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ERWF Raw is War - A New Breed of Attitude

ERWF Raw is War

September 30th, 2002
Live From The Charlotte Coliseum in Charlotte, NC
Deadline:Sunday @ 9:15PM Eastern

-Match 1-
Single's Match

The Big Show Vs. Predator
(Official warning Pred)
[ Across the Nation by The Union Underground blares over the speakers. Explosions, Pyros, and fireworks go off on the stage as the crowd goes absolutly nuts. We now take you to JS and Prince over at ring Side ]

JS:Welcome to ERWF Raw, We have a good card set up for you all. We will get the Vacant European Championship with eith Apcocolypse, Syn, or Evil Dead. Three very deserving people. But first we have Big Show against Predator.

Lillian:Now Making his way down to the ring, Weighing in at 500 Pounds...The Big Show!!! [ Big Show's music continues and he comes down to the ring with the crowd giving him a very mixed reaction. He gets in the ring and raises his arm high in the air ]

Lillian:And his opponent...Predator!!!

[ Predator runs down to the ring and gets the match started. Show drops Predator with a gorilla Press Slam to on the mat. Predator gets back and pucnhes at the stomach of Big Show. But the big man doesn't seem to get hurt from them. Big Show lifts Predator above his head and tosses him out of the ring ]

JS:Good God...Predator weighs well over 300 pounds and Show just showing a whole lot of power.

Prince:Well looks like he ate his wheaties when he was on Vacation.

[ Big Show throws Predator back into the ring. Predator is up on his feet and he begins stomping away on Big Show. Predator springs off the ropes and hits a clothesline to Show, but Big Show still stands up on his feet. ]

JS:Predator seems to have a tough time taking the tall guy down...

[Predator springs off the ropes again this time he hits an elbow to the face of Big Show, and Show goes down. ]

Prince:The whole arena just shook! I Don't think Charlotte gets many earthquakes this big!

[Pred starts attacking the ankles of the big man. ]

JS:Very smart move by the veteran. Look at Big Show using the ropes to get up.

[ Show slowly raises himself up with the ropes. Pred kicks Show in the Gut and goes for a DDT, and connects ]

JS:Here's the cover on Big Show... 1...2...Kickout big Big Show.

[Pred lifts Show up and trys for a suplex. He gets about halfway but is unable to raise Big Show. Show grabs Predator around the ribs and applies the bearhug ]

Prince:Predator seems to be in pain!

JS:WOW, What a belly to Belly Slam that was! Here's another cover. 1...2...and Predator kicks out!

[ Big Show whips Pred into the turnbuckle. Show hits a splash and Predator is dazed. Show begins choking Pred with his forearm.]

JS:Big Show showing the intensity to the crowd!

[ The referee counts and Big Show stops the choke. Big Show lifts Pred above his head once again, Predator slides in back of him and gets a school boy, 1...2.....kickout ]

JS: A very long count, by the referee. Come on, Predator had the match won!

[ Predator goes to whip Big Show, the whip is reversed and Big Show hits a huge Power Slam. Show gets up and waits for Predator to rise up to his Feet...]

JS:Good God Big Show connects with a huge Show Stopper! It's all over!

Prince:1...2...3!!! YES! Big Show pulls off the victory in his return match!

JS:Very good match by the two superstars! And here's a set of commercials for all of yah!


-Match 2-
Single's Match

Dragon Vs. The Undertaker
(No RPs, No Match. Dragon idk whats up with you, but better start RPing!)

-Match 3-
Vacant European Championship Title

sYn Vs. Apocolypse Vs. Evil Dead
The bell tolls three times as Lillian Garcia gets into the ring to announce the upcoming match

Ladies and gentlemen the following match is scheduled for one fall and it is for the ERWF European Championship...

" Heart of Darkness " by Arch Enemy hits the airwaves as the crowd is in-between cheers and boos, more boos reign out though as sYn comes out and raises his arms

Introducing first, from Albany New York weighing in at two hundred and fifteen pounds, here is sYn!

sYn rolls into the ring awaiting his other two opponents. " Burn in Hell " by Dimmu Borgir suddenly comes out as a reign of more boos come into play with Apocalypse settling onto the ramp...

And introducing his challenger, from the Depths of Hell weighing in at two hundred and forty-five pounds, here is Apocalypse!

Apocalypse gets into the ring and goes to rest in the corner, awaiting the final opponent Evil Dead. " Chaos Theory " comes onto the PA system as the crowd is in a frenzy with Evil Dead coming out onto the ramp...

And introducing the other challenger, from South West Detroit Michigan weighing in at two hundred and twenty pounds, here is Evil Dead!

The bell tolls as Lillian gets safely out of the ring and all three men stare at each other waiting for the other to take advantage, JS and The Prince start to comment on the match. JS goes first...

And here we go folks, this match is for the vacant European Championship and remember the first person to make their opponent submit or the first person to gain a pinfall on anyone else is the new champion. You can see the determination in each of these men's eyes, they've made the journey and now only this match stands in there way for glory...

No one has even made a move yet J.S., this is exciting it's almost as if they are playing off of each other's energy and waiting for the others to break down physically and mentally --

Evil Dead comes out of the corner finally and walks up to Apocalypse, slouched in the corner. Evil Dead spits on his and Apocalypse arises and nails Evil Dead with a forearm right to the face, Evil Dead stutters as Apocalypse flips him to the ropes and gives him a rolling ddt! sYn is there to stomp at Evil Dead and then Apocalypse clotheslines him to the ground!

Oh my, Apocalypse is in total control now! That spit in the face has made him into a wrecking machine of a man!

sYn gets up to his feet and tries to fling a punch at Apocalypse but he blocks and knocks him in the jaw with a powerful uppercut, Evil Dead rolls around and finally gains his vertical base. Evil Dead hits Apocalypse with an axe handle smash in the back, sYn gets back up as well and now both Evil Dead and sYn perform a double ddt on Apocalypse!

And now Apocalypse is in trouble J.S., he shoulda known that two heads are better than one haha!

Indeed a truly high octane move, took the wind right out of Apoc's sails and we hope this match isn't over this early

sYn goes up to the top rope and signals to the crowd that the end is near but when he comes off of the top turnbuckle Evil Dead is there catching him in midair and gives him a gorilla press slam right down onto the canvas!

What a move! That was pure egotistical, Evil Dead wants this match all for himself and he just put sYn out of commission to try and gain the win!

Evil Dead hooks Apocalypse's leg as the ref slides to count and make sure the foot is not on the ropes
Apocalypse gets a shoulder up!

No! This match isn't over! Amazingly Apoc gets his shoulder up! And now sYn is getting up and he looks to have a chip on his shoulder with the disrespect that Evil Dead showed him moments ago!

sYn rises up to Evil Dead and shoves him hard, but it seems to have no affect to him as Evil Dead whips sYn to the ropes. Evil Dead telegraphs the duck down and sYn sets him up with the crowd going crazy then nails the sit-down powerbomb!

Payback has been delivered! Sit-down powerbomb by sYn and Evil Dead's brains are scattered in his head now!

Apocalypse taps sYn on the shoulder, sYn turns around right into a chokeslam! Apocalypse picks sYn up once more and sets him up for the Death Deifier, but Evil Dead chops Apocalypse's legs and sYn lands right on top of him, the ref counts!
Evil Dead stomps sYn off of Apocalypse and it's seconds away from the three. Evil Dead picks sYn up and nails him with the power clothesline then bounces off of the ropes, looking for a leg drop! Seconds before it connects Apocalypse moves out of the way and Evil Dead drops right on his leg, holding it in pain!

Apocalypse was playing possum! And now Evil Dead is down! sYn is back up on his feet along with Apocalypse, sYn tries to punch for no Apocalypse reverses it and up and at em another chokeslam! Straight from the depths of Hell! Here's the pin!

Apocalypse hooks the leg of sYn as the ref counts
The bell tolls as Evil Dead continues holding his leg and Apocalypse's hand is raised in the air with Lillian coming into the ring

Ladies and gentlemen your winner by pinfall, and the new ERWF European Champion, Apocalypse!

The crowd boos as Apocalypse takes the belt and exits the ring, holding it high above his head. sYn is now on his feet and he stomps away a couple times at Evil Dead's sore leg as the ref's pull him away, sYn raises his hands and seems to have a blood thirsty look on his face as he smiles sadistically at what he's done

A new champion and my God what is wrong with sYn? He's definitely a sore loser, and Evil Dead looks hurt!

The scene fades out with Evil Dead refusing medical attention and getting up, limping to the backstage area...

Well quite a match before, and another stellar one on the way. It's Lil' C versus Dark Knight, and it's coming up next!


[ We see Apocolypse in his locker room celebrating with Big Show. All of a sudden the door gets kicked in. Tons of police officers fill the locker room and surround Apocolypse and the Big Show]

Big Show:SHIT! I knew those hookers were undercover cops!

[ The Police officers point their guns at Apoc ]


[ Apocolypse does as he is told. A Cop puts his on Apocolypse's head so he can't move. Another grags his legs, and the Head Officer cuffs Apoc and reads him his rights ]

Police Officer:You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law....

[ The Officer continues to read Apoc his rights and the screen fades to another commercial ]

-Match 4 - Raw Main Event-
Single's Match

Lil' C Vs. Dark Knight
J.S. and the Prince are at ringside when the commercial break ends

Ladies and gentlemen we have received word that Evil Dead is just a little bruised and it's nothing too serious but still sYn has got to get his act together, that was simply uncalled for but we are glad to have crowned a new European Champion by the name of Apocalypse. It was a simply amazing match full of adrenaline, and now we promise another dosage of that right here with two fine wrestlers going at it! Here's Lillian Garcia for the introductions!

The camera pans to Lillian Garcia standing in the ring as " Part Time " by Lil' C hits the airwaves, a parade of boos echoes throughout the area as Lil' C comes down the rampway taunting the crowd as the bell tolls

Ladies and gentlemen the following matchup is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first from Riverdale Maryland weighing in at one hundred and eighty-eight pounds, here is Lil' C!

Lil' C gets into the ring awaiting Dark Knight, suddenly " Bodies " by Drowning Pool hits the airwaves with a mixed reaction by the crowd as Dark Knight runs down the rampway, stopping short of the steps

And introducing his challenger. From parts unknown and weighing in at two hundred and seventy-five pounds, here is Dark Knight!

Dark Knight jumps onto the ring apron and shakes it as the bell tolls, as Dark Knight is ducking his way into the ring Lil' C takes advantage with an axe handle smash to his back. Lil' C celebrates as the crowd boos, but Dark Knight gets into the ring and whales a haymaker at Lil' C, knocking him down to the canvas as the crowd goes nuts!

What power, what brute strength! Two hundred and seventy five pounds of pure strength and preserverance, Lil' C will be getting his frequent flyer miles today if he's not careful and if he's really cocky Lil' C will be in the mile high club by the time this match is over!

Lil' C gets right back up and Dark Knight ties up with him whipping him into the ropes, Dark Knight ducks down and Lil' C jumps over him somehow bouncing off the other rope and hitting Dark Knight with a flying clothesline but Dark Knight doesn't budge! Lil' C bounces off the rope again as Dark Knight turns around, Lil' C jumps right into Dark Knight's arms and Dark Knight picks him up into the air then drive's him back down!

Screwdriver! What an intense move, Lil' C could very well be paralyzed!

Dark Knight goes for the pinfall as the ref counts
Dark Knight pulls Lil' C's head up to dish out more punishment as the crowd is on their feet!

Dark Knight isn't done with this one!

Dark Knight whips Lil' C into the corner and stomps his foot at the other corner, moments before Dark Knight charges into Lil' C he throws the ref infront of him and rolls out of the ring! Dark Knight splashes the ref right to the ground!

Oh my God! That rat Lil' C has put the ref's life in danger to save his own! What a sick son of a ---

(Interrupting) What a move!

How you can call that a move is beyond me, it's just like trying to call Lil' C a man right about now! Face the facts Lil' C you woulda lost!

But he didn't, what quick thinking!

Lil' C pushes the time keeper off of his chair and slides into the ring with the chair, he holds it up expecting Dark Knight to turn around after making sure the ref is alright, Dark Knight catches Lil' C out of the corner of his eye and kicks the chair right into his face!

Yes! And that chair just smacked the daylights out of Lil' C!

Dark Knight wakes up the ref and vertically presses on Lil' C for the pin, the ref counts while the crowd cheers
NO! Lil' C puts his foot up on the bottom rope! Dark Knight can't believe it!

And Lil' C squeaks out again!

This match is definatly living up to its full potential J.S., don't deny it!

This match shoulda been over before it even started, but somehow in someway Lil' C has made it possible to barely stay alive

The ref slowly recovers to his feet, wiping his face to clear of the cobwebs and while his face is hidin Lil' C gives Dark Knight a low blow with his knee!

Low blow! The ref didn't see it! What a time to take advantage!

Lil' C backs up and taps his leg then nails Dark Knight with the Bling Shot!

Bling Shot! Oh my God what an upset! No tell me this isn't so!

Lil' C pins Dark Knight away from the ropes as the ref counts
The bell tolls as Lil' C rolls quickly out of the ring

Ladies and gentlemen your winner by pinfall, Lil' C!

Lil' C raises his hands and scampers off to the back as Dark Knight arises and shoves the ref out of the way, running to the back

What an upset, and now I have no respect what so ever for Lil' C

Why not? It's not cheating unless you get caught J.S.! What a Raw main event

And folks we'll be right back with the opening of Warzone!


Click Here for The Warzone Card!

Match 1 done by VP Gordon - AIM=MasterDisaster2X
Match 2 - No Results
Match 3/4 done by Irong Lung - AIM=rkvanilla