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These are the rules of conduct you must agree to abide by during your membership of the Stygian Wrestling Federation.

  1. No attacking other members of the roster in a role-play, without permission from the handler of that character sent to all members of the SWF management team (President Morningstar, Vice-President Vision and Commisioner ...) by E-mail.
  2. No out of character (OOC) posts on the role-playing boards.
  3. You should attempt to role-play at least two times each week, if you cannot meet this minimum then please E-mail a member of staff explaining you reasons for this matter.
  4. No abusive OOC posts to either a member of staff or another handler.
  5. Keep some (relative) reality in your role-plays, if your wrestler suffers a severe beating in a match, (this happens) please refer to any injuries you may suffer during your role-plays.
  6. No whining or bitching if your wrestler loses a match, the staff have a tricky time deciding on who wins and who loses so it is a considered result and bitching is just a waste of our (limited) time.
  7. In role-plays it is permitted, and preferred, if you would use html code to liven up your role-plays. This is largely in order to improve the ease of reading and understanding of your role-plays so over large text, too many images, and font colours that are too dark will count against you. Embeded .wav files, pictures, different colour and face fonts are all allowed, if not advised.
  8. Please inform ALL members of the management of your descision to leave PRIOR to making your final role-play.
  9. No spamming the role-playing boards.
  10. Most importantly, remember to HAVE FUN, this E-fed is run for your enjoyment and that of the other members, these rules are designed to help everyone to have fun, remember this.

These rules will be enforced on a "three strikes and you're out" policy, if you break a rule once then you will be warned unofficially and directed to re-read these rules. Following this warning, if you break another rule you will be officially warned by E-mail by one of the members of staff. A further breach of the rules will result in your expulsion from the Stygian Wrestling Federation. We can, and will bar your IP address from the interactive forums if you begin to spam our boards.

We the SWF staff have the power to alter or even delete any posts you may make on the boards. This power is well managed and placed in the hands of trustworthy and reliable people.


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