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Hugh: Tonight is a night of changes. This is the first Saturday Night Proving Ground, from this point on O4W programming will be brought to you every ten days. Second, due to injuries he suffered at the hands of Fish, Dirk Meyer will not be here to compete. Enjoy the show as more surprises are in store.


Midnight, midnight,
Midnight beat the drum,
Black night, black night,
Black night, cut and run,

Fish hits a DDT to the rampway to Jacques.
T-Bone delivers a superplex to Dirk Meyers.

Slaughter, slaughter,
Slaughter, flee your bed,
Quarter, no quarter,
No quarter, don't lose your head,
Fighting in the west,
Fighting in the east,
Fighting like a beast,
You must stand and Fight,

Dirk Meyer smashes T-Bone down with a spinebuster.
Steve Evans dives of the top rope with an elbowdrop to Kai.

Fight, Fight, Fight,
Fight, make it right,
Fight, Fight,

James Ramone delivers the James Jump to The Green Reaper
Jack Flash smashing down with a Flash Back.

Fighting, fighting,
Fighting, for your life,
Riding, riding,
Riding, endless nights,
Laughing, laughing,
Laughing, to our death,
Laughing, laughing,
Laughing, to our final breath,

Soviet Onion displaying their skills with Lé Frog, slamming down Steve Evans.
The Dragon leaping with a Frog Splash, flying angelic-like, crushing James Ramone.

Fighting in the west,
Fighting in the east,
What a bloody mess,
You will stand and Fight,

The lockeroom is filled with pumped up superstars, moving at an immense rate.
The fans are filling the arena at a sped up pace.

Fight, Fight, Fight,
Fight, make it right,
Fight, Fight,

Crowd scream and chant.
Pyro goes off on the stage at 45 degree angles, lighting the mesh and brick entrance.

Reaver, reaver,
Reaver, riding fast,
Believer, believer,
Believer, loyal to the last,
Faithful, faithful,
Faithful, to our creed,
Soldier, till it's over,
Till it's over, everything we need,

A Golden championship rotates in the centre, with the rosters faces appearing around.

Fighting to the last,
Fighting to the death,
Your last dying breath,
You must stand and Fight,

Shelia dances around a pole for the fans, wiggling her behind.
Belly stands on the corner and dives backwards, flying gracefully, landing on Fish.

Fight, Fight, Fight,
Fight, make it right,
Fight, Fight,
Fight, stand and Fight,
Stand and Fight, stand and Fight,
Make it right, stand and Fight,
You must Fight, Fight,
You motherfucker
O4W appears on the screen, in a stone/brick material, smashing in the centre, crumbling away to reveal a metal O4W Proving Ground Sign.
Roberts: Welcome to another exciting episode of Proving Ground! I'm James Roberts and alongside me as always, "The Vamp" John Lonsdale and Edward VanHaven!

"A'int Life Grand" begins to play as Fish makes his way to the ring.

Lonsdale: What's Fish doing out here? His match isn't until later.

VanHaven: Why's Fish here? Where am I? Who am I? Get a clue already!

Fish steps between the ropes and motions for a microphone.

Fish: Last week I was attacked in the back, seeing as Dirk Meyer won't be showing up tonight, I want whoever attacked me to come out right now and face me man to man!

Nothing happens and Fish begins to pace back and forth.

Fish: You hit me from behind! All you leave is this...

Fish holds up the phoenix cut out that was lying on the dressing room floor.

Fish: ...I want answers NOW!

A slow gothic guitar riff plays, Fish stands in the middle of the ring crouched down waiting.

Roberts: Well it looks like Fish vs. whoever attacked him is about to be our first match.

The guitar begins to pick up speed slightly and the lights go out.

Lonsdale: What the hell?

VanHaven: Looks like Hugh forgot to pay the electric.

Cameras around the arena begin to flash illuminating the ring just enough to catch glimpses of Fish looking around in confusion. As the guitar comes to an extremely fast pace it cuts off abruptly replaced by a soft chant.

All I save
All I save
All I save
All I save.

The opening beats of Underbelly of the beast kick in as the chant continues. The screen flickers on. Ash begins to fall forming words.


After the writing is formed it is blown away by a strong wind. The lights come back on as Fish stares off in confusion.

Roberts: Well that was a bit odd, and Fish looks like he has no idea what that was about.

The opening beats of "Out of Control" begin to play as Hugh Knowles appears on the entrance ramp.

Hugh: Wow, that was bizarre. Now Fish, I don't know what you heard, but I'm the man that makes the matches around here, not you. Seeing as Dirk wasn't able to get here tonight due to injuries he sustained from the Waterfall you gave him last Wednesday...

The screen shows images from the last Proving Ground where Fish gave Dirk Meyer a waterfall on the steel steps.

Hugh: ... your opponent tonight will be Tommy "The Destroyer" Johnson. Johnson, this is your final chance to get an O4W contract, even if what happened last week...

The screen shows Lion attacking Johnson and signing the O4W contract.

Hugh: ... happens this week, you'll be given no more chances.

Hugh turns around and exits back through the entrance leaving an even more confused Fish. Fish looks around momentarily, drops the microphone and heads towards the back.

Roberts: Well, looks like things are picking up tonight, and we have still yet to have our first match. Lets head down to the ring where our new ring announcer, Jenny Greene, is about to introduce our first match.

Greene: Now coming to the ring from Toronto, Canada, standing 5’11” and weighing in at 203lbs… JACK FLASH!!!

The lights go off and “Stayin' Alive” by the Bee gees begins to play on the PA, the name “Jack Flash” races across the 04W-tron. Flash appears at the top of the ramp, he waves to the audience, then dances all the way to the ring.

The lights come back up as Jack Flash anxiously awaits the arrival of his partner…

Greene: From Buffalo, New York, standing 5’ 8” and weighing in at 180lbs. He is your EVERLAST champion… STEVE EVANS!!!

“Loser” by Beck blares over the PA as Evans appears at the top of the ramp. He sees his partner in the ring and nods towards him, then starts to make his way down the ramp, shaking hands and posing for pictures as he goes.

Greene: And their opponents tonight, introducing first, hailing from Dallas, Texas. He stands 6’8” and weighs in at 320lbs… THE GREEN REAPER!!!

“Some Kinda Monster” by Metallica begins playing over the PA

A whispering voice is heard saying “Fear the Reaper” then green smoke begins emanating from under the ramp, repelling the closest fans to the dark haze. About 15 seconds into the song the Green Reaper appears and slowly walks down to the ring and when he reaches the ring he goes up the steps, deliberately straight down, never taking his eyes from the floor. Northern Express back away to avoid the figure. The Reaper enters the ring, and slowly raise his hands, and then throws them down and green fireworks blaze from the ring posts.

Greene: And his partner, also hailing from Dallas, Texas. He stands 6’7” tall and weighs in at 290lbs… SAPPHIRE ANGEL!!!

“Ugly” by The Exies begins to play as the green smoke begins to dissipate.

Blue fog jets from the stage and Angel runs out, he jumps around a little and then runs down the ramp towards the ring. He stops on two occasions on his way down to high five a couple of fans, before eventually reaching the ring and climbing into it. He stands in the centre and gazes out into the excited audience.

Lonsdale: This should be a great match. All the combatants involved are top wrestlers…

Never finishing the comment we suddenly hear Batistas music blare over the PA.

VanHaven: What the hell is going on here?

Roberts: That sure sounds like Matrix’s music. But he isn’t scheduled to be here tonight, at least not that I was told.

The lights stay up, as Matrix slowly walks out onto the top of the ramp. Whilst under the 04W-Tron he pauses and nods to the fans. A thundering boom of pyro goes off and he walks with authority toward to the ring. Nodding at the grapplers standing in the ring waiting for their match to begin. Dressed not to wrestle in a dark blue Armani double-breasted suit and black dress shoes. He high fives a fan dressed in the font row. A small child wearing a T-shirt with the words “Are you ready?” printed across the front. The child grins as Matrix pats his small redhead with his large hand and continues to the broadcast location. Grabbing a microphone he motions for the crowd to calm so he may speak.

Matrix: Ladies and gentlemen thanks so much for the warm welcome. I’m not here to cause any problems. I’m just here to scout the four superstars for any future matches I am involved with them.

Lonsdale: Well, ahh…Matrix nice to finally get a chance to meet you in person. How are you tonight?

Matrix: Nice to meet you also, but let’s get the match underway. This isn’t an interview I’m just here to watch.

Matrix sits down in a steel-folding chair as the ref rings the bell to begin the match.

Roberts: It looks to be Evans starting off things tonight with Angel.

Up in the ring Angel and Evans circle each other looking for the slight opening to gain the advantage. Angel swings a right wildly at Evans head, his shoulder muscle contorting with the effort of the mighty swing. Evans dodges the punch just in the nick of time and jumps out of the ring on the far side away from Reaper and Matrix. Evans slaps some hands of some fans at ringside as he glances over his shoulder to see if anyone is in pursuit yet. Angel glances annoyed at Reaper who shrugs his massive shoulders.

Angel slides under the bottom rope near the broadcast location and begins to stalk Evans as he has even taken to signing autographs at ringside far away from the action. As Evans returns a picture to a teenage fan in a blue dress with a large chest, he sees Angel closing on him. He tries to walk quickly away, but it’s too late as Reaper also had grown tired of Evans behaviour and jumped down from the apron to deliver a vicious running close line to the back of Evans head. As Evans body hits the ground Angel arrives to pick him up by the scruff of his neck.

Roberts: Oh my god! Evans antics finally caught up with him. Reaper nearly ripped his head off with that blow.

VanHaven: Looks like the champ got punked at his own game of hide and seek!

Angel tosses Evans back into the ring, rolling under the bottom rope after him. Angel stands quickly and motions to Reaper to put his knee up. Picking Evans up off the mat by his tights, Angel whips him with all the velocity he can summon back first into Reapers knee. A sickening mix of crunching knee to spine echo in the arena. Evans falls face first to the mat as if shot. Is face is a mask of pain; mouth contorted in a half snarl half smile. Angel extends his arm to Reaper for a tag. Both men stand over the fallen Evans. Jack standing on the apron in his corner is beside himself. Franticly he begins to yell at Evans to get up, to protect himself.

Roberts: Well, looks like Evans is done. He seemed distracted by the fans…and he paid for it.

Lonsdale: If he looses this match, he will look like a joke. That was only two moves and he looks out. Look at him he is dead weight in their hands.

Up in the ring Angel and Reaper each grabs an arm and pull Evans up into the corner, resting him against the turnbuckles.

Matrix: Don’t be so fast to judge guys. I’ve been in the ring with Evans, he is a tough guy. This isn’t over yet.

Jack seeing enough bolts from the apron, through the ropes and attacks Reaper in the back with a forearm shot to the side of his head. Reaper turns, but Jack is too fast ducks his left hook and allows his momentum carry him sailing over the top rope landing with thunderous smack outside the ring.

The referee looks at all of the action and decides to let it go. Angel turns his attention from Evans to Jack, charging him. Jack jumps quickly to the right to avoid the charging man, but he is still hit with a powerful glancing blow to the gut knocking the wind from Jack and turning him sideways and he falls to the mat in a heap. Angel looks around…Evans is out in the corner, Reaper is starting to stir on the outside and Jack is to a knee gasping for air in the ring.

Roberts: WOW, the power of Reaper took him over the top rope. Angel’s shoulder crushed Jack. Looks like Evans and Jack are about done.

As if on cue by Roberts comment, Evans jumps out of the corner catching Angel around the throat with a sleeper hold. Eyes turning red, head throbbing Angel tries to break free. Evans is on his back…arm slipping towards a choke. He knows that the easy match may have just gotten hard. Vision blurring, he can just make out Jack returning to his corner and extending his hand for a tag. Evans squeezes harder, his right bicep right under Angels chin his left arm locked around his head. Angel is staggering, unable to shake Evans off; he is just trying to stay conscious. His breathing is short and shallow; swallowing is almost impossible with the arm wrapped under his chin.

Lonsdale: He has him in a sleeper! It looks locked in. Is either of these men legal? I lost track in the action we just saw.

VanHaven: You loose everything Roberts you prick. Just took awhile for Northern Express to get it going that’s all.

Matrix: Don’t say I didn’t tell you this was coming…

VanHaven: Matrix, didn’t Evans pin your happy ass in your match?

Matrix: Yea, he had some help if you recall, but I give the man his due. He did pin me… just wait till I get another shot.

Reaper has made it back to his corner, and is climbing into the ring. Evans releases the hold on Angel and rolls to his corner to tag in Jack who is much fresher. Slapping his partners hand Evans slowly makes his way to the apron for a breather. Jack comes in like a wild man. Throwing rights to both Reaper and the groggy Angel. Angel staggers out of the ring to his corner as the ref regains control with at last the two legal men in the ring.

Roberts: Looks like the match has swung towards Evans and Jack.

Jack has thrown two rights and a left into Reapers temple, and now delivers a right boot to the gut. Jack begins to throw another right as a powerful hand grasp his throat. Reaper holding his seemingly small opponent with one hand by the throat, smiles at Jack. Raising him into the air and repositioning his arms into a spine tingling body slam. Jack bounces from impact and again feels the air rush from his body.

Lonsdale: You could picture the force his lungs hit his ribs at there. Well...I could.

VanHaven: Your Special.

The Reaper goes for a cover:



3.. Kick Out.

Lonsdale: How did he kick out? How?

Roberts: I don't know, but I don't think it was the wisest thing to do.

The Reaper picks Flash up and grabs him into a powerbomb waiting hold, signalling an execution with his thumb to his throat before lifting Flash up and holding him. He places both his arms out to the side, clenching his fists. His body jerks and Flash pops up before coming to the mat face first, Reapers hands grabbing his head and planting him down, skull first into the mat.

Roberts: TOUCH OF DEATH!!!!!!!!

The Reaper begins to cover Flash. Evans runs into the ring, only to meet a Spear by Sapphire Angel, taking Evans out between the middle and top ropes.




Greene: The winners of this match, The Green Reaper and Sapphire Angel!!!!

Roberts: Flash felt Deaths cold hand grab his hot boogie-loving....afro.

Lonsdale: Upset win their for the Everlast Champion and his Tag Partner.

VanHaven: Ohh Boy... Woooh. I haven’t...I hahahahavn't laughed so much since.....ever!! That spear. Did you see Evans bounce off the guardrail?? Soooo funny.

Lonsdale:: Your one sick bastard.

Roberts: Our tag division is really starting to pick up here. Reaper and Angel against Northern Express really gave it their all tonight.

VanHaven: Meh, if Evans had taken my advice the match would have went differently.

Lonsdale: And what advice was that, if I may ask?

VanHaven: I specifically told him not to touch that midget, you never touch a midget, you never know where they've been.

Roberts: How would that have helped him in the match?

VanHaven: I'm not sure, but it's good advice to live by.

Lonsdale: Lets just go down to the ring where El Mysterioso Grande is waiting to introduce us to another episode of "The Janitur's Closet"

Janitur is sitting in the centre of the ring, on a double stacked Milk Crate. In front of him is El Mysterioso Grande, standing with a microphone in his hand.

Grande: Yo no sé cómo que obtuve hacer atascado este otra vez. Pero Damas y Caballeros bienvenido al Armario de Janitur dos. Dónde él entrevista a luchadores. Este idiota.

VanHaven: I think he just ordered some tacos for the audience!

Roberts: Will you shut up so that everyone can hear what Janitur has to say.

Janitur: That be right! Welcome to Janitur Closet Due. For all you Americans That's Janitur Closet Three, yes me Italian me know Italiana. Now thee guest this week is Lil Thug. Lil Thug please make your way to the ring.

The lights dim, but no one comes out… The lights come back up… Janitur bangs on microphone.

Janitur: Me thinks me microphone may be broke, let's try this.

Janitur pulls a large megaphone from underneath the milk crate, and places it to his mouth.

Janitur: Calling all Lil Thugs, all Lil Thugs, please report to the ring!

The opening chords to "Let's Go" begin to play as Janitur and Mysterioso wait for Lil Thug's arrival. No one comes out.

Janitur: Oh well, me guess I have to do interview meself for Lil Thug. So Lil Thug, how do you feel now being Little Johns replacement to Peter Pan.

Janitur pulls out a Du-rag, and puts it on over his shirt sleeve that covers his hair.

Janitur: Ya ya ya man. Little John drown in the river, and Peter Hood left him behind for Maid Martin.

Janitur takes off Du-rag.

Janitur: Oh! That explains it! Why be you not here last week to face El Masturbationo in one on one match?

Janitur puts Durag back on, El Mysterioso Grande shakes his head and mouths the word "Idiota" over and over again.

Janitur: Yo man, what be up with that? Me and my pal Chicken Breast were off to save Princess Bride from the evil witch and to climb up the ladder she be made out of her hair, then we had a duel with Ganondorf and saved the world from the evil Bowser.

Janitur takes Du rag off.

Janitur: Ok Lil Thug, that be enough now me want to talk with a real hero. El Masturbationo, I will translate for him. Tell us all a little about how I and you met.

El Mysterioso Grande: Que?

Janitur: Okay, El Masturbatino says, "The first time Janitur and me met was when I was out searching for me tag partner, The Drunken Sanitation Worker, but me stumbled upon this prick who claimed he was dead, and I was sad and fought him in a match for the ownership of the urn my fabulous tag-team partners ashes were in. but me learned to love him after years of hatred for each other." That be beautiful. Now tell us a little about your history in the business.

El Mysterioso Grande: Soy luchador de la tercera generación, el tercer EL Mysterioso Grande a luchar. Mi padre luchó bajo mismo nombre, así como mi padre antes de él. Muchos expedientes fueron llevados a cabo entre mi padre, mi abuelo y mismo, y ahora estoy haciendo mi manera a América de probarse afuera de México justo. A mi abuelo me entrené y el padre a lo largo del lado y nosotros todo tiene estilos mucho similares. Mi madre era también una lucha para otra federación y tengo mucho probar viniendo a esta federación, porque todos lo que usted avienta para saber que SOY LA ESTRELLA SIGUIENTE del DESGLOSE de O4W, y usted los individuos la sabrá y cantará mi nombre cuando finalmente consigo mis manos en pequeño gamberro.

Janitur: This time he says, “Me am a first generation wrestler." Well now it's time for my game of the week. It be my O’Doul’s Invitational, last week El Mysterioso Grande won a lifetime contract as my sidekick, what be on the line dis week. How ‘bout a O’Doul’s Last Can Standing’ match? The winner be the one that drinks a whole can of me lovely booze whilst the other is on the floor. Come on, who accepts my challenge?

No music plays, no one arrives. Janitur looks despondently up the ramp, hoping to see someone. He reaches down and grabs an empty can and throws it towards the ramp.

Janitur: Come on, me knows me am the strongest wrestler here in O4W but someone has to be brave enough to face me.

The lights suddenly die and darkness descends over the arena. The audience start to jabber back and forth between themselves, suddenly a huge roar reverberates through the PA system, shocking everyone into silence, they know who has arrived. "Forsaken" by Jonathan Davies starts to blare out over the speakers, drowning out the crowds cheers and pumping them into a frenzy.

A huge shape appears through the curtain at the top of the ramp, quickly blotting out the minimal light that had streamed through from the backstage area and once again sending the arena spiralling into complete darkness.

The lights slowly come back up to show Lion crouching at the top of the ramp, he slowly stands, drawing himself up to his full 7'9", imposing himself on his surroundings. He grins, showing off his razor sharp teeth, then shakes his head back and forth as he roars again, his blonde mane blurring and masking his face as he does this. He scowls out into the crowd, looking left and right, searching, hunting. His eyes stop on the ring where he sees his prey. He snorts at the air, teeth bared, lips pulled back over his gums then slowly starts to stalk down to the ring. His immense frame almost making the whole stadium shake as he stomps his way towards his goal.

The audience continue to pop and cheer for him, calling out for a handshake, reaching, stretching, hoping to touch one of their heroes, but Lion remains focused on the ring, never taking his eyes from his prey standing in the squared circle.

He climbs onto the ring apron and steps over the top rope with ease then lifts his right arm, his fist clenched, into the air and takes another pop from his fans.

He slowly turns towards Janitur and removes his long black trench coat, showing his impressive physique. He gently folds the coat and places it in the corner of the ring, before turning back to his foe grinning widely, showing his teeth again.

He steps up to his opponent, toe to toe, chest to face and looks down on his next victim.

Roberts: Well Janitur wanted a match, I think he got more than he bargained for here!

Janitur swallows hard and says a quick prayer, then begins to back away from his huge opponent.

The bell rings to signal the start of the impromptu match up.

Janitur spins round and tries to run away, but Lion reaches out with one big hand and drags him back to the centre of the ring. Janitur slowly turns back to face Lion, his hands held up in front of his face hoping to offer some protection.

Lion sends over a heavy right handed haymaker, landing his strike square on Janitur’s jaw, staggering the smaller man. Lion thrusts his arm out and wraps a huge hand around Janitur’s throat, squeezing and lifting his opponent into air and holding him there for second after second.


Lion slams Janitur back down to the mat, causing the smaller man to bounce as he hit’s the canvass. Lion walks across to the milk crate Janitur had been sitting on earlier a picks up a full can of O’Doul’s and a microphone. He pops the ring pull on the can and lifts the microphone to his lips.

Lion: I want that 4CW Contract match, Knowles.

He walks across to Janitur’s prone body and slowly tips the beer over him. As he does this he brings the microphone back up to his mouth.

Lion: This excuse for a wrestler is only the beginning. Give me my match or the pain and hurt will only get worse.

Lion finishes pouring the beer over Janitur and tosses the can into the crowd as “Forsaken” by Jonathan Davies starts to pound out of the PA system. Grande re-enters the ring and begins to help his fallen colleague, not taking his eyes from Lion as the large man vacates the ring.

Roberts: Lion really making his presence felt here tonight.

VanHaven: I’ve just been told we’re going LIVE to the General Managers office for a breaking story.

The camera opens up on Hugh Knowles in his office talking with someone off screen.

Hugh: I can't believe this! First that monster Lion tries to make a fool out of me last week by threatening me, then, for the second week in a row, Lil Thug no shows, and now Lion threatens me again! That's it! The Gangstaz are suspended until further notice! Now as for El Mysterioso's match, you're taking Lil Thug's place. If you win this match, you'll get what we talked about. Agreed?

Hugh extends his hand to the person off screen, who extends theirs in return. The camera zooms out to show Matrix is the one Hugh has been talking to.

Matrix: Hugh, don't worry about a thing. I've got it covered.

Roberts: I wonder what Hugh and Matrix’s deal is all about.

VanHaven: Maybe Hugh is going to give him a private dressing room.

Lonsdale: Well, it's time for our next match lets head back down to Jenny Greene.

Greene: Introducing first, standing 6'5" tall and weighing in at 265lbs... MATRIX!!!

Batistas music starts to blare through the PA system, the lights dim, and Matrix appears under the 04Wtron. He slowly walks towards the ramp. On the ramp he pauses and nods casually to the crowd. A thundering boom of pyro suddenly shoots into the air as he struts to the ring. Matrix slides under the bottom rope, and raises his left arm. Then the lights come back up, and fully illuminate Matrix as he hops from one foot to the other waiting for his opponent.

Greene: And his opponent, standing exactly 6 feet tall and weighing in at 290lbs… EL MYSTERIOSO GRANDE!!!

"Odelay! Arriba la Raza!" is heard before “The Reason” starts to blare out of the PA system,. Silver pyro bursts out of the entry way and continues as El Mysterioso runs through and belly slides into the ring. He flips up and climbs to the top turnbuckle, raises his arms and does a backflip into the middle of the ring.

The two men come together in the centre of the ring and stand nose to nose. Neither one wanting to back down. Grande steps towards Matrix and grins at him. Matrix stands his ground and smirks back.

Roberts: Grande attempting to intimidate Matrix here, but Matrix doesn’t seem affected.

Lonsdale: There’s the bell and we’re underway here.

Both men continue to square up in the middle of the ring, neither showing fear to the other. Matrix starts talking trash to Grande, Grande retorts with words of his own.

Matrix throws a high punch, towards Grande’s head and connects squarely with his jaw. The power surprising Grande and causing him to staggering backwards. Matrix throws another punch causing Grande to stager again. Grande shakes his head and grins, as if to say “didn’t hurt”. Matrix throws a third punch, this time Grande sees it coming and sways backwards, out of Matrix’s reach. Grande fires a punch of his own over, Matrix ducks it, grabs Grande’s arm and twists it around into a hammerlock. Grande grimaces in pain and struggles to get free. Matrix cranks the hold, making Grande call in pain again. He struggles towards the ropes, reaching out and grasping them with his free hand. The referee forces a break up of the hold. Grande shakes his arm in an attempt to regain feeling and does not notice Matrix head off in the opposite direction, bounce off the ropes and begin hurtling back. Grande turns and faces Matrix just as he begins extending his right arm.


Grande is lying on the mat, shaking his head slowly, and attempting to clear his cobwebs. Matrix drops straight on him for a pin attempt.


2… - Strong kick out.

Roberts: Matrix is like a man possessed in there! Just what did Knowles say to him earlier tonight?

Grande rises to his knees, and then moves to a crouching position. Matrix again runs to the ropes, hits them and returns. This time he goes low and chop blocks Grande in the back of his leg. Grande goes down to one knee again. Matrix again runs to the ropes, this time raising a big boot on the return journey and nailing Grande in the face with it. Grande’s head snaps back, sending an arc of blood into the sky as his top lip bursts under the pressure.

Grande slumps back to the ground, breathing hard. Matrix runs to a ring post and climbs quickly to the top rope.

Phoenix: I’m impressed with Matrix strategy here. Hit and move. He’s not giving Grande a chance to catch his breath.

Matrix launches himself from the top rope, looking to connect with a flying elbow. He lands sweetly with Grande’s chest, forcing more blood from his mouth. Matrix hooks the leg and holds for the pin.



3… No, shoulder just up!!

Grande rolls to the outside of the ring, hoping to recoup and reassess his plans. Matrix follows him to the outside; giving Grande little time to recover.

They dive into a collar and elbow tie up, struggle for a second or two, until Grande gains the upper hand, grabbing Matrix by the wrist and whipping him towards the steel steps, Matrix is forced to charge towards them, colliding knees first with a sickening thump. Matrix is on the floor, holding his legs and rolling in pain. Grande walks across to Matrix’s prone body; he grabs Matrix legs and twists them into a figure four-leg lock.

Lonsdale: Grande trying something different here as he tries to keep the upper hand.

Matrix squirms in pain as Grande cinches the hold tighter. Matrix tries to roll over and reverse the hold, but Grande grips the bottom of the ring to maintain supremacy.

In the ring the referee has begun a 10 count,





Grande releases the hold and rolls back into the ring



Matrix tentatively back to his feet



Matrix rolling slowly back into the ring

Grande rolls Matrix over onto his stomach, straddles him, and then links his fingers under Matrix’s neck before wrenching back.

Roberts: Camel Clutch! Grande is starting to work Matrix’s back.

Lonsdale: Grande is destroying Matrix power base. This is a superb comeback strategy!!

Grande continues to pull back on Matrix’s neck and back, Matrix again calls out in pain, but refuses to give in. Matrix manages to work his way forward towards the ring ropes, reaching out and clasping a hand around the bottom one, forcing Grande to release the hold. Grande jumps to his feet, and then drops a quick elbow into the small of Matrix’s back, forcing him to spit up blood.

Grande helps Matrix back to his feet and then whips him towards the ropes. Matrix collapses before he hits them, holding his back. Grande goes to the turnbuckle and climbs the ropes. He sizes Matrix up on the mat and launches himself for a flying elbow. His 290lb frame crashes into the body of Matrix, causing Matrix to roll over and over, trying to escape the punishment in the ring. Grande grabs him by the ankle and drags him back to the centre of the ring before dropping for a cover.



3… No, shoulder up, just.

Grande stands and stomps Matrix’s chest, before covering again.



3… Shoulder up again.

Grande gets to his feet and grabs Matrix by the back of the neck, helping him to his feet. Grande holds Matrix wrist and attempts to whip him towards the ropes, Matrix reverses and Grande is charging towards the ropes, whilst he runs towards the opposite ropes. Both men hit their ropes and return towards each other at speed, Matrix ducks down and hammers into Grande.

VanHaven: SPEAR!! SPEAR!!

Roberts: I think Matrix just broke Grande in half!

Both men lay on the mat, spent from their efforts. Slowly Matrix begins to move and crawl across to Grande. He reaches one arm into the air and drapes it across Grande’s chest. The referee drops and makes the count.



3… NO!! Grande just pops his shoulder up.

Matrix punches the mat, sure he had a three count. He struggles to his feet and begins to remonstrate with the referee.

Grande slowly, using the ropes, regains his feet. Matrix sees Grande regaining to his vertical base and moves towards him, grasps his wrist and whips him towards the turnbuckle. Grande collides and stumbles backwards. Matrix comes towards Grande and chop blocks him to his lower leg causing Grande to crumple once more. Matrix drops and pins.



3… No, shoulder up!

Matrix jumps up again and stomps. Then helps Grande to his feet and whips him to the ropes, Grande hits the ropes and holds onto them, stopping his momentum. Matrix sees this and charges towards Grande in an attempt to clothesline him from the ring. Grande ducks and back drops Matrix to the outside provoking a huge pop from the crowd.

Roberts: This match continues to see-saw. Anyone could take this!

Matrix is on the outside of the ring, laying on the floor and holding his back. Grande slumps to the mat again, pain racking through his body. The referee starts a ten count due to Matrix being on the outside.







Matrix back to his feet.



Matrix rolls back into the ring breaking the count.

Both men get to their feet and lock up in a collar and elbow tie up, they force back and forth for a few seconds before Matrix gains the upper hand and secures Grande in a front head lock, Matrix brings his knee up into Grande’s groin, releasing the headlock at the same time to disguise the low blow from the referee. Grande, holding his crotch, turns away from Matrix in pain, Matrix immediately puts his left arm over the front of Grande’s throat in the set up for his finishing move, before falling backwards, driving Grande into the mat.

Lonsdale: Scorpion Death Drop!! Matrix hit the Scorpion Death Drop!!

Matrix spins and falls over Grande for the cover, the referee moves round and drops to the canvas to begin the count.



Roberts: This time??


Batistas music starts to blare through the PA system once more, signalling a win for Matrix. He stands in the centre of the ring, arms raised in victory.

Roberts: Wow Matrix really took it to El Mysterioso in this one, but who would think at his size Mysterioso could do some of the things he did.

VanHaven: It was like watching monkeys use tools for the first time.

Lonsdale: Do you ever have anything positive to say?

VanHaven: What, are you saying monkeys sing tools isn't positive?

Roberts: What about that monster Matrix? I see nothing but big things in store for him here in O4W, and with him keeping his deal with Hugh, who knows what could be next for him.

Lonsdale: Could he possibly be the next one called up to the big leagues?

VanHaven: I doubt it, if anyone is going it will be me, I'm charismatic, vocabamatic, all those matics!

Roberts: Vocabamatic? Is that even a word?

VanHaven: It could be.

Lonsdale: Let's just head back down for our final match.

Greene: The next match is schedule for one fall. Making his way to the ring first, hailing from Richmond, Virginia. He is 6‘5“, weighing in at 270lbs… FISH!!!

The arena turns to black. The entrance ramp and the ring are soon covered in a strange green tint. "Ain't Life Grand" starts up, and Fish walks through the curtain as the music starts to pick up. Fish comes out of the curtain, walks to the extreme left of the stage and raises his arms in victory. Fish, then continues down the main rampway, fulfilling some people's requests for high-fives and possibly a handshake or two. Fish approaches the ring and walks up the steps very nonchalantly and enters the ring. He proceeds to walk to the bottom-left turnbuckle, climbs it and lifts his arms up in victory again as he walks to the middle of the ring and awaits his opponent to approach the ring with his hands on his hips, waiting patiently...

Greene: And his opponent, fighting, once again, for an 04W contract, he stands 6‘3“ and weighs in at 237lbs… Tommy "THE DESTROYER" Johnson!!!

No music plays as the large man appears under the 04W-tron. He slowly makes his way down the ramp to a chorus of boos, a black towel draped over his head. He reaches the ring and slides in under the bottom rope, always staring directly at Fish, never once turning his attention away from his foe. He walks up to Fish and stands toe to toe with him, grinning at the final obstacle that stands before him and his dream of gaining an 04W contract.

Fish and Johnson begin to circle each other before locking up. They lock up and Fish pushes Johnson into the corner. Johnson quickly recovers and they tie up again, this time Johnson pushes Fish into the corner. Fish looks aggravated and runs at Johnson at lightning speed. Johnson, however, moves out of the way, only to have Fish crunch his shoulder into the ring post. Johnson brings him out of there and tosses him into the ropes. On the return, Johnson puts his head down for a backdrop too early and Fish catches him with a swinging neckbreaker.

Londsdale: Well, Johnson certainly telegraphed that one there...

Vanhaven: Yeah, but he'll be back, trust me. Fish is going to have to give it his all to beat Johnson tonight...

The two get back up at relatively the same time and Fish runs into the ropes and nails Johnson with a powerful clothesline, with surprisingly doesn't knock the big man down.

Crowd: OOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fish can't believe what just happened. He then runs into the ropes again and hits a second clothesline, which knocks Johnson for loop as he falls to the canvas.

Fish picks Johnson up by the hair and twists his arm. He then proceeds to lift him up by the twisted arm, and drop him to the canvas with a type of spinebuster. Johnson is not moving as Fish goes for the cover....


2... No!! Johnson kicks out!

Vanhaven: Ho Hum...just another copy off of other people by Fish...

Londsdale: I happen to think that was a very innovative move...

Vanhaven: "Well, I happen to believe that ---- shut the fuck up!" You are an idiot...

Johnson gets to his feet only to see Fish running into the ropes again. However, Johnson reverses the momentum this time and catches Fish's head and plants him with a DDT. Johnson follows up on Fish by lifting him up for a Powerbomb. Then, thinking that he will not win after that...he picks him back up and hits a stalling piledriver...holding it for nearly 20 seconds! He then lifts Fish up for the Destroyer. He connects with the Destroyer, bringing Fish down face first to the mat.

Vanhaven: There's my pick for 2005! Johnson for 2005! He just completely dominated one of our top wrestlers in a matter of minutes!!

Lonsdale: Fish will never give up, he just can't. But, after something like that...I wouldn’t kick out.

Johnson realizes his opportunity to win the match right here by pinning the seemingly unconscious Fish. He goes for the cover, hooking both legs and wrapping Fish up like an accordion in order to ensure victory…



3.. No!! Johnson pulls Fish’s head up at the last moment with a sadistic smile on his face

Lonsdale: Awwwww….there it is. There’s that arrogance coming out in Johnson. Johnson thinks that he has destroyed Fish when he really has only scratched the surface.

Johnson pulls up a motionless Fish and leaves him standing. Fish can barely stand on his own, soon falling to one knee. Johnson runs into the ropes and nails a hard knee straight to the face of Fish. Fish falls back onto the canvas from such a blow, and is obviously not moving.

Lonsdale: We need some paramedics out here…Fish can’t go anymore.

*Paramedics show up with a stretcher and a neck brace*

Johnson does not leave Fish alone as he mounts him and punches him until the moment that the paramedics arrive to ringside with the stretcher. Fish is rolled out of the ring and onto the stretcher. Halfway up the ramp, however, one of the paramedics trip and knock over the stretcher with Fish on it. Fish rolls off of the stretcher and begins crawling back to the ring under his own strength. Johnson sees him and motions for him to bring it on. Fish eventually reaches the ring and enters at a slow pace, obviously in great pain. As soon as half of Fish’s body was through the ropes, Johnson was all over Fish, thrashing wild punches all over Fish’s body. Fish soon fights back and sends Johnson into the ropes. Johnson comes back and Fish side steps him and tosses him over the top rope and to the floor. Fish, favouring his neck heavily, goes to the outside and lifts up the groggy Destroyer. Fish then proceeds to hurl Johnson into the steel steps as the referee begins the count.




Fish takes Johnson’s head and smashes it into the steps once again, and again, and again, and again…just for good measure. Fish then throws Johnson into the ring. Once Johnson arises, his face is shown. It is literally a crimson mask, completely covered in blood.

Vanhaven: Wow, his head looks like a tomato with hair…amazing how Fish is able to do that. Hopefully Johnson can return the favour and fry that Fish.

Lonsdale: Johnson should have never shown his arrogance, he could have that contract in his hands if he hadn’t.

Fish grabs Johnson’s head and gives him a hanging suplex. He then lifts up the big man and delivers a vicious brainbuster. Those two moves simply made two large red head marks in the canvas. Johnson, almost paralysed at this moment, is tossed into the corner. Fish lets Johnson come out on his own, soon delivering a ring shattering Ocean Floor spinebuster. He goes for the pin….



3.. Nope, and this time Fish lifts Johnson’s head in a show of arrogance.

Johnson is picked up by Fish and gives him a low blow. Both men fall to the canvas again as the referee begins the count….










10.. Fish sits up!!

Both men soon return to their feet and run into separate ropes, Fish then passes right by Johnson headed to the other side. They both had run into opposite sides of the ring and were criss-crossing for a while there.

Vanhaven: Wow, we haven’t seen a criss-cross in ages! I’m glad its been resurrected…

Lonsdale: It wasn’t planned, dummy….*in Napoleon Dynamite voice* Gosh, you flippin’ idiot!

Both men soon collide with a double clothesline and are both out cold, because they have been through a lot throughout the entire match.

Fish slowly shakes his head and begins to get up, rolling onto his stomach and then raising slowly to his hands and knees. Johnson is also struggling to a vertical position, he rises shakily to a crouching position.

Fish slumps backwards against the ropes and then back to the canvass again, his eyes rolling back in their sockets. Johnson crawls across to Fish and drapes an arm across his chest. The referee drops to the floor, missing Johnson propping his legs up on the second rope to gain extra leverage.




Fish struggling to get his arm up, but unable due to the extra control Johnson has gained due to his use of the ropes.


Immediately several lawyers rush out through the entrance and head for the ring as stage crew set up a table in the centre. Suddenly a slow gothic guitar riff starts to play.

Roberts: What in the hell is this all about? First Fish gets this treatment and now Johnson, hopefully he gets that contract signed before anyone takes it from him again.

Johnson stands in the middle of the ring ready for anyone to appear. The lawyers begin to climb the stairs as the guitar music becomes more fast paced. All at once the lights go out as the chanting begins.

All I save
All I save
All I save
All I save

The screen at the entrance flickers on as a shadowy figure appears on the screen, he stands there for a moment, only his profile showing.

Shadow: Next week I come to start the collections, the Beast has come for you.

The screen goes out, the lights come on, and Hugh Knowles is standing at the entrance. Johnson goes to sign the contract that is now sitting on the table.

Hugh: Stop right there Johnson! Take that contract from him before he signs it.

Hugh begins to slowly walk down to the ring as Batista's music blast through the arena. Matrix makes his way to the entrance and stands at the top of the ramp glaring at Johnson with a look of triumph.

Hugh: Matrix came to me tonight and said that I needed to do what was right for O4W, and that was making sure that win or loose, you did not sign that contract.

Hugh walks over to the lawyer holding the contract and takes it from him. He looks at it for a moment and rips it to shreds. Johnson, livid, looks from MATRIX to Hugh and then back again.

Hugh: Matrix, you were right, I do need to do what's best for O4W, and Johnson, that contract wasn't it, I'm sorry.

Johnson: You said, that all I had to do...

Hugh: That's right, I said! It seems like everything I say has no bearing around here anymore. Last week Lil Thug no shows in his match against Mysterioso, Lion attacks several wrestlers and then thinks he can intimidate me into doing what he wants, wrestlers are getting hurt because of negligence by other wrestlers, I've had enough! Starting tonight I'm taking control, and my first priority is to give this to you Johnson.

Hugh reaches in his suit pocket and pulls out a sheet of paper.

Hugh: This contract is for you, it's what's right for O4W. By signing this, you will not only be able to compete in O4W, but you will also be the first member of the Knowles Foundation. You will be one of a group of my enforcers that will help keep order here in O4W.

Matrix looks at Knowles with an expression of shock.

Matrix: We, we had a deal!

Hugh: And I kept my end of the bargain, I not only did what was right for O4W, but I also kept Johnson from signing the contract.

Matrix throws down his microphone and heads to the ring. Just then Evans and Flash come out and tackle Matrix before he makes it to the ring.

Hugh: Get him out of here, now!

As Hugh speaks those words the lights go out and camera flashes go off around the arena.

Hugh: What the hell is going on, get those lights back on!

The lights come back on and Matrix is lying on the ramp in a pool of blood and unconscious. Evans and Flash are nowhere in sight, but higher up the ramp to sickles stand side by side, with notes attached, one reading Evans, the other reading Flash, the Everlast Championship lies between them. The camera fades out as EMTs rush to Matrix and is replaced by the O4W logo.

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