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' Quote the Raven '

E-Fed AchievementsSigned With PWR ;

W/L/D Record:00/00/00 --- Roleplay Number: #01

Title: " Death Rode A Pale Horse! "

The "PWR" camera is on as we see things for what they are. No fancy scene here as in the dark alone and wanting more, Perry Saturn is seated with a point to make tonight. He does not look right at the camera yet rather then delay things he opens his mouth for the purpose of speaking. He then begins to speak right now rather then delay things

Perry Saturn: Each place to which I find myself sent, I tear through like a storm…The trail of the defeated grows longer and longer by mine feet…And yet, the foolish never learn. I am always started with the weakest….Those who would be most prone to be trampled by lesser men; these are expected to stand up to the might of the heirs of the Kings of old? Nonsense…. Glory and honor…And time. All that men can do is use the time that is allotted them wisely. That is the truest measure of a man. Actions define the man…not the other way ‘round. And actions start here and now once more…In a federation of young brigands, punks, and half men, a MAN has been unleashed. PERRY SATURN…fate has decreed my return to this place we call wrestling. And what is PWR? Once a flagship federation, now the powers that be fight for each viewer they can muster. Perhaps that is why Perry Saturn has heeded the call once more. Merciful I have shown myself to be, and fate places me in PWR By blood oath I swear it; this place shall not stand against Perry Saturn. The ancient name of glory shall prevail against the murderers….the criminals…the unseemly Knaves of the federation….They say that death rode a pale horse, and that he brought hell along with him…So too shall it be in PWR…Perry Saturn was death on the pale horse, and hell would be his gift…..”

~FINE~ .

Felt the 'Rings of Saturn': No One Yet ;