The Great American Bash 1991
Approximately 3 hours. PPV Master. Sound is a little low. VQ is VG/EX.
- Steve Austin & Terrance Taylor vs. Bobby Eaton & PM News-Scaffold Match(6:19)
- Yellow Dog (Brian Pillman) vs. Johnny B. Badd-Bounty for Yellow Dog's mask(6:00)
- Ron Simmons vs. Oz(7:55)
- Big Josh vs. Blackblood-Lumberjack Match (Lumberjacks include Richard Morton, Bobby Eaton, PM News, and more)(5:39)
- The Freebirds (Michael P.S. Hayes, Jimmy Jam Garvin & Badstreet) vs. Dustin Rhodes & The Young Pistols (Steve Armstrong & Tracey Smothers)-6 Man Elimination Match(17:10)
- Diamond Studd vs. Tom Zenk(9:00)
- The One Man Gang vs. El Gigante(6:13)
- Richard Morton vs. Robert Gibson(17:03)
- Sting vs. Nikita Koloff-Russian Chain Match(11:38)
- Lex Luger vs. Barry Windham-WCW Title Steel Cage Match(12:25)****
- Rick Steiner vs. Arn Anderson & Paul E. Dangerously-Steel Cage Match(Missy Hyatt was supposed to wrestle with Rick Steiner but was abducted by The Hardliners (Dick Murdoch & Dick Slater) before the match)(2:08)