think you are. I am not going to sit here and say I am going to whip your ass all over the place. That is over done and played out. We both know that when we stand face to face and the match starts you will be in a place you have no reason to be in. When it is all said and done don’t blame me for the time you have to stay at home cause you can’t get out of bed. You need to blame Drew for that because he is the one that put you in this match with me. I did not ask for it, but I am glad I got it. So Paul count the seconds till Meltdown. Get everything right in your life cause after the match the life you had will no longer be the same. It will a life filled with pain, the kind of pain that reminds you that you never need to do that again. The kind of pain that won’t ever go away. The kind of pain that I live with every single freakin’ day of my life…