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June 23rd/2001

DAN LOVRANSKI: How did you feel when ECW closed down? Was it a sad feeling?
RHYNO: Well, you really didn't know cause there was no "Okay, we're shutting down for good" so it didn't hit you for good -- it was all a phase. Obviously, I was sad. I really stunk and I'm glad I accomplished all I did there as far first ever to win the heavyweight and television titles. [I had] a lot of great memories -- some bad but the good memories definitely outweigh the bad ones.

DAN LOVRANSKI: Was it a little disappointing to get the big title right at the end of the run there?
RHYNO: I'm glad I got it and I actually still have it at home -- it's at my brother’s house locked up safely. I'm glad I got it, I'm glad I was a part of that, and I'm glad I'm a part of the World Wrestling Federation now. It's actually been a treat. One treat after another.

DAN LOVRANSKI: Let's talk about some of the differences in the locker room. What struck you as the biggest difference between ECW and the WWF?
RHYNO: Just the size of the company and the people they have working for them. Every time I turn around, I'm meeting someone new for the first time and I've been working here for four or five months now. The locker room is great -- everybody's great. Everybody's really nice and they treat everyone with the utmost respect. That was the same in ECW too as far as everyone going out there and working hard in house shows and TV shows. Everybody went out there and gave 110% and we do the same here. The only really big difference here is the size of the company with employees, the houses, and stuff like that.

DAN LOVRANSKI: It must be a little mind-boggling at times eh?
RHYNO: Yeah, at times.

DAN LOVRANSKI: What about Paul Heyman? Has he made it easier for all of you ex-ECW guys that have made the transition into the WWF?
RHYNO: He has made it a lot easier for me because I've worked with a lot of guys like the Dudley's and Tazz beforehand as well as Edge and Christian before on the independent scene and just to have him come over because he knows Rhyno better than I know Rhyno (what Rhyno would do in the ring as far as what Rhyno would do and what Rhyno would say). He's made it easier in that way.

DAN LOVRANSKI: Was the Rhyno character a complete Paul Heyman creation?
RHYNO: No. Basically, he brought out my strong points. Before I went to ECW, I never had any exposure to working with TV and doing promos. What interested Paul Heyman and me (as a wrestler) was my intensity and my in ring work. That's what he saw and he liked and so he took it from there. He developed a character. The kid from Detroit (and I really am from Detroit) just goes out there and has been fighting every day of his life and he brings it to the ring with the attitude that I just want to fight. He developed the character and he brought out my strong points and he taught me how to do a promo.

DAN LOVRANSKI: Just quickly while we're on the Rhyno character... Why the spelling change?
RHYNO: Merchandise reasons with Rhino Records and that stuff I guess. I really couldn't get the "i" down.

DAN LOVRANSKI: [Laughing] Easier for you to get the "y" down? You mentioned how you were good friends with Edge and Christian...
RHYNO: It's a lie; everything's a lie.

DAN LOVRANSKI: [Laughing] When they first brought you in, they put you with Edge and Christian. Are we going to see more of that?
RHYNO: Yeah, I think you'll always see us helping each other out like how Kurt is. They're great guys -- I can't stay enough good things about them. I go to Adam's (Edge's) house in Tampa because he's got a place down there and up here [Toronto] and I eat all his food, swim in his pool, and dirty up his house.

DAN LOVRANSKI: I guess you're looking forward to the next couple days because aren't you going to Ft. Lauderdale and Tampa after this?
RHYNO: Yeah, so I'll be eating good.

DAN LOVRANSKI: [Laughing] Yeah it's good to see you guys back together again. I think the three of you work together quite well.
RHYNO: Yeah and as far as coming in, what better guys to be put with? There is a history with us with Thug Life like you said up in Canada and in and out of the ring.

DAN LOVRANSKI: Let's talk about what you've done so far in the WWF because really, you've done quite a bit in a short period of time in the WWF. You won the hardcore title already...
RHYNO: Twice.

DAN LOVRANSKI: Yeah, and you've pinned Chris Jericho like three times. There's a lot of good stuff happening to you.
RHYNO: Yeah, I've done a lot and I'm grateful for everything. I'm just having so much fun.

DAN LOVRANSKI: Did you think things would happen this quickly for you though?
RHYNO: No, not really.

DAN LOVRANSKI: Usually you come in and it takes a long time.
RHYNO: Like I said, I've got the easy job -- go out there and work hard. They see that and compliment me on seeing the things I've been doing. I'm still learning and you'll always learn until the day you retire. When I retire, I'll learn about married life.

DAN LOVRANSKI: [Laughing] Or you'll write a book like everyone else does.
RHYNO: I wouldn't mind doing that. I've actually got too much to tell.

DAN LOVRANSKI: We're also hearing about the King Of The Ring tournament and everyone's trying to second-guess who's going to win the tournament. Your name is actually coming up quite a bit. Any insights there?
RHYNO: I'm the last to find out everything (even things that involve myself) so I'm not really the one to ask. It would be an honour and a compliment to myself from the WWF to win the King Of The Ring. You just look at all the people that have won the King Of The Ring and it would just be a compliment to be put over in the tournament like that. Like I said, I've got the easy job to go out there and work hard. If not, I'm not going to be sore about it because how far will I make it if I don't win? Like you said, I've come a long way in a short time and I'm just looking to keep going towards the world title.

DAN LOVRANSKI: In some cases, it tends to elevate a guy but in other cases, it doesn't. There's been certain King Of The Ring winners like Billy Gunn or Ken Shamrock where it didn't really do much for them so I guess it depends on the person.
RHYNO: Well, Billy Gunn has done a lot in wrestling and Ken Shamrock, when he was here, has done a lot. As far as elevating a person, I think it does when you win a tournament like that. It's the only tournament that I know of in wrestling that has its own pay-per-view so I think it does elevates someone's career. I don't look at it like "I have to win this tournament and if I don't, it's career suicide." I don't look at it that way. It doesn't mean that if you don't win it, you're not going to be the champion. That's my ultimate goal and boy I'd love to win it. I'm going to collect belts here and there all the way to the championship.

DAN LOVRANSKI: Is it a little intimidating because ECW was a promotion based with a lot of smaller guys and you were like the big man and now you come in here and you're not the biggest guy?
RHYNO: It's kind of like you see Kane, The Undertaker, and Big Show walk by and you say "Where did the sun go?" There are a lot of large men in this company and like I said, you just go out there and work hard. There's not too much you can do to those men except get swatted by their big monkey paws like the Big Show. I'd hate for him to swat me across the face.

DAN LOVRANSKI: You've been having quite a few matches with him lately.
RHYNO: Yeah, and actually it's been fun except for when he chops you with those big hands.

RHYNO: It's kind of like you feel the air go out of your lungs and you think "Shouldn't the air now come back into my lungs?"

DAN LOVRANSKI: How do you try getting yourself passed those challenges to make yourself larger than life so you fit in with these guys?
RHYNO: Trying to stand on my tippy-toes. It's hard to answer that question. Whether it's better to be a heel or better to be a babyface... whatever turns someone on to you. I always like to be a heel but you all gather a fan base or something and you're larger than life to those people. That's how you can stand out from other wrestlers even if they're physically bigger than you.

DAN LOVRANSKI: Everyone wants to see Goldberg in the WWF…
RHYNO: I'd like to see Goldberg in Vince's WWF but in WCW and then he comes in to wrestle Austin. I think everybody wants to see that.

DAN LOVRANSKI: I think you're right. In the battle of the spear/gore between Rhyno and Goldberg, who's going to come out on top?
RHYNO: Actually, I read this in a magazine (it's obviously fact)…

RHYNO: I want to go on the record saying this as a fact. They said that my gore is more devastating than the spear; why? Because I have a lower centre of gravity. The whole centre of gravity type thing. I don't have shorter legs he just has longer legs.

DAN LOVRANSKI: I just think after the stuff they did with Austin, [it would be a great program].
RHYNO: I smell money.
DAN LOVRANSKI: Yeah, I agree