I just want to say that I used the name "Laurie Lamb" for a character in this Whirl story for two reasons:
1. So that her father could be "Seymour Lamb," which is a quasi-joke that one of the readers might get. It's also a reference to my style of writing which probably no one but myself will get.
2. And so that I could have a tie-in with an article from the now defunctWrestling Swirl, in which the character of Laurie is introduced, going for that understated character cross-over thing.
What I most assuredly was not doing was intending any disrespect to the memory of a very real Laurie Lamb who died on October 12.
I know that I probably didn't need to say this, or explain it to my "readers," (seeing as I have so many...) but, well, you know how it is. If you've followed the site over the past year, you know where I'm coming from.
That's all I wanted to say.
So what are you still doing here? Get back to The Whirl and learn what's really going on in the world of wrestling!