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ERWF Raw is War - A New Breed of Attitude - October 7th, 2002

ERWF Raw is War

October 7th, 2002
Live From TheAmerican Airlines Arena in Miami, FL
Deadline:Monday @ 3:30PM Eastern

-Match 1-
Women's Action
Angelica Vs. Stephanie McMahon
~The arena goes black and RAW's music starts to play. Pyros go off on the stage and in the middle of the ring as RAW in Miami, FL gets underway~

JS~ Welcome to RAW live in Miami, FL. Do we have a lot in store for you tonight.

Prince~ That's right. Tonight we will determine who advances to the finals of the Tag Team Tourny between Advocate and Dark Knight vs Apocalypse and Hurricane and also Master of Disaster and Mastermind vs Lil'C and Ace.

JS~ But as of right now the action is just getting underway.

Lilian~ This match will be a Women's Action match with no time limit. Making her way down to the ring, Angelica.

Prince~ We should get a real good cat fight out of this match.

JS~ Now that's not right

Prince~ Shut up JS and enjoy the show.

Lilian~ Making her way down to the ring, all the way from Greenwich, CT, Stephanie McMahon.

~The bell sounds and the match gets underway. Stephanie starts off by spearing Angelica to the mat and tugging at her hair. The ref tells her to lay of the hair and Stephanie lets go. Angelica flips Stephanie on to her back and starts to tug at her hair now. The ref also tells Angelica to get off the hair but she refuses. The ref starts the count and Angelica lets go~

Prince~ Look at these two just go after each other's hair. I am loving this.

JS~ Will you stop all of this. These two ladies good get seriously hurt.

Prince~ Oh what to you know JS.

~Both women make it to their feet. Stephanie tries to give Angelica a bitch slap but she ducks under it and gives Stephanie a neck breaker instead. Stephanie lays on the mat holding her head. Angelica grabs at her hair and tosses her across the ring. Stephanie is down on the mat and Angelica makes her way over to her. She picks her up by the hair and throws her into the corner. She goes to give Stephanie a boot to the face but she moves out of the way. Stephanie kicks Angelica into the turnbuckle and makes her way over to the other corner. She does a cartwheel and runs right into Angelica.

JS~ Oooo. That had to hurt.

Prince~ I would love it if she did that to me. I would be in heaven.

JS~ You sick perverted freak.

~Stephanie gets Angelica out of the corner and sets her up for a suplex. Angelica tries to block it but Stephanie punches her in the stomach and connects with the suplex. Angelica holds her back as Stephanie makes her way back to her feet. Angelica slowing makes her way back to her feet but is quickly struck in the stomach with a kick from Stephanie. Stephanie sets her up for the Femigree and connects. She goes for the cover but gets off at the count of 2.

JS~ What is she doing? She could have had this match won.

Prince~ I think she has something better in mind.

~Stephanie grabs Angelica's legs and gets her in the Figure 4. Angelica screams in pain and tries to make it to the ropes but is unsuccessful. Angelica taps out to the pain and Stephanie is declared the winner~

Lilian~ Here is your winner, Stephanie McMahon.

~Syxx makes his way down to ring side and picks up Stephanie in his arms. They make their way to the backstage as RAW takes a commerical break~

-Match 2-
NO DQ Triple Threat Match
(Either Dragon or Evil Dead don't RP they're released)
Big Show Vs. Dragon Vs. Evil Dead
No match. Ill give Dragon one more chance
-Match 3-
Ladder Match
Yeah Boy Vs. Sic
JS- We have yet another great match for you. Two of the ERWF young studs are going to go at it.

Prince- That's right JS. Sic vs Yeahboy, what a great match this is going to be.

JS- Lets get this thing started, shall we.

Lillian- The following contest is a ladder match. In the ring right now, he weighs in at 225 pounds, Sic. And making his way to the ring, weighing in at 200 pounds, Yeahboy.

Yeahboy's music hits the pa system and Yeahboy makes his way down to the ring. Before he gets in the ring he grabs a ladder and throws it into the ring. Yeahboy gets into the ring and the match begins.

Yeahboy is in the ring and Sic begins to beat on him. Sic grabs Yeahboy and begins to punch him in the head. Sic gets acouple of good right hands in and then hits Yeahboy with a scoop slam. Sic begins to kick Yeahboy as he is on the ground. Yeahboy gets up and Sic again hits him with another right hand.Yeahboy knees Sic in the stomach and hits him with a ddt. Yeahboy gets up and takes control of the match. Yeahboy whips Sic of the ropes and Yeahboy hits him with a hard clothesline. Yeahboy runs off the ropes and hits Sic with a elbow drop. Yeahboy grabs the ladder and sets in put near one of the corners. Yeahboy grabs Sic and throws him right into the ladder. Sic falls to the ground and Yeahboy climbs the ladder. He gets to the top and goes for a leg drop. Sic moves out of the way and Yeahboy hits the ground hard. Both men are down and are in pain. They both get to there feet and start to exchange right hands. Yeahboy takes control but Sic grabs Yeahboy and throws him in to the ladder. Yeahboy falls to the mat and Sic throws the ladder down on top of Yeahboy. Sic runs off the ropes and does a splah onto the ladder. The ladder hits Yeahboy on every part of his body. Sic is beginning to get the upperhand on Yeahboy. Sic grabs the ladder and stes it up in the middle of the ring. Sic climbs the ladder and Yeahboy is right behind him. Both men are at the top and exchanging right hands. Sic is about ready to knock Yeahboy off the ladder. Yeahboy grabs Sic and suplexs him right off the top of the ldder. Sic hits the ground and so does Yeahboy. Both men are on the mat and are not moving. Yeahboy gets up slowly and picks up Sic. He whips Sic off the ropes and hits him with the YeahSlam. Yeahboy goes for the cover on Sic, 1...2...3 and Yeahboy wins.

Lillian- The winner of the match, Yeahboy.

JS- Both men showed alot of guts and both should have won.

Prince- That was a great match and yeahboy deserved the win.

JS- We will be right back.

-Raw Main Event-
Tag Team Tournament
Devil's Advocate & Dark Knight
The Hurricane & Apocolypse
The scene rolls to the backstage where a split screen shows both teams getting geared up for their match...

JS: It's the Tag Team Tournament, round one action, and it's next! Boy it's going to be one hell of a slobber knocker!

The camera rolls to a commercial break....


After returning from the commercial break the scene fades back with JS and "The Prince" at ringside

Folks we are moments away from first round action of the tag team tournament, and you have to say that all four of these competitors are ready and willing take home the gold. But it won't be without bruises or suffering!

The Prince: Yes that's right J.S. you know damn well these men will do anything and everything to get their hands on those belts. The only thing we can do is hope it doesn't get totally out of control and we can hope that either team will win the match fair and square. We take you to the ring now with Lillian Garcia for the introductions...

The bell tolls as Lillian Garcia prepares to introduce all of the competitors

Ladies and gentlemen this match is scheduled for one fall and it is round one of the tag team tournament...

"Burn in Hell" by Dimmu Borgir hits on the PA as the crowd revolts against it, Apocalypse makes his way out and gestures a belt around his waist while walking down to the ring...

Introducing first: from the depths of Hell and weighing in at two hundred and forty-five pounds, here is Apocalypse!

Apocalypse stays at ringside, awaiting the Hurricane... Suddenly "Rock you Like a Hurricane" by the Scorpions blasts onto the speakers, making the crowd boo again as Hurricane Helms comes out and spins around with his cape, much to the dismay of the fans...

And introducing his tag team partner: from Smithfield, North Carolina weighing in at two hundred and twelve pounds, here is The Hurricane!

Hurricane slips into the ring along with Apocalypse and the two strike a muscle pose as the fans boo them even more

Look at these two, we're talking about strength here when we see them together. But then again Advocate and Dark Knight are powerhouses as well, and that's why this is going to be one hell of a matchup. But look at how cocky those two are in the ring, strutting their stuff like they got it goin' on...

Hey you can't argue with a stylin' and profilin' team J.S.!

Suddenly "Sweet Dreamz" by Marilyn Manson hits with the crowd going into an uproar, causing Apoc. and Hurricane to stop their posing immediatly. The Devil's Advocate comes out of the curtain with the crowd on their feet...

And now introducing the challengers. First: from Sevil Devils, North Carolina and weighing in at two hundred and seventy-five pounds, here is The Devil's Advocate! The crowd cheers even more as Advocate awaits his partner... "Bodies" by Drowning Pool hits with the crowd pumped again as Dark Knight makes his way out

And his tag team partner: from parts unknown and weighing in at two hundred and seventy-five pounds, here is the Dark Knight!

Dark Knight and Advocate slide into the ring as the bell tolls and the ref gets in with Lillian getting to safety

Here we go, and Dark Knight has chosen to go first along with Apocalypse. Thiry pounds seperate these two, and it's in Dark Knight's favor. There's a lockup, and both of these men look to take advantage but nobody is giving an inch in motion. Finally Dark Knight moving Apocalypse a little bit and Dark Knight with a knee in the stomach, Dark Knight off of the ropes and swinging ddt on Apocalypse he's down on the mat and this crowd is going crazy!

They love Advocate and Dark Knight, they even cheer for their basic moves! But it won't be basics that win this match, they better find some brute strength soon and try to overpower them, nevermind out wrestle because with Apocalypse and Hurricane out wrestling is basically impossible even with Dark Knight and Advocate in the other corner facing them!

And now Apocalypse is up holding his head a lil and what a baby he's complaining to the ref that on the ddt he got a hair pull, but the ref avoids it and tells him to fight already. Another lock up and Apocalypse swings Dark Knight to the ropes, Hurricane taps Apocalypse on the shoulder with the blind tag. Hurricane is on the top rope ready to hop in, but a flying dropkick right into the chest cavity of Dark Knight! What an astounding move by Hurricane, what a quick turn around to pick up the pace of this match finally! Hurricane picking Dark Knight up, and another massive dropkick as Dark Knight flips over the ropes and lands outside the ring!


Finally some movement on the outside, Dark Knight is back trying to get in the ring and he gets in slowly. He looks hurt, he seems to be holding his back and he's trying to make the tag that he needs so much

Oh no Hurricane grabs him from behind and gives him a backwards flapjack! Here's the try at the pin after that great move!

1... 2....

NO! Dark Knight with a shoulder up, but how much longer can Dark Knight last?! Hurricane is dragging him to the middle of the ring, and he tags in Apocalypse and now there's a double team both men are stomping away on Dark Knight he's shuttering in pain!

Apoc. and Hurricane are picking Dark Knight up, oh no! Double suplex! And now Dark Knight tags in Hurricane, he's climbing the top rope! He's signaling to the crowd towards the end, he's going for the leg drop! Here it comes, Dark Knight moves out of the way, what a charlie horse Hurricane is gonna have from that!

Can Dark Knight make a tag?! He's stuttering towards the ropes and the crowd is pumping and clapping, hoping that The Devil's Adovcate can come in! And he's reaching out, yes there's the tag, and here comes Advocate! Clothesline to Hurricane! And now Apocalypse and coming in to get some, another clothesline for him too! Hurricane back up, spin kick by Advocate and Hurricane is back down again! Apocalypse charges, somoan drop counter! This crowd is going nuts and Advocate is telling them both to just bring it, they both try to punch, Advocate blocks them both and knocks their heads together! Get some aspirin, cuz they are gonna need it!

Apocalypse is rolling to the apron back to where he is supposed to be and now Hurricane is in a mess of trouble, Dark Knight is begging for the tag!

Tag to Dark Knight, he's in the ring and now Advocate and Dark Knight provide the stomps on Hurricane! Apocalypse is trying to get into the ring, Dark Knight goes over and throws him into it! Dark Knight lifts Apocalypse up, he's clenching his throat, chokeslam! Straight from hell to Apocalypse! And now Advocate is picking Hurricane up, Apocalypse and Hurricane hook on, double chokeslam! This match could be over! Here's the cover by Advocate...

1... 2.... 3!

The bell tolls as Lillian Garcia announces Advocate and Dark Knight as the winners of the matchup!

What a match! Advocate and Dark Knight win with the double chokeslam! Well that's it for RAW, stay tuned for the Warzone next!...

The scene fades to a commercial break as the sets go from Raw to Warzone...

Click Here for The Warzone Card!