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Hometown Area: Harrisburg, Pa.
Work Area: All along the Northeast
Wrestling Federations worked for: SWO, CCW, WWWA, CPW, TWWA, WCICW, AAWF,PWE
Height & Weight: 5'8'', 160 lbs.

Growing up as a wrestling fan, Dice had always wondered what it would be like to be in the ring in front of hundreds or even thousands of people. Dice would attend matches in Philadelphia and Hershey, Pennsylvania. One day a local Indy wrestler caught Dice's eye, Luscious Johnny Graham. Quickly he became a favorite of Dice. Dice would follow the Independent circuit from town to town watching Graham's matches. Dice enjoyed the shows but sometimes would get upset by the officiating. He realized that some of the officials were intimidated by the size and demeaner of the larger wrestlers. Dice is a man with strong morals and the ability to stand up for himself and what he believes is right. Dice got in touch with a local wrestling promotion and started to train as a referee. He was a natural. After getting a few bookings for Classic Championship Wrestling, and Susquehanna Wrestling Organization, he was quickly noticed by other wrestling promotions. He was contacted by the World Wide Wrestling Alliance to work a tour in late 2002 where he worked with former WCW star Crowbar, and former WWE star Larry Zbysko.

Dice is a young referee with a bright future. His referee style has brought him outside of his native Pennsylvania area. He has refereed matches in various parts of the Northeastern United States. His favorite types of matches to referee are Table, Ladders, & Chairs, and Hardcore, and Ladies Matches. When asked what his goals as a referee are, he replied, "It's a long shot but, I would love to work for the WWE someday, my father always told me, anything is possible if you put your mind and heart into it".

If you are a promoter and interested in booking Dice, you can Email him at: