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Welcome to the S.H.O.W.2 media page known as The Insiders Edge. Here is where you find all the inside info on all the top dogs here in S.H.O.W.2. Some of the features include Columns by one of wrestlings most respected Journalists Casey R. Board; and the not so respected journalist Danny U. Muggins. The Hotseat which features in-depth interviews with all the top stars of S.H.O.W.2. And polls where you can voice your opinion on all the pressing matters here in S.H.O.W.2. Check back often as you never know what you might find here in The Insiders Edge.

The moment you've all been waiting for! Casey R. Board has officially brought back the Casey's Top Ten! So please enjoy! More updates will follow tomorrow!

Casey R. Board runs down all of this weeks events, Chapel tells us all about his fued with Little Giant on the hotseat, and Polls will be added later. Danny U. Muggins was drunk this afternoon, and will update his site later in the week.

Casey R. Board is a busy man, not only did he break down X-Plosion for us. But he also has conducted a very interesting interview with one Jimmy Copeland. How did Jimmy do in the hotseat? Be sure to check out Casey's Corner and Hotseat.