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src=""width="420"height="110"> cellpadding="1" cellspacing="2" frame="box" rules="all" align="center" width="85%" bgcolor="#000000" style="border-style:2px solid;"> src="" width="104" height="100"> src="" width="104" height="100"> src="" width="104" height="100"> src="" width="104" height="100"> src="" width="104" height="100"> src="" width="103" height="100"> scrollamount="6" bgcolor="black" direction="left">The scrollamount="6" bgcolor="black" direction="right">Seductive scrollamount="6" bgcolor="black" direction="left">Blonde scrollamount="6" bgcolor="black" direction="right">Diva scrollamount="6" bgcolor="black" direction="left">Torrie scrollamount="6" bgcolor="black" direction="right">Wilson src="" width="104" height="100"> frame="void" rules="cols" align="center" bgcolor="#000000"> src="" width="103" height="100"> bordercolordark="hotpink" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="2" frame="box" rules="all" align="center" width="100%" bgcolor="#000000" style="border-style:2px solid;"> People Used: Mentioned: Current Record: Achievements: OOC Notes: WHO EVER I WANT YOU KNOW 0-0-0 I WILL BE WOMENS CHAMP ONE DAY bgcolor="#000000" bordercolor=hotpink bordercolorlight=dodgerblue> .:.{Disclaimer}.:. This RP was written entirely by me, Torrie Wilson. If you have a problem with this RP and need to contact me send an e-mail here: Full credit for the layout of this RP goes to DAWN A.K.A TAMMY so if you have any questions about the layout, contact her at HAPPLOV4. This role play has no affliation with WWF, WCW, or ECW. color=hotpink>.:.{End Disclaimer}.:. bgcolor="#000000" bordercolor=hotpink bordercolorlight=dodgerblue> RP HERE