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Snitsky News


Gene has been starting a program with Chris Benoit at house shows. The rumours of him having a blood clot in the stomach thus not being able to wrestle, as reported on several websites, are NOT TRUE!! WWE simply has had nothing for Gene to do. Now that appears to have changed and he may even be involved at the upcoming ECW pay per view.

NEW!! Gene Snitsky has returned to television!!

Gene appeared on last night's Raw and knocked out Chris Benoit. As you probably know by now Benoit is scheduled to be part of the One Night Stand ECW return PPV. Although Benoit is a premier technical wrestler, inexplicably he is being utilized in a hardcore role, as evidenced by his Raw match with Tajiri a couple weeks back. SO...enter Snitsky, to get rough. He *is*, after all, the roughest SOB on Raw. Perhaps this means Gene will have a match with the Canadian Crippler??

July 2005--Gene is now involved with the hideous Edge-Lita-Kane angle. While it gives him a chance to showcase himself, it's a shame that it has to be in an angle that is a perverse spoof on a real life situation. Nonetheless, he was pretty damn funny during the wedding segment of Raw a couple weeks back. Once again Gene is making the most of a less than ideal situation...because it isn't his fault. Now as far as being Big Show's ragdoll, that's a whole other issue. I won't get on a rant about Big Show, this is neither the time nor place. But if WWE does want to build a feud between them and call it "the battle of the giants" as the reports go from house shows, it's doomed. It will work about as well as WCW's Battle of the Giants between Kevin Nash, seven feet tall, and Mike Awesome, 6'5ish. Awesome sure looked like the tiniest giant in history, and Snitsky will as well. At least he's still under contract, though! Let's all us Snitsky marks keep our fingers crossed that he'll survive this round of firings. Since Gene is now a regular on Raw again, that should give us some hope.