Scene One
.::A dimly lit room is shown as Mike Omega is seen sitting on a black leather couch his dark hair is spiked and is still wearing his clothes from earlier. The room seems to be the locker room EWA has set up for him, nothing special the black couch he sits in, a table with a fruit platter infront of him and a monitor with the VCR which Mike requested. He finishes watching the previous weeks EWA show Mayhem as Tony X has just won the EWA Extreme Championship. Mike smirks arrogantly shaking his head::.
'The Omega One' Mike Omega: Bravo Tony, you actually won a championship.
.::Mike shakes his head with discust as he gets up turning the monitor off::.
'The Omega One' Mike Omega: That's the best they have to offer? Tony X main eventing in this weeks card, I mean I am actually doing these jobbers a favor by being here.
.::All of a sudden Mike's locker room door opens when EWA interviewer Ryan Miller walks in microphone in hand and camera behind him. Mike turns around with a pissed off look in his eyes slowly walking towards Ryan::.
'The Omega One' Mike Omega: What the hell is this?!
'EWA Interviewer' Ryan Miller: Well I was hoping to get your thoughts on what Big O Scott Owens had to say to you.
'The Omega One' Mike Omega: (Looking confused) Who?
'EWA Interviewer' Ryan Miller: Um.. "Big O" he's the newest wrestler here, he challanged you to a match..
'The Omega One' Mike Omega: Oh right.. Big O Tires.. (Laughs lightly) Frankly this guy is a joke, nothing more then a take off of Triple H. I mean he comes out to the king of kings for Christ sake! You can't think of anything original? I've faced people like him before, nothing special he will be in and out of this company before the snap of my fingers. Or should I say after the snap of his ankle. (Smiles Arrogantly) And then his woman tries to get involved but messes up horribly even though I can't argue about what she said.
'EWA Interviewer' Ryan Miller: And what's that?
'The Omega One' Mike Omega: I quote.. "Mikey boy look at this man to my left you can match up to him so my advance dont try."
.::Mike looks into the camera with wide eyes like he can't belive what he heard::.
'The Omega One' Mike Omega: I mean listen carefully.. She said I CAN! Match up to him.. CAN! You know usually a faithful manager and wife, girlfriend whatever you are! Would be 100% behind her man, but nope. Obviously she is automatically infactuated with The Omega One! (Smirks) I mean I can't blame her, I mean look at this face, these abs! This stomach is so defined it makes definition look weak!
.::Mike lifts his shirt up looking down at his ripped abs brushing his fingers up and down them, looking back at the camera::.
'The Omega One' Mike Omega: But I'll tell you what Big O Tires, you so eager to tap out? You so eager to be defeated go 0-1. Fine you got it! Me and You! One on One! Mayhem next week, I will be going 1-0 and you.. Well don't whine to me once your sexy, sexy wife comes running to the one with the BEST ABS! In the E..W..A!
.::All of a sudden a man in a suit pushes Ryan Miller away out of breath::.
'The Omega One' Mike Omega: What the hell is going on here! This isn't a freelance house! You can't just brage in here when ever you feel like it!
'Management' The Man: I'm sorry Mr. Omega but somthing has came up and you are needed in Mr. Daniels office right away!
.::Mike smirks and looks at Ryan Miller tilting his head::.
'The Omega One' Mike Omega: It's already begun.
.::Mike pushes Ryan and the management man out of his way walking out of his locker room and heading towards the office of Drake Daniels. A few minutes pass as Mike Omega walks out of Drake's office with a smile on his face from ear to ear. Mike heads down the corridor and walks up the stairs to the gorella position as the sound of sirens blast over the PA System, and Mike's voice is heard saying W..Y..B Watch! Your! Back! followed by What You Got blaring. Mike steps out onto the gorella position interupting a match going on when he puts a mic to his lips speaking::.
'The Omega One' Mike Omega: Okay! Stop! Stop! Right now.. I've got some big news!
.::All of a sudden the two wrestlers stop looking at Mike yelling at him::.
'The Omega One' Mike Omega: Just cool your jets! I've got some main event news here that all of you people will be seeing, that's if you saved your money for Mayhem instead of this boring house show filled with jobbers. (Fans Boo) Oh quiet.. Now it seems as if one of EWA's mainstays has taken his ball and went home.. That's right Xavier Serikaz is no longer with the EWA. (Fans Boo) Now, don't get hostile towards me, just because it was I that said once I see him his ass is done! Funny thing I come into town and he dodges. He's gone! Xavier Serikaz has left the building! (Smiles) So now that left a predicament in one of Mayhem's main matches. Of corse I'm refering to the match to determine the number one contender for the EWA Championship!
.::Mike licks his lips smirking and nodding his head as the crowd is still buzzing about Xavier leaving::.
'The Omega One' Mike Omega: So it seems our boss knows what he is doing, because you are now looking at the full time replacement of Xavier Serikaz! (Fans Boo) Not only am I going to walk into Mayhem the new replacement, but I am also going to win that match and go onto win the EWA Championship! Whether you people like it.. Or not.
.::What You Got hits the speakers once more as the view goes to Jay Knight and Kurt James::.
'Play By Play' Kurt James: I can't believe it! Drake Daniels are boss has personally chosen Mike Omega to take Xavier Serikaz's spot! How could he do that Mike hasn't even been here a week and already he's getting title shot opprotunities!
'Color Commintator' Jay Knight: Well you don't quit on the boss! Drake Daniels is a inspiration to all, and I love his choice of putting The Omega One! Mike Omega in this match, that's our next Champion. Mark my words!
.::The camera shoots back to Mike who walks to the back as the scene ends::.