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When Danny U. Muggins was in high school he wrote for his school paper, The Warrior. However, he grew tired of covering Cross Country meets and Bake Sales. So he decided to do a story on Principal Mc Gowen's affair with the football teams head cheerleader Jessica Burley. Danny was expelled, but the damage was done. That's what this reporter is all about Damage!!! Danny holds nothing back, and won't shy away from tearing apart a wrestler for the sake of making himself look good. S.H.O.W.2 wrestlers beware, Ranting Danny is here.

Pussy in the name of God!!!

Danny U Muggins here, as some snoop on the media main page mentioned, I was rather plasterd this past Monday, and in no condition to write an article. But see I have a reasonable excuse. SHOW2 currently promotes in the most awful, godforsaken cities that I have ever witnessed. The only way to cope is to drink. Being one from the West coast, I found Terre Haute just utterly despicable. The whole town smelt like Wankers Ass on a hot day after a bowl of Chilli.

See achohol, the cause and solution to all of life's problems. That's how Danny U. Muggins thinks. This Sunday in Terre Haute I searched all over the city, high and low for a damn watering hole. That's what those hilljacks call bars in Terre Haute, and when I found one, it was full of a bunch of rednecks in Flannels and John Deer hats. One of those ugly ass cowpokes just happened to look familiar. So I decided to go over and talk to him. It was none other then Jimmy Copeland.

That's right the same Jimmy Copeland that suppousdely was in such a mental state that he couldn't wrestle. His dear friend had a heart attack, and Mr. Goody Too Shoes was too traumatized to wrestle.....A woman.

More on the woman situation later. Lets talk about the town drunk of last Saturday Night and the conversation I had with him. First I walked up to him, and of course he didn't notice me. Kind of hard when you face is up some woman's skirt. But after I gave him a swift kick to the chest, the hypocrite jumped so high he said hello to Jesus.

"So what is a religious man like yourself doing in a bar, with your face up a woman's skirt," I asked????

"Rwell I wo wo couldn't heeeelp myself. (Belch)" He responded

"Don't you find this hypocritical?"

"Rwell wwwwwwhat god don't know wont wurt him?"

"So what about this whole heart attack thing? Why aren't you bedside giving last rites to your friend who's going to croak."

"It waaaaa waaaaaaaa HEY WHAT THE HOLDUP, A MAN OF MY STATURE SHOULD GET GOOD SERVICE. What was the question again?

"Your friend?"

"Oh well wits wa a was a wuse. I mean, I wish god would just bury me dead cause first they st stick me in a ma maaaaa match with Destiny, and I am like I sccccccccccared of her, she is those thsooo much better then I, so I chicken out. But no need worry cause I will weak up on her. And ki ki kich buuuuuuuuuurp."

"You mean you are scarred of a lady."

"Well, I wa ma am, but look at me, 7 foot tall with a three inch dick, besides I am the bii biigest bitch in IC, IN WWF, IN SHOW. Now if you exc exc use me, I need to go to the blue oyster to go fishing fo for man whores."

And that was the short interview I conducted with Mr. Religion Jimmy Copeland. Yeah, this guy a saint, more like an Ain't. Cause Coplenad you Ain't going nowhere in this tournament. Destiny and Myzery got your number pal. That is, if you don't find some pussy ass excuse to get out of this one. What is it going to be Pussy? Going hide out behind a bush at an abortion clinic? Going to "World Youth Day" and fondle some little boys? I know, you are going to be running from Danny U Muggins, cause I have an inclination to kick your damn ass.

Now we dissed the hypocrite, lets go on to the transvestite. Kid Flash, I mean what straight man wears a cape down to ringside? Yeah, folks, Kid Flash belongs in the woman's division. But I must say, he is good for laughs. I spit Jack Daniel's out of my nose when I saw that bitch break his leg. Doctors, have tried everything. They had a hard time finding something that would work, until they gave him an anal probe. Dr. Ben Dover informs me he responds to that method very well.

One last thing, and that is a new feature on Danny U. Muggins site. I call it "HATE MALE." This weeks submission comes from Wanda Banger, from Charleston West Vagina... I mean West Virginia. In an E-mail she writes.....

"Dear Asshole, why do you make fun of Little Giant? Cause he is short? That doesn't make him a bad wrestler. Look at his record he 2 wins and 0 losses, as a matter of fact, I pick him to win the tournament. I also find him very intelligent, and humorous. Which is more then I can say for you. Get a life, besides talking trash about all of the great talent in SHOW2, especially Little Giant!!!!"

Ok Wanda, you got ol Danny backed against the corner. I will no longer make fun of Giant's height. And if you believe that, I got beachfront property in Montana to sell you. Hey that's my que for another Little Giant Joke.

A guy is standing at a urinal when he notices that he's being watched by Little Giant. Although the little fellow is staring at him intently, the guy doesn't get uncomfortable until Little Giant drags a small stepladder over and climbs up to admire his private parts close up."Wow," comments Little Giant, "Those are the nicest balls I have ever seen!" Surprised, and flattered, the man thanks the midget and starts to move away. "Listen, I know this is a rather strange request," says the little guy, "but I wonder if you would mind if I touched them." Again the man is taken aback, but seeing no real harm in it, consents. Little Giant reaches out, gets a tight grip on the man's balls, and says loudly, "Okay, hand over your wallet or I'll jump."

But seriously, Little Giant is funny. Funny as a case of clamidia, something you know about living in West Virgina. He is a good wrestler, hence why his ass was getting those flea ridden dreads chopped out of his hair by that skank Angel. But Wanda, he is smart. While I just found his graduation picture, he graduated first in his class.

Yeah, Giant is one smart SUCKA!!!!!
