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Scene: Smackdown returns from a commercial break as a Black limo pulls up at the arena parking lot. Out steps Batista, followed by Randy Orton, Ric Flair and finally the EWF World Heavyweight Champion, Triple H. They are all laughing and smiling as they collect their bags from the Limo driver and head towards their locker room. Randy Orton: Hey you guys head over to our room I’ll get us a couple of Sodas. Triple H: Yeh make it quick though Randy I’m parched here. Batista takes Randy’s bag as Randy heads off towards a drinks machine when he bumps into the Coach. Randy doesn’t look too pleased as he sees that the Coach has a microphone in his hand seemingly ready to do an interview. Coach: Randy, well Hi, I’d like to ask you a few questions on your match with Brock Lesnar and the US Championship Tournament. Randy Orton: Hey Coach can’t you see I’m off somewhere I am thirsty you know now could you please let me past I’m busy. Randy Orton starts to push past Coach but Coach just wont give up in his attempts to get a few words from the Future of the EWF Coach: Well Randy I wouldn’t wanna cramp your style but I just got a few questions I would like to ask you before you get into the ring tonight, please Orton? Randy quickly ponder for a second looking up into the sky. Randy Orton: First of all Coach, you wanna talk about style, cramping my glorious style, well Coach you wouldn’t know the first thing about style I mean look at you, no girl would ever look twice at you, whereas the girls cant stop looking at me man! not that I’m boasting of course. But secondly and more importantly, who the hell do you think you are pushing me about just because you wanna get a few words off me, just because I’m young and haven’t been here long doesn’t mean I have to do anything for anyone, and that includes you, actually I should rephrase that, especially you! But seeing as I’m a nice guy, I’ll take the time out to answer your poxy questions, so out with it. Coach: Well first of all I would like to ask you on you views of Brock Lesnar as a competitor I mean he is pretty dangerous, just look at what he did to me, putting me through that table not so long ago. Randy Orton: Listen, you wouldn’t be able to stick up for yourself if a two legged spider crawled by with a banana shoved up its ass! So when Brock Lesnar comes along and you of all people intimidate him, your as good as toast. Coach: Well Randy may I point out that Spiders have eight legs not two. Randy Orton: Well in case you hadn’t noticed that’s exactly my point, your not exactly what people would call a tough guy, but in any event to answer your question, I think Brocks quite a decent competitor, nothing special of course. He’s won a few matches but he’s not that great, and if he wants to go round beating up on pussies like you, he should reconsider how tough he really is. Brock Lesnar if you’re listening I have something to say, try beating me up, then we will all know how tough you really are big boy. We will all find out how dangerous you really are. Coach: OK next question, do you think you can beat Brock Lesnar? Randy Orton: Quite simply put, I don’t think I can beat Brock Lesnar, I know I can beat Brock Lesnar. Brock I heard you ask me how will I feel when I get F5’d, but that’s a bit of an irrelevant question don’t you think, because quite simply its not going to happen, but I have a relevant question to ask you Brock, how is it going to feel for you when u get RKO’d right in the middle of the ring, your eyes wont even be staring at the lights because the lights will have gone out in your damn head. Your dreams of becoming the US Champion shattered by the future of Evolution, Randy Orton. Coach: OK some fair points made there but I have just one more question, what are your views on Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho and do you feel that they can stop you in your quest to become the upset Champion in this fed. Randy Orton: Upset? upset? Do you actually think it would be an upset if I won, I know the other three stars are already established but you still seem to be under-estimating my extremely deep talents. The thing with me is that I don’t rely on past successes to get me over in this business. I don’t go on about how my dad was a great star all those years ago. Whereas every time anyone has a bad word to say about Chris Jericho he goes on about how he beat The Rock and Stone Cold in the same night. Jericho get over it man it wasn’t that great of a feat, did you do it on your own? NO! I got here on my own, I’m gonna beat Brock Lesnar on my own, and if I have to face you, you little Ass-Clown, I will shut you up once and for all. And now onto Kurt Angle, He’s the one always going on about how he won an Olympic Gold Medal with a broken freakin neck ( Randy mimmicks Kurt Angle ) Wow!, big whoopedidoooo for Kurt Angle!. What’s the point in constantly referring to that when guaranteed it has no relevance to what you have done here, since when did the Olympics have a sponsorship agreement with EWF? Never! So shut your face because nobody cares about what you did back then, this is now, a whole new ball game the US Championship, and if I had to face you Kurt, Id shut your face so fast you wouldn’t know what hit ya. Now Coach if you would excuse me because I’m about 10 times more thirstier than when I started this interview. Randy Orton casually walks of down through the parking lot Coach: Well quite clearly a confident Randy Orton but we all know he will have to back it up when he faces the menacing Brock Lesnar later tonight on Smackdown. Fade Out