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The camera opens up on General Manager Hugh Knowles sitting behind a desk, smiling.

Knowles: It's a brand new day here in O4W. After a one week hiatus we are back and better than ever. You said you wanted excitement, you wanted suspense, we've got all that and more. Now put on a fresh pair of panties, sit back and watch the greatest show there is today! Hit the music.


Midnight, midnight,
Midnight beat the drum,
Black night, black night,
Black night, cut and run,

Fish hits a DDT to the rampway to Jacques.
T-Bone delivers a superplex to Dirk Meyers.

Slaughter, slaughter,
Slaughter, flee your bed,
Quarter, no quarter,
No quarter, don't lose your head,
Fighting in the west,
Fighting in the east,
Fighting like a beast,
You must stand and Fight,

Dirk Meyer smashes T-Bone down with a spinebuster.
Stevie Evans dives of the top rope with an elbowdrop to Kai.

Fight, Fight, Fight,
Fight, make it right,
Fight, Fight

James Ramone delivers the James Jump to The Green Reaper
Jack Flash smashing down with a Flash Back.

Fighting, fighting,
Fighting, for your life,
Riding, riding,
Riding, endless nights,
Laughing, laughing,
Laughing, to our death,
Laughing, laughing,
Laughing, to our final breath,

Soviet Onion displaying their skills with Lé Frog, slamming down Stevie Evans.
The Dragon leaping with a Frog Splash, flying angelic-like, crushing James Ramone.

Fighting in the west,
Fighting in the east,
What a bloody mess,
You will stand and Fight,

The lockeroom is filled with pumped up superstars, moving at an immense rate.
The fans are filling the arena at a sped up pace.

Fight, Fight, Fight,
Fight, make it right,
Fight, Fight,

Crowd scream and chant.
Pyro goes off on the stage at 45 degree angles, lighting the mesh and brick entrance.

Reaver, reaver,
Reaver, riding fast,
Believer, believer,
Believer, loyal to the last,
Faithful, faithful,
Faithful, to our creed,
Soldier, till it's over,
Till it's over, everything we need,

A Golden championship rotates in the centre, with the rosters faces appearing around.

Fighting to the last,
Fighting to the death,
Your last dying breath,
You must stand and Fight,

Torrie dances around a pole for the fans, wiggling her behind.
Belly stands on the corner and dives backwards, flying gracefully, landing on Fish.

Fight, Fight, Fight,
Fight, make it right,
Fight, Fight,
Fight, stand and Fight,
Stand and Fight, stand and Fight,
Make it right, stand and Fight,
You must Fight, Fight,
You motherfucker

O4W appears on the screen, in a stone/brick material, smashing in the centre, crumbling away to reveal a metal O4W Proving Ground Sign.

Roberts: Welcome to another exciting episode of Proving Ground! I'm James Roberts and alongside me as always, "The Vamp" John Lonsdale and Edward VanHaven!

Lonsdale: That's right, it's Wednesday and that can only mean one thing, the best show on this network is airing. Hugh's talking about changes here in O4W, what do you think he means?

VanHaven: You truly are clueless aren't you. He said that we wanted excitement and suspense, obviously that means we're going to be interrupted by some sort of infomercial. That Hugh, always thinking with his head.

Roberts: Let's head down to the ring for our first bout.

Knowles: Introducing first, hailing from Riverside, California. He stands 6’ tall and weighs in at 290lb…EL MYSTERIOSO GRANDE!!!

“Odelay! Arriba la Raza!!” The words yelled out through the speakers, then “The Reason” starts to hammer through the 04W PA system and the maximum capacity crowd start to jump and pop in time to the beat. Silver pyro shoots into the air and continues to light up the ramp way until Grande races through the sparks to a huge roar of approval from the crowd. He raises his hands as he charges down the ramp towards the ring, reaching it in seconds and belly sliding into it under the bottom rope. He flips himself up and climbs to the top turnbuckle, raising his arms defiantly when he reaches the top, getting another huge pop from the crowd. He smiles knowingly then launches himself off the top rope performing a back flip and landing on his feet in the centre of the ring. He looks towards the ramp and awaits his opponent.

Knowles: And his opponent, hailing from the Street of the Bronx. He stands 6’5” and weighs in at 250lbs…LIL THUG!!!

“Let Go” by Lil John and the Eastside Boys starts to blare through the PA system. The audience begin to boo at the ramp way.

No one comes.

In the ring Grande begins to pace back and forth. “Let Go” gradually gets quieter and dies.

Knowles looks to the ramp way, a puzzled look crossing his face.

Knowles: His opponent, hailing from the Street of the Bronx. He stands 6’5” and weighs in at 250lbs…LIL THUG!!!

Once again “Let Go” by Lil John and the Eastside Boys echoes through the stadium, drowning out the boos from the crowd.

Roberts: What the hells going on? Where’s the Thug?

VanHalen: You say that like I’m supposed to know!

Still Lil Thug fails to show up. Grande, like a caged tiger now, is stalking back and forth in the ring. Stomping across to one set of ropes, yanking back on them to test their strength, then going across to the other side and repeating the task.

Knowles still looks confused, and slightly embarrassed, as he looks hopefully towards the ramp.

A half empty bucket of popcorn is hurled towards the ring in disgust at the no show. Knowles hears someone in the crowd talking, he catches the words “Wouldn’t happen in 4CW” and “At least they bother to turn up”.

Knowles moves towards the ring, holding his forehead in the palm of one of his hands, now beginning to sweat.

Suddenly the light in the arena dies.

The crowd begin to jabber excitedly, who is here, is it Lil Thug, is it someone else?

Roberts: What the hell? Who killed the lights?

VanHalen: What’s going on?

A soft eerie music begins to play, gently wafting over the audience. It’s a new tune, one they haven’t heard before. Several of the crowd try to peer through the enveloping darkness, trying to see the ramp, trying to see who might be coming. One or two look round nervously, apprehensively, trepidation filling them. Some gaze with childlike excitement. Hoping to see a new superstar, a new hero.

Inside the ring it is still pitch black. Grande can be heard calling for the lights, obviously distressed. Knowles can then be heard speaking to Grande, telling him to calm down. The soft, sad music continues to waft over everything, gently calming the crowd.

Then the music stops, deafening the crowd with silence.

VanHalen: What? Will someone get these lights on!

The panic in the announcers voice starts to spread through the audience.

The darkness impenetrable to the human eye, but suddenly there is sound. The sound of a fight. The crowd desperately try to see what is going on in the ring, but the gloom continues to forbid them entry. And then silence again. Long seconds pass filled with nothingness, the audience dying to know what has happened.

Then the lights snap back alive again.

In the ring Grande lies on his back in the middle of the ring, unconscious and alone.

Roberts: What just happened here? Who did this?

VanHalen: What a way to open the show! We schedule a match and it doesn’t happen. Well, like the moron said earlier, this wouldn’t happen in 4CW.

Roberts: Having an on time show wouldn’t happen in 4CW either jackass!

Grande is helped to his feet in the ring and escorted to the back area, a puzzled looked etched into his face as he glances left and right still wondering what just happened.

Roberts: Well it looks like it's time for our next match, lets head back down to the ring.
Ugly by the Exies roar across the arena… Blue fog emerges from the entrance ramp, Sapphire Angel begins to jump around a bit to get the adrenaline running as he makes his way to the ring throwing high fives.

Knowles: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Making his way to the ring standing at 6’7 and weighing in at 290 pounds… SAPPHIRE ANGEL!!!

Sapphire Angel is on the turnbuckle poses to the crowd staring into the thousands of fans.

The Lights turn pink and the French national anthem hits Jacques walks out to a crowd of boo's, wearing his French Beret and garlic is hung around his neck.

Knowles: Now making his way to the ring standing at 6’2 and weighing in at 230 pounds… JACQUES!!!

He starts showing off throwing garlic into the crowd. He then proceeds to enter the ring and Jacques shows off to the crowd and finally takes off his beret and puts the garlic safe inside it.

Jacques and Sapphire begin with a stare down, the ring bells and the two are both hesitant about making the first move. Jacques steps back as he flexes his muscles.

Roberts: I don’t think that’s necessary-

Vanhaven: Are you kidding me? It’s totally necessary… Look at those guns…

Lonsdale: Umm…

Roberts: Oh! Sapphire Angel blind sided Jacques with a clothesline!

Jacques gets up and goes for a swift right hand; Sapphire dodges it and delivers a fast full nelson slam. Sapphire Angel goes for the early pinfall…

2… Kickout!

Vanhaven: Wow, he’s smart…

Sapphire ties up and delivers a swinging neck breaker; Jacques clutches his neck as Sapphire locks in the camels clutch.

Roberts: And a painful looking camels clutch.

Vanhaven: I rode your mom like that last night… Except differently…

Roberts: …

Jacques delivers a massive snap suplex on Sapphire and locks in a devastating full nelson.

Vanhaven: Ooh, I think me and your mom-

Lonsdale: Shut up…

Roberts: And a great submission by Jacques… Wait a minute!

Lonsdale: He reversed the full nelson and has locked on his own!

Jacques screams in pain as the crowd roars in delight.

Roberts: He might tap!

The ref starts to ask him if he quits, Jacques screams a bone chilling no. Jacques gets behind Sapphire and goes for a German suplex but instead throws him into the corner. Sapphire turns around and gets drop kicked as Jacques falls on the ground and lays still, Sapphire bounces off the turnbuckle and lands face first unto Jacques groin.

Vanhaven: That seems so familiar…

Roberts: Oh geez, he might’ve gone sterile right there!

The ref begins to count as both men lay down on the mat…

Lonsdale:…..After that shot , the pain has to be unbearable.

Roberts: The pain of it is nothing. Bet he won’t be getting laid anytime soon.

In the ring Sapphire is moving, crawling towards the bottom rope. Grimacing in pain he reaches for the rope. The Ref is still counting looking at both men, Jacques is still clutching his crotch.

Vanhaven: That was the turning point…

Lonsdale: Your right but Sapphire is trying to crawl up the ropes…can he make it

Roberts: The ref is on 7…

Sapphire is on the second rope on one knee, half diving half falling he grabs Jacques by the arm. Both men down again. The ref is confused.

Lonsdale: My god, the ref stopped counting…but was he up is it over…

Roberts: No, it’s not over the will to win has gripped Sapphire. He seems to be looking for a submission on that arm.

Sapphire has the arm and head locked in a weak triangle choke. Jacques grabs his captured arm to relive the pressure.

Vanhaven: This goes back and forth more than me on your mom Lonsdale.

Lonsdale: He is trying to reverse the hold…

Jacques has elevated the pressure and has freed his arm. With his head caught in a head scissors he attempts to stand…falls and tried once more. Standing weakly on his legs Jacques throws a devastating right to Sapphires temple. Sapphires legs slide off as a result of the unsuspecting blow.

Roberts: We know the history of these two. Looks like Jacques has gone back to his martial arts type style.

Lonsdale: Yes sir, he broke the hold and now may have the upper hand.

Jacques grips Sapphires arm and drops to the mat with his own triangle choke locked in tight. He reaches the rope with one hand for leverage yanking with all he has left.

Roberts: The ref missed all of this.

Vanhaven: Naaa, the ref let it slide. He was still sitting with that stupid look on his face deciding what happened 20min ago.

Lonsdale: Whatever you two…I believe he may tap. The ref never saw the rope and Jacques has that hold locked in now.

Jacques narrowly missed the ref see him pull the rope. The ref is asking Sapphire if he wants to give it up. NO echoes through the arena. Sapphire summons a reserve of energy and begins to stir and look for an escape from the triangle.

Lonsdale: MY GOD…he is gutting it out he hasn’t tapped.

Roberts: He has desire I’ll give him that.

Sapphire is screaming in pain but not tapping. Jacques releases the hold and is to his feet quickly. He delivers a stiff kick to the head of Sapphire. Sapphire looks to be out…Jacques climbs the rope. He stares down at his motionless opponent.

Lonsdale: He looks to be setting for a fog splash…it’s over.

Vanhaven: About time this match is boring me.

Roberts: Sapphire gave his all, but the frog splash will win this one for Jacques.

Jacques is standing on the top rope ready to spring. Suddenly Sapphire jumps up in obvious pain and yanks Jacques from the ropes…seconds before he launched. Jacques fall violently into the ref.

Vanhaven: The freaking ref is down.

Roberts: That was a nasty fall Jacques took and he destroyed the ref as well!!

Sapphire collapses to a knee sweat dripping from his sore, tired body. His head comes up to survey the damage. Slowly getting to his feet he picks up Jacques slowly by his head. Placing his head between his legs Sapphire delivers a violent pile driver. Slowly he rolls over Jacques for the cover…

Roberts The ref is out and Sapphire has a pin.

Lonsdale: After all this and the ref is down. Sapphire has him…but no ref

Sapphire notices he hasn’t heard a count. Cocking his head he sees the downed ref. No, not now I have this. Getting to his feet he makes his way over to the ref as fast as his brutally beaten body will move. Bending down he shakes him…the ref moves an arm…a move violent shake…the ref moves his arm and lifts his head.

Roberts: He may do it Jacques is still out.

Lonsdale: The ref is moving can he make it to count the fall…

As Sapphire attempts to revive the ref Jacques slowly gets to his knees. As Sapphire turns toward his fallen opponent he is met with a debilitating shot to the throat. Jacques still on his knees hooks Sapphires left leg with his arm and takes him to the mat with a crude single leg take down. The ref is on his knees now and Jacques continues his assault on his shocked opponent with an ankle lock. The ref crawls to check Sapphire.

Lonsdale: This is a classic match!! Two men bent on destroying the other and neither willing to bend to the other at all!!!!

Roberts: Indeed a classic…..will Sapphire tap to the ankle lock? He has poured his heart out but a man can only take so much.

Vanhaven: The ref is checking Sapphire….he looks about to tap.

Sapphire’s ankle is contorted the pain is unreal. The ref asks him if he wants to stop…unable to speak he shakes his head fiercely no. With all the strength he has left he rolls and kicks Jacques off his ankle. The ref asks Jacques if he can go on…he wearily shakes his head yes…Sapphire is asked the same question….with gritted teeth, he snarls yes.

Roberts: Unreal ! I can’t believe the punishment they can endure !

Lonsdale: A mortal man would be in the locker room by now !

Vanhaven: I have to agree this match is all balls to the wall…full tilt.

Both men struggle to their feet. The ref looks shocked that either can still be standing. Jacques stares at Sapphire both men with faces of pain. They charge each other both missing clotheslines. They stagger at each other exchanging brutal rights and lefts as they get in range. Jacques …Sapphire it’s a brawl. Sapphire gets the upper hand and delivers a staggering short clothesline. Jacques eats canvas as he 180’s to the mat. Catching his breath Sapphire picks up Jacques and sets him for belly to belly. Snapping his hips and rotating his body he suplexes Jacques with all he has. In mid suplex Jacques boot hits the ref square in the jaw…he staggers backward and out of the ring through the ropes.

Vanhaven: Holy shit!

Roberts: get an EMT the ref is out again and looks seriously hurt !!

Lonsdale: But the match is still going in the ring…..

Jacques lies motionless on the canvas. Sapphire slumps in the corner to breath and notices the ref outside the ring. Horror on his face at the thought of Jacques partner showing up before a new ref can be brought out he grabs Jacques spinning him from a face to face position to back to back right arm holding his head. Dropping down with a thunderous neck breaker. Followed by a horrendous kick to the right side of the head and neck. Jacques is out and Sapphire sensing the neck maybe injured continues to stomp and kick with authority to Jacques’s neck and shoulder. Pulling Jacques up to a sitting position he quickly spins behind him clutching his neck and clamping his hands…a beautifully executed dragon sleeper…but no ref….again

Roberts: He has him Jacques is done….where is a ref?!

Vanhaven: No ref, No ref….

Lonsdale: If he can hold on till a ref gets out here he will win. Jacques is unconscious….we need a ref NOW !!!

The crowd pops as the camera pans over to the ramp. Instead of seeing a referee run down, the Green Reaper charges and hits the ring. The Reaper screams at Angel, then pulls Jacques up into a standing scissors. The Sapphire Angel then wearily climbs to the nearby turnbuckle and waits. The Green Reaper then lifts Jacques up to his shoulders and then extends his arms up, so that Jacques is a good foot above the Reaper’s head. The Sapphire Angel then leaps off the turnbuckle and hits Jacques with a flying clothesline, as the Reaper brings Jacques down with a sit-down powerbomb.

Jimbob: Oh, my God! It’s the Revelation!

Lonsdale: It’s all over folks!

Vanhaven: (mutters something inaudible, but obviously obscene)

After taking a second to admire his handiwork, the Green Reaper jumps out of the ring and leapfrogs the barricade, just as yet another referee hits the ring. Not knowing what happened, he counts as the Sapphire Angel has made a cover.




Knowles: Here is your winner, the Sapphire Angel!

The arena is then plunged into darkness as only pair of spotlights roam the arena. When they return, Jacques is still laying prone in the ring, but he has a black sickle painted over his chest. Sapphire Angel is nowhere to be seen. All that remains is the mysterious symbol painted on the motionless Jacques.

Roberts: We have a special surprise in store for everyone. Tonight we are going to debut the first episode of "The Janitur's Closet" His special guest tonight will be the man that was assaulted in what should have been our first match of the night. He has told us he is fine to take part tonight, he is, of course, the ever impressing El Mysterioso Grande!

Lonsdale: That's right James, word has it, that Janitur and Mysterioso tried to air an episode of the Janitur's closet at the 4CW pay per view, but were chased out by security. Just goes to show, who the better programme is.

Van Haven: Yeah 4CW is, they were smart enough to call security, here we actually let this drunkard have a show! And he drinks O'Doules on top of it. I mean come on who gets drunk off O'Doules?

Roberts: Lets head down to ring were Janitur is waiting to debut "The Janitur's Closet".

Janitur: Welcome ladies and errrr, others to me first ever "Janitur's Closet!" The place where me drink me O'Doules, eats me peanuts, and interviews the wrasslers of O4W. Now with out further waiting time, I give you my first guest El Masturbationo!

The Reason blasts over the arena as El Mysterioso Grande makes his way to the ring.

Roberts: Did Janitur just call him El Masturbationo?

Lonsdale: Yes, I'm afraid he did.

Roberts: Can you say that on TV?

Mysterioso enters the ring and joins Janitur.

Janitur: So Masturbatino, are you having fun here in the O4W?

Mysterioso: Si, es buena!

Janitur: No, the sea be wet. Well, it's a terrible thing what happened tonight with yer match. What are you gonna do bout it?

Mysterioso: Cuando veo a gamberro de poco, voy a destruirlo.

Janitur: So gambling and pogo sticks huh? Well since you're a gambling man, let's play a game. What letter comes after J?

Mysterioso: Que?

Janitur: That's right! You win me prize! El Masturbationo, you are officially me co-guy on me show. It'll be great!

Mysterioso just stares at Janitur for a second and storms out of the ring. He stops at the stares for a moment lifts up the top half and throws them in the ring. He then heads to the backstage area. Janitur watches El Mysterioso leave then climbs the stairs standing in the middle of the ring.

Janitur: I'm king of the world, you can't throw things at me!

Janitur begins to pound on his chest like a gorilla, loosing his balance, and falling to the mat face first.

VanHaven: Oh man, now that's funny! Flat on his face, flat on his face!

Janitur stands back up and looks at the audience. He stands there for a moment rubbing his head and looking a bit embarrassed.

Janitur: Err, that's it for this week. This has been me show.

Janitur climbs out of the ring and mumbles to himself.

Janitur: Still king of the world.

VanHaven: Well that's proof right there that Janitur and Jack Daniels have something in common.

Roberts: What do you mean by that?

VanHaven: They're both empty from the neck up!

Lonsdale: What about Mysterioso? I couldn't understand one thing he said, but he seemed fired up about something.

VanHaven: Someone probably stole his tacos

Roberts: That was just not right.

VanHaven: What? I'm just making a suggestion! You don't think it was his burrito do you?

Roberts: Lets just head back down to the action.

Knowles: The next match is schedule for one fall and is for the Everlast Title number one contendership. Making his way to the ring first, hailing from Richmond, Virginia. He is 6‘5“, weighing in at 270lbs… FISH!!!

The arena turns to black. The entrance ramp and the ring are soon covered in a strange green tint. "Ain't Life Grand" starts up, and Fish walks through the curtain as the music starts to pick up. Fish comes out of the curtain, walks to the extreme left of the stage and raises his arms in victory. Fish, then continues down the main rampway, fulfilling some people's requests for high-fives and possibly a handshake or two. Fish approaches the ring and walks up the steps very nonchalantly and enters the ring. He proceeds to walk to the bottom-left turnbuckle, climbs it and lifts his arms up in victory again as he walks to the middle of the ring and awaits his opponent to approach the ring with his hands on his hips, waiting patiently...

Knowles: Now, hailing from Moscow Russia, he is 6‘ tall and weighs in at 252lbs…KAI!!!

The lights turn a dark blue, KoRns, Make me Bad blasts out of the PA and Kai walks out with a white cape on, he slowly makes his way into the ring, he throws his cape to the outside of the ring and crouches down in the corner of the ring, awaiting his opponent.

Knowles: Entering the arena now, from Dallas, Texas, he is 6’8” and weighs in at 320lbs… THE GREEN REAPER!!!

In a whispering voice, "Fear the Reaper" echoes through the arena. Haunted begins to play as green smoke comes up from the ramp. The Green Reaper appears and slowly walks down to the ring. He reaches the ring and makes his way up the steps. Entering the ring, he slowly raises his hands, and then throws them down and green fireworks blaze from the ring posts. He looks up towards the camera and mouths the words "Fear the Reaper."

Knowles: And finally, making his way to the ring, he hails from Valhalla, New York, at 5‘11“ and weighing in at 212lbs… DIRK MEYER!!!

The arena goes black and "The Burning Inside" hits. The cameraman, not knowing where to find the competitor, keeps the camera focused on the entrance way, but then when the music gets heavier, the lights come back up, with a grey tint to them, but no one comes out the entrance way, so he begins to pan the audience looking for a wrestler, he can't find one so he goes back to the 04W-tron, and he sees a arrow pointing up flash, as he scans the camera up he sees one sole wrestler, standing a top the 04W-tron, with his arms spread to his sides and his legs split on the middle, the lights go out again and begin strobing and the wrestler suddenly has seemed to have disappear, and then he is seen running out to the ring, up the entrance way, seemingly fast but just a trick of the strobes, sliding into the ring and leaping straight to the far left turnbuckle where he perches like a hawk.

The Four square off, all circling around the centre of the ring, switching eye contact with one another. Kai and Dirk make eye contact and then nod. They both run immediately for Fish, Kai and Dirk trading uppercuts and back elbows on Fish. Kai delivers a stiff Yakuza kick to Fish, taking him to the ground. Dirk Meyer pounds on his own chest symbolizing that no one can take him down but turns and is met with a hard clothesline by Green Reaper. Dirk spins through the air and lands on his stomach.

Roberts: He turned him inside out!!!

Vanhaven: He must be running with the devil…

Lonsdale: Cheap pun, Cheap pun…

Dirk has rolled out of the ring to recover from that, and Green Reaper is
following him and delivers a punch from behind and is taking it to him on the outside. Meanwhile, in the ring Kai has Fish in the corner and is delivering speed kicks to Fish's hip and chest, but Fish catches one of Kai's legs and sweeps the other leg out from under Kai. Fish continues to hold Kai's leg, dragging him to the middle of the ring and drops an elbow on the inside of Kai's leg, then he stand back up and drops a leg on the same leg, standing back up he steps over and hooks in a half crab.

Roberts: If Kai taps this match will be over

Vanhaven: Roberts, you're a Little Dreamer…

Lonsdale: Another Cheap pun…

Reaper has Dirk up over his head and Drops him face first across the announce table, Dirk collapses to the floor and hold his face.

Roberts: Reaper is really taking it to Dirk right in front of us!

Vanhaven: Ain't Talking about Love.

Lonsdale: Get over yourself…

Reapers focus returns back to the ring, Fish sees him coming and drops Kai's leg and runs at Reaper, but is met with a bear hug and then a spin
slamming Fish down on his back.

Roberts: Belly-To-Belly Suplex.

Lonsdale: Belly left for 4CW already, and besides why would he be doing the move to himself.

Reaper stands tall, Kai still recovering from the half crab, Fish just got Bellied and Dirk is recovering on the outside. Reaper pulls up Fish and throws him arm around Fish's neck and lifts Fish straight above his head, but he doesn't drop back, he just holds Fish straight above his head. Kai sees this as his chance, Reaper's back to him, and he does a hard running shoulder block to Green's back. Reaper stumbles forward, wish Fish still above his head, and they both fall out of the ring, Kai standing in the centre.

Roberts: So you think Kai will win this match?

Vanhaven: You Really Got me.

Lonsdale: What is that four songs in one match?

Roberts: I bet he's just getting started…

Throughout the announcing it gave Reaper and Fish time to make it to their feet, Meyer also finally getting to his feet, and Kai sees another opening. He bounces off the far ropes and runs full speed, jumps, and corkscrews through the ropes taking out Reaper, Meyer and Fish, but taking out himself as well.

Roberts: These high-risk moves really pay off.

Lonsdale: Wait, he gets paid extra when he does those move?

Vanhaven: Jamie's Cryin', Atomic Punk.

Lonsdale: Six… now…

Roberts: Back to what I was saying, no the moves pay off, as in they work…

Lonsdale: Yes, paying off people does work…

Roberts: I can't believe they pay you…

On the outside all four competitors are making their way to standing. Dirk Meyer, the man without one offensive move in this match is the first in the ring. He uses the ropes as leverage, standing on spaghetti legs, but as Fish rolls into the he delivers a hard stomp on the lower back, but Fish continues to roll in and fight against Dirk's stomps. Finally getting to his feet he attempts a kick at Dirk's gut, but Dirk catches his foot and spins under it, delivering a dragon screw. Fish falls to the ground and Dirk immediately goes after the same leg, delivering his patenting leg teaser elbow drops and then his handstand senton. Without letting up he locks Fish in a grapevine, and then wraps his arms around Fish's arm and Neck. Dirk neck hyper extending Fish's arm and Dirks arms locked together in a cross face.

Roberts: That's the Blackhole Submission, Dirk made T-Bone tap to it in
his debut match!

Lonsdale: Dirk really is.-

Vanhaven: On Fire?

Roberts: This seems to be Dirk's only chance, since with the size difference I doubt he'll be able to hit the Supernova.

Kai is finally back in, and he spots Dirk locking Fish in the Blackhole Submission and if Fish taps to it, Kai will lose his chance, so he runs across the ring and delivers a swift Shotoken style kick to Dirk's exposed ribs, the kick send Dirk rolling off Fish. Kai stalks Dirk as he begs Kai for a time-out, but Kai continues to follow him and when he leans in to pull Dirk up, Dirk does a hard poke into the eyes of Kai. Dirk throws Kai into the corner and backs off, then runs at him putting his feet in Kai's hips and his arms around the neck, and leans back, sending Kai flying across the ring in a monkey flip. Dirk picks Kai up to his feet and Irish whips him 9into the ropes and gives him a high backdrop. Dirk turns his attention back to Fish and picks him up in a Northern Lights Suplex, and bridges it for the first pin of the match….

3.. NO, his pin is interrupted by Reaper, who just grabs Dirk and lift him up, then slams his body down, devastating Dirk's back. Now he goes for a cover on Dirk.

3.. NO! Dirk Meyer kicks out and Reaper stands, but receives a head scissors from Kai. Now Kai goes for his pin.

2.. Reaper just pushes Kai straight in the air, but Kai recovers quickly and runs at Reaper (who is also already up) with a clothesline, Reaper ducks, catching Kai's arm and then grabs the other arm, and locks Kai in a full Nelson. Reapers lifts Kai up into the air, giving Kai no leverage or footing to escape from this move.

Roberts: This could be the one.

Lonsdale: Not if Dirk or Fish can help it.

Vanhaven: I'm the one.

Lonsdale: Vanhaven, you are a tool.

Vanhaven: I Feel Your Love Tonight.

Dirk and Fish are both recovering on the other side of the ring, using ropes as leverage, each in separate corners. They both finally make it to their feet, Fish a little sooner then Dirk. Fish's eyes are focused on Reaper, who just slammed Kai down in a Full Nelson slam, but Meyer has other ideas and he runs at Fish. Fish, out of the corner of his eye sees him coming and backdrops him over the ropes, his attention once again focused on Reaper, who already has Kai in a Triangle Choke.

Roberts: Dirk Meyer's Feet landed on the apron!

Lonsdale: Shhh…. I don't think Fish knows.

Dirk Meyer grabs fish and spins him around, giving him a forearm across the face, then slams Fish's head into the turnbuckle. Dirk then proceeds to climb to the top turnbuckle, holding Fish's head.
Roberts: Dirk Meyer is going for that Hook-Line-and-Sinker which got Fish last week.

Lonsdale: Is that what he calls it?

Roberts: Yes.

Lonsdale: What a Dork.

Roberts: No, it's Dirk…

Meanwhile in the ring Kai is struggling towards the ropes and Dirk is pulling fish up in the corner. Kai finally makes it to the ropes and Reaper lets him go. Dirk hooks Fish's left arm. Reaper turns and sees Dirk and Fish. Dirk hooks Fish's right arm. Reaper runs across the ring and rams his forearms into Dirk and Fish, who tumble over the top rope, landing on the cement floor on the outside. Reaper turns his attention back to Kai, and walks across the ring to him.

Vanhaven: AHHHHHH!!!!!!

Lonsdale: What the hell was that for!?

Vanhaven: I scream man.

Lonsdale: Ice Cream Man? Oh… I get it… That's every song off the first album you can leave now.

Reaper makes his way to Kai, and grabs Kai by the head lifting him to his feet, but Kai still has fight in him and he starts doing some hard kicks to the ankles and shins of Reaper, Reaper Collapses to one leg, still receiving combinations of kicks and punches. More shots… Reaper down on both knees, and then finally Kai hits a 360 spin kick, planting it right in the temple of Reaper. Reaper collapses to the ground, unsure if consciousness is even real anymore, Kai falls, draping an arm over Reaper.
3.. NO!! Reaper kicks out, Reaper shoulder barely getting off the canvas. Kai's eyes are livid and he pulls Reaper up to the ropes and locks him in a reverse DDT Headlock, Kai makes his way to the turnbuckle, while delivering some hard shots across the chest. Kai slowly climbs the top turnbuckle… BANG!!! The sound of the steel steps is heard, and Dirk is shown in front of them, Fish shoves Dirk out of the way and pulls the Steels steps out so they are right in front of the announcing booth, Dirk Meyer slowly struggles to his feet, using the announce table to gain his footing. In the ring Kai has Reaper set up for the Midnight Sky, but when he leaps Reaper holds him up, reversing it, and holding him over his shoulder.

On the outside Fish shoves Dirk's head between his legs
Reaper slams Kai down in the middle of the ring in a hard power slam; the ring shakes from the power of the slam.
Fish lifts Dirk up on his shoulders in a power bomb set-up.
Reaper drags Kai to his feet and then wraps his arms around his chest.
Fish makes a slow run and lets go, sending Dirk's upper-back into the corner of the steel steps, Dirk slides down to the floor his body almost limp.

Lonsdale: OH MY GOD!!!!!!


Lonsdale: Insane, Dork is dead.

Roberts: Well Fish still can't win the match from here on the outside.

Reaper delivers a hard Overhead Belly to Belly to Kai, slamming Kai down hard on the mat; Kai's body curls up in a foetal position, not knowing how much more he can take. Fish stands on the steel steps, hovering over Dirk Meyer, but then faces towards the ring, Green Reaper now holding Kai's nearly limp body by the hair, Reaper puts one hand up into the air, And then slams it down. The whole apron of the ring erupts in a green flame! A burning wall surrounding every part of the apron, stopping anyone from entering, and anyone from exiting. Kai, Reaper and The Referee, literally trapped in a ring of green flames. Fish, trapped on the outside backs away from the erupted apron, The ring announcers stand up, backing away from the wall of heat from the blaze, even the front row of the arena raises to their feet, shielding their face from the immense heat. The Green Reaper lifts Kai up onto his shoulder, and walks around the ring with him before slamming him down in an X-Factor position. As his slams to the ring the fire bursts into a puff of smoke and then returns to the wall of fire. The Green Reaper crosses Kai's arms over his chest and presses them down, holding Kai's shoulders down to the ring. "COUNT!" The Green Reaper shouts, and the referee makes the count.
3!!! The fire dies down and the arena lights come back up after the three.

Roberts: My God. That was so hot, both literally and in action.
Lonsdale: An extremely unique way to prevent anyone from entering the ring.
Vanhaven: Still that match was about as lively as an audience with Elvis.

The Green Reaper stands tall above Kai's lifeless body. The flames are still burning, but only slightly. The Green Reaper signals for the lights to dim. The flames erupt once more, before dying completely and the lights to rise. The Green Reaper is nowhere to be seen, Fish and Meyers bemused at what happened and Kai, still motionless, sporting a black sickle on his chest.

Roberts: What on the name of.......Oh My. That is one weird character. Be careful Stevie.

Lonsdale: That was an amazing match! These four men have some outstanding abilities, this is what O4W is all about ladies and gentlemen.

VanHaven: I'm sorry I nodded off there, did you say something?

Lonsdale: I just got word that General Manager Hugh Knowles has an announcement he wants to make, let's go to him live from his office.

The O4W-tron comes on with Hugh standing in front of his desk. He turns to face the audience.

Knowles: Ladies and gentleman, I promised you excitement, I promised you suspense. Well so far tonight it looks like we haven't disappointed. Next week, live from the O4W arena, "The Janitur's Closet" will be back, and the special guest will be Lil Thug. And I'm going to say this right now, Lil Thug, you will explain your reasoning for not being here tonight, and should you not show up Wednesday, all of the Gangsatz will be suspended! Now as far as the rest of next week's show goes, I will have another big announcement, that will rock the wrestling world down to it's core. See you then.

The screen fades out and we cut to commercial.

A teenage boy is sitting on the couch staring at a flickering black and white television set. The announcer's voice comes up and the boy is shaken out of his stupor.

Announcer: Are you tired of the same old wrestling programme every time?

The boy shakes his head.

Announcer: Are you tired of seeing the same champions, the same storylines, and the same feuds?

The boy shakes his head yes again.

Announcer: Then what are you doing watching that!

The television explodes just as the 4CW logo appears. It is replaced by a wide screen set. It flicks on just as the opening shot of Proving Ground appears. The sound knocks the boyback against the couch as shots of various O4W Superstars are shown on the screen.

Announcer: You want excitement? You want suspense? You want an action packed two hours? Proving Ground is the place to be!

Everlast Champion Stevie Evans comes out of the screen and drags the boy inside.

Announcer: O4W wrestling! Get into the action!

Roberts: Did you see that commercial? Hugh wasn't kidding when he said this was the dawn of a new era in O4W!

VanHaven: I've seen better Chuck E. Cheese commercials.

Lonsdale: Well it's time for the main event, let's head down to ringside.

Knowles enters the ring, microphone in hand. He stands in the centre of the ring and surveys his surroundings, liking what he sees. He nods slowly to himself, before sucking his stomach in, pushing his chest out and throwing his head back as he makes his announcement.

Hugh Knowles: And now it‘s time for the 04W Main Event. This match is NOT for the Everlast Title, but for something just as important. A one year contract to work right here, in 04W!!

The crowd pop as they hear these words, many of them have dreamed of being given such an opportunity. Knowles pauses and waits for the audience to settle back down again before continuing his speech.

Knowles: Without further ado, lets get to the action… Introducing first, standing 6‘3“ and weighing in at 237lbs… Tommy "THE DESTROYER" Johnson!!!

No music plays as the huge man that cost Matrix the Everlast Title the previous week appears. He slowly makes his way down the ramp to a chorus of boos, a black towel draped over his head. He reaches the ring and slides in under the bottom rope, before turning and glaring at the ramp, almost daring his opponent to appear.

And his opponent, standing 5'8" and weighing in at 180lbs, he is the first, the current, the only EVERLAST CHAMPION... STEVIE EVANS!!!

The crowd start to cheer for the unlikely first recipient of the Everlast title as "Loser" by Beck starts to play through the speakers. Evans peers out from behind the backstage curtain and sees Johnson looking up at him. Slowly Evans makes his way onto the ramp, to more cheers of encouragement from the audience. Gradually he makes his way down the ramp towards the ring, taking every chance possible to sign autographs and stop and talk to fans.

Eventually he arrives at the ring, just as his entrance music begins to play for the second time. Johnson towers above him, staring down, evil intent in his eyes.

The bell rings, signalling the beginning of the match. Johnson and Evans circle the ring before locking up. Evans is pushed into the corner by the newcomer.

Lonsdale: Well, this one will be rather interesting, Johnson dominating Evans on that exchange.

Roberts: Well, this one will be rather interesting, Johnson dominating Evans on that exchange

Vanhaven: Roberts, you speak again and I will hit you so hard, your grandmother will feel it...*sigh* *rubs head*.....God, you give me a headache!!

Evans gets up out of the corner via the ropes and looks rather frightened by Johnson’s size compared to his. The Destroyer then ties up with Evans again and throws him hard into the corner with an Irish whip. Evans hits the turnbuckle with such velocity that once he hit the turnbuckle, he immediately fell to the canvas, on his stomach. Johnson realizing that he can win this easily, gives a long arrogant look out into the crowd as the crowd returns the favour with a loud chorus of boos. Evans, holding his head, rolls out of the ring and Johnson chases him. They run about three full laps around the ring until Evans quickly rolls back into the ring, soon followed by Johnson. Once Johnson gets to his feet, Evans nails a big dropkick to his head. Evans springs back to his feet and heads to the apron. Once he gets there he grabs the top rope and hops over it, landing a leg drop on Johnson at a high altitude.

Lonsdale: Ohh, that one had to hurt..

Vanhaven: That? Are you kidding me? Evans weighs as much as my Coke bottle, *hits Lonsdale in the head with his Coke bottle*, now did that hurt so much? I think not!

Lonsdale: Will you stop screwing around you nitwit and watch the match, for God’s sake?!

Evans, getting excited, thinking that he is now in complete control of the match, heads up to the top rope, going for his finisher, the twisting star press. But, Johnson gets up in time to catch Evans and throw him onto his shoulder and powerslam him down to the mat. Evans lies on the mat, motionless.

Lonsdale: Oh my God! Evans was just shattered into a million pieces!

Vanhaven: I hope its over, Johnson, just pin him...he’s dead

Johnson instead picks up Evans with a greedy smirk on his face and sets him up for the Destroyer. He picks him up for the Destroyer Powerbomb and Evans turns it into a hurricanrana, bring Johnson straight onto his head. Evans grabs Johnson’s feet and rolls him up, sitting on his head and shoulders...

3.. NO, Johnson springs his shoulder up, just.

Vanhaven: Johnson, how can you let a little sardine do something like that to you, what the hell?!

Lonsdale: You gotta give Evans credit there, he deserves it...especially after that powerslam from the top rope.

Vanhaven: Credit, Shmedit...I’ll give him credit if he wins this match and can walk out of here on his own two feet, that little pussy...

Evans starts crazily stomping on Johnson kicking him everywhere he can reach, trying not to let Johnson reach his feet. Desperate to keep the bigger, more powerful man down for as long as possible. Johnson soon blocks one of Stevie’s stomps and rolls his ankle until Evans falls to the mat. Johnson gets up at lightning speed and Evans face goes immediately from smile to frown in a hurry.

Vanhaven: Evans looked a little scared by the speed of Johnson there.

Lonsdale: Oh, no...this does not bode well for our Everlast Champion here...

Vanhaven: Good, that guy needs to lose again...he’s worthless. I wish this was for his title, he disgraces Joe’s name by wearing that championship.

Johnson then grabs Stevie’s head and Stevie begins to fight out of it with clubs to the stomach. He breaks free and runs into the ropes and connects with a flying elbow. Johnson gets right back up and Evans runs into the ropes again and knocks down Johnson again with a flying elbow, this time to temple of Johnson. Evans goes for the pin again...

2.. NO!! Johnson kicks out with authority, tossing Evans through the bottom rope and to the floor.

Johnson stands and shakes his head as he, still recovering from the two hard flying elbows that Evans pounded him with seconds earlier. Evans returns to the ring, rolling slowly, apprehensively under the bottom rope. He sees Johnson looking a little hazy still so Evans hops up to the top rope and does a 450 splash on a standing Destroyer, almost making into a 450 cross body press. Johnson is knocked senseless as Evans gets up and looks around, signalling for his Twisting Star Press. Then, Matrix silently comes to the stage and starts pacing toward the ring with intent. He reaches ringside and motions for Evans to continue. Evans, suspicious of Matrix’s future actions, runs into the ropes and nails him with a corkscrew moonsault. Evans recovers and heads back into the ring where Johnson has recovered enough to repel the onrushing Evans and throws him into the ropes, but Evans reverses it and Irish whips Johnson into the ropes. Johnson runs right into the referee. Johnson remains on his feet following the collision, but the referee is knocked out cold. Matrix is then seen close to Hugh Knowles with the Everlast Championship in hands. He throws the title into Johnson, who then proceeds to turn around and nail Evans straight in the head with his own championship belt.

Lonsdale: Oh, come on, can’t you follow the rules ever? Johnson must really want this O4W contract badly.

Vanhaven: I hope he wins too, he would be a great addition to the roster.

The referee recovers just in time for Johnson to make the quick cover on Evans with the title still near by in the ring. The referee slowly counts:

3...............NO!!! SHOULDER UP, SHOULDER UP!!! At the very last second Evans lifted his shoulder away from the mat!!

Johnson can’t believe it! The Destroyer gets up and puts the championship in the middle of the ring, face up. He then stomps on the referee three more times, to keep him down for a bit longer. He then sets Evans up for the Destroyer. He lifts Evans up and turns him sideways, powerbombing Stevie’s temple onto the middle of the gold of the Everlast Championship. Evans is completely motionless, barely even budging when his head made contact with the championship. Johnson gets a sick smile across his face and lifts a limp leg and covers Evans. The referee wasn’t there to count, however. Matrix gets into the ring and shakes the referee to wake him up. He does so successfully and the referee sees Johnson covering Evans....


Lonsdale: No, not this way! No, No, No!!!


Vanhaven: Yes, please do it! Yes this way!

Lonsdale: Noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Knowles: And, here is your winner by pinfall, Tommy “the Destroyer” Johnson!!!!!

Roberts: Even though the title wasn't on the line these two men gave it their all. I want to these two go at it again, but for the belt.

VanHaven: I've seen better wrestling in grade school matches.

Lonsdale: I'm really beginning to hate you.

VanHaven: Wow, I can't believe you just told James Roberts that you hate him!

In the ring Johnson raises his arms in the air in victory, then looks across at his unlikely helper, Matrix. Matrix smiles, then points his fingers at Johnson in a gun shooting motion, making it look like he has fired at Johnson. Matrix then shouts the words “YOUR MINE! IT‘S ALL LEGAL NOW!!” before turning and heading back up the ramp.

Johnson stands in the middle of the ring, a slightly bemused look now on his face

Lonsdale: Johnson really earned his contract tonight. He took it to our Everlast champion and will make an interesting addition to our roster here.

A group of men dressed in black Armani suits come running to the ring with a briefcase and a fold up dinner table. They slide into the ring and two men set the table up whilst the other prepares the briefcase. He gets a piece of paper and a pen and lays it out ready for Johnson to sign.

Johnson takes the pen in hand, smiles to the crowd as they continue to boo him and then bends forward to write his name....

The lights in the arena go down.

The soft, eerie music returns again, but this time seeming more sinister, menacing. A bass line starts to recur under the softness, adding a harsh undertone. Still the arena remains in complete darkness. Some of the crowd hold lighters up to try to see what is going on, but to no avail.

Suddenly a voice starts to sing over the eerie beat, the voice calling out to the audience, making them listen in the darkness. Making them feel the track as it hammers through the PA system.

Voice: I'm over it,
you see I'm falling in the fast abyss
clouded by memories of the past
at last I see
I hear it fading
I can speak it
or else you will take my place
you feeling finding...always whining
take my hand I'll be alive

You see I cannot be
because I'm not the only one
We walk amongst you feeding raping
must we hide from everyone
I'm over it
Why can't we be together in every sense
sleeping so long taking off the mask
at last I see
My fear is fading
I can speak it
or else you will take my place
you feeling finding always whining
take my hand I'll be alive

The voice dies away, leaving the backing track beating away in the background, the audience puzzled, perplexed at what they heard. They begin to jabber back and forth, trying to work out what is happening.


The suddenness and volume of the noise making most of the crowd jump out of their seats.

Lonsdale: What the??

The lights come back up suddenly, stunning everyone in their brilliant glare. In the centre of the ring Johnson is lying flat out. Next to him stands a huge, colossus of a man.

Lonsdale: MY GOD!! That's Lion!!!!

Lion stoops slowly over Johnson, snatching the pen from his unconscious grasp before scrawling his own name onto the contract and pushing it into Johnson’s mouth. He takes a microphone from a nearby worker.


Hugh Knowles stands up from ringside and cautiously moves towards the ring with his own microphone. Nervously he speaks to the monster standing in his ring.

Knowles: 4CW? Lion, you need to read things before you sign them. It seems to me that you just signed in his place. I have to inform you that as of now you are no longer a free agent. You are now under O4W Management.

Lonsdale: Lion works for O4W!! Lion is under our name now!!

Vanhaven: Yet more craptacular talent.

Lion stares at Knowles, and it suddenly dawns on him. This isn’t 4CW. This isn’t where Supreme is. This isn’t where he needs to be to make the bad dreams go away. His face screws up in anger, in frustration. He throws his head backwards, his mane flowing behind him. Lion stomps across to the ropes, towards Knowles, and brings the microphone to his lips once more.

Lion: 4...C…W… NOW!!

Knowles steps backwards, visibly shaken by Lion’s intimidating presence. He swallows hard and speaks himself, rather quietly and subserviently.

Knowles: Now Lion, that contract is binding. If you walk out on it you wont be able to go to 4CW.

Lion stomps his foot in the ring, becoming agitated.

Lion: 4...C…W… NOW!!!

Knowles wipes the back of his hand across his brow, his cheeks start to turn white as fear grips his heart and begins to twist.

Knowles: Lion, if you stay here you can earn your way back to 4CW. You could fight for the right to be in 4CW.

Lion steps over the top rope and off of the ring, then stalks up to Knowles. He slaps a huge hand around Knowles throat and pulls Knowles face right up to his own, then speaks quietly to him, his gruff voice making Knowles tremble.

Lion: Make it happen. Next time I’ll be angry.

“Forsaken” by Jonathan Davies begins to play through the PA system again as Lion drops his microphone and storms away from the arena.

VanHalen: So what does all this mean for Johnson? Is he on the roster or not?

Roberts: I don’t think he is, but what I do know is that Lion is here, but not very happy about it!

VanHalen: Well he should have read that contract before signing it. He never was very bri...

Roberts: Sorry to cut you off there Van, but I'm getting word that something has just happened back stage. Let's turn to the cameras in the back.

The camera opens up on Fish lying in a puddle of blood, his locker room behind him is in flames. EMTs are arriving to attend to him. A staff member is trying to douse the flames with a fire extinguisher. The EMTs are loading Fish onto a gurney, and wheeling him off. The camera zooms in on something lying on the locker room floor. It's a red paper phoenix cut out. The camera fades out and is replaced by the O4W logo. O4W 2005.


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