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Exhibition Of Fate


Mama they try and break me

Joe Everlast sits at the front row of an old wrestling arena. He has a walking stick in one hand and the other gripping his knee. The ring in front is empty, with red, white and blue ribbons scattered across the floor and empty popcorn cartons lie like dead soldiers.

The window burns to light the way back home
A light that warms no matter where they've gone

The ring appears with misty shadows of characters from his time. Red Mullet. Cocozo. Verno Inferno. [Chux]. All of them battling between themselves.

They're off to find the hero of the day
But what if they should fall by someone's wicked way

Everlast looks away and looks back to the ring. It is filled with new faces. Men he never saw. Fish. Kai. Belly. Jaques. They fight amongst themselves.

Still the window burns
Time so slowly turns
And someone there is sighing
Keepers of the flames
Do ya feel your name?
Did you hear your babies crying?

The seats around him are filling up with screaming fans. No longer are the Popcorn Soldiers lying around. The ring no longer has red, white and blue ribbons scattered on it. The ropes are no longer American colours, but are a harsh black.

Mama they try and break me
Still they try and break me

Everlast continues to watch as the arena fills. New vibrant faces. No longer are there signs for legends such as himself or Classy Freddy or High Chief Miavia. The signs are now of people only dreams produce. The Green Reaper. Jaymz Ramone. T-Bone.

'Scuze me while I tend to how I feel
These things return to me that still seem real

Now deservingly this easy chair
But the rocking stopped by wheels of despair

Everlast stands up and walks over to the ring. He enters it via the steps that have allowed legends to be made in the ring.

Don't want your aid
But the fist I've made
For years can't hold or feel
No, I'm not all me
So please excuse me
While I tend to how I feel

He walks slowly towards one corner and touches it. He turns around and walks towards another.

But now the dreams and waking screams
That ever last the night
So build the wall, behind the crawl
And hide until it's light
So can you hear your babies cryin' now?

He touches another with his walking stick, checking if it is secure. He walks to the opposite corner and does the same action.

Still the window burns
Time so slowly turns
And someone there is sighing
Keepers of the flames
Did you hear your names?
Did you hear your babies crying?

Walking back to the corner he entered from, he stops and turns to face the ring. He breathes in, his crooked back straightening out for a millisecond.

But now the dreams and waking screams
That ever last the night
So build the wall, behind the crawl
And hide until it's light
So can't you hear your babies cryin' now?

He walks back to his seat and sits down in it. He grips his stick with all his might. His knee becoming numb due to the firm grip. His face, wrinkled as it be, becomes more and more creased as he holds on.

He begins to fade as the crowds fill up the seats.

Joe Everlast disappears, but is replaced by a baseball cap wearing, hot dog eating fat kid sporting a Belly T-Shirt.

Mama they try and break me

Roberts: Welcome to the Exhibition of Fate. Tonight's matches are going to be groundbreaking, breath taking and excellent in every way.

Lonsdale: So fasten yur seatbelts 'coz your gonna be in for a bumpy ride.

----T-Bone and Destiny's Child Vs. El Mysterioso Grande and Matrix----

Making their way to the ring, at a combined weight of 540Lbs.....T-Bone and Destiny's Child.

Shai's Together Forever blasts from the P.A. System. T-Bone and D.C. step onto the stage. They look at each other, wary about what may happen in the match. The walk slowly towards the ring, not slapping hands or paying any attention to the audience, just focusing on the ring.

Knowles: And their opponents, at a combined weight of 461Lbs, El Mysterioso Grande and Matrix.

Batista's Music booms through the arena as Matrix runs onto the stage. He points back towards the entrance at his partner for the night, Matrix, steps out, shaking his muscles. The two walk down to the ring and stop as they touch the mat. T-Bone and Destiny's Child assume the shoot position and wait for the two to enter the ring. Matrix slides into the ring and both T-Bone and Destiny's Child pummel into him. A more daring Grande climbs the turnbuckle and takes T-Bone down with a flying crossbody. Mysterioso tells the referee to count.

1..Kick out with authority.

Matrix and D.C. make their way to their respective corners, but Mysterioso hits a dropkick to the back of D.C. as he steps out onto the apron. Destiny's head bounces off the guardrail.

As Grande begins to clamber to his feet, T-Bone grabs him and places his head between his thighs and lifts him up high.

Roberts: Powerbomb coming up!!

Lonsdale: Might even it out. Did you see Destiny's Child bounce from the guardrail??

Grande is held up high. T-Bone begins to slide him onto his back for a crucifix. A clever Matrix grabs Evans' legs and holds him from being slammed down. T-Bone tries several times. His final attempt results in Grande getting served, but he took out Matrix with an inadverted kick to the face.

Vanhaven: HA-HA!!

Roberts: That could be the match ender right there.

The ref counts as T-Bone covers.


Matrix pulls T-Bone's legs and drags him out of the ring.

The ref begins to count as Matrix runs round the steel steps and climbs back onto the apron. T-Bone slides back into the ring and walks over to a recovered, but bleeding Destiny's Child.
D.C enters the ring and stomps a lying down Grande. Grande attempts to reach his knees, but is met several times by a stiff stomp to the head. D.C. grabs Evans up by the hair and lifts him into a Gorilla Press hold. He poses for a few second, by rotating to face each section of the crowd. He then throws Mysterioso into Matrix' corner, landing him on the top turnbuckle.

Matrix tag's himself in and charges towards D.C. who hits him with an Armdrag. Matrix gets up quickly and attempts it again, but recieves the same treatment.

Lonsdale: Dejavou!?

Roberts: No, just simple, basic moves. This rookie, Matrix, making his debut has already made two mistakes tonight, let's hope he doesn't do any more.

Matrix runs at him once more, but this time stops just infront of D.C. He delivers a swift kick to the face.

Vanhaven: Rookies soon learn. That must've hurt Beyoncé.

Roberts: Destiny's Child?

Vanhaven: Question!!

Matrix hits Destiny in the gut with a strong right punch. Mysterioso jumps from the top rope with a Fameasser.

The referee Grande out of the ring, but whilst doing so T-Bone has entered and hits Matrix with a right boot to the abdomen. He applies the T-Bone Powerbomb and lands Matrix onto his neck. T-Bone slowly exits the ring.

Grande leans over the ropes and tags himself in, as Matrix lies on his neck, folded over. The ref pushes him onto his side, allowing him to roll out of the ring. Grande runs and dropkicks T-Bone as he is exiting the ring. He repeats Destiny's earlier injury and bounces head first off the guard rail. Mysterioso grabs D.C and throws him shoulder first into the turnbuckle. He climbs it, taking D.C. up with him. He jumps off and hits the Mysterioso Bomb. He makes the cover.


The winners of this match - El Mysterioso Grande and Matrix.

Mysterioso slides out of the ring, helping Matrix up. They walk back first up the ramp, Matrix being held up by Grande.

----Finisher's Only Match----

The bell sounds.

The following match is a Finisher's Only Match. The rules are set as follows: There are NO Disqualifications, NO countouts, The match can end anywhere in the Arena and it's grounds and to acquire a victory you must use your Finishing Manouever against your opponent!! The finishing manouevers both men have submitted for a victory are the Flash Back from Jack FLash and the SuperNova from Dirk Meyers.

The first contender, Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 202Lbs, from Valahlla - New York....DIRK MEYER!!!!

The arena goes black and The Burning Inside is boomed. You hear the slow buildup, the cameraman, not knowing where to find the competitor, keeps the camera focused on the entrance way, but then when the music gets heavier, the lights come back up, with a gray tint to them, but no one comes out the entrance way, so he begans to pan the audience looking for a wrestler, he can't find one so he goes back to the titatron, and he sees a arrow pointing up flash, as he scans the camera up he sees one sole wrestler, standing a top the titatron, with his arms spread to his sides and his legs split on the middle, the lights go out again and begin strobbing and the wrestler suddenly has seemed to have disappear, and then he is seen running out to the ring, up the entrance way, seemingly fast but just a trick of the strobes, sliding into the ring and leaping straight to the far left turnbuckle where he perches like a hawk on, waiting for his opponent.

And his opponent, weighing in at 203 Lbs from Toronto, Canada this is....JACK FLASH!!!!

Lights go off and Staying Alive by the BeeGees starts playing, His name flashes across the trinitron. He comes dancing out all the way to the ring, slapping the hands of many fans on the way down.
Dirk Meyer slides out of the ring and runs up the ramp meeting Flash with a clothesline. Flash flips upside down and inside out, landing back first on the steel rampway. Meyers climbs the saftey barrier and jumps off with a stiff knee.
Lonsdale: Meyer's not wasting any time here.
Meyers grabs Flash's head lifting him up before bouncing it off the floor. Meyers walks back to the ring, looking very pissed off. He stops to read a fan's sign which says "Meyer's will be gone in a FLASH". He spits at the sign. Flash runs down the ramp after recovering and shoulderblocks his legs. Flash hits a low dropkick to the face of the grounded Meyer's. He walks over to the apron and rummages under the ring.
Flash swings the steel chair behind his head and smashes it down onto the back of Meyer's.
Lonsdale: Correct me if I am wrong but that looks to be the first chair shot in O4W.
Vanhaven: Only a loser like you would realise that. Sad act.
Flash places the chair on the face of the still grounded Meyers, who is tilted on the gradient of the ramp. Flash takes a step back before hitting a shuffle kick into it. Meyer's rolsl around in pain as Flash climbs into the ring and body pops to the crowds chanting.
Roberts: Oh that is just rubbing it in. He is popping his body whilst his opponent lays injured.
Lonsdale: Rubbing it in is an understatemnet. He has the crowds attention and that is what he likes.
Meyer's struggles to his feet, picking the chair up with him. Flash runs towards him and performs a diving headbut to the outside. He recieves a strong, hard chairshot to the face.
Roberts:My Lord. He could have caused his neck to snap. That could have moved all his bones 2 inches Southwards.
Meyers grabs Flash by the hair and rolls him into the ring. He follows suit with the chair. He whips Flash into the corner and sets the chair up close to the turnbuckle on the floor. He walks over to the turnbuckle, hitting Flash several times with forearm smashes on the back. He sits on the corner and positions FLash between his legs. He raises his arms to the crowd, which boo to his dismay. He lifts Flash up, wrapping his legs around Flash's arms, but struggles.
Lonsdale: Looks like he is about to his a High Risk SuperNova.
Flash wriggles and within a flash of light from a camera in the audience Flash reverse the alreadyn set up SuperNova into a Flash Bang. Meyer's head bounces off the positioned steel chair.

Roberts: The Flash Bang. His finisher. That is the end right there.
Lonsdale: Not exactly.
Roberts: What?
Lonsdale: Yes it may be his finisher, but the move he submitted to the O4W commitee was the Flash Back, his version of the SuperNova.
Vanhaven: Your telling me we gotta watch more of these freaks?!

Flash lies down and tries to recover. Meyers looks to be out cold. Flash crawls to the ropes and pulls himself up. He moves over to Meyers and stomps him several times. He positions himself at Meyer's head, moving his arms in a side-to-side wave position before wrapping his legs around Meyer's arms. He lifts him up into the Flash Back Position, hanging over the chair.
Roberts: It is gonna be over now.
Meyers' face turns red as he pushes with all his might........Meyers' pushing pays off as the two flip backwards, rotating the opposite way to what Flash had set up and Meyers ends up on the top. The SuperNova!! Jack's head bounced off the edge of the chair.

Roberts: That's the SuperNova. He turned Flash's move into his own move by performing a reverse Flash Bang.
Lonsdale: What an exhibition of talent and potential.
Vanhaven: Heck that was impressive.
Lonsdale and Roberts: HUH!?
Vanhaven: Wha..? Oh all right then it sucked ass.

Here is the winner of the match by the SuperNova - DIRK MEYER!!

Meyer's lies still after the match. The ref raises his arm, but it falls back to the ground. EMT's come out to ringside and take both men up the ramp on stretchers. Meyer's comes round and gets off his stretcher at the top. He walks over to Flash's stretcher and talks to his face. The camera zooms into to pick up the faintest words of "It is MY move". Meyer's grabs the stretcher from the EMT's. They try to stop him, but he runs and pushes Flash off the stage, still strapped to the stretcher.

He laughs before getting back onto his stretcher and signalling to be pushed away.

The arena begins to quieten, as the audience wait for another match. Instead Def Leppard's Armageddon It blasts from the P.A. Hugh Knowles walks up the ring steps and enter's the ring via the middle and top rope. He is wearing a white sleeveless jumper on top of a black shirt. The O4W badge is embroided onto the left side of his chest. He is holding a microphone, smilling at every side of the arena.

He begins to speak, in a cheery yet meaningful tone of voice:

Knowles:Ladies and Gentlemen, what an extra ordinary performance by both men in that last match. Shame it was spoilt by Meyer's little stunt at the end. Anyway, I have something I wish to share with the entire world. As many of you know, last month Joe Everlast, 4CW's oldest superstar passed away. I, personally was deeply upset at the news. So Tonight, I would like to invite Ed the Med to the confides of the O4W Exhibition of Fate Arena.

Ed the Med walks down the ramp, waving to the crowds. He enters the ring via the steel steps and shakes Hugh's hand. In his other hand he is holding a Black gym bag with O4W on the side.

Good evening Ed. I would just like to say how deeply sorry I am at the loss of Joe. I am sure your heart is truly scarred.

Ed the Med:
Thanks Hugh. I am still deeply upset, but I have come to terms with the fact I will have to live life without him. However, I rang Lord Skywolf several weeks ago and he guided me in your direction. You and I discussed remembering Joe in a way that would have made him proud. I believe you will wish to carry this on.

My attention has been brought about the question of a championship in O4W. Now, due to the fact the Highest title is the 4CW championship in our Mother Federation, I do not see a need for a championship just yet. However, our mid card section of the roster has grown to a healthy and strong amount. I have also heard about the Northern Heavyweight Championship that has been talked about so much in the lockeroom. So both Ed and I have come to the solution of this:

Ladies and Gentlemen, may I introduce to you the former Northern Heavyweight Championship - now known as The Everlast Championship.

From the black gym bag, Ed pulls out a shiny gold championship belt. Diamonds encrusted at the curved vertices and on the corners of the side plates.

That is correct Ed. The Midcard section of O4W has a title, symbolising both prestige and great achievements. It also represents the Everlasting spirit of Joe Everlast. I would like to wish you Ed a very pleasant life from here onwards. Thank you very mu....

Loser by Beck blasts from the P.A. system. Stevie Evans comes out onto the stage with a microphone of his own. He begins to talk in a very distressed voice:

Errr....Yeah Sorry about everything and all Ed, but I am wondering what is MY title being returned for? And why is it being renamed? I mean I don't actually mind, but I think it is only right if the belt is awarded to me rather than the entire fed. Don't you think so Ed?

Erm... I don't...really err...

They Might be Giants is heard as screaming fans chant "Janitor, Janitor"

The Drunken Janitor steps out onto the stage with a mic in one hand and his mop in the other. He begins to speak into the mop, before realising no one can hear him. He looks at the microphone and begins to laugh, drunkly. He begins to talk into the mic.

*hic* What are you on about Stevie? You can't just ask for that title. For one thing it was My title, not yours. And another....I forgot, but you can't just beg for my belt. I saw it first.

Just like your Roadkill huh?

Drunken Janitor swings a right hand at Evans, but spins around the mop that is holding him up and collapse to the floor.

Ther you have it. If that belt goes around his waist it might as well have been melted sdown into a Rolex. Honestly, you really think that used to have that title around his waist. Anyhooo, would you like me to walk down their for the presentation or would you like to come up here and present me with the title?

Ed the Med's face lights up red with anger at the Rolex Comments. Hugh puts the belt over his shoulder. He puts the mic to his lips and pauses, looking at Ed. He moves the mic and says something to him. Ed slowly begins to calm down.

How about this. Since both of you have held this title before neither of you can touch it again.

The crowd gasp with shock.

But, that my friend may cause a little bit of upset between our friendship. So here is what I am gonna do. Stevie Evans tonight, in this very ring you will go one on one against Janitor over there and fight for this title. Nothing can stop you now....well actually it can. You see, I don't think Ed took too kindly to your Rolex remark. That may have it's effects on you as Ed the Med is the Special Guest Referee for the match.

Ed nods his head as Armageddon It blasts out of the P.A.

The screen cuts to a commercial break.

----The Green Reaper Vs. James Ramone----

And First coming to the ring, weighing in at 224 lbs, James Ramone.

The music hits and out he comes running. Runs down to the ring and slides into the ring. Gets onto the second rope and gives the rock on sign.

And next coming to the ring, his opponent, accompanied by Sapphire Angel, weighing in at 320 lbs, The Green Reaper!

After you hear “Fear the Reaper” from a whispering voice…green smoke comes up from the ramp and after about 15 seconds of the song playing…The Green Reaper appears and slowly walks down to the ring followed by Sapphire Angel when they get into the ring Angel goes down to his knees in front of Reaper, facing the same direction, they both raise their arms and Green and Dark Blue Fire comes out of the turnbuckles as they slam their arms down.

Ramone and Reaper both circle each other, the Reaper stops, wondering why the hell he is even circling this guy, then Ramone bounces off the ropes and runs at the Reaper shoving him with a forearm, Reaper stumbles back a step but his facial expression drops, Reaper runs at Ramone going for a clothesline, but Ramone drops him with a dropkick to the knee, causing Reaper to fall to the ground. Ramone looks at the Reaper and immediately starts kicking the same knee.

Jimbob: Good idea on the part of Ramone, keep Reaper off his feet.
Lonsdale: Would you rather him on his knees.
Vanhaven: Sick man, just sick.

Ramone grabs Reapers ankle and pulls it up into the air, slamming him knee first into the mat. He then follows it up with another, and another. Then Reaper rolls out of the ring to regain his composure. Sapphire Angel is holding him up as they both stand on the outside, Angel trying to regain his composure, but as they look up, they see Ramone fly off the top rope, taking all three of them out on the outside. The Referee begins the count:
TWO… Ramone makes his way to his feet.
THREE… Reaper begins to make his way to his feet.
FOUR… Ramone climbs into the ring, but is pulling out by Reaper, who jumps into the ring.
FIVE… Reaper starts arguing with the referee while Sapphire Angel is on the outside, and he grabs Ramone and throws him into the steel steps. Then picks him up and rolls him back into the ring. Reaper, with a bit of a limp, heads towards Ramone who is now climbing up the ropes, he sees The Green Reaper heading towards him and bouncing off the rope, running back at Reaper with a cross body. He connects, but is caught by Green Reaper, who then delivers some backbreakers before holding him up and walking around with him then proceeds to slam Ramone HARD with a body slam. He goes for the cover:
And a kick-out by Ramone.

Jimbob: This is really going bad for Ramone now, on the floor with Reaper who has 100 pounds over the guy.
Lonsdale: Yes, a hundred pounds of flesh, with all that blood pumping through them.
Vanhaven: Do they feed you at home?
Jimbob: Check out this action! Reaper is pulling Ramone to his feet.

In the ring Reaper has Ramone on his feet and is standing behind him. He picks him up and gives Ramone a high back body drop, Reaper crosses Ramone hands over his chest and holds him down for another cover:
Kick Out.
Jimbob: A cocky cover by Reaper, doesn’t really pay off.
Vanhaven: I’m sure Ramone is going to win this one.
Lonsdale: Nope, this one’s going to Reaper, look at him, he’s got 620 lbs of muscle out there.
Jimbob: Well if you do count Angel in his corner, your right.

Ramone rolls out of the ring trying to escape the pain, and is backing away from the ringside, when he bumps into the chest of Sapphire Angel. He turns around and is face to face with Sapphire Angel, which then he begins to back away again slowly, and Angel raises his fist in the air, which causes Ramone to run into the ring scared. He points to his head, indicating that he outsmarted him once again, where he is met in the same predicament with Reaper, but Reaper isn’t as forgiving, Reaper spins Ramone around and gives him a hard kick to the gut. He grabs Ramone around the waist and lifts him up for a powerbomb, but not just any powerbomb, his Sit-down last ride.
Jimbob: This could be the end.
Lonsdale: Of the World?
Vanhaven: I feel fine.
Jimbob: Well I’m sure Ramone won’t feel fine after this move.

Reaper lifts Ramone into the arm, but Ramone follows through with it somehow tucking his legs so they get in front of Reaper, and his arm around Reapers neck, he whips his body around and hits a Spinning DDT. Both Men are down and the count begins:
ONE…Vanhaven: What does DDT stand for?
TWO…Lonsdale: Hell if I know.
THREE…Jimbob: Look neither of them are moving!
FOUR…Ramone begins to stagger, rolling onto his side
FIVE…Ramone makes his way, crawling towards the ropes.
SIX… Ramone grabs the bottom rope; Green Reaper is still laid out in the ring.
SEVEN…Ramone has climbs to the second rope, barely on his knees.
EIGHT… Ramone now gets both his feet on the ground but is still staggering when he looks to Reaper, laying down flat on his back in the ring, and then Reaper all of a sudden sits up, but surprisingly Ramone expects this and leans against the ropes, runs at Reaper stepping on Reapers thigh and the other knee right into the temple of the Reaper…
TH… KICKOUT with force by the Reaper, Ramone uses the ropes to help him climb to him feet, while Reaper, just seems to climb up out of the depths of hell to get to his feet. Ramone bounces off the ropes and runs into Reaper with a forearm, Reaper barely staggers, Ramone bounces back again, and Reaper staggers a little bit more, but the third time Reaper grabs the arm of Ramone and spins him so his back is to the Reaper. Reaper locks in the Full Nelson, lifting Ramone clear off the mat because of the seven-inch height difference, and Reaper shakes Ramone back and forth as if he’s a wet newspaper.
Lonsdale: That’s it, get him Reaper!
Vanhaven: Get off him; you’re going to kill the guy!
Lonsdale: It’s all right, punk is dead, and so will Ramone soon.
Jimbob: Ramone doesn’t seem to be giving in, but that could be because he’s seems to me to be knocked out
Finally, Reaper decides to give in, and slams Reapers down hard in a full Nelson Slam. The intensity of the slam causes Ramone to bounce across the ring, and Reaper goes for the cover, failing to hook the legs.
THRE… NO! Ramone gets his leg on the rope. Reapers eyes are in shock, as he realizes this little seventeen-year-old still has some fight in him. He angrily starts yelling at the referee, which gives Ramone time to recover, Reaper is shoving at the referee, yelling and spitting, telling the referee to count faster next time, but Ramone is finally to his feet, and is stalking Reaper, waiting for him, When Reaper turns around he is met by a shoulder to the gut which forces Reaper into the corner. Ramone gives hard shoulders into the gut of Reapers, but as he goes for a fourth Reaper wraps his arm around Ramone’s neck, locking in the Dragon Sleeper in the corner. But Reapers back is still against the ropes, and the referee begins a count:
ONE… Jimbob: Reaper utilizing the five count for the ropes.
TWO… Vanhaven: Yea, the five count until he’s DQed.
THREE… Lonsdale: DQ? Is that a new blood type?
FOUR… Reaper drags Ramone out of the corner and throws Ramone’s arm behind his neck and lifts Ramone straight into the air, holding Ramone straight above his head.
Jimbob: A Delayed Vertical Suplex, this is an uncanny display of strength by Green Reaper, this far into the match, muscles sore and he is still able to hold up a 224 pound man well above his head.
Lonsdale: I think after this, it’s over for Ramone, probably going to need a Teenage Lobotomy after this, Hey Vanhaven, stop covering your eyes, this is a great show.
Vanhaven: I can’t watch this anymore.
Jimbob: WOW what a display, The Green Reaper is still holding him up there.

After holding in the suplex for so long, Ramone on the top starts to waver, and he slips out of Reapers grasps, landing on his feet behind Reaper, with his neck still hooked, he hooks Reapers as well and they both drop down, delivering a double neck breaker, both men are laid out in the middle of the ring, and the referee begins to count:
ONE…Jimbob: Could this be a double count out?
TWO… Lonsdale: It could.
THREE…Vanhaven: Does this mean Ramone won’t lose?
FOUR… Jimbob: Well by the official rules it would be a Tie.
FIVE… Vanhaven come on guys stay down, it’ll be a tie, not as bad as a loss Ramone!
SIX… Lonsdale: What is wrong with you?
SEVEN… Jimbob: Look, Ramone is moving!
EIGHT… James Ramone starts to lift his arm up.
NINE… James Ramone manages to drape an arm over The Green Reaper, but where is the ref?
Sapphire Angel is up on the apron, distracting the referee from the real action that’s going on.
Vanhaven: one, two, three, four, five, six… That’s it James Ramone won two matches right now…
Lonsdale: Get over it, James Ramone isn’t going to win, he’ll be a bloody mess in the ring, and it’ll be exquisite.

Ramone finally rolls off and begins to stand, but is met with a vicious low blow by the Green Reaper, who then proceeds to roll him up via school boy. Sapphire Angel drops off the apron and the referee returns to the action in the ring and makes the count.
ONE… Vanhaven: NO! Not Fair! The Green Reaper Cheated!
TWO…Lonsdale: Get over yourself, punk is dead, long live Goth.
Sapphire Angel is immediately back on apron arguing with the referee. “That was a slow count, Ref Speed it up!” Green Reaper slides out of the ring and goes into the front now, pulling a chair out from the audience members who scatter at his presence. Ramone is still down on the mat, and Sapphire is still arguing with the referee. Reaper lays the chair closed on the ground and signals that it’s time for the Touch of Death. He drags Ramone to his feet, and then lifts Ramone onto his shoulder. BUT RAMONE STILL HAS SOME FIGHT IN HIM, and he starts throwing punches at Reaper from up on his shoulder. Reaper falls back into the corner, and Ramone stands on the turnbuckle, he hooks Reaper’s left arm, and the his right arm, and he leaps off the turnbuckle, slamming Reaper headfirst onto the chair that Reaper brought into the ring.
Jimbob: OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! The James Jump onto the chair. This Match is over
Ramone knocks Sapphire off the apron, the chair already cleared out of the ring and covers Reaper, who is ripped open, hooking both legs and the referee falls to the matt slamming his hands…
THE Referee Signals for the bell, this match is over.
Lonsdale: NO!!!!!
Vanhaven: YES!!!!!
Jimbob: Now that is one hell of a Cinderella story, Ramone overcame all odds!

Hugh: And your Winner, James Ramone!

----Special Referee Match----

Drunken Janitor walks out onto the stage, dropping his mop. They Might be Giants is blaring out, yet he still seems groggy. He rolls into the ring, almost asleep, but Special Guest Referee Ed the Med shakes him up.

Loser by Beck blasts from the sound system and Stevie Evans runs out to the ring.

Drunken Janitor stumbles toward the center of the ring. Evans walks to meet him, for the first time, with true confidence in his eyes. Janitor extends his hand for a hearty shake. Evans looks to the crowd for approval. Despite the crowd reaction, Evans extends his hand. They shake. Evans tries to pull away, but Janitor pulls him face to face, belching in his face. The stench grosses Evans out. Janitor hits Evans with a clothesline.

Roberts: Unorthodox Move, but non the less effective.

Janitor tries to pull Evans to his feet, but trips and falls to the mat. Evans, on the ground, gives a few stiff shots to Janitor and picks him up to his feet. Stevie begins to feed shots to the head of Janitor, shades of Terry Funk. Evans hoists Janitor up and brings him back down, straddling his knee, with an atomic drop. Stevie Irish whips him to the ropes and connects with a spinning heel kick.

Lonsdale: I wonder what is rushing through Ed the Med's mind. This is a chance for him to decide where Joe's mmory will remain.

Evans continues to go to work on Janitor. He sends him to the turnbuckles and charges forward crashing shoulder first into the mid section of the drunk. Janitor falls forward, out on his feet, leaning on Stevie. Stevie shrugs him off against the turnbuckle, only Janitor falls forward again in the same predicament. Stevie takes a few steps backwards and Janitor falls flat on his face. Evans goes for the pin.



No! Janitor rolls over in his sleep! Ed the Med stands up, telling Evans he is asleep.

Stevie Evans goes to pick up Evans, but the dead weight is too heavy. Stevie Evans climbs to the top rope instead. He flies from the top dropping an elbow, however he hits the canvas as Janitor rolls out of harms way.

Janitor begins to stir and stumbles to his feet, wobbly. He grabs the head of Evans and pulls him in for a DDT. Janitor goes for the cover.



No! Shoulder up!

Janitor slaps the canvas and pulls Evans to his feet. He scoops him up and slams him to the mat. Janitor heads for the top rope. Tripping on his way up, finally Drunken Janitor is perched on the top. His eyes roll up in his head, and his eyelids close. He passes out and falls from the top, connecting with a head butt. Evans manages to leave an arm across the chest of Evans.



No! Kickout!

Stevie pushes the arm off of his chest and rolls to his feet. Evans looks down at the passed out drunkard and shrugs his shoulders. Evans pulls Janitor to his feet, but the Drunk rolls him up with a small package.



No! Kick out!

Evans quickly gets to his feet, shocked at his near fall. Janitor stumbles to his feet, but is kissed on the lips with a boot from Stevie, sending Janitor back to the canvas. Stevie signals to the crowd that this match is over. Stevie pulls Janitor up and suplexes him to the mat with a Northern Light suplex to bridge.




Knowles: And the winner of the match, and NEW Everlast Champion...Stevie Evans!!!

Ed the Med rolls out of the ring and then back into the ring and presents Evans with the championship belt. Evans raises it above his head as the crowd goes crazy!

Ed the Med recieves a microphone and begins to talk:

I just want to say, even though you made that remark earlier about Joe's Memory Title should be a Rolex, I just want you to remember I cut that down the middle fair and square. I didn't want either man to lose out. And since you did make that remark...well....


Ed the Med smashes the microphone into the head of Stevie Evans, laying him out clean on the floor. Ed walks back to the locker room, not turning back once.

----Fatal Fourway for a 4CW contract----

Knowles: And for your main event… This will be a 4-way Elimination match for a 4CW contract! Entering first, from Paris, France, weighing in at 230 lbs, Jaques!

The Lights turn pink and the french national anthem hits Jaques walks out to a crowd of boo's, wearing his French Beret and garlic is hung around his neck. He starts showing off throwing garlic into the crowd. He then proceeds to enter the ring and Jaques shows off to the crowd and finally takes off his beret and puts the garlic safe inside it.

Knowles: And his opponent, weighing in at 252 lbs, from Moscow, Russia, Kai!

The lights turn a dark blue, KoRns, Make me Bad blasts out of the PA and Kai walks out with a white cape on, he slowly makes his way into the ring, he throws his cape to the outside of the ring and crouches down in the corner of the ring, awaiting his opponent.

Knowles: And his opponent, weighing in at 270 lbs, from Richmond, Viriginia, Fish!

The arena turns to black. The entrance ramp and the ring are soon covered in a strange green tint. "Ain't Life Grand" starts up, and Fish walks through the curtin as the music starts to pick up. Fish comes out of the curtain, walks to the extreme left of the stage and raises his arms in victory. Fish, then continues down the main rampway, fullfilling some people's requests for high-fives and possibly a handshake or two. Fish approches the ring and walks up the steps very non-chalontly and enters the ring.

Knowles: And finally, from Parts Unknown, weighing in at 400 lbs, Belly!

The arena is plunged itno darkness as Smoke begins to seep from under the stage, then No Leaf Clover by Metallica starts to echo around the arena as the smoke forms a thick fog around the stage and the ramp... movement can be seen on the stage as a hoard of druids come out, side by side as they walk down the ramp. As the first pair reach the foot of the ramp, they stop and step back onto either side of the ramp, making a path down the middle of them as a large figure can be seen moving in the thick cloud of smoke... the figure slwoly works his way down the ramp, and as he passes each druid they turn in and start to follow him...
As he steps out of the thickness of the smoke the large man is wearing a long hooded cloak with his head down, not looking up, as he continues until he reaches the ringside area, where he heads towards the steel steps as the druids circle the ring once until they are spread out all around the ring, as the large man walks up the steel steps and steps over the top rope standing square in the middle of the ring, as he raises his head and his cloak drops to the canvas revealing the pale faced, jet black hair of Belly.

Lonsdale: Thank god, the druids are leaving this time!

Jimbob: And with that, the stage is set for the first main event of O4W’s first Pay-Per-View…

Vanhaven: Which reminds me… I’m hungry, see you guys in a bit!

Vanhaven gets up and jumps over the barricade, into the crowd.

All four combatants walk to the center of the ring and all stand shoulder to shoulder. None speak, as they are just staring through one another. After 30 seconds of staring, Fish points at Kai, who now has everyone’s attention. With everyone’s back to him, Fish attempts a roll-up on Jaques, who simply rolls through it. Kai and Belly instinctively start throwing punches at one another, with this mini-battle ending with Kia being thrown over the ropes.

Jimbob: This match is degenerating quickly!

Lonsdale: Well, at least we can watch it quietly without Vanhaven here!

Back in the ring, Fish has Jaques in an arm bar, with Jaques already screaming in pain. Fish picks up Jaques and attempts to whip him to the ropes, but it is reversed as Fish is sent towards Belly. Belly turns around and sees Fish coming and back body drops him over the ropes onto Kai.

Lonsdale: 2 down, one to go!

Jaques runs at Belly, but like the others, is tossed over the ropes, thanks to a well-timed hip toss. Belly climbs through the ropes and onto the apron. Once on the apron, Belly attempts a cross-body block, an unusual move for a man his size. However, all 3 opponents move out of the way, and Belly lands belly first onto the floor. All 3 men start stomping on Belly, until Kai uses the fallen Belly as a launching pad to hit a running enziguri on Fish. Kai throws Fish back into the ring, as Jaques is left on the outside of the ring, trying to figure how to throw 400 lbs of Belly back in as well.

Jimbob: I don’t like Jaques position right now, all alone on the outside with Belly.

Realizing the peril of his position, Jaques goes to climb back into the ring. Once on the apron, he is stopped by Belly’s hand wrapping around his throat. Belly takes Jaques from off the apron and chokeslams him into the barrier.

Crowd: Holy shit! Holy shit!

Jimbob: What a display of power by Belly!

Lonsdale: I sure hope that Jaques is OK…

Belly rolls into the ring, but is met with a knee drop acrost the throat, courtesy of Kai. As Kai stands above a convulsing Belly, he receives a neckbreaker from behind from Fish. Fish rolls Kai over and attempts a cover.




Jimbob: Not this early!

Lonsdale: Fish is gonna have to try harder than that!

Frustrated already, Fish gets up and attempts to put a Texas Cloverleaf on Kai. However, Kai’s leg strength allows him to flip Fish onto his back and reverse the move so that Kai is now sitting on Fish’s chest and pummeling him. After 10 punches, Kai stands up and wipes Fish’s blood off his hands. He turns around, just to be met by a giant uppercut from Belly.

Jimbob: Dear god! That nearly took Kia’s head off.

Belly laughs and falls to his knees as he attempts a cover.



The pin is broken up by a top-rope frog splash from Jaques, saving his partner from elimination. Belly simply gets up and grabs Jaques by the back of the neck. However, Jaques hits a groin kick on Belly and bulldogs him. Jaques then walks to the near ropes and taunts the crowd. He then climbs the turnbuckle and signals he is going for The Eiffel Tower on Belly. However, halfway through, as he is completely upside down in mid-air, he is met by a dropkick from Fish. The sudden stop in rotation brings Jaques down directly on his head, with his body contorting unnaturally around him. Exasperated, Fish goes for the pin.




Knowles: Jaques has been eliminated!!!

Jimbob: And there is our first elimination of the night!

Kai, seeing that his partner was eliminated first, runs over to Fish and starts pummeling him with lefts, rights, and kicks. Fish, feeling the rhythm of Kai’s attacks, is eventually able to reverse one of Kai’s punches into a knee to the gut. Fish puts Kai in a powerbomb position, and mockingly waves goodbye to him. He lifts him up onto his shoulders and rushes towards a nearby turnbuckle. However, at the last second, Kai reverses the move, and hurricaranas Fish’s head straight into the middle turnbuckle, knocking him senseless. Not satisfied with Fish’s condition, Kai picks up Fish and sets him with his back facing the turnbuckle. Kai climbs the turnbuckle behind him and quickly performs a Diamond Dust. Kai then rolls over and pins Fish.

Jimbob: The Midnight Sky! It could be all over for Fish!




Knowles: Fish has been eliminated!

The crowd pops as Kai stands up and finds him self face to face with Belly. The two walk towards each other, chest to chest, reminiscent of Hogan-Andre the Giant. Belly says something offensive to Kai and Kai slaps the taste out of Belly’s mouth. Belly takes a step back and throws a massive throat thrust at Kai. Kai takes the thrust and responds with a kick to the gut, which is caught by Belly. Kai simply laughs and attempts an enziguri. However, Belly ducks his attempt and clotheslines the back of his head. Belly picks up Kai and whips him to the ropes. Belly is met by a vicious clothesline on Kai’s return that nearly knocks him over. Belly is whipped to the far ropes, and spills over the top as Jaques, who still has not left ringside, pulls the top rope down. The referee, seeing this, ejects Jaques from ringside.

Knowles: Jaques has been banned from ringside!

Jimbob: Good for Jaques, he got what he deserved!

Jaques, fuming, turns around as a grin creeps over his face. Walking down the ramp, bag of popcorn in hand is a smirk Vanhaven. Jaques strolls nonchalantly up to Vanhaven, whose eyes are now the size of dinner platters. Jaques knocks the popcorn out of Vanhaven’s hands with his left hand, and punches him in the face with his right. Jaques laughs as he walks to the back.

Jimbob: Oh, my god! I hope Vanhaven’s ok…

Lonsdale: Ah, he got what he deserved…

The camera focuses back into the ring, where Belly has Kai in a sleeper hold. Kai stands up and quickly reverses it into an Irish Whip, but Belly hold onto his hand and brings him in and lifts him up into a Gorilla Press.

Jimbob: Belly is having trouble keeping Kai up there…

Lonsdale: Yeah, he seems—oh what a shot by Kai!

Not wanting to fall a whole 7 to 8 feet, Kai kicks Belly in the face, which causes Belly to fall back, landing on the referee. Kai looks at Belly, who is holding his face in pain with a sadistic smile. He climbs out of the ring and gets a table, which he throws into the ring. Not satisfied, Kai also takes the entire set of steel steps and throws them into the ring as well. Climbing back into the ring, Kai sets up the table, and then places the steps in front of them.

Jimbob: This can’t be legal…

Lonsdale: No, but it sure as hell is looking creative!

Mustering all of his strength, Kai picks up Belly and stands him up on the steps. Kai then climbs the turnbuckle. Pausing to catch his breath, he waits, then jumps and twists around in mid air a whole 180 degrees.

Jimbob: Wow! It looks like Kai was looking for a diving, flying, reverse DDT!

Lonsdale: But it looks like he failed… which is very, VERY bad news!

Letting out an animalistic scream, Belly climbs up the steps with Kai on his shoulders. Once at the top, Belly stops. With a smirk on his face, he jumps up and delivers a devastating power slam through the table, followed by a cover.

Jimbob: Oh, sweet Jesus in Heaven! It’s The Right Path! Through the table!

The ref is barely conscious, unconscious enough to notice the table and steps, but coherent enough to start counting:




Jimbob: Belly did it! Belly has won the match, and the right to wrestle in 4CW!

Lonsdale: It’s a shame… we’ll never see him on Proving Ground again…

Knowles: Here’s your winner, and now an official employee of 4CW, Belly!

Then, out of nowhere, “Rise Up” by Saliva, more commonly recognized as the theme music from Storm Front plays. A swarm of lawyers come down the ramp and enter the ring, one holding a briefcase. As the lawyers approach Belly, who has now made it to his feet, they set the briefcase down on the steel steps. Opening the briefcase, they pull out a paper and pen. After speaking a few words to Belly, Belly nods his head and signs the paper. The camera comes into the ring and positions itself over the paper. The camera fades to black as a newly drawn 4CW contract, just signed by Belly is put back into the lawyer’s briefcase.

Roberts: Thank you ladies and Gentlemen. What an exciting night it has been. We have seen some extremely strange thing happen tonight. It was true, fueds have been ended and some have been made. Belly no longer works for O4W but is now fully fledged into 4CW.

Lonsdale: That's Right.

Roberts: I've been Jimbob alongside Lonsdale and Edward Vanhaven. Goodnight.


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