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Midnight, midnight,
Midnight beat the drum,
Black night, black night,
Black night, cut and run,
Fish hits a DDT to the rampway.
T-Bone delivers a superplex

Slaughter, slaughter,
Slaughter, flee your bed,
Quarter, no quarter,
No quarter, don't lose your head,
Fighting in the west,
Fighting in the east,
Fighting like a beast,
You must stand and Fight,
Dirk Meyer smashes his opponent down with a spinebuster.
Stevie Evans dives of the top rope with an elbowdrop

Fight, Fight, Fight,
Fight, make it right,
Fight, Fight,

James Ramone delivers the James Jump to a suffering opponent.
Jack Flash smashing down with a Flash Back.

Fighting, fighting,
Fighting, for your life,
Riding, riding,
Riding, endless nights,
Laughing, laughing,
Laughing, to our death,
Laughing, laughing,
Laughing, to our final breath,

Soviet Onion displaying their skills with Lé Frog.
The Dragon leaping with a Frog Splash, flying angelic-like.

Fighting in the west,
Fighting in the east,
What a bloody mess,
You will stand and Fight,

The lockeroom is filled with pumped up superstars, moving at an immense rate.
The fans are filling th arena at a sped up pace.

Fight, Fight, Fight,
Fight, make it right,
Fight, Fight,

Crowd scream and chant.
Pyro goes off on the stage at 45 degree angles, lighting the mesh and brick entrance.

Reaver, reaver,
Reaver, riding fast,
Believer, believer,
Believer, loyal to the last,
Faithful, faithful,
Faithful, to our creed,
Soldier, till it's over,
Till it's over, everything we need,

A Golden championship rotates in the centre, with the rosters faces appearing around.

Fighting to the last,
Fighting to the death,
Your last dying breath,
You must stand and Fight,

Torrie dances around a pole for the fans, wiggling her behind.
Belly stands on the corner and dives backwards, flying gracefully.

Fight, Fight, Fight,
Fight, make it right,
Fight, Fight,
Fight, stand and Fight,
Stand and Fight, stand and Fight,
Make it right, stand and Fight,
You must Fight, Fight,
You motherfucker
O4W appears on the screen, in a stone/brick material, smashing in the centre, crumbling away to reveal a metal O4W Proving Ground Sign.

Pyro explodes from the entranceway and the turnbuckles. The crowds are roaring in for this premiere event, with signs and 4CW merchandise and the newly established O4W T-Shirts. The camera sweeps around the crowds, focusing on signs saying "Fear The Reaper" and "D-I-S-C-O".

Roberts: Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to O4W Proving Ground!!!! This is our second show and once again we have an excellent card for you all tonight. Green Reaper will take on the newly signed James Ramone, both members of Soviet Onion will be in singles competition, Jaques v Belly and Kai v Fish, and then there's the huge 6 man tag match where we'll see Northern Express team up with Dirk Meyers to take on The Dragon, T-Bone and Destiny's Child. Stay tuned, this is going to be big!

-----Green Reaper v James Ramone-----
Rection: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Dallas Texas, weighing in at 320 pounds, GREEN REEEEEAPEERR!!!"
After you hear “Fear the Reaper” from a whispering voice…green smoke comes up from the ramp and after about 15 seconds of the song playing…The Green Reaper appears and slowly walks down to the ring and when he reaches the ring he goes up the steps…enters the ring, and slowly raise his hands, and then throws them down and green fireworks blaze from the ring posts.

Rection: "And his opponent, from Toronto Canada, weighing in at 224 pounds, JAMES RAAAAAMOOOOOONE!!!"

“Take On Me” By Reel Big Fish The music hits and out comes James Ramone. He runs down to the ring and slides into the ring. He gets onto the second rope and gives the rock on sign.
Lonsdale: "Fear the Reaper my ass, Ramone's going to take this one easy."
Vanhalen: "I wouldn't be so sure, Reaper has a week's experience over Ramone. It doesn't sound like much but one week, especially the first week, is important."

Reaper lunges towards Ramone, who moves out of the way, ducking under Reaper, and dropkicks Reaper in the back of the legs, sending him to one knee. Ramone runs to the ropes, and bounces off, and dropkicks Reaper in the face, knocking him on his back. Ramone picks Reaper up by the head, but gets punched in the gut by Reaper, that sends Ramone backwards. Reaper makes it his feet, and grabs Ramone in a front face lock, and lifts him up in the air, and throws him forwards with a front suplex.
Jimbob: "Ramone getting some offence early on, but it looks like the Reaper is making his comeback"

Ramone pulls himself up using the ropes, only to get knocked down by Reaper with a boot to the face. Reaper picks up Ramone, placing him in the corner. Reaper lifts Ramone up so that he is seated on the top rope. Reaper climbs the turnbuckle, hooking Ramone for a superplex. Reaper goes to lift Ramone up, but gets punched in the ribs. Reaper tries to lift Ramone again, but again Ramone blocks it, and punches Reaper in the ribs, this time sending him to the mat. Ramone waits for Reaper to make it to his feet, then jumps off with a hurricanranna, turning it into a pin.



Kick out!
Lonsdale: "Agh! So close for Ramone there. Slow count I'm sure"
Jimbob: "Well it was a powerful kick out, I don't think Reaper is done yet"

The force of the kick out sends Ramone to the ropes. On the return, Reaper kicks Ramone in the gut, placing him in a standing head scissors. Reaper lifts up Ramone for a powerbomb, but lifts him too high, as Ramone slips out behind him, with a sunset flip into pin.



Kick out!

Vanhalen: "Oooh, so close again. Another near fall and another kick out, and Green Reaper is showing he's not going to let James take this one"

Ramone picks up Reaper by the head, and attempts to pick him up for a death valley driver, but Reaper weighs too much, and Ramone gets clubbed in the back. Reaper places Ramone in a standing head scissors, and lifts him up in the air, then flips him backwards into a seated face buster.

Vanhalen: "Touch of Death! Here’s the pin!"



Lonsdale: "Agh! That was a fast count this time! Get a new ref out here!"
Jimbob: "We will have a new ref out here, as well as six new competitors for our next match!"

-----Six Man Tag: Northern Express & Dirk Meyer v The Dragon, T-Bone & Destiny's Child-----

Rection: The following contest is a SIX MAN TAG TEAM MATCH.

Making their way to the ring, the team of DIRK MEYERS and the NORTHERN EXPRESS!!

The O4W theme "Fight" by Motorhead plays from the P.A. The two canadians and their parnter walk out with Flash on the right and Dirk on the left of Stevie Evans. They walk down the ring, with the exception of Flash who is jiving. They enter the ring and wait for heir opposing team.

Rection: And their opponents, the team of The Dragon, T-Bone and Destniy's Child.

The same song plays as the three men look at each other and run to the ring and slide in.

The bell sounds and the match is officially underway.

All the contenders exchange blows. Jack Flash and Stevie take out The Dragon and T-bone, knocking them over the top rope, taking Meyers with them. Destiny's Child stands alone against the canadians. The attempt a double clothesline, but he ducks and gives them both a clothesline for their efforts. Flash rolls out the ring and Destiny and Evans get the show properly going.

Destiny picks up Evans and applies a gutwrench before hitting a stiff suplex. The other team members have now sorted themselves out and are on the apron.

Lonsdale: Nice to see a bit of order taking place now.
Roberts: You see that stiff suplex? Man that has to hurt his back.
Vanhaven: Your the only thing round here, ain't ya Woody?

Destiny applies a front facelock to a grounded Evans and hits a swift DDT. He bounces off the ropes and hits a hard legdrop to the back of Evans' neck. D.C. tags in The Dragon. The Dragon uses a rising Evans to his advantage with a sharp kickboxing kick to the head. He follows it up with a La Magistral.



Kick out!! Flash is ready to dive in, as he is half way through the ropes. The Dragon stands and jolts his body forward to warn of Flash.

He picks up Stevie by his hair and whips him against the ropes. A shuffle sidekick takes Evans down to the ground. Unknowingly Dirk meyers runs and hits a crossbody, rolling over and the ref begins a count.


Kick out with authority. Dragon pushing Meyers into the air.

Lonsdale: Blind tag made and a crossbody takedown. Only a one count. It seems The Dragon has alot of endurance.
Vanhaven: About as much endurance as you have had girlfriends.

Meyers lands on his feet and runs and baseball slides The Dragons feet. The Dragon falls forwards, making a tag to T-Bone on his way down.

T-Bone runs in and hits a strong Forearm Lariat to Meyers, whos spins insideout and back to front.

Roberts:My God, his head was clean off I am sure of it.

Flash and Evans run in and T-Bone wipes them clean out with left and right jabs. Meyers attempts a standing dropkick, but T-Bone grabs his legs. Meyers lands on his neck and shoulders. T-Bone runs around in circles whilst holding on.

Vanhaven: I love that guy, he uses a Firespin so well and so efficient.
Roberts and Lonsdale: REALLY!?
Vanhaven: No he sucks.

T-Bone releases Meyers, who slides over to his corner. he tags in a recovering Flash. Flash looks into the ring and steps off to the mats. He walks up the rampway partially. T-Bone smiles on and truns his back to talk to his team, laughing at Flash's actions. Flash runs back in and locks in a Sleeper with Scissors. It brings T-Bone down to the floor and the ref checks him. He grabs the arm of a semi-conscious T-Bone.

It drops once.

It drops Twice.

It dro...

Destiny's Child runs in and stomps the back of Flash and tosses him to the side. He drags T-Bone to the corner and tags himself in using T-Bone's hand.

He stomps Flash more and grabs his legs. He begins to lock on the Fate, driving his knee into Flash' head. The ref begins to check him, but Meyers distracts the ref by attempting to enter. Meanwhile Stevie has a chair and runs in from behind and nails Destiny, forcing him to relese the hold. Flash crawls slowly and grabs onto the ropes.

Lonsdale: He cheated. That is a D.Q. rght there.

T-Bone and The Dragon run into the ring and so does Meyers and Evans. T-Bone and The Dragon grab both Meyers and Evans and attempt high angles spine. T-Bone struggles as Meyers holds onto the ropes. Evans has the move delivered devistatingly, landing him on his neck. The Dragon grabs Flash and attempts another High angled Spinebuster. Meyers releases the rope, shocking T-Bone. Flash sends a few kidney shots to The Dragon and both Flash and Meyer have tehm set up for the Flash Back and the Supernova - the same move. They both hit the moves perfectly, but get up and begins shouting at each other.

Roberts: What the?!?! That was like a mirror.
Lonsdale: Both men using the same move, just having it named differently.

As the two are arguing, Destiny's Child crawls on to a non-mobile Stevie Evans. He hooks the leg. The ref counts.




Rection:Ladies and Gentle the winners of this match - THE DRAGON, T-BONE AND DESTINY'S CHILD!!!!

Lonsdale: An upset loss for the Northern Express. Carelessness and un-co-operation were the bane of this match. I see something going majorly wrong between Jack Flash and Dirk Meyers.
Vanhaven: Why? They both use crappy signature moves and perform them sloppily.
Robert: Why do you do this job again?

-----Belly v Jaques-----
Rection: Entering the ring first, from Paris, France, weighing in at 230 lbs, Jaques!

The Lights turn pink and the french national anthem hits Jaques walks out to a crowd of boo's, wearing his French Beret and garlic is hung around his neck. He starts showing off throwing garlic into the crowd. He then proceeds to enter the ring and Jaques shows off to the crowd and finally takes off his beret and puts the garlic safe inside it.

Rection: And his opponent, from parts unknown, weighing in at 400 lbs, Belly!

The arena is plunged itno darkness as Smoke begins to seep from under the stage, then No Leaf Clover by Metallica starts to echo around the arena as the smoke forms a thick fog around the stage and the ramp... movement can be seen on the stage as a hoard of druids come out, side by side as they walk down the ramp. As the first pair reach the foot of the ramp, they stop and step back onto either side of the ramp, making a path down the middle of them as a large figure can be seen moving in the thick cloud of smoke... the figure slwoly works his way down the ramp, and as he passes each druid they turn in and start to follow him...
As he steps out of the thickness of the smoke the large man is wearing a long hooded cloak with his head down, not looking up, as he continues until he reaches the ringside area, where he heads towards the steel steps as the druids circle the ring once until they are spread out all around the ring, as the large man walks up the steel steps and steps over the top rope standing square in the middle of the ring, as he raises his head and his cloak drops to the canvas revealing the pale faced, jet black hair of Belly.

Jimbob: This looks to be a great match, as Belly is looking for revenge after the Soviet Onion cost him a 4CW contract.

Vanhaven: Uh, guys, the druids aren’t leaving ringside…

Lonsdale: Hey, this isn’t scheduled to be a lumberjack match!

The referee goes to the ropes and tries to convince the druids to leave ringside. Meanwhile, Jaques sneaks up behind Belly and hits him with a vicious low blow. Realizing that he may have infuriated an already angry man, Jaques runs to the other side of the ring and starts to exit, but stops at the sight of the druids. As he climbs back into the ring, he turns around and is chest-to-chest with Belly.

Jimbob: Uh oh, this doesn’t look good.

Belly grabs Jaques by the throat and tosses him to the other side of the ring like a rag doll. Jaques quickly gets up to his knees and pleads with a stalking Belly. However, once Belly is within striking range, Jaques jumps to his feet and pokes Belly in the eye.

Vanhaven: What a crafty move by Jaques!

Lonsdale: That’s… that’s blatant cheating!

Vanhaven: Shut up, just shut up.

Jaques takes Belly by the wrist and attempts an Irish Whip, but Belly reverses it into a quick shoulder block, followed by a big splash and a cover.

Kick out!

Jimbob: Oh, what a near fall by Belly after the Windbreaker.

Lonsdale: I don’t know where Jaques found the strength to kick out of that!

Vanhaven: Never doubt the resiliency of the French, as I always say…

Belly picks up Jaques and whips him into the turnbuckle and charges after him. However, Jaques manages to climb the turnbuckle instead and hit a moonsault onto the charging Belly. Inadvertently, Jaques over-rotates and hits a backflip-dropkick instead. Jaques makes a quick cover.


Kick out!

Belly kicks out strongly, pushing Jaques up so hard that he actually lands on his feet. Once Belly is up, Jaques rushes in, but is met by a stiff left-hand punch instead. Belly looks around the ring at his druids and raises his arms. They start chanting as he climbs the nearby turnbuckle.

Vanhaven: What the hell is he doing?!

Lonsdale: Good lord, this guy’s 400 lbs!

Jimbob: Could it be?

Reaching the top rope, Belly’s eyes roll back into his head as he hits a flying moonsault, and stays on top of Jaques for a cover.

Vanhaven: Fly, fat ass, fly!

Jimbob: Bellysault, its all over!


Lonsdale: … that was… beautiful… dare I say, art?

Rection: Here is your winner, by pinfall, Belly!

-----Kai v Fish-----
Rection: "Introducing first, hailing from Richmond, Virginia, weighing in at 270 pounds....FIIIIIISH!!"

The arena turns to black. The entrance ramp and the ring are soon covered in a strange green tint. "Ain't Life Grand" starts up, and Fish walks through the curtin as the music starts to pick up. Fish comes out of the curtain, walks to the extreme left of the stage and raises his arms in victory. Fish, then continues down the main rampway, fullfilling some people's requests for high-fives and possibly a handshake or two. Fish approches the ring and walks up the steps very non-chalontly and enters the ring. He proceeds to walk to the bottom-left turnbuckle, climbs it and lifts his arms up in victory again. The lights then go back out, the music stops.

Fish waits paitently in the ring, pacing back and forth.

Rection: "And his opponent, from Moscow Russia, weighing in at 252 pounds, KAAAAAAIIIII!!!"

The Lights turn pink, Soviet Onion is the text that appears on the videotron and the french national anthem hits Jaques walks out to a crowd of boo's, wearing his French Beret and garlic is hung around his neck. He starts showing off throwing garlic into the crowd, he then turns to face the entrance and the lights turn a dark blue, KoRns, Make me Bad blasts out and Kai walks out with a white cape on, he walks past Jaques and the crowd cheer, both men enter the ring and Kai walks over to a corner takes off his cape and waits for there opponent while Jaques shows off to the crowd and finally takes off his beret and puts the garlic safe inside it.

The arena is plunged itno darkness as Smoke begins to seep from under the stage. As the lights come back on Jaques is laid out on the ramp and Belly is standing over him smiling. Kai looks down from the ring as Fish attacks him from behind, and the match is underway.

Jimbob: "Another big match here, and after Belly's win Kai will want to regain some confidence for Soviet Onion"

Fish vaults Kai into the ropes and sets up for a back drop but takes a blow to the head from Kai with a Yakuza Kick. Kai takes control with a speed kick combo sending Fish to the outside. Fish slowly stands as Kai burts through with a corkscrew through the ropes sending both men to the ground. Fish and Kai lies motionless as the ref begins the count.



4..... Fish begins to stir.


6...Fish makes it to his feet and staggers toward Kai.

7...He grabs Kai and delivers a Gut-Wrench Powerbomb right on the unforgiving concrete floor.

Vanhaven: "Fish breaking the count there, and he looks to be in control now"
Lonsdale: "You wait...Kai's got something planned"

Fish picks up Kai and rolls him back in to the ring. Fish climbs into the ring only to be greeted with a drop kick from Kai. Kai sets Fish up for the One Legged Crab but it is broken up by the ref as Fish was too close to the ropes. Fish stands up and ducks, just in the knick of time, to miss the clothes line coming from Kai. Fish throws Kai into the turnbuckles and begins beating him with a series of right and lefts to the body. Kai falls to the bottom turnbuckle. Fish grabs Kai and places his head between his legs, setting him up fir The Waterfall. Fish has Kai in the air, but Kai reverses it into a head scissors takedown. Fish is lying in the middle of the ring. Kai looks at Fish then looks at the turnbuckles. Kai climbs the ropes but Fish flips up and runs towards him. Both men are on the turnbuckle punching away at eachother. Fish begins to stagger as Kai grabs his neck and hits the Midnight Sky.

Lonsdale: "See! Right there, the Midnight Sky! Beautiful!"
Jimbob: "Well we'll have to wait and see if that does it..."

Both men are lying in the ring. Kai begins to crawl over to Fish to go for the cover. He makes it and drapes his arm across Fish's chest.


Rection: And here is your winner...... KAI!!

Jimbob: "And Kai picking up an impressive win there in our main event"
Vanhaven: "And thats all we have time for tonight, folks. Make sure you tune in next week for O4W, it should be a huge night"
Lonsdale: "I cant believe Ramone lost..."

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