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Midnight, midnight,
Midnight beat the drum,
Black night, black night,
Black night, cut and run,

Fish hits a DDT to the rampway to Jaques.
T-Bone delivers a superplex to Dirk Meyers.

Slaughter, slaughter,
Slaughter, flee your bed,
Quarter, no quarter,
No quarter, don't lose your head,
Fighting in the west,
Fighting in the east,
Fighting like a beast,
You must stand and Fight,

Dirk Meyer smashes T-Bone down with a spinebuster.
Stevie Evans dives of the top rope with an elbowdrop to Kai.

Fight, Fight, Fight,
Fight, make it right,
Fight, Fight,

James Ramone delivers the James Jump to The Green Reaper
Jack Flash smashing down with a Flash Back.

Fighting, fighting,
Fighting, for your life,
Riding, riding,
Riding, endless nights,
Laughing, laughing,
Laughing, to our death,
Laughing, laughing,
Laughing, to our final breath,

Soviet Onion displaying their skills with Lé Frog, slamming down Stevie Evans.
The Dragon leaping with a Frog Splash, flying angelic-like, crushing James Ramone.

Fighting in the west,
Fighting in the east,
What a bloody mess,
You will stand and Fight,

The lockeroom is filled with pumped up superstars, moving at an immense rate.
The fans are filling th arena at a sped up pace.

Fight, Fight, Fight,
Fight, make it right,
Fight, Fight,

Crowd scream and chant.
Pyro goes off on the stage at 45 degree angles, lighting the mesh and brick entrance.

Reaver, reaver,
Reaver, riding fast,
Believer, believer,
Believer, loyal to the last,
Faithful, faithful,
Faithful, to our creed,
Soldier, till it's over,
Till it's over, everything we need,

A Golden championship rotates in the centre, with the rosters faces appearing around.

Fighting to the last,
Fighting to the death,
Your last dying breath,
You must stand and Fight,

Shelia dances around a pole for the fans, wiggling her behind.
Belly stands on the corner and dives backwards, flying gracefully, landing on Fish.

Fight, Fight, Fight,
Fight, make it right,
Fight, Fight,
Fight, stand and Fight,
Stand and Fight, stand and Fight,
Make it right, stand and Fight,
You must Fight, Fight,
You motherfucker
O4W appears on the screen, in a stone/brick material, smashing in the centre, crumbling away to reveal a metal O4W Proving Ground Sign.

Roberts:Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to another night at the O4W arena. Due to technical difficulties we are slightly later than scheduled. Don't worry though because tonight's event will be hotter than ever. Let's cut to O4W General Manager and Ring Announcer Hugh Knowles in the Ring.

----The Green Reaper/Sapphire Angel Vs. The Gangstaz----

The following contest is a Tag Team match. Making their way to the ring....The Gangstaz!!!!

Lil Jon and teh Eastside Boyz blasts from the sound system. Two thug like guys step out onto the stage, one is clearly T-Bone. The other is Lil Thug. Shelia follows them, strutting her stuff as she walks down the ramp. The two guys stop and look at each other before touching knuckles and sliding into the ring. T-Bone climbs to the middle rope, but Lil Thug goes to the top with one leg and shouts his mouth. The crowd boo, but many whistles are heard as Shelia steps in and takes her time flaunting her ass.

And their opponents............ The Green Reaper and Sapphire Angel!!!!

The lights go dark. Cigarette lighters begin to shine like stars on a cold winter's night. The lights erupt. The two dark characters stand in the ring behind the thugs.

Roberts: Not a good idea to turn around guys.

The thugs look at each other before slowly turning around with a look of dismay upon their faces.

Reaper and Angel hit two strong clotheslines as the bell sounds.

Lonsdale: And this match is fully underway.

Angel steps out of the ring and Lil Thug rolls out. The Reaper picks T-Bone up by his hair andhits a knee to the gut. And another. He whips him against the ropes. T-Bone attempts a shoulderbarge but is met with a DDT.

Roberts: His own momentum used against him.

The Reaper bounces of the ropes and jumps high for a powerful legdrop. He lands calf first onto the back of T-Bone's head, axe like. He rolls over and rest on one knee, staring at Lil Thug. The camera focuses in on his green eyes before showing Lil Thug spitting in his direction. The Green Reaper stands up and walks towards Lil Thug who is machoing up. From behind T-Bone runs and hits a diving forearm attack. From behind him Sapphire Angel hits a running German Suplex. A large crowd reaction is heard.

Roberts: Chain reaction set off there.

Lonsdale: The Reaper got easily distracted. Might be his letdown.

Vanhaven: This match is a letdown.

The referee restores order, but is having problems forcing Sapphire Angel back to his corner. Shelia hands something to Lil Thug. Lil Thug slides a steel chain into the ring. T-Bone rakes Reaper's eyes and picks the chain up. He wraps it around his fist before nailing Reaper between the eyes. Reaper falls backwards, stiffly.

Lonsdale: That should be the match over right there!!

Vanhaven: I wish it was!! I wish it was!!

T-Bone makes the cover.


Angel makes the save with a stomp to the back. The ref forces him back out the ring. Lil Thug runs in and with a chain of his own pummels Reaper in the head. He lays T-Bone onto Reaper and slides back out the ring.


Knowles:The winners of this match....The Gangstaz!!!!

Roberts: They cheated. That is harsh. The Reaper may have had a chance if it was not for that manwhore Shelia handing chains out left, right and centre.

Vanhaven: Give it a rest.

Lonsdale: Why does Knowles pay you??

----Destiny's Child Vs. Jaymz Ramone----

The arena is jam-packed to the rafters. A buzz of noise coming from every member.
Hughes:Making his way to the ring....Destiny's Child!!!!

After the first few chords of Shai's classic are played, a figure appears on the ramp. Destiny's Child acknowledges the crowd, then walks down to the ring, smiling at what he is about to do to his opponent. He walks up the steel steps and hops over the top rope to enter. He tests his singlet's straps and pulls his boots tighter and waits for his opponent.

And hi....

Jaymz Ramone jumps from the barrier, where he had been hiding amongst the crowds. He slides into the ring, knocking Hughes out of his way and begins to pummel into D.C. The ref signals for the bell. Ramone stands up and begins stomping into Destiny, alternating feet. He lays off and taunts to the crowd, with his arms out to the sides. The crowd boo, they do not wish to support such an unworthy wrestler. Destiny clambers to his feet using the ropes. Ramone turns around and runs at D.C, but is met with a backbody drop over the ropes to the outside.

Lonsdale: That has got to hurt!

D.C. runs to the opposite ropes, rebounds and baseball slides out of the ring, taking Ramone down as he does it. He fires some stomps of his own at the abdomen of Jaymz. He picks him up by the hair and rolls him back into the ring. He turns around and taunts to the close quarter crowd. Ramone rolls all the way through the ring and out to the other side. D.C slides into the ring, looking at all sides to find Ramone. He looks over the side where Ramone exited. A steel chair is swung up into his face. Destiny rolls backwards, holding his nose. The referee calls for the bell.

Roberts: What the?! Ramone just got himself Disqualified.

Lonsdale: What is he playing at?

Ramone rolls into the ring and begins smashing the chair on Destiny's back. The lights go dark.

Vanhaven: Damn you Hughes. I told you to pay the bill!!


The lights go up and in the centre of the ring The Green Reaper and Sapphire Angel are holding Ramone by his arms. He seems to be knocked out. Destiny's Child is holding on to the turnbuckle. The Reaper takes full control of Ramone and lifts him into a Tombstone Position. The Angel places the same steel chair he used on D.C. underneath his hanging head. The Angel holds a microphone to Reapers mouth:

Fear the Reaper

With that said he plants Ramone onto the chair with a Tombstone Piledriver. The two dark characters simply gaze at Destiny's Child. They walk over to him, about two steps away before the lights go out.

Lonsdale: They could've shattered his neck.

Vanhaven: This lighting is getting stupid.

Roberts: I am freaked out right now.

When the lights return, Destiny's Child is still in the corner, but over his green singlet a Black Sickle is painted across the chest.

Roberts: Very.. freaked ..out!!

Fish vs. Kai:

Knowles: Entering first, from Moscow, Russia, weighing in at 252 lbs, Kai!

The lights turn a dark blue, KoRns, Make me Bad blasts out of the PA and Kai walks out with a white cape on, he slowly makes his way into the ring, he throws his cape to the outside of the ring and crouches down in the corner of the ring, awaiting his opponent.

Knowles: And his opponent, hailing from Richmond, Virginia… Fish!

The arena turns to black. The entrance ramp and the ring are soon covered in a strange green tint. "Ain't Life Grand" starts up, and Fish walks through the curtin as the music starts to pick up. Fish comes out of the curtain, walks to the extreme left of the stage and raises his arms in victory. Fish, then continues down the main rampway, fullfilling some people's requests for high-fives and possibly a handshake or two. Fish approches the ring and walks up the steps very non-chalontly and enters the ring. He proceeds to walk to the bottom-left turnbuckle, climbs it and lifts his arms up in victory again.

Jimbob: This should be a good match, as Kai is undefeated against Fish in O4W.

Vanhaven: Yeah, but that’s no big accomplishment, Fish sucks!

Lonsdale: Shut up you two, they’re about to tie up!

Fish and Kai lock up in a collar-and-elbow tie up, with Fish quickly putting a head lock on Kai. Kai reverses it into a belly-to-back suplex, but Fish flips back onto his feet, and clubs Kai in the back of the head. Kai responds by hitting a spinning crescent kick, knocking Fish down hard.

Lonsdale: What a start to this match!

Vanhaven: Yeah, at this rate, we’re gonna have a fish fry in no time!

Kai attempts a cover on Fish, but Fish kicks out even before the referee can get into position. Fish gets up quick and whips Kai to the ropes. On the rebound, Kai attempts a flying head scissors, but just as Kai attempts it, Fish takes Kai’s legs from around his neck, and tosses them, hanging Kai over the ropes.

Jimbob: Wow, what a reversal by Fish!

Vanhaven: Psh, anyone can do that!

Lonsdale: Well, let’s just see what Fish has up his sleeve now…

Vanhaven: You jackass, Fish isn’t even wearing a shirt! How can he even have sleeves?

Fish, seeing Kai draped over the top rope, grabs Kai and hits a piledriver on him. Fish then jumps back up and hits a leg drop onto the back of Kai’s neck. Fish rolls Kai over and attempts a pin.




Kai kicks out, but before he can even catch his breath, Fish whips him to the ropes and hits a back body drop on the return. Kai however, rolls through his impact, landing on his feet, and hits the opposite ropes. Fish then just turns around in time to be hit by a massive clothesline by Kai, nearly ripping him out of his boots.

Jimbob: What a clothesline by Kai!

Lonsdale: Kai needs to make a cover, there’s no way Fish could kick out now!

But instead of covering, Kai picks Fish up and bodyslams him. Kai then attemps an elbow drop, but nobody is home, as Fish rolls out of the way. Fish then gets up and starts laying lefts and rights onto Kai. The crowd pops with approval.

Jimbob: Fish is starting to show signs of life here!

Vanhaven: So? A sign of intelligence would be better…

Fish is continuing his barrage on Kai, who can now barely stand on his own two feet. Fish backs up to the ropes, and runs at Kai, intending for a clothesline, but is instead met with a nasty Yakazua Kick.

Lonsdale: And there goes all of Fish’s momentum.

Vanhaven: And his sex appeal…

Kai picks up Fish and puts him in the turnbuckle, signaling for the Midnight Sky. Kai gets on the turnbuckle and whispers something into Fish’s ear. He then grabs Fish, letting out a scream. However, as he does that, a masked man jumps out of the crowd and as Kai attemps the Midnight Sky, the man pushes Kai, so that Kai falls to the outside and Fish is gruesomely draped over the ropes.


Knowles: There is no winner to this match, due to outside interference!

The man rolls Kai out of the way and climbs up the turnbuckle. He then takes Fish, who is hung up on the top rope, and puts him in a double-underhook, with his leg over the back of Fish’s head, and rips his mask of.

Jimbob: Oh, my God! It’s Dirk Meyer!

Lonsdale: What’s he gonna do? It looks bad, whatever it is.

Vanhaven: Maybe it’ll kill Fish… which is good, cause I’m hungry.

Meyer takes Fish and leaps off the turnbuckle, hitting a variation of the Fameasser all the way down to the floor.

Jimbob: Sweet Jesus!

Vanhaven: He got him Hook, Line, and Sinker with that one!

Dirk gets up and walks to the back, laughing. Meanwhile, Kai gets up and checks on Fish’s condition.

Main Event- Stevie Evans Vs Matrix


Hugh Knowles: Introducing first, standing 6'5" tall and weighing in at 265lbs... MATRIX!!!

Batistas music starts to blare through the PA system, the lights dim, and Matrix appears under the 04Wtron. He slowly walks towards the ramp. On the ramp he pauses and nods casualy to the crowd. A thundering boom of piro suddenly shoots into the air as he struts to the ring. Matrix slides under the bottom rope, and raises his left arm. Then the lights come back up, and fully illuminate Matrix as he hops from one foot to the other waiting for his opponant.

Hugh Knowles: And his opponant, standing 5'8" and weighing in at 180lbs, he is the first, the current, the only EVERLAST CHAMPION... STEVIE EVANS!!!

The crowd start to cheer for the unlikly first recipient of the Everlast title as "Loser" by Beck starts to play through the speakers. Evans peers out from behind the backstage curtain and sees Matrix staring a hole in him. Slowly Evans makes his way onto the ramp, to more cheers of enouragement from the audience. Slowly he makes his way down the ramp towards the ring, taking every chance possible to sign autographs and stop and talk to fans.

Matrix begins to pace the ring, growing impatient with Evans. Evans is talking to a fan, he glaces towards the ring and sees Matrix' growing rage. He turns away, pretends to see a friend and starts to make his way back up the ramp towards his "friend". matrix finally snaps and slides out of the ring and charges towards Evans, felling him with a vicious running clothesline.

Lonsdale: Looks like Matrix got fed up waiting and decided to let Evans know the match was due to start!

Evans look terrified and tries to get up and flee. Matrix grabs Evans by the arm and whips him towards the ring, sending Evans crashing into the ring back first. Matrix follows Evans and rolls him into the ring before following him in under the bottom rope.

The bell rings to signify the start of the contest.

Lonsdale: Well, Evans is out of it and we have only just begun!

Matrix covers Evans and waits for the count.



3.. No, Evans just shoots his arm up to break the count.

Jimbob: A second away from a new champion!

Matrix looks angry and sends a couple of stiff punches into Evans face. Evans looks dazed and confused as he staggers away. Matrix send a quick kick to Evans midrift, causing him to double up, then places Evans head betwen his legs, and driving him down in a powerbomb!

Lonsdale: POWERBOMB!!

Jimbob: Matrix has held onto the move, he lifting Evans again!

Matrix easliy lifts Evans back up into the powerbomb position again, and again drives him down, smashing Evans back on to th mat, then holding him there for the pin.



3.. No, Evans manages to wriggle out of the pinning predicament just before the referees hand strikes the mat for the third time.

Matrix looks stunned and stands to remonstrate with the referee, certain that he had held Evans down for the three count and should be the new champion. Matrix is so engrossed he fails to see Evans stiring from his prone position on the mat. moves across to Matrix and rolls him up in a school boy package!



3.. NO! Matrix kicks out, his eyes wide with shock!

Matrix stands and begins to move in on Evans, Evans continues to back away from the much larger man. Raising his hands in front of his face for protection. Matrix swings a roundhouse punch at Evans face, easily penetration what little resistance Evans' hand put up. The punch connects with Evans jaw, immediatly making Evans eyes glaze over and making him almost pirouet round 180 degrees.

Matrix then puts his left arm over the front of Evans throat in the set up for his finishing move, before falling backwards, driving Evans into the mat.

Lonsdale: Scorpion Death Drop!! Matrix hit the Scorpion Death Drop!!


Matrix spins and falls over Evans for the cover, the referee moves round and drops to the canvas to begin the count.



3.. No! A large man with a huge skull tattoo enters the ring and pulls the referee out through the ropes, knocking him out with one punch to the back of the head.

Lonsdale: Who is this? What is he doing here?

The new arrival enters the ring and grips Matrix by the back of the neck, lifting him to an upright position. Matrix looks at the man that just cost him the Everlast Title. The new man kicks Matrix in the lower abdomen, causing him to double up. Then he pushes Matrix head down before lifting Matrix up into a powerbomb position, then drives him down, twisting Matrix as he falls so Matrix lands on his face with terrible force.

The new man smiles, grabs Evans' arm and drags him over to Matrix, draping limp arm over the chest of Matrix. The referee starts to come round on the outside of the ring and slowly gets to his feet as the new man vacates the ring, steps over the guard rail and disappears into the crowd.

The referee crawls back into the ring, sees Evans arm over Matrix chest and, unaware of the events that have transpired, begins making a slow count,



Lonsdale: No, not like this.


"Loser" by Beck starts to play through the PA system, although Evans is still groggy and unaware he has just kept his title. The referee goes across to Evans and slowly helps him to stand, putting the Everlast title into Evans' hand. He looks out to the crowd and, struggling, raises his title above his head to cheers of encouragement for the crowd.

Jimbob: Evans retains, with a little bit of help from that mysterious newcomer.

Lonsdale: I have a feeling we'll be hearing a lot more about the attacker over the next few weeks.


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