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Every week one member of S.H.O.W.2 is put in the hotseat, where they are forced to answer some tough questions on issues both in ring and out of ring. Hotseat is always informative and allows the fans of S.H.O.W.2. to see a side of thier favorite S.H.O.W.2 personalities not seen in the ring. Who's next for the hotseat?

1. First of all Welcome and thank you for joining us here on the Hotseat Chapel. Well everyone seems to know that were with the first installment of SHOW, why don't you give us a little background on you before started with SHOW.

There's not much before SHOW. I worked my ass off with stupid jobs till I was finally noticed and brought into SHOW. My short stint in SHOW was highlighted by my doing some serious ass kicking. I wasn't there long, due to certain circumstances. Here I am, ready to lead this new era of SHOW to the greatness it deserves.

2. You obvisuly suffered one of the most humilating defetes of you career on the first installment of X-Ploison, when Little Giant beat you in the ladder match. You had to watch as your manager Angel got her hair cut off. What was going through your mind then?

Humilating? You're damn right it was humilating. I was forced to watch as they took my girl's hair. All I could think about was the pain I was going to inflict on that Umpa Lumpa and his fat boy called Bitch. I'm not done, and it will be a long time till those two can rest without worry.

3. In your first match in the tournament you wrestled with a certian fire, that I must say, I have never seen you have before. Do you think you will be able to carry the same fire into the ring next week as you face Little Giant in the semifinals?

A certain fire? That was me lighting a match. What I did to Viper was nothing. What I'm going to do to Little Giant is going to be twice as bad. I've only just started, and you'll never stop seeing me get tougher and tougher. This is the beginning of a long line of terror.

4. How is Angel taking to being bald?

Are you asking for me to kick your ass? How the fuck do you think she's taking it? She's pissed off. She looks just as good as she always has, but it's not her real hair. What L.G. did is inexcusable and he'll be paying until the day he dies.

5. Switching gears, You are a man who is no stranger to stables, during your stay with the orginal SHOW, you were a member of The Three Kings. Is there any possibility of Chapel joining up with another stable or prehaps forming one?

The Three Kings are of the past. We were a strong stable and we held our own for a long time, but don't plan on seeing it here. Don't rule out the chance that I might lead a new stable. If I do you can bet that it will consist of superstars of my calibre.

6. What wrestlers in particular have impressed you thus far in SHOW2? Anyone you might be gunning for?

I'm very impressed with Destiny. If I wasn't so attached to my girl, Angel I'd be making a move at her. She would be on my short list of people for my stable. I like what I see from Fallen, that man knows what he's doing. Finally, I'm very pleased in the work that Kid Flash is doing. He's cocky and there's nothing wrong with that. He says it before he does it. I like that. And I'll be gunning for anyone and everyone that gets in my way of my goals.

7. You have not had the best of relationships with Rommel, as I am sure you remember from SHOW, he at one point went so far as placing a bounty on your head. Have things changed at all with you and the president.

I stay away from him. He does something to piss me off, which I don't doubt, and I'll be on him faster than he can sign the check to the two dollar whore he's with right now. There is history, but there's no relationship. He knows better than to get in my way.

8. What do you think about Warriors return? What impact do you think he will play in SHOW2.

I'm glad to see that SOB. It's about time he showed up. If the past is any sign of the future, he'll have just as much of an impact as I am going to. Warrior is going to be a key player in the events that unfold. Everyone is going to be watching for him, and you have to respect a man like him.

9. SHOW seems to have picked up it's share of Female competitors since in reopened. How do you feel on this issue, and will Angel ever compete in the ring.

As much as I'd like to say woman don't have a place in the ring with men, I'm very impressed with their matches. Destiny is at a level that most of the guys here aren't. She could kick the hair off of Little Giant...Oh wait Angel took care of that already. As for her being in the ring, I'll just say she's training with me every night...if you catch my drift.

10. I want to thank you for joining us here tonight. With only a few moments left I will let you have the chance to give any last words.

The only words I have are watch out. I know you boys and girls in the back are looking to take me out before I get to the top. Just remember this one thing...What you can't see, can't hurt you, but what you hunt for, might kill you.