NOW PLAYING: "Welcome to the jungle" -Guns N Roses

Music Playlist at

Special Guests: Jax Morgan, John Gambino Sr, Chris Gambino, Britney Gambino and Vic Luthor.

Roleplay Title: The Evil Son PRT 4

There is one thing that is always true, whenever you are involved in a heated feud in the XWF. Both parties, will ALWAYS say that they are going to win, no matter what. Both wrestlers will always go on and On about how much of a Life and Death situation is is for them. About how if they do not win, they will become nothing more than a poor sad teenage girl who has been dumped for the first time. They will sit in their favorite pajamas, eat a gallon of rocky road ice cream and Cry the night away. Everybody always acts as if the situation is a "do or die" situation, you are not the first man to act that way rage and I highly doubt that you will be the last. But when it comes right down to it, the same phrase can be used for you and For all the rest. "What doesn't kill us, only makes us stronger."

I WILL defeat you at a prophecy Fulfilled, Rage. You don't have to be Doctor Emmett Brown to see that the future is already set in stone when it comes to that particular subject. But, just because you are going to lose doesn't mean that it will be the end of you, or the end of your legacy. Take this as a learning situation, Rage. You aren't the first rookie I have had to educate, I have grown accustomed to being the XWF's resident teacher. Many young talents have come into the XWF and Many of them found themselves up against the monster that is, Bigg Rigg. And, the same thing happened to each and Every one of them that will soon happen to you. I beat some much needed sense right into them. The difference is, you are already ahead of the game. I had to beat respect into them, while you already have respect for the people who paved the way for you. In my opinion, that simply means that your quest to become the Universal Champion will come a lot sooner than it came for the rest of them.

Look at some of the fools I put up with. Jack Nation, he had no respect and Now he is the biggest joke the XWF has seen since Jason Cash. One can hardly tell which weeks he is an active member of the XWF roster and Which weeks he has quit. KoRe, he chose not to show any respect to me and What happened to him? Sure, he was the Universal Champion for a short time, but he quickly vacated the title simply so I would leave him alone and Stop gunning for him every week. Jason Cash, he came back and Claimed that he was going to show me how great he truly was. What happened to Cash? I beat the hell out of him, added one more loss to his already very pathetic record and Forced management to see how awful a wrestler he truly is. So, they sent him to Impact and Poor old Cash couldn't even handle the competition there. So now, he is back where he should have stayed in the first place, as nothing but a faded memory or more or less, as the butt of all of our jokes in the XWF.

That is just a few, of the Rookies that have come into the XWF and Attempted to take me down over the years. I guess they all figure, if they can take down the guy who has been here longer than the ring itself, then they can truly make a name for themselves. But they all fail to show respect, where respect is so rightfully due. You haven't made that mistake, Rage and I commend you for it. But, just because we have kissed each other's a$$es on a few subjects as of late, doesn't mean that tomorrow night is going to be any easier for you. In fact, things are going to be more difficult for you than they were for Cash, Nation, Kore and The rest of them. Because you DO respect me, you DO respect the XWF legends and I know that means you will rise to the top of this company much faster than the rest of them.

Which means simply put, that your a$$ is indeed grass. I will NOT allow you to use me or MY Universal Championship as your own personal stepping stool to greatness. This is MY time and I will be the one to use this chance to my benefit. For far too long I have been over looked, under appreciated and Used. I am tired of it and I will NOT allow it to go on for any longer. My friend Boondock Saint, he get's irritated because Jonathyn is holding him back. I wish I could be "held back" they way he is. If being a multi time Universal Champion is being held back, then sign me up. I am the one who has truly been held back. I am a one time Universal champion, that's correct one, single, lonely time. And I have been here for over a decade now. If I were being held back from greatness anymore than I already am, I would know how the Black people felt back in the day. But, just as one Black man has had the courage to stand up, to finally end all of the getting treated unfairly, to finally make people see that we are all equal regardless of race. Just as that man has stood up, even though people attempted to make him feel as if he wasn't as good as the other guy. Just as that man stood tall and Said with pride, "My name is Barack Obama and I am running for president of the United States." I will finally stand too and Fight against all of the unfair treatment I have received in my XWF career. It is MY time, not Jonathyn, Not Chad...or ANYBODY ELSE CAN CHANGE THAT!

So, I stand here as a man ready to take action that should have been taken long ago. Rage, My name is John Gambino and I will be the next XWF Universal Champion. Now, I know that you do not like that, I know that it upsets you very, very much. I am sorry it has to be that way, but Unfortunately IT DOES. Because right now, we are two very hungry men who have busted their a$$es at work all day. We walk inside the house and An aroma fills our Nostrils that completely overtakes us. We look on the kitchen table and There sits a plate of mashed potatoes, corn and A big juicy steak. The only problem is, there are two of us and Only one plate of food. We are both hungry, we have both worked hard...yet only one of us will be able to feed the hunger within. The fact is, started working hard at 9:00 AM, while I began bright an early at 7:00 AM. Therefore, not only am I hungrier than you, but I am also more deserving of the food than you. And come Prophecy Fulfilled, I will come one step closer to feeding the hunger that has ached inside of me for YEARS! I will come one step closer to finally become the Universal Champion once again.

I know that you believe your hunger for that is greater than mine, Rage. But you have to remember that you have just began in this business. You haven't seen your hopes and Your dreams killed again and again right in front of you. I have. You will be alright after you lose this match, you have many, many years to reach your goals. Me, I have waved goodbye to my dreams too many f*cking times in my Life and I would rather die than do it again. So you see Rage, no matter how much you attempt to convince yourself that you NEED this more than I are wrong. You WANT this.....I NEED it.

I know what to expect in a battle for a chance at the Universal Championship, you don't fully understand what you are getting into, Rage. This isn't a battle that you can just walk away from, this isn't a battle that ever is a battle that continues on for as long as you are in the Universal Championship ranks. Everybody wants it, everybody feels as if they need it and They are all willing to do ANYTHING to get there. The Universal Championship is like a drug and Everybody in the ranks is just looking for their next fix. No matter who they have to hurt, how much blood they need to spill and How many of their morals they have to doesn't matter. They all, or should I say...WE ALL crave the same thing, yet there is only enough for one person. I have stood back in the past and Watched other get their fix of being Universal Champion, while I sat back and Watched with Jealous eyes. No more. Now, it will be all the rest of you that watch me, that wish that YOU were I become the next Universal champion.

Say what you want, think what you want and Believe whatever you want, Rage. I honestly don't care. The time for talk is over. The truth will soon be known, no matter what either of us says. Tomorrow night, blood will be spilt, chair shots will be felt, tables as well as spirits will be broken. But, at the end of the night only one man will be able to call himself the number one contender for the single greatest championship in this business. Like it or not Rage, that man will be me. I will finally fee the way I have always deserved to feel, like one of the greatest. And you Rage, you will FEEL THE RAGE!


Saturday October 25 th 2008, 8:02 PM

LoFaro's Ristorante

Reggio Calabria, Italy.

My mind couldn't believe what my eyes were looking at. He looked like my dad, he acted and Sounded like my dad...but how could he be? My dad died a few years back, I was at the funeral. I saw the agony on people's faces, the hurt that had overtaken their hearts.

"Dad?" I asked, only half believing what I was seeing. "How could it be? You're dead?"

"No, son." He said, placing his left hand onto my back. "I'm not. I'm right here, right in front of you."

"But, I was at the funeral Dad......"

"The casket was empty, Son." He informed me.

"Why? How could you let me believe that you were dead, Dad? All the times I needed you, the times I missed you....the pain that I felt every single day, was all a lie."

"Son. I'm sorry...." He said, his face showing his sorrow. "The family was after me. They wanted me dead for the whole Billy Blue situation. I had to tell the feds what they wanted to know, just so I could be put into police protection. So, they moved me here."

"So, that's what all this LoFaro business is about?" I asked, as I pointed my left index finger toward the sign on the wall behind the bar. "That's what they changed your name to, LoFaro?"

"No...son..." He turned around, I could again tell that I wasn't being told the entire story.

"Dad, what is it? You NEED to tell me everything." I demanded.

He stopped and Slowly turned his head back, looking at me.

"John..." He began. "When I was a teenager, I thought my father was the coolest man around. Being a part of the mafia, having people worship the ground he walked on....I wanted that so badly at the time. My Dad was an associate of Carlo Gambino....."

"What? No, this Italy water must have something it it that has gotten you a bit stoonad. Carlo Gambino, was your father."

"No...." His eyes peered down toward the floor. "Carlo was my father's associate and I really looked up to the man. I didn't like my name when I was young, much like most teenagers. In their hunger for Independence, they tend to not want their given name. That being said, as soon as I was emancipated at age 16, I changed my last name....from LoFaro to Gambino."

I stood there in shock, how could I have been lied to my entire childhood? I always prided myself on being Carlo Gambino's grandson and The entire thing was nothing more than a well planned out lie.

"Carlo isn't my grandfather?.....Is MY last name even Gambino?"

Again his eyes looked downward. "No....not legally. You see, I never had the heart to tell you. When you were a child, you knew that my name was John Gambino and It would have killed you if you had known that your name is John LoFaro. Besides, you ended up going into the business.....I couldn't tell anybody about it at that point. You see, my father died when I was 17. Though I was technically on my own, I didn't have the money to live. So Carlo Gambino gave me a job and He lead everyone to believe that I was his son. He died when I was 23 and He never told anybody any different. The family would have killed us both if they knew the truth."

I looked over at Eli and Jax, they both stood there with their eyes on the floor. My face felt like it was on fire, as I stood there and Attempted to grasp what I was being told.

"I am sorry, son."

" know what. It doesn't even matter. It killed me when I thought you were dead, but I would have to be a damn fool not to just be happy that you are alive. I am upset about the lies, but I am not going to allow my anger to out weigh my relief. I'm glad you're alright, Dad." I said, grinning.

"Thank you, Son......"

"I don't mean to interrupt this family reunion guys......but we have to find Chris." Jax said, looking down at his wrist watch.

"Yes, you're right. let's go." I agreed, nodding my head. "You come with us, Dad. We are going to need all the assistance we can get."


Saturday October 25 th 2008, 8:47 PM

Mama Cozi Warehouse

la guacchera drive, Reggio Calabria, Italy.

The darkness made it difficult to gain any kind of advantage, mainly because not only could they not see us, but in turn we couldn't see them. But an idea had come to me moments before we arrived at the warehouse. Christopher knew his grandfather would not harm him, it was with his connections to the FBI that he even knew where to find his grandfather. So I had no doubt in my mind, that our only way in was going to be with my father. All clad in camo pants, with matching shirts and paintball masks covering our faces, we surrounded my Dad as he placed a call on his cell phone.

"Hello, Chris?" He said, in an upbeat tone. "It's me, Grandpa."

"Oh, hello are you doing on this fine night?"

"I am doing alright, thank you for asking. But, I would like to come spend some time with you if that would be alright. I feel as if we didn't get much chance to talk that first time you visited me."

"Well, I am kind of in the middle of something right now, Grandfather." Chris said, as the faint sound of a woman screaming could be heard in the background. Eli's hand grabbed onto my shoulder and began to squeeze as he stretched over me to hear, a look of awe on his face. "Can we do lunch tomorrow, or something?"

"Well...I am going to be going out of town for a few weeks, Chris. If I don't see you tonight, I will have to wait until next month."

"Alright Grandfather...then I will see you next month." Chris answered coldly. "have a safe trip."

My father stood with a look of shock on his face, as he still held the cell phone in his hand.

"How could Chris be so cold? He acted as if he could care less if he ever saw me again or not."

"Dad. I did a lot of things wrong with Chris." I admitted. "Unfortunately, a majority of the blame in this situation rests on my shoulders."

"Don't worry, Son." He assured me. "You still have time to make up for it. We must save that woman. Do we have any other ideas?"

"Yes." Eli spoke up. "I think it's time we charged in there. If we wait much longer, she will be dead. Let's just try and Not kill Chris. However, all of his associates are fair f*cking game."

"Agreed..." I nodded toward Eli. "Let's go."

As Jax and My father walked down the hill toward the warehouse, Eli grabbed onto my shoulder with one hand. He looked at me, with something obviously on his mind.

"Sir, in case we don't make it....I feel that I owe you an Explanation." He said, as he locked eyes with me. "You mean a lot to me and I didn't mean anything against you when this just sorta happened. When Britney and I spent all that time together at the hospital, we kind of went out...together. She is pregnant.....with my son."

I placed my hand onto Eli shoulder, a grin on my face.

"Do you love her?"

"Yes sir. I do."

"Then all I have to say is, Congratulations Eli. You deserve it."

I took my hand off his shoulder, turned and began walking down the hill with the others.


Saturday October 25 th 2008, 9:17 PM

Mama Cozi Warehouse

la guacchera drive, Reggio Calabria, Italy.

With one kick from Jax and Eli, the front door of the warehouse busted open. We all rushed inside, pointing our guns in front of us...just looking for somebody to shoot. In the Center of the room, Britney sat on a total gym, tied up from top to bottom and Gagged. There was only one guard and It was Chris right hand man, Vic Luthor. Vic hovered over Britney, and As we entered he turned his head back looking toward us. Vic struggled to grab his gun from his pants, but before he could Eli blasted his shotgun directly toward his back. BOOM! Vic's body fell to the floor and Eli rushed over to untie Britney.

As Eli untied Britney, I bent over beside Vic's body.

"Where is my son?" I demanded.

"Hahaha!....You will never find out from me. Just know, that this isn't over. Chris will win......"

It was then that Vic spit up some blood, closed his eyes and I watched as the Life drained out of him. Where had Chris gone and What would his next trick be to rule Gambino Industries?