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Midnight, midnight,
Midnight beat the drum,
Black night, black night,
Black night, cut and run,

Fish hits a DDT to the rampway to Jaques.
T-Bone delivers a superplex to Dirk Meyers.

Slaughter, slaughter,
Slaughter, flee your bed,
Quarter, no quarter,
No quarter, don't lose your head,
Fighting in the west,
Fighting in the east,
Fighting like a beast,
You must stand and Fight,

Dirk Meyer smashes T-Bone down with a spinebuster.
Stevie Evans dives of the top rope with an elbowdrop to Kai.

Fight, Fight, Fight,
Fight, make it right,
Fight, Fight,

James Ramone delivers the James Jump to The Green Reaper
Jack Flash smashing down with a Flash Back.

Fighting, fighting,
Fighting, for your life,
Riding, riding,
Riding, endless nights,
Laughing, laughing,
Laughing, to our death,
Laughing, laughing,
Laughing, to our final breath,

Soviet Onion displaying their skills with Lé Frog, slamming down Stevie Evans.
The Dragon leaping with a Frog Splash, flying angelic-like, crushing James Ramone.

Fighting in the west,
Fighting in the east,
What a bloody mess,
You will stand and Fight,

The lockeroom is filled with pumped up superstars, moving at an immense rate.
The fans are filling th arena at a sped up pace.

Fight, Fight, Fight,
Fight, make it right,
Fight, Fight,

Crowd scream and chant.
Pyro goes off on the stage at 45 degree angles, lighting the mesh and brick entrance.

Reaver, reaver,
Reaver, riding fast,
Believer, believer,
Believer, loyal to the last,
Faithful, faithful,
Faithful, to our creed,
Soldier, till it's over,
Till it's over, everything we need,

A Golden championship rotates in the centre, with the rosters faces appearing around.

Fighting to the last,
Fighting to the death,
Your last dying breath,
You must stand and Fight,

Torrie dances around a pole for the fans, wiggling her behind.
Belly stands on the corner and dives backwards, flying gracefully, landing on Fish.

Fight, Fight, Fight,
Fight, make it right,
Fight, Fight,
Fight, stand and Fight,
Stand and Fight, stand and Fight,
Make it right, stand and Fight,
You must Fight, Fight,
You motherfucker
O4W appears on the screen, in a stone/brick material, smashing in the centre, crumbling away to reveal a metal O4W Proving Ground Sign.

"TURN THE BASS UP WILL YA!!" Lemmy's voice is heard blasting through the O4W sound system. The crowds scream, but soon become quiet as the opening music has already finished playing. Hugh G. Rection walks out onto the stage. The crowds throw out a electrifying roar. Rection stands waving at the audience, wearing a off-white sleeveless jumper, with a long sleeved black t-shirt below. His short blonde/black hair is glistening off the lights due to the quantity of gel he is wearing. He has well ironed black trousers on. An O4W badge is on the left side of his jumper. He makes his way to the ring waving constantly.
Hugh G. Rection enters the ring accompanied by his trusy Microphone.
The crowds hold up many different banners preparing themselves for another match.

Hugh begins to talk:

Rection:Good evening. Welcome to O4W. Before tonights event I have a message to deliver to both the superstars and you, the fans. It is regarding several things, but it is a good idea to start at the first one. Ladies and Gentlemen it is my pleasure to introduce to you, as Lord Skywolf has requested, the newly appointed General Manager of O4W.................ME!!!!

The crowd go crazy at what Rection just revealed. He pauses for a few seconds before continuing talking.

Rection:Lord Skywolf, the owner of 4cw has asked that I act as the authority around here. It is up to me to decide who gets what around here. Also, I act upon his wishes. I hope this makes sense. Also I am here to announce some big surprises and to confirm certain questions.

First of all, the O4W locker room has been bustling with rumours about an O4W championship. I just want to confirm that as of yet there has been very little talk of a title. Simply because this is a "feeder" federation and the highest prize is the 4CW title for both companies. If, however, a championship is to be decided it will be done in the most sincere and fairest way.

Roberts: Well at least things are settled about the championship status.

Rection:Now I have a couple of little announcements of my own. Firstly, I no longer wish to be called Hugh G. Rection. Although by name by nature it is true, I wish to go by my real name. I am to be known as Hugh Knowles. I don't want to sound like a joke anymore. Also I said I would have some suprises for you and I have. Tonight is our 4th week of running. A whole month of O4W. We have seen rivalries made and friendships too, but next week that could all change. Next week O4W will be hosting it's first ever Pay Per View.

The crowd screams at the announcement. "O 4 DUBYA" chants begin to echo.

Knowles:Now I have ideas for matches and I personally think that it will open up new windows to all. But let me and the other members of the crew worry about your futures and the Exhibition of Fate and lets carry on with tonight.

Making his way to the ring first, weighing in at 240 lbs, from Windsor, Ontario, Canada, Destiny’s Child!

After the first few chords of Shai's classic are played, a figure appears on the ramp. Destiny's Child acknowledges the crowd, then walks down to the ring, usually with a smile on his face, but sometimes not, the circumstances depend. Destiny's Child walks up the steps, then steps into the ring, and shakes the referee's hand. He can be seen pulling up his singlet as we see William Regal do, and then awaits his opponent.

And his opponent, weighing in at 224 lbs, from Toronto, Canada, James Ramone!

The music hits and out he comes running. Runs down to the ring and slides into the ring. Gets onto the second rope and gives the rock on sign.

Jimbob: This should be a good matchup, as both wrestlers hail from Canada.

Vanhaven: Therefore they both suck, right?

Being a gentleman, DC walks up to Ramone and offers a handshake in the name of sportsmanship. Ramone simply laughs and grabs DC’s arm and falls to the ground in an armbar. However, after only a few seconds, DC reverses the move into a sleeper hold.

Jimbob: Wow! What a reversal by Destiny’s Child!

Vanhaven: Pshh! I could do better…

After applying the move for a good 15 seconds, DC releases Ramone and stands up. He shakes his finger as Ramone also climbs to his feet, trying to formulate a new strategy. Ramone charges full-speed at DC, but DC reverses the attack into a Northern Lights Suplex.



Kickout! DC picks Ramone up and whips him into the ropes. On the rebound, Ramone leaps up and hits a blockbuster on DC. DC rolls through the move and hits the other ropes, nailing an elbow drop on the chest of DC.

Jimbob: Wow, what quickness exhibited by James Ramone!

Lonsdale: He moved quicker than a fat woman at a cake walk!

Vanhaven: And he’s just as attractive too…

Ramone contemplates covering DC, but decides against it. Instead, he picks him up and attempts a standing tornado DDT. DC reverses it however, into a spiked slam. DC then walks over to Ramone’s head and locks in a dragon sleeper. Right after he does so, Ramone bridges up to his feet (while still locked in the sleeper) and twists around so he has DC in a front face lock. He lifts DC up vertically, then places him on his shoulders, preparing for a Death Valley Driver.

Jimbob: Uh oh… Ramone has Destiny’s Child up for a Death Valley Driver…

Lonsdale: Perhaps he shouldn’t be taunting like that…

Vanhaven: Why not? He’s a Canadian, they get very few victories, so the ones they do, they have to make count.

Ramone still has DC on his shoulders, as he is walking around the ring, taunting him. He walks to one corner of the ring and poses for some good-looking women in the front row. Soon though, his cocky face is replaced by one of shock, as DC reverses the move into a crucifix pin.




Jimbob: What a reversal by Destiny’s Child!

Lonsdale: And it picks up a win for him.

Vanhaven: Whoo, hoo! Chalk one up for the Canucks!

Lonsdale: Wait, weren’t you just rooting for James Ramone?

Vanhaven: Hell no, why would I do that?

Here is your winner, by pinfall, Destiny’s Child!

----The Green Reaper Vs. T-Bone----

Introducing First weighing in at 320lbs, at a height of 6,8. From Dallas TX. The Green Reaper!

After you hear “Fear the Reaper” from a whispering voice…green smoke comes up from the ramp and after about 15 seconds of the song: some kinda monster by Metallica …The Green Reaper appears and slowly walks down to the ring and when he reaches the ring he goes up the steps…enters the ring, and slowly raises his hands, and then throws them down and green fireworks blaze from the ring posts.

And his opponent, from the streets of bronx, standing 6,8 tall and weighing 300lbs. T-Bone!

Electric Guitar solo stars up and T-Bone walks out from the back. Lil Jon and Eastside boys cut in while hes standing at the entrance. He looks at the crowd, runs down the ramp and slides in the ring. Goes over the turnbuckle, climbs the turnbuckle and holds up the crunk cup. He sets his crunk cup along with his lead pipe down on the ring apron.

As soon as T-Bone sets down his items the Reaper charges towards him, just as the bell rings, catching T-Bone off-guard. The reaper delivers several clubbing blows to T-bones back before sending him off the ropes with an irish whip, he follows up with a back body drop sending T-Bone high into the air then crashing down with a heavy thud. Reaper quickly picks up his opponent and sets him up in a delayed vertical suplex, once again bringing T-Bone crashing to the mat. Pin attempt. 1.....2. T-Bone powers out.

Lonsdale: Holding him up for some hangtime with that suplex, just not paying off too well.

Reaper gets to his feet and awaits T-Bone to get up, Reaper signals for the touch of death, looking to end the match early. T-bone gets to his feet and turns to face his opponent, Reaper delivers a kick to the gut of T-Bone and sets him up for the touch of death, but T-bone counters with a back body drop. The reaper quickly gets to his feet, only to be greeted by the boot of his opponent. T-bone brings reaper to his feet and sends him to the corner of the ring and follows up with a flying clothesline to the reaper, as reaper staggers out the corner T-bone connects with the clothesline from the streets, T-Bone follows up with a pin attempt. 1......2....Reaper kicks out...just.

Roberts: Stiff clotheline there. Not quite though.

T-Bone grabs the reaper by the legs and starts to kicks him in the back of the knee a couple of times, he then attempts the sharpshooter on the reaper, only for the reaper to push him back into the ropes with his legs, as T-bone comes backs off the rebound, the reaper sweeps him with one arm, demonstrating some power. Both men get to there feet and start to exchange punches, Reaper gaining the upper hand after a kick to the gut on T-Bone, he quickly follows this up with the touch of death. Cover. 1.............2..............3

Here is your winner.... THE GREEN REAPER!!!!

----Fish Vs. Jaques----
Introducing first, hailing from Richmond, Virginia, weighing in at 270 pounds.... FISH!!

The arena turns to black. The entrance ramp and the ring are soon covered in a strange green tint. "Ain't Life Grand" starts up, and Fish walks through the curtain as the music starts to pick up. Fish comes out of the curtain, walks to the extreme left of the stage and raises his arms in victory. Fish, and then continues down the main ramp way, fulfilling some people's requests for high-fives and possibly a handshake or two. Fish approaches the ring and walks up the steps very non-chalantly and enters the ring. He proceeds to walk to the bottom-left turnbuckle, climbs it and lifts his arms up in victory again. The lights then go back out, the music stops, and....

The Lights turn pink and the French national anthem hits Jaques walks out to a crowd of boo's, wearing his French Beret and garlic is hung around his neck. He starts showing off throwing garlic into the crowd. He then proceeds to enter the ring and Jaques shows off to the crowd and finally takes off his beret and puts the garlic safe inside it and lays it in his corner.

Jimbob: There is a lot of bad blood between this two in the ring right now.
Lonsdale: Personally I like it B positive.
Vanhaven: I’m positive that this match is about to start.

Fish and Jaques start circling each other and eventually dive into a lock up, immediately Fish dives under Jaques arm while holding his wrist, twisting his arm, he yanks it flooring Jaques. Fish then elbow drops the mid-back of Jaques, locking in an armbar that bends Jaques arm backwards. Jaques slowly struggles to his feet and gives Fish a few elbows to the stomach and then backs him into the ropes and pushes him off sending him against the other ropes, Jaques attempts a clothesline but Fish ducks, on Fish return Jaques jumps in the arm and gives Fish a sidekick across the face and shoulder.

Fish is down on the floor stunned and Jaques goes to the top rope, but while he climbs Fish is recovered, and makes his way to the corner, Jaques sees him coming and attempts a moonsault, but is caught by Fish’s shoulder. Jaques struggles out and pushes Fish headfirst into the top turnbuckle, and a Fish bounce off stunned and turns around, hung in the corner.
Jimbob: This is Jaques chance!
Lonsdale: I wish I had a chance at a neck like that!
Vanhaven: What was that?
Lonsdale: I said… Look he’s doing mounted punches.
And back in the action Jaques is ontop of Fish in the corner, punching him, as the crowd counts.
4… The crowd fades into boos realizing that they are counting for the bad guy, and boos. Jacques isn’t to happy at this and starts yelling at the crowd, pointing at the guy in the front with “Jaques is a big Dupree rip off” sign. And then gets a shocked look on his face as Fish pick him up by the legs and hits a large spinebuster.
Jimbob: He calls that the ocean floor.
Lonsdale: Boy this match is a bore.
Vanhaven: No more rhyming, or your out the door.
Jimbob: And Fish goes for the cover!
Lonsdale: No Jaques got his foot on the rope! Phew!
Jimbob: And that’s nothing to sink your teeth into.
Lonsdale: Mmmm… Sink my teeth into.

Meanwhile in the ring Fish, with an angry look in his face grabs hold of Jaques legs and makes them into the shape of a four, one leg locked under his arm, and his knuckles locked around the same legs ankle.
Jimbob: The Texas Cloverleaf!!!
Lonsdale: Everyone he put that move on tapped!!!
Jimbob: This is the first time he used that move.
Vanhaven: He put that move on everyone.
Lonsdale: He’s never put the moves on me.

In the ring Jaques is struggling, biting his first and trying to make his way to the ropes, inches away he struggles and reaches, finally getting to the bottom rope and grabbing it, but he taps at the same time…

Vanhaven: See! I told you Fish would win.
Jimbob: He has the ropes!
Lonsdale: I didn’t hear a bell.

But Fish is in the ring celebrating, the referee goes over to try and explain that he had the rope. In the meantime Jaques is in his corner, reaching into his beret, and ripping a piece of garlic off his necklace, throwing the rest of the necklace in the middle of the ring.

Lonsdale: Eck Garlic, I hate Garlic.

Jaques is stalking Fish, as the referee goes to clear the necklace out of the ring Jaques jumps on Fish’ back and shoves the piece of garlic into Fish mouth, holding his hands over it and the other hand in a sleeper.

Lonsdale: *gag*
Jimbob: Seconds ago Fish had in the Texas Cloverleaf…
Vanhaven: Now he has The Garlic Clove in his mouth.
Jimbob: You stole my punchline.
Lonsdale: Please… stop with the garlic talk…

In the ring Fish is already down on the ground, the referee checks to see if he is ok, and then raises his arm…
1… the referee lifts the arm again
2… and for the third
No! Fish spits the garlic from his mouth and beings to fight back, he struggles to his feet and Jaques loses his grip and tries for punches, Fish grabs his arm to Irish Whip him into the turnbuckle, but Jaques REVERSES, Fish goes flying into the turnbuckle with such force that he stumbles back out, where Jaques is ready to give him a backdrop. But Fish isn’t seeing it the same way. Fish lifts Jaques up into a powerbomb, and makes a fast sprint forward and lets Jaques go. Jaques flies through the air, the back of his head bouncing off the top turnbuckle, and he collapses to the mat.
Jimbob: That move came like a Bat out of hell.
Vanhaven: The song?
Lonsdale: Dracula?
Jimbob: NEVERMIND, Fish has him pinned!

----Kai Vs. Belly----
Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 252Lbs....KAI!!!!
The lights turn a dark blue, KoRns, Make me Bad blasts out of the PA and Kai walks out with a white cape on, he slowly makes his way into the ring, he throws his cape to the outside of the ring and crouches down in the corner of the ring, awaiting his opponent.

Knowles:And his opponent, weighing in at 400Lbs....BELLY!!!!

The arena is plunged itno darkness as Smoke begins to seep from under the stage, then No Leaf Clover by Metallica starts to echo around the arena as the smoke forms a thick fog around the stage and the ramp... movement can be seen on the stage as a hoard of druids come out, side by side as they walk down the ramp. As the first pair reach the foot of the ramp, they stop and step back onto either side of the ramp, making a path down the middle of them as a large figure can be seen moving in the thick cloud of smoke... the figure slwoly works his way down the ramp, and as he passes each druid they turn in and start to follow him...
As he steps out of the thickness of the smoke the large man is wearing a long hooded cloak with his head down, not looking up, as he continues until he reaches the ringside area, where he heads towards the steel steps as the druids circle the ring once until they are spread out all around the ring, as the large man walks up the steel steps and steps over the top rope standing square in the middle of the ring, as he raises his head and his cloak drops to the canvas revealing the pale faced, jet black hair of Belly

The ring bell sounds and the match is underway.

Both men stare off. Piercing gazes stab through each man like a sword in action. Kai bows forwards, never removing his head from facing Belly's face. A swift kick to the heel and Belly is on the floor. Kai jumps and hits a scissorkick legdrop.

Roberts: Speed and agility there, by Kai.

Kai bounce of the ropes and hits a standing shooting star press. Cover:


Kick out!

Vanhaven: Heck that guy sucks, but his moveset is cool.

Kai begins to pummel Belly. Belly hits a strong headbutt and sits up. He lifts himself to his feet and hits several chops to Kai's chest. He locks on a bearhug before running into the turnbuckle with his opponent. Kai is released and falls forward into a sharp DDT by Belly.

Lonsdale: Belly crushing Kai and then planting him headfirst into the mat. Could this be it?

Belly goes for the cover:

Th...Kai gets his foot onto the ropes.

Belly drags Kai over into the centre of the ring and walks back over to the turnbuckle. He begins to climb it slowly, tugging at each pad. Whilst doing this, Kai flips himself up like a snake in a dessert, curving elegantly. He stumbles a bit before running and pushing Belly off the top rope onto the ring barrier.

Robert: Oh My God!! Belly almost crushed those crowd members. He landed on his sternum. He could have serious internal problems. Kai rolls under the bottom rope and attacks Belly with strong righ hands. Belly attempts to fight back, but meets a Yakuza kick to the face. Slowly falling backwards, Kai rolls Belly onto the announce table. He walks back over to the ring.
The announcers move out of the way.
Lonsdale: Belly is laid out infornt of us on our desk.
Vanhaven: Don't get any ideas, Boys.
Roberts: I wouldn't worry about your fantasies, look at Kai, he is climbing the turnbuckle.
Kai mounts the corner post looks up to the sky and speaks in Russian. He dives of, chest first and lands a splash onto Belly, causing the entire table to collapse.
The referee looks to the bell ringer, but sees that he too has moved due to the bell being amongst the wreckage.
Roberts: My God!! Their careers, thier lives...
Vanhaven: Our Table!?!?!
The referee begins to count:


The ref signals for a bell, but non is sounded. He tells the announcer to end the match.

Knowles:Due to both men not being able to answer to a ten count, this match has ended in a double Countout!!

Lonsdale: What a site. What carnage. I just hope that next week's PPV shows a little more respect to careers and lives. Until next wednesday at the Exhibition of Fate, I have been John Lonsdale, alongside The Vamp and Jimbob, Goodnight.


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