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Copyright and Trademark Notice

The textual and photographic materials contained in this web site are protected under U.S. and international laws as copyrighted works. Anyone who displays, reproduces, copies, creates derivative works, or sells our textual or photographic programs for commercial, non-commercial, or self purposes without our permission violates the copyright laws and is liable for copyright infringement.

Likewise, New Generation Wrestling's trademarks and service marks, including not only its NGW marks, but also the names of its superstars. are protected by state, federal, and international trademark laws. Any person who uses our marks for commercial, non-commercial, or self purposes without our permission in such a way that it dilutes the distinctive quality of our marks or that creates the likelihood of confusion with our marks is liable for trademark infringement.

Liability for copyright or trademark infringement involves the potential for significant civil damages, including in particular cases, statutory damages, liability for up to three times actual damages, and attorneys fees.

If you have any questions regarding this notice, please send an e-mail to

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