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Tim White


WWE: How many years have you been refereeing?

WWE: What's your most memorable moment?
There's no answer to that. My life in this business has been so much fun that to narrow it down to one moment or match would be impossible. I was fortunate enough to travel with Andre the Giant, and we became best friends over the years. The places we went and the things we did were amazing. I'm just very lucky.

WWE: What's your most terrifying moment?
During one match, Bam Bam Bigelow hit the ropes and the top turnbuckle broke loose and slingshotted across the ring. It would have taken off my head if I hadn't ducked.

WWE: What kind of injuries have you had? Broken nose, broken thumb, torn rotator cuff, meniscus (knee cartilage) tear and innumerable bumps and bruises.

WWE: Why do you want to be a ref?
I just love to be able to perform in front of thousands of people and to be part of the show. There's nothing like the adrenaline rush you get coming out to all these arenas. There's no feeling like it.

WWE: How do you feel about getting booed? You just have to let it slide off your back. It's all part of the deal. The more they boo, the more they're getting motivated, so I guess that's good.

WWE: How do you feel about letting Superstars into your bar, The Friendly Tap, even after they've berated you in the ring?
If they're buying, they're getting served.

*From WWF Magazine, April 2002 Issue. For more info on WWF Magazine, go to

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And it's not just a place where the WWF Superstars go to get beat up occasionally. Go to to find out more about the actual bar!
