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(The scene opens up in Paris , France on a crystal clear night with a half moon in the sky. The sound of French music can be herd playing as a few credits play for the promo that is about to begin. The camera finally fixates in front of the Eiffel Tower looking up at the great structures constructed by the great people of France . Its lights glow at night lighting up the master piece in the dead of night. Tourist and young teens in love can be seen all over this area walking around or gazing up at the tower itself in aw. As the camera man walks forward through the park we see a man with long black hair by a fountain smoking a lucky strike cigarette in a black trench coat. His breath can be seen in the air from the cold November weather, as he in hails and exhails the tobacco in and out of his lungs. The camera man finally gets close enough for us to recognize that this is former Multi Champion and Hall of Fame Legend Shatter Star of Rebellion Wrestling. His glass eye gleams in the street lights as he turns around to face the camera man who has come to cut the promo they had prearranged. Star has a very somber look in his face and looks to have a lot on his mind as he walks up to the camera man.)


(Shatter Star: It's a great place France, a lot of history has happened on this soil, true rebellion. Many years ago the French people rebelled against the Royal Families and took back their land by spilling their blood, and through true aggression they won their freedom. Today because of their freedom they become one of the greatest countries in the world.)


(Star takes another hit from cigarette and begins to continue his speech.)


(Shatter Star: R.O.W right now is facing a Rebellion against a Royal leader in Rick Royalty Roberts, the man is sick, and his sickness is only equaled by his money, but the Rebellion is sicker. Lead by Jesse Amato, they call them selves the New Frontier Wrestling Association. Unlike before where they were untalented no bodies hell bent on destroying the federation I helped build, now they reformed with highly skilled personal and a common goal I once shared with them and that was destroy Rick Royalty Roberts at any cost. I no longer could care less what happens to Rebellion Wrestling because its owner is a man I have hated since day one he appeared here as a wrestler. I no longer care because my own stable mate turned on me last week in favor of a British Alliance that as far as I can tell couldn't stop a Rebellion if the were equipped with battle armor and knight sticks. The Gods of Hell Fire are dead, and in the past, and so is my selfless caring for the well being of this federation. As of right Shatter Star is in it for only one thing and that's Star him self. At the end of my career I have only one last thing on my mind, one last thing to prove to my fans, and my roster mates, and that's the Global Title of Professional wrestling around my waste one more time.)


(Star takes another hit from cigarette and continues to speak to the camera man leaning back against the beautiful fountain shooting water up into the air.)


(Shatter Star: My reputation in the recent months has taken a fall for the pits, because of poor performance against fellows like Extreme, and the Hard Core match last week I've been considered old news. Many of you will probably be asking why do I deserve a title shot, I know the Global Champion Dylan Fox will be bashing, me, the company, and the president all week for giving me this title shot and forcing him to defend his title against an opponent that is way past his prime. I agree with all of you, I don't deserve this title shot, I don't even deserve to be in the same locker a room any longer, but when the four presidents that restarted this company back in June and confronted me to sign a contract with them for the reopening of Rebellion Wrestling, I had a clause put in my contract for one Title Shot by the end of 2005. Well guess what Dylan the year is almost up, and I decided to take advantage of that clause in my contract since I plan on retiring before the end of the year. So I hope that answers all your stupid questions you arrogant fuck.)


(Star takes another long hit from his cigarette and then exhales; he looks up at the sky until he feels the buzz and then begins to speak again.)


(Shatter: I been in this game for so long I know everything Dylan is going to say. He is going talk about how great he is, how it takes a man of true talent like Austin Arroyo his secret boy friend, to earn his respect not someone like me, who is washed up and doesn't stand a chance again him. I guess two Global Heavy Weight Title runs and 10 total titles accumulated in my career means nothing to a man who has reached the top of the pyramid faster then any superstar in the history of Rebellion Wrestling, but to an intelligent human being it would cause them to recognize respect, and they would take me very seriously. I may no longer be Consistent, but on rare occasions when come out to the ring the man who accomplished all those great feats comes out in me and I am able to bring giants to there knees. Men like The Big Ging, Mace Draklin, and Jesse Amato have fallen victim to my Shatter Kick in the past year and the fact of the matter is Dylan Fox if that man shows up for our match this Tuesday Night for Terror you could lying at the bottom of my feet unconscious just like them. You might just be watching me walk out of the arena with your Global Championship around my waste, because when you fight me you never know what you're going to get, but the one thing that is constant about my fighting ability is I can take more punishment then any man in the roster. I have my right eye ripped out, my neck cracked, my ribs broken, my arm, my leg, I've broken pretty much every bone you can break and still live from it and have come back to fight again. Why am I telling you all this? Because Dylan you said so yourself you dish out so much punishment that you destroy any opponent laid before you. Well I'm telling you it doesn't matter how much punishment you dish out to me, what you do to me, I am still getting up. I refuse to be pinned because to me this is the last match that I will ever care about in my whole career. This match means everything to me, all the time I have spent in this federation, every cause I have fought for, will be nothing in comparison to the emotion, bravado, brilliance, and resilience that I will bring to this match.)


(Star finishes his cigarette and motion to the camera man to follow him; the two men walk over to the elevator that takes you to the top of the Eiffel Tower . Star hits the button to the top and the doors close and the elevator begins to make its way to the top. As the doors open Star begins to talk again.)


(Shatter Star: It's quite a site up my friends, I suggest if you ever in this part of the world to come and see this place from the top of the tower. Truly breathe taking.)



(Shatter Star takes a deep breath of air and exhales.)


(Shatter Star: It makes you feel truly alive, I tell you theirs nothing else in the world like it. Much like the feeling you get when you walk on stage for a match live on television. It's something I'm going to miss after Sacrifice, where I'll be taking on the man who deserted the GOH and pretty much destroyed any chance it had of surviving past 2005. I guess all great things must come to and end eventually. Ging we have fought twice in are careers one on one. The first time I beat you, and the second time the match ended in a draw. What in your right mind makes you think you can beat me this time around? What the same reason Dylan Fox things I will be an easy win? Because if lost 4 in a row and have been beaten like a rag doll the past month? Is that it big man? Or let me guess this whole time off you had because of you poor little neck injury you been training, focusing your self mentally, just to face me at Sacrifice is that it? The truth about Ging is you're a snake. Who was the one who got revenge for what the NFWA did to your wife and son? I was! Who was the one who helped launch your career into super stardom in Rebellion Wrestling? I DID! With out me the Big Ging would have retired after the Blood Sport Tournament and would have become a fat lazy bastard that spent his time drinking apple Cider and shagged the same women till he died of a heart attack. Well Ging I have no problem having the last thing I do in my career being teaching your giant sized dumb ass that with out me you would have been nobody in this place!)


(Star pulls out another cigarette and lights it, then quickly takes a hit, inhales and then exhales. The smoke travels out of his nose into the air as he walks over to the edge and looks out at the city below him. The camera man takes a few minutes to take in the scenery. Star continues with his promo after a few seconds.)


(Shatter Star: I think we talked enough about The Big Ging, I respect his power, his skill, and that's why every time I get in the ring with him, I take everything he does well into account and use it against him and that's what I plan to do to Dylan Fox. Take what he does best and use it against him. See Big Ging is very powerful but he is also very slow. My great speed and quick strikes are what helped me defeat him at Blood Sport, but with Dylan Fox you enter a whole new world. The man is the perfect specimen for wrestling, he is 6'4 245 pounds of pure muscle, but what makes his great is that he is the perfect weight and height where he has 3/4ths of the power Ging has and the quickness of a condition fighter. He is a carbon copy of what made Xavier so great and because of that his record of 9 and 1 is no huge surprise to me. He is absolutely genetically made for this sport. So how does a man with only one eye and only weighs 235 pounds and is 2 and half inches shorter get the best of this beast?)


(Star pauses and a look of great determination comes over his face.)


(Shatter Star: The way you stop a man of Dylan Fox's capabilities is taking the fight out of the ring, taking him out of his comfortable surroundings, and doing things that so unpredictable that there is no way for him to know what is going to happen next. Every match Dylan Fox's has fought in has been a straight forward one on one match or a match that barred the wrestlers inside of the ring like the electrified cage matches. Well Dylan be prepared for the first match that you will venture out of the ring and will be exposed to all kinds of dangers you have no idea about, I will make you feel every ounce of my anger through the brass knuckles that will be strapped to our hands. That perfect bone structure in your face that your so proud of will be crushed by the end of our match my friend. That money your parents spent on the orthodontist getting you that perfect smile will be a waste because you and I will both be toothless bastards after this match is over.)


(Star makes his way back to the elevator and the camera man jumps inside with him. They make their way to the ground floor and the doors open. Star and the camera man walk out of the elevators and star heading back to the hotel where Star is staying the week at. Star continues to speak on their way their.)


(Shatter Star: Dylan you take your records very serious, well I have my own records my friend. I am the only man to ever reach the Blood Sport Finals on three occasions, I am part of one of the greatest Tag Teams ever that defeated the Master Plan and never lost the Tag Team Titles defending them successfully for 3 months, I myself rid Rebellion Wrestling of the OCW invading federation and United the Global Title that you now where around your waste so you can call yourself the Undisputed Champion. I beaten Zane Valkin, Xavier, Mace Draklin, Golden Eagle, Master Plan, and the Majority of the Hall of Fame Legends that you and the rest of this new generation like to call untalented and undeserving, but the truth is my friend in their prime they could have taken you apart easily. The truth is Dylan you're a prototype that will be produce and reproduced for years to come. The Xavier clone that everyone loves to hate, the perfect combination of power and speed, and that's why when your career is over you won't be remembered as unique like myself, because their will only be one Shatter Star, their will never, ever be another wrestler quite just like myself, who will do the same things I did in the ring and out of the ring. I'm sure to you I'm just another Matt Vanderbelt looking for glory, and trying to go out with a bang, but I've never been like Vanderbelt and I've always had the best of that Drunk Bastard. My idiot stable mate from Michigan has burnt his brain cells, and drank himself into a stupor beyond any chance of returning himself to the glory he once had and quite frankly I never like Matt, and if you take time to read about my history will see we were fierce rivals. So when you shaved his head I though it was pretty god damn funny to be honest.)


(Star cracks a smile as he continues to walk down the street with the camera man walking close behind.)


(Shatter Star: I'm not Matt Vanderbelt, and I've never been anything like Matt, our only similarities are that Zane Valkin found something in us that he liked and wanted us in his stable. I fully prepared to fight you to the brink of your capabilities and that's exactly what I plan to do. You and I Dylan are very different people, you grew up rich in Holly Wood, and I grew up poor and on my own in New York, but some how we ended up doing the same thing, the same sport, and that tells me deep down inside we both have that primal emotion of a warrior. We have the need to prove our selves in war and I have the need to prove myself to the fans and to all of my peers in the locker room.)


(Star finally reaches his hotel; he stops and turns around to finish his promo.)


(Shatter Star: Dylan I'm coming for the gold and their will be a war when we meet, I won't be no young inexperienced wrestler trying to prove something I'm not ready to prove like Blade last week. I've been here before, I've been in the main event, I've held that belt around you waste twice before and I want that feeling around my waste one more time. I want to hear the fans chant my name on last time and you can try to stop me, in fact, I hope you give me everything your god like arrogant ass can dish out because it wont stop Shatter Star of the Gods of Hell Fire and I'll grantee you that!)


(Star turns around puts out his cigarette and heads up to his room for the night. The camera man slowly walks away and shuts of the camera. The scene fades to black.)