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Midnight, midnight,
Midnight beat the drum,
Black night, black night,
Black night, cut and run,
Fish hits a DDT to the rampway.
T-Bone delivers a superplex

Slaughter, slaughter,
Slaughter, flee your bed,
Quarter, no quarter,
No quarter, don't lose your head,
Fighting in the west,
Fighting in the east,
Fighting like a beast,
You must stand and Fight,
Dirk Meyer smashes his opponent down with a spinebuster.
Stevie Evans dives of the top rope with an elbowdrop

Fight, Fight, Fight,
Fight, make it right,
Fight, Fight,

James Ramone delivers the James Jump to a suffering opponent.
Jack Flash smashing down with a Flash Back.

Fighting, fighting,
Fighting, for your life,
Riding, riding,
Riding, endless nights,
Laughing, laughing,
Laughing, to our death,
Laughing, laughing,
Laughing, to our final breath,

Soviet Onion displaying their skills with Lé Frog.
The Dragon leaping with a Frog Splash, flying angelic-like.

Fighting in the west,
Fighting in the east,
What a bloody mess,
You will stand and Fight,

The lockeroom is filled with pumped up superstars, moving at an immense rate.
The fans are filling th arena at a sped up pace.

Fight, Fight, Fight,
Fight, make it right,
Fight, Fight,

Crowd scream and chant.
Pyro goes off on the stage at 45 degree angles, lighting the mesh and brick entrance.

Reaver, reaver,
Reaver, riding fast,
Believer, believer,
Believer, loyal to the last,
Faithful, faithful,
Faithful, to our creed,
Soldier, till it's over,
Till it's over, everything we need,

A Golden championship rotates in the centre, with the rosters faces appearing around.

Fighting to the last,
Fighting to the death,
Your last dying breath,
You must stand and Fight,

Torrie dances around a pole for the fans, wiggling her behind.
Belly stands on the corner and dives backwards, flying gracefully.

Fight, Fight, Fight,
Fight, make it right,
Fight, Fight,
Fight, stand and Fight,
Stand and Fight, stand and Fight,
Make it right, stand and Fight,
You must Fight, Fight,
You motherfucker
O4W appears on the screen, in a stone/brick material, smashing in the centre, crumbling away to reveal a metal O4W Proving Ground Sign.

Pyro explodes from the entranceway and the turnbuckles. The crowds are roaring in for this premiere event, with signs and 4CW merchandise and the newly established O4W T-Shirts. The camera focuses on a sign saying "Get in my Belly". A group of guys have letters in their hands spelling out "Onion".

Roberts: Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to O4W Proving Ground!!!! Our premiere show has an excellent card for you guys. We have a fatal fourway between four upcoming superstars. A tag team match for the respect in the tag team division and a Contract for 4CW is on the line in a Slip on a pole match. First off, we have T-Bone taking on Dirk Meyers.

Lonsdale: Hey, Jimbob… knock, knock?

Jimbob: What? ...: sigh: fine, who’s there?

Lonsdale: Ivan.

Jimbob: Dear god, Ivan who?

Lonsdale: Ivan-te suck yer blood…

Vanhaven: That’s not the only thing he wants to suck… Now over to Super Hugh G. Rection in the ring to announce our first match.

Rection: The next match is scheduled for one fall. Making his way to the ring first, from The Bronx, New York, weighing in at 300 lbs, T-Bone!

Electric Guitar solo stars up and he walks out from the back. Lil Jon and Eastside boys cut in while he standing at the entrance. Look at the crowd, runs down the ramp and slides in the ring. Goes over the turnbuckle, climb the turnbuckle and holds up the crunk cup. He sets his crunk cup along with his lead pipe down and look at the entranceway waiting for his opponent. While he doing that he jumps up down anxiously for his opponent to get to the ring.

Rection: And his opponent, weighing in at 199 lbs, from Valhalla, New York, Dirk Meyer!

The arena goes black and the music hits and you hear the slow buildup, the cameraman, not knowing where to find the competitor, keeps the camera focused on the entrance way, but then when the music gets heavier, the lights come back up, with a gray tint to them, but no one comes out the entrance way, so he begans to pan the audience looking for a wrestler, he can't find one so he goes back to the titatron, and he sees a arrow pointing up flash, as he scans the camera up he sees one sole wrestler, standing a top the titatron, with his arms spread to his sides and his legs split on the middle, the lights go out again and begin strobbing and the wrestler suddenly has seemed to have disappear, and then he is seen running out to the ring, up the entrance way, seemingly fast but just a trick of the strobes, sliding into the ring and leaping straight to the far left turnbuckle where he perches like a hawk on, before hopping down to face up against T-Bone.

Jimbob: This is both men’s first match here in O4W. It’ll be interesting to see how the can handle the pressure of being in the fed.

The bell sounds as the match gets underway. Both men are tentative in locking up with each other, trying to decide how to debut in O4W. Finally, T-Bone recognizes his obvious size advantage and challenges Meyer to a test of strength.

Vanhaven: What the hell is Meyer doing? A test of strength with T-Bone? Pssh, maybe comedic value will redeem this match.

Meyer proceeds to reach up to try and grab T-Bone’s hand, but instead of grabbing it, he kicks T-Bone in the knee, which drops him to one knee. Meyer backs up and runs at T-Bone, but T-Bone rolls out of the way just in time. On the rebound however, T-Bone leaps to his feet and hits a devastating clothesline on Meyer.

Jimbob: Wow! What a display of speed and power by T-Bone!

Vanhaven: Wow! What a display of stupidity by Dirk Meyer!

T-Bone walks over to Meyer and stomps his chest a few times before picking him up. T-Bone then whips Meyer into the far turnbuckle and charges him. However, at the last second, Meyer sidesteps T-Bone, throwing him into the turnbuckle. Meyer pelts T-Bone with lefts and rights until the referee comes in and breaks the two up. The camera zooms into T-Bone’s face, which has a big smile on it.

Lonsdale: I think T-Bone actually enjoyed that beating…

Vanhaven: Heh, that’s not the only thing he enjoys…

Jimbob: What? Well, anyway, Meyer’s gonna have to find a way to bring T-Bone off his feet so he can fully exploit his technical advantage.

Dirk Meyer, now separated from his opponent by the referee, charges T-Bone, but is met by a back body drop that sends him flying over the ropes. T-Bone struts around confidently until he looks back at Meyer and sees that Meyer grabbed the top rope on the way down and is now trying to skin the cat. Meyer is halfway back over the top rope by the time T-Bone makes his way to him. He barely has enough time to see T-Bone’s fist crashing into his face.

Jimbob: Wow! What brutality! Thanks to a single T-Bone punch, Dirk Meyer went from the top rope to lying face down on the arena floor!

Lonsdale: And he’s not getting up either!

Vanhaven: Ehh… maybe he found a penny or something…

T-Bone follows Meyer to the outside of the ring and picks him up. T-Bone grabs Meyer by the shoulder and launches him into the security barrier, so that Meyer lands on his head and leaning against the barrier.

Laughing again, T-Bone picks up Meyer and drags him over to the steel steps. T-Bone then grabs a steel chair from underneath the ring and climbs up the stairs. He then places the steel chair under his ass and prepares to jump.

Jimbob: Oh my God! T-Bone’s gonna hit a leg drop with that steel chair!

Lonsdale: He just might smash Meyer’s face in…

Vanhaven: Ya think? Dude, that’d be awesome!

T-Bone jumps off the stairs, but there is nobody home, as Meyer rolls out of the way just in time. The look of pain and shock is wiped off of T-Bone’s face as Meyer’s foot crashes into it, bouncing T-Bone’s head off of the steel steps. Winded, Dirk Meyer crawls back into the ring as the referee starts the count out.


T-Bone finally gets to his feet…


Just in the nick of time, T-Bone climbs back into the ring breaking the referee’s count. Not wanting to lose his advantage, Meyer kicks T-Bone in the ribs and latches an armbar onto T-Bone.

Jimbob: Mat wrestling… now this is where Dirk really shines, he’s-

Vanhaven: What? Rubbing his balls against T-Bone’s arm?

Lonsdale: Shut up, you’re just jealous…

Vanhaven: Of what? That funky ass hairdo?

Using his incredible strength, T-Bone nearly sits all the way up (with Meyer still holding onto his arm) and rolls him up in a cradle…


Jimbob: Oh! A near fall by T-Bone!

Vanhaven: Near fall? He didn’t fall anywhere! God Jimbob, you’re eyesight is nearly as bad as your teeth…

Jimbob: Er… my teeth are fine…

Vanhaven: A ha! Exactly!...

T-Bone stands up and starts arguing with the referee about the tempo of his counting. But then out of nowhere, Meyer runs and jumps at T-Bone, but miraculously, T-Bone catches Meyer in midair as a sadistic grin creeps over his face.

Jimbob: Uh oh…

Vanhaven: What’s the matter? OH MY GOD!!! Vamp, did you fart?!?!

Lonsdale: Erm… sorry…

Jimbob: Oh my god, what a bear hug by T-Bone!

Back in the ring, T-Bone has Meyer in a vicious bear hug and is thrashing him around so the referee cannot see if Meyer wants to tap or not. After 15 seconds of this, T-Bone stops and simply throws Meyer acrost the ring. He then turns around to the turnbuckle and reaches down to grab his Crunk Cup.

Vanhaven: Uh-oh, looks like Dirk’s about to get Crunked up!

Lonsdale: This isn’t cable TV… you’re allowed to say ‘fuck’…

Vanhaven: You don’t get out much do you?

T-Bone then charges at Meyer, looking to smash his Crunk Cup on Meyer’s head. However, Meyer counters with a drop toe hold. He frantically then gets up and wraps his legs around T-Bone’s, leans back and puts a full nelson onto the lying T-Bone.

Jimbob: The Black Hole Submission! This could be it!

Vanhaven: Nah… T-Bone’s tougher than that. He’s’ seen worse on the street. Hell he’s even…

The referee runs over to T-Bone and asks him if he wants to tap out. After a few second’s hesitation, T-Bone obliges and the referee rings the bell, signaling that the match is over.

Lonsdale: … tapped out in his debut match?

Vanhaven: Shut up you little bloodsucking wannabe!

Jimbob: You two, cut it out! What a showing by both men, with Dirk Meyer picking up the submission victory in the end.

Rection: Here is your winner, by submission, Dirk Meyer!

Randy "The Thriller" enters the ring holding the microphone.

Randy: "My name is Randy. I'm the best wrestler alive today. No-one has seen me wrestle yet, but I have the talent, the power, and even the babes. Now you fans are booing ME?! Actually, I don't even give a damn what you fans say. You fans are bunch of losers and don't know anything about wrestling. You fans arent sporty like me. You fans aren't perfect like me. You dont have a life, you just try to copy wrestlers like me. Not even one of the wrestlers backstage have the guts to face me, so today I want a match against any wrestler who has the guts to wrestle me!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA."

Tajiri's Music hits as an image of the flag Of Japan appears on the middle of the ring. It floats over to the top of the ramp, as The Dragon steps out.

On his way to the ring! From Jersey City, New Jersey, weighing in at 218 pounds, The Dragon!

He shows off his Kickboxing Skill, and runs to the ring with energy. Then he goes to the top rope, and does a complete flip, impressing the fans. He then practises his kickboxing moves while waiting for his opponents.

The words “Fear the Reaper” are whispered, and green smoke comes up from the ramp and after about 15 seconds of Some Kinda Monster by Metallica playing, The Green Reaper appears and slowly walks down to the ring.

Rection: Introducing, his first opponent. From Dallas, Texas, weighing in at 320 pounds, The Green Reaper!

When he reaches the ring he goes up the steps and enters the ring. He slowly raises his hands, and then throws them down and green fireworks blaze from the ring posts.

The lights turn off. All of a sudden there is a big bang, then a spotlight flashes down on Small Package when his music starts playing.

Rection: And their opponent. From New Market, Ontario, weighing in at 180 pounds, Small Package!

Small Package walks into the ring and starts mocking the crowd and flexing his muscles.

"Whatever" by Our Lady Peace hits, and the crowd expects Ace Aaron to step out from backstage.

They wait for a while, but no Ace Aaron. After a while the music stops playing. After a short pause, Real Big Fish’s Take On Me starts up and James Ramone walks out from the back with a mic in his hand. James Ramone’s music blares as does the Rock On sign on the ramp for a couple of seconds.

James Ramone: Well it looks like there's no Ace Aaron here tonight, but you got someone ten times better than him - me! James Ramone! Unless somebody's got some complaints, I'm gonna be taking his place!

Vanhaven: So he can just insert himself into the match like that?

Roberts: Hey, I don't see Skywolf or anyone out there telling him to stay away. I for one have no problem with him in this match. It's the first show, lighten up!

Rection: And their final opponent. From Toronto, Canada, weighing in at 224 pounds, James Ramone!

Ramone rushes to the ring. He slides into the ring and starts hammering away at The Dragon, while The Green Reaper goes after Small Package.

Ramone’s technical work is dominating Dragon. He whips The Dragon into the ropes. He goes for a high elbow, but Dragon ducks and bounces again. On the return trip, he goes for a back elbow, but Dragon avoids again. This time on the way back, Dragon nails Ramone with a running axe kick.

Vanhaven: Ouch!

Meanwhile, Small Package is struggling to put up a fight against the much larger Green Reaper. Reaper hits a hard body slam and then a long delayed Vertical Suplex. He sets Small Package up for a Samoan Drop, but Small Package reverses into a Reverse DDT. He covers.

One. Kickout.

Roberts: He kicked out on one?? That was a Reverse DDT, and it only got a one count?

Lonsdale: The Green Reaper is a machine!

The focus changes to The Dragon. He’s has been attacking James Ramone with some vicious kicks to the stomach. He hits a spinning back kick to the face and floors Ramone. As Ramone begins to regain his footing, he is hit with a snap thrust kick to the face, which echoes throughout the arena. Dragon taunts the crowd by beating his chest, and gets a big response. Ramone stands and Dragon goes for a Super Kick, but Ramone catches his leg! Ramone nails a hard Spinebuster that floors The Dragon. Ramone tosses Dragon over the top rope, and does the rock on sign. The crowd boos.

Vanhaven: Get her out of here! That's not allowed!

The Green Reaper lifts Small Package high over his head, and Press Slams him back to the mat. Reaper hits a Cradled Belly to Belly Suplex. He drags Small Package back to the center of the ring and covers.

One... Two... James Ramone interrupts the count.

Ramone hits a huge Roundhouse Dropkick that knocks Green Reaper clean out, and covers.

One... Two... Thr- interrupted by The Dragon, right on the buzzer!

Vanhaven: Oh my God, how close was that! I thought Ramone had this won!

Roberts: He's still gonna win it! Go James Ramone!

Ramone stands but is hit with a dropkick from Dragon. Dragon steps to the apron, then to the top rope, but gets crotched up top by Ramone. Ramone looks like he could be setting him up for his finisher, the James Jump! But The Dragon reverses into a big Tornado DDT from the top rope! He covers!

One... Two... Small Package interrupts the count just before the referee counts three.

The Dragon pulls Ramone to the corner, and scores with his finisher the Dragon Dream! Almost immediately, The Green Reaper connects with the Touch of Death on Small Package!

Both The Dragon and Green Reaper are about to cover, when they look around and see each other. They both look around at the crowd, who are cheering for their two favourites in this match to get it on. Reaper and Dragon roll James Ramone and Small Package out of the ring.

The two start circling around each other, before locking together in a high elbow tie-up. Green Reaper easily overpowers The Dragon, and presses him against the turnbuckle. The ref forces the release, and Reaper unleashes with some right hands to The Dragon. He points to the sky with both hands, then scores with a massive right uppercut to The Dragon, who falls face first to the mat. Green Reaper drags The Dragon up, and goes for his finisher, the Sit-Out Last Ride. The Dragon uses his incredibly agility to reverse the power move into a Spinning Hurricanrana! The crowd goes nuts!

The Dragon slowly moves to the apron, then to the turnbuckle, trying to catch his breath. He looks down at Green Reaper to be sure that he is still motionless. The Dragon goes for the 450 pin! It connects!

One... Two... Three! The Dragon wins this match!

Roberts: No! Where’s James Ramone?!

Lonsdale: He's done it! The Dragon has won the match!

Vanhaven: And good on him, he deserves it!

The Dragon's music hits as he starts celebrating his victory in the middle of the ring. The referee raises his hand, and the crowd cheers loudly. Green Reaper has gotten to his feet, and there is a hush around the crowd. Dragon extends his hand for a handshake. Green Reaper pulls his arm in and gives him a hug. Reaper then raises Dragon's hand, and the crowd cheers as loudly as before.

What's this? Ramone has entered the ring with a lead pipe! He hits Green Reaper in the back of the head with it! Reaper falls to the ground, clutching his head.

Vanhaven: Oh my God, what a shot!

Lonsdale: What a sore loser!

Dragon turns to face Ramone, but Ramone drives the lead pipe into the mid-section of The Dragon. One more shot to the back, and Dragon is down. James Ramone then starts stomping on Dragon and Green Reaper, sending them both under the bottom rope. Take On Me by Real Big Fish hits and Ramone raises his hands high up in the air, as though he had won the match. The crowd boos loudly, as Ramone just destroyed Green Reaper and The Dragon!

Rection: "The following contest is a Contract on a Pole match. The winner is determined when a competitor takes the 4CW contract from the pole. The man to take the contract will not only win the match, but will win a contract to wrestle in 4CW."

Hugh's voice booms out across the arena.

Rection: "Entering first, from Richmond Virginia, weighing in at two hundred and seventy five pounds, FIIIIIIIIISH!"

The arena lights go out, leaving the crowded room in darkness. Green lights flood the entrance ramp and the ring as 'Ain't Life Grand' starts to blare through the PA system. Fish walks through the curtain as the music picks up and walks to the left of the stage, raising his arms as if he'd already won. He continues down the ramp slapping hands on his way to the ring. Fish approches the ring with confidence, looking up at the paper on the pole as he ducks under the top rope. He walks to the nearest turnbuckle, jumps up to the second ropes and raises his hands once again.
The lights once again go out, smoke flows out of the stage area enveloping the whole structure. Hugh's voice fights Metallica's 'No Leaf Clover' for superiority

"And his opponent, weighing in at a lean four hundred pounds, BEEEEEELLLLLYYY!!!"

Instead of Belly appearing on the stage, druids come out from behind the curtain and line the sides of the ramp, forming a pathway. A figure is seen in the darkness at the top of the ramp. He slowly works his way down the ramp and as he passes each druid they turn and follow him.
As he escapes the fog, we can see that the large man is wearing a long hooded cloak, covering his bowed head. The druids encircle the ring, trapping Fish inside while the 6'8" Belly steps over the top rope with ease. In the ring, Belly stands in the centre, backing Fish into a corner, as he lifts his head and throws his hood down to reveal his pale face and jet black hair.

Jimbob: Wow, what a presence. Belly looks to be trying to intimidate his opponent here.
Vanhaven: Yeah, but Fish doesn't look like he'll scare easily!

With that, Fish charges at Belly before Belly can remove his cloak. Fish collides with his huge opponent with a shoulder block, but the move has little effect on the giant. Belly takes the force with a single step backwards to support himself.

Jimbob: Fish is by no means a small man, but he was brushed off there like a cruiserweight!

Fish looks into the cold eyes of Belly with realisation that he won't be able to use power. His gaze shifts from Belly to the contract, and he tries to make a run for it. Without moving his legs, Belly reaches out and grabs the hair of Fish, pulling him down to the mat with a crash. He turns and looks down on his adversary, before slowly kneeling and placing a huge hand around Fish's throat.

Lonsdale: Belly choking Fish now. I'm not sure how FIsh will overcome the size difference here, Belly is dominating.

Fish kicks his legs and claws at Belly's hand, trying to break free. Belly releases his grip and stands, pulling Fish to a vertical base. He turns Fish around and lifts him in a back suplex position and holds it at the top of the lift before crashing down to the mat.

Jimbob: A huge delay back suplex there. Only a few moves in and Fish is looking in a bad way.

Fish lies on the mat trying to catch his breath. The little air he had left after the choke was taken right out of him with the slam. Belly looks at the contract, but instead of going for it he picks Fish back up. He tries to lift Fish into a powerslam position, but Fish delivers some hard elbows to the side of Belly's head. Belly takes the first two elbows with relative ease, but the third, fourth, fifth bring him to one knee.

Vanhaven: Fish battling back, it looks like he isn't done yet!

Fish positions himself behind Belly and grabs Belly's arms, trying to lock in a Camel Clutch. Before he can fully apply the move, Belly stands and pulls Fish's arms in front of him. Belly thrusts his elbows back into the ribs of Fish, sending Fish staggering back into the ropes. Belly takes his time walking over to Fish. He whips Fish into the turnbuckles opposite the pole, Fish collides hard.

Lonsdale: Fish looked like he was about to get back into the game, but Belly managed to overpower him. The 125lb weight advantage is really showing here.

It's almost as if Belly hears Vamp as he charges his way across the ring, looking to connect with a huge splash into the corner. Somehow Fish manages to dropkick Belly's knee right before impact, sending Belly's head right into the second turnbuckle.

Vanhaven: Ohhhh...Belly landing badly there.
Jimbob: Serious momentum shift right here!

Fish stands over Belly, still leaning against the pad. He places his knee over Belly's head and forces all his weight onto it. The referee counts to 4 and Fish breaks the hold. Belly falls to the mat almost lifeless. Fish sees his chance and makes a dash for the pole. He climbs up tthe first turnbuckle, and gets his left foot to the second, but before he can reach the paper Belly crashes into Fish's back, driving his sternum into the top turnbuckle and his head into the steel pole.

Jimbob: It looks like Belly's nose took some punishment from that fall to the turnbuckle, but Fish could be in a lot more danger.

Belly wipes his bleeding nose with the back of his hand, looks at the blood and shakes it off as if it were water. Angered, he lifts Fish's crushed body up, and slowly brings him into a powerslam position.

Lonsdale: He's going for The Right Path again, but will Fish counter a second time?
Jimbob: It doesn't look like he can, Fish is pretty out of it.

Belly takes a few quick steps before slamming Fish down to the mat and landing on top of him.

Vanhaven: Fish taking The Right Path, but it looks like Belly is taking the right path to winning that contract! Ha ha ha...
Lonsdale: Eh? Was that supposed to be funny?
Vanhaven: Clever maybe, but funny is a matte...
Jimbob: Guys! Belly has almost won the match!

True enough, Belly has stepped onto the bottom turnbuckle and it looks as though he doesn't need to go any higher as his near 7 foot frame takes him to within a breath of the coveted contract.

Vanhaven: He's almost there! We could have our first graduate right here!

Before Belly could reach the contract, Jaques of Soviet Onion bends a chair around his skull sending Belly crashing down hard to the mat.

Lonsdale: Woah! That's more like it! Why didn't Fish think of that?

Kai joins Jaques in the ring and stomps away on Fish as Jaques beats down on Belly. Jaques stands over the bloodied Belly, and looks at the contract. He climbs the turnbuckes and takes the paper himself, but rips it in half before crashing down on Belly with a Frog Splash. Kai sees his partner's move and decides to follow suit. He picks up a dazed, groggy Fish, and pulls him toward the opposite turnbuckles, still stained with Belly's blood. Taking the neck of Fish, Kai sits on the top and falls forwards into a Diamond Dust. Soviet Onion stand above the beaten down Fish and Belly.

Jimbob: What the hell was that for?
Lonsdale: Maybe Soviet Onion think they deserve the contract more than Fish or Belly. Jaques did take the contract, maybe he'll graduate to 4CW!
Jimbob: He ripped it up, I don't think he had any interest in signing. This was purely to make an impact here in O4W at the expense of two other men.
Vanhaven: Well either way, we can't talk about this forever, I'm sure it'll be dealt with next week. Right now we have a main event to call!


Rection: "Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now time for our main event!!!
In the ring, at a combined weight of 482Lbs, from Russia and France......SOVIET ONION!!!!"
The Lights turn pink, Soviet Onion is the text that appears on the videotron and the french national anthem hits. Jaques stands in the center of the ring playing up to the crowd recieving loud boos in return. Kai rests in a corner against a turnbuckle with this arms folded, quietly awaiting his opponents.

Rection: "And their opponents, at a combined weight of 383Lbs, from Canada.....STEVIE EVANS AND JACK FLASH!!!"

"Loser" by Beck plays and Stevie and Jack walk out to the ring, Stevie cowering slightly behind Flash's dancing routine. They stand outside the ring looking at the two in the ring. They move closer, with nervousness. Soivet Onion run and hit a double baseball slide into the canadians. Jaques hits a snap suplex to Flash onto the thin matting. Kai throws Evans into the ring and Jaques slides in. The match is officailly underway.
Jaques hits an eye rake, followed by another eye rake and a third is fired. The ref warns Jaques. Evans jumps up and performs a standing dropkick.
Lonsdale:Lovely move there. I wonder how he could see.
Evans jumps onto Jaques' back and locks in a Standing Camel Clutch. Jaques overpoers him and begins to stand up, grabbing Evan' legs. He runs backwards into a trunbuckle and Evans releases. Jaques mounts the corner and hits a 10 Punch. *1* *2* *3* *4* *5* *6* *7* *8* *9* *10* He waves camply at the audience then shows them with his arms, to shove it.
Roberts: Evans got overpowered simply because of his weight.
Vanhaven: Damn Canadian food.
Evans grabs the legs of Jaques and pushes really hard and it works. A spinebuster from the middle rope.
Lonsdale: How did such a small guy hit such a good move.
Evans hits a legdrop onto Jaques and grabs his hair to pick him up.
Evans whips Jaques against the ropes. He runs and catches Jaques with a Running Headscissors. He stands and signals for a rolling 1/2 Crab. He grabs the frenchman's leg, but recieves a stiff kick to the jaw. Jaques rolls up and hits a strong clothesline. It knocks Stevie down. Jaques ascends the turnbuckle, waving at the crowd. He turns around and jumps off. Evans hits a kick into Jaques face.
Roberts:Wasting time with his taunting.
Vanhaven: Damn French, always trying to win our hearts.

Evans crawls over to his Disco-centric partner and makes the tag. Flash runs towards Jaques, but a high risk springboard crossbody from Kai sorts him out. The ref shouts at Kai for entering, but Kai drags Jaques to his corner and makes a tag.
Lonsdale: That guys build shouldn't have allowed him to do that move.
Kai rest against the turnbuckle as Evans climbs up into the oppostie corner. Kai runs and hits a hard Yakuza Kick, knocking Evans outside. Kai turns and hits a spinning kick to Flash. Jaques rolls out the ring and Kai covers Flash.
2...Kick out!
Roberts: Taking out Evans and then Flash. Only resulting in a two count.
Vanhaven: Damn this match. I can't route for Soviet Onion because they're Frussiench and Disco Stu and Craptacular Boy cause they're canadian. No Americans.
Lonsdale: With a name like Vanhaven, I wonder where your from.
Vanhaven: .......

Kai grabs Flash in a front facelock and picks him up from the floor. Alternate knees hit his face. A whip against the ropes and the rebound ends up with Flash getting a back body drop. Kai sits back in the corner.
Stevie Evans crawls up onto the apron and Jack tags him in.Flash begins shouting at the ref for not having a firm grip on the situation. Stevie enters the ring, slightly wary and hits an unknowing Kai in the face with a foreign object. What appeared to be a microphone. He disposes of the weapon and the ref is back to being focused on the match.
Evans stomps into Kai's head. He runs against the ropes and hits a splash. He covers
2...Kick Out.
Roberts: He hit him with a weapon. Did you see it?
Vanhaven: See what? Damn you, fool!!
The arena goes black and the music hits and you hear the slow buildup, the cameraman, not knowing where to find the competitor, keeps the camera focused on the entrance way, but then when the music gets heavier, the lights come back up, with a gray tint to them, but no one comes out the entrance way, so he begans to pan the audience looking for a wrestler, he can't find one so he goes back to the titatron, and he sees a arrow pointing up flash, as he scans the camera up he sees one sole wrestler, which is Dirk Meyer, standing a top of the titatron, with his arms spread to his sides and his legs split on the middle, the lights go out again and begin strobbing and the wrestler suddenly has seemed to have disappear, and then he is seen running out to the ring, up the entrance way, seemingly fast but just a trick of the strobes. When he enters the ring he picks up the mic, and makes a small smirk.
"Well well well, seems like the cameraman even has trouble following an act like me. Much like all the wrestlers in this federation will, but before i take my rightful place at the top of this fed, like i did in all my past endeavors, I must lay claim to something that is rightfully mine, My SuperNova. MYYY finishing move." He drags out the My, and then pauses. "Well what all of you must be saying, since none of you here have ever had a chance to been to California or to New York to see some real indy wrestling, since you waste all your money on buying Jack Flash memoribilia, I guess you've never seen my finisher. Well maybe you have seen it, a really blotched version of it. Called the Flash Back, a weak version compared to the devistation that the Supernova can really do. It's seems the Disco wearing, stuck in the 70's Travolta wanna-be tries to do my finisher, which is rightfully mine, and which singlehandedly ended the career of Justin Sane, and what has your version done? NOTHING? and you know what, you shouldn't even be able to discrace the move by doing it, and the first thing I shall win back, is the Supernova, which rightfully belongs to me. The Supernova I've been doing since you were still studying for your pitiful highschool Diploma. T-Bone first....your next on my list. Dirk walks backstage, leaving the crowd bemused and the commentators puzzled.
Robertson: What the heck is that guy on? His move?
Vanhaven: He is right. Damn Disco Stu and his move stealingness. He should be ashamed and jailed. THIEF!!
Lonsdale: It isn't that that is worrying me, check the ring.

Evans and Flash are looking up the ramp at where Dirk was. Jaques enters the ring and runs at Flash, knocking him into the barrier.
Evans turns around and Jaques and Kai lift Evans by his legs, pull them apart fiercly and slam him down with a spinebuster.
Lonsdale: I think they call it Le Frog, much to the disgust of Kai.

Jaques stands at the side as Kai covers.

Rection: Ladies and Gentlemen, the winners of this match.....SOVIET ONION!!!!
The oddly teamed duo stand proud of their doing. An injured Evans rolls around as Flash slides in to help him. Soviet Onion walk up the ramp and out of the arena.
Vanhaven: Damn!! Canadians lose....Damn!!
Roberts: I thought you wanted neither team.
Vanhaven: But at least the Canadians are close to us, unlike Dimitri and Florence.

Roberts: I wonder what Soviet Onion have against Belly and Fish?? What did Dirk Meyer mean by His Move?? Find out next week!!
Lonsdale: I hope you enjoyed our Premiere Show ladies and gentlemen. From me The Vamp, Jimbob and Edward Vanhaven....Goodnight.[/i]


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