[[[- Welcome to hour 2. we open the second hour with a clip from last weeks Pay Per View, reviewing the world title match where Jeff Jarrett pulled out the world title match and beat Rob Van Dam to win the nEw world Heavyweight title. From there we fade back to the arena where we see Jeff Jarrett getting some coffee, suddenly Taz walks up next to him, as he begins to pour him some coffee as well as the two converge..... -]]] Taz: Looks like you got ya hand full t'night..... Jeff Jarrett: What the hell does that mean slap ass? Taz: Shut the hell up punk, before I drop you!! Jeff Jarrett: Drop me? You and that Slapnut you call a manager, Shane McMahon.... Taz: I'd ratha have him then that New York want to be Vince Russo.... Jeff Jarrett: Look Slappy.... I don't need to stand here and be insulted by some "Thug" I'm the nEw Undisputed world Heavyweight champion and the united states champion, and i don't have time to mess with little "jobbers" like you!! Taz: Look pal.... One day.. Maybe not today, or tomorra'.. Maybe not even till afta' the pay-per-view.. But soon, I'm gonna get my shot at dat belt and I'm gonna TAKE IT from you.. Now, don't get choked on dat.. Cause when I get my shot, you're gonna choke on THESE.... [[[- Taz flexes his muscles a bit for Jarrett as Jarrett does not look impressed as Taz then gives Jarrett an evil stare and then walks off......-]]]
After the match we go backstage where we see the
rock walking in the parking lot to his car, as suddenly a loud burst of
thunder is heard and lightening passes through the sky, as rock looks up
and then looks back down, and as he does, he notices, The hurricane
standing next to him....
-]]] The Hurricane: Citizen rock... I am the hurricane, and my hurri-senses have told me that you have signed with nEw.... The Rock: Yea, so what's your point Jabronie? The Hurricane: Jabronie? Harsh words from a man of your caliber. But i have called upon all the little Hurri-fans around the world, and they have all told me that the one man to beat in this business to make a name for yourself is the Great One... the rock.... The Rock: Are you challenge the rock to a match? The Hurricane: Citizen rock, not only am I challenging you I am also..... uhm..... well, I'm just challenging you... The Rock: Well then let the rock be the first to give you an answer.... you see the rock says that no matter who nEw throws in the rocks way, no matter what they throw in the rocks way, the fact of the matter is no one AND THE ROCK MEANS NO ONE will ever be able to hang with THE GREAT ONE. Now Hurricane the rock accepts your challenge for next week, and as the rock whoops your candy ass in front of the MILLIONS..... AND MILLIONS OF ROCKS FANS.... you will then finally SMELL....... WHAT THE ROCK....... is cookin!!! [[[- The rock then walks off as the hurricane looks confused and upset at once as we fade into the next match..... -]]]
[[[- After the match we go backstage where Chris Jericho is in his room with his manager... Ralphus.... -]]] Chris Jericho: Ralphus this is it... tonight's the night.... tonight I finally will get the recognition I deserve!!! Tonight the King of the world will finally claim his ultimate prize... the nEw.... WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE!!!! [[[-Ralphus nods.... -]]] Chris Jericho: That's right Ralphus because there is only one champion.... and you're looking at him..... for I will claim the World title in mere minutes!!! [[[-Ralphus nods.... -]]] Chris Jericho: Well what are you doing just standing there you over weight piece of garbage, go get get me some coffee or something.... [[[-Ralphus gets up and goes to fetch Jericho some coffee as we fade out showing Jericho with an evil grin upon his face.... -]]]
After the match we see the new Tag Team
champions in the back celebrating with some champagne bottles, as Mene
Gene Okerland tries to get a quick word with them.....-]]] Billy Gunn: Gene.... it was a long time comin.... Mene Gene Okerland: Jesse.... Road Dogg Jesse James: Oh you didnt know, your ass better call somebody, because we are the brand new TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS OF THE WOOOOOOOOOOOOORLD... THE ROAD DOGG JESSE JAMES, THE BAD ASS BILLY GUNN... THE NEW AGE OUTLAWS!!!!!!! Mene Gene Okerland: Any ideas on your first opponents? Billy Gunn: As a matter of fact we do have our eyes set on two boys who have ran there mouths here for too long.... Buff Bagwell, and Scott Steiner, you two guys may be former tag team champions, but the fact is, we are out to show you and the rest of the world that the nEw tag team division is dominated by two boys who are nothing but pure bred.... OUTLAWS!!! Road Dogg Jesse James: OH YOU DAMN RIGHT!!! Mene Gene Okerland: Thank you boys, what a challenge that was, lets send it back to ringside... [[[- From there we fade out to the next match.... -]]]
After the match Buff Bagwell continues to pummel
down on Chris Jericho on the outside of the ring. Jericho is struggling
in pain as Rob Van Dam suddenly rushes down from the back as he nails
Buff in the skull with a chair, and goes to nail Buff again but Buff
drills Van Dam in the gut with a hard boot, and then tosses him head
first into the steel steps, suddenly out from the back walks HBK. He
starts to rush down the aisle way, but Jarrett stops him as he gets in
the ring with a microphone.....-]]] [[[- Michaels looks for the fans approval as he starts to walk down the ramp way as suddenly the titan tron lights up, as we see that black body bag from earlier. Steiner is shown standing next to it, as he unzips it and inside, all tied up and mouth taped up, is Mrs. Shawn Michaels.... HBK's wife..... Michaels looks stunned.... -]]] Jeff Jarrett: Aint she pretty Shawn.... I forgot to tell you though, You get to choose..... you can come into this ring right now and take the world title and get crowned champion, or you can go back and save your slut for a wife!!!!! Either way you have a choice, and if you pick the belt, I can guarantee you Steiner is going to have his way with her all night long!!!!! [[[- Michaels suddenly dashes to the back after his wife, as Buff catches him before he can make it up the ramp any further and drills him with that steel chair Van Dam brought to the ring earlier. He begins to lay into the back of Michaels as Jarrett gets out of the ring as buff holds Michaels against his will. Jarrett begins to hammer lefts and rights into HBK's face, busting him wide open as they leave him a bloody mess on the ground, as the show slowly fades to black showing buff Bagwell and Jeff Jarrett standing tall up at the top of the ramp way with both arms raised high as we then fade to black showing a bloody Shawn Michaels...... MY GOD WHAT A NIGHT!!!! -]]] End of Show |