Monday Night Purgatory
Sharve "Painite" Oman vs Bnech Man
Apocolypse vs Lycan
Exploding Turnbuckle Match
The camera continues to pan toward a nearby cavern. The fiery letters of 'SWF' burn there. Slowly the camera enters the blackened orifice and the new improved Purgatory emblem spirals onto the screen. The cameras pan over the crowd who seem to be in a blood thirsty mood tonight. The cameras then panned around to the two figures at ringside, them being of course, the delightful D.Boss and the incorrigible Ozzy J.
D.Boss: Welcome one an' all to the new all improved Purgatory. We have a great show lined up for you this evening...
Ozzy J: Hey, how come you get to introduce it, I thought it was my turn!
D.Boss: I never said you could introduce!
Ozzy J: You did, I'm not talking to you anymore, *mutter mutter mutter*
D.Boss: *Sigh* Ok, Ozzy, you can introduce the first match...
Ozzy J: Woo-hoo! Ahem.. And now, we have Painite vs. Bench man
D.Boss: Very well done, now try looking into the camera, not at the card.
Ozzy J: Hey, you are mocking me!
D.Boss: No, I would never do that Ozzy!?
Ozzy J: Bastard?!?!
The arena lighting defuses and strobe lights initiate. A huge pop emanates from the crowd as the HellTRons flicker into life to reveal the dreaded words "Consortium of Nightmares". The Choir of Tortured Souls erupts into 'Deception' as the massive form of the Painite Sharve Oman strides down the entranceway and toward the ring. He enters over the top rope and steps into the ring.
Ring Announcer: Introducing first, weighing in at 339 lbs, The Painte.....Sharve Oman!
The whole arena groans as the Choir of Tortured Souls reluctantly start singing 'Schnock' which heralds the arrival of possibly the most boring man in professional wrestling.
Ring Announcer: And presenting, err....Bench....thing...never mind..
Painite and Benchy lock up, which results in Painite whipping Benchy into the ropes, to connect a rather weak clothesline to Painites solar plexus. The move doesn't even seem to register to Sharve, who knocks Bency flyinh with a massive Haymaker. He grabs Benchy around the ribs, and lifts him into a t-bone suplex. Benchy crumples on the floor, as his arms and legs start to feintly spazam. Painite rolls his eyes in disgust, and heaves the pathetic Bench Avatar onto his shoulder, and hits the Long Winding Road. Benchy collapses on the canvas, as Painite places one foot on his broken body. The referee goes down to count.
**Bell Rings**
Ring Announcer: The winners of this match, "Painite" Sharve Oman!
D.Boss: Impressive win for Sharve
Ozzy J: You are just saying that because you afraid of him!
D.Boss: Yes Ozzy, and i wouldn't talk that loud if I were you...
Ozzy J: Don't patronise me you bastard!
D.Boss: It's hard to do much else. I mean it's just very hard not to look down on you.
Ozzy J: Watch the superiority complex bitch. One day it will come back and bite you in the ass...
D.Boss: It's not a complex Ozzy, it's a fact!
The auditorium plunges into darkness as the sound of thunder is heard. White strobe lights initiate as the Choir begins the melody of 'Superstar'.Large banks of pyro explode down the rampway, as Apocalypse enters the arena through the Demonagate. He struts down the ramp, ignoring the jeers and hail of rubbish from the booing fans. He steps up and over the top rope, and waits in the ring, with a smirk of confidence splattered over his features..
Ring Announcer: Introducing first, weighing in at 320 pounds...Apocalypse!
The arena lights go off, plunging the hall into darkness, a wolf's howl cries out chilling the spines of the fans. The thumping beat of Fear Factory's "What Will Become heralds Lycan's arrival. He sprints down to the ring accompanied by his faithful companions, the two giant wolves Ramses and Horus
Ring Announcer: And his opponent, weighing in at 317 pounds... The Werewolf, Lycan!
Lycan and Apocalypse start by locking up in a shoulder/elbow hold. Apocalypse(AP) gets the upper hand, and slams a european uppercut into Lycan's(L) jaw. Lycan jacknifes, and drops to one knee. AP capitalises by hitting a knee lift to L, who rebounds into the ropes, and runs straight into a big boot from the taller man. L falls hard, and to add insult to injury, AP taunts the fallen werewolf, by adopting a sleeping stance whilst he waits for L to get to his feet. AP chrges forward, but L sidesteps, and brings an axehandle smash down on the small of AP's back. AP groans in pain, and clutches the small of his back just as L locks his arms around the bigger man, and heaves up and over in a belly-to-back suplex. L is the first to rise, and locks in a sleeper hold on the rising AP. AP flails his arms to try and lock onto L, but L tightens his iron grip. AP starts to falter, and drops to one knee. L tightens the grip again, and AP drops to both knees. The referee goes to check AP.
1....2...thre-Arm Up!!!
AP raises an arm, and slams his elbow back violently into L's unprotected ribs several times. L winces, and drops the hold, and reacts in time to block several rights and lefts from AP. Ap then ties up with L, and the two break up. Ap smiles and raises hi shand into the air. L seems reluctant to entre into a test of strength with the taller man, but they both lock up. AP surges forward, and pushes L back, so they are teetering over the ropes. L glances bechind him, to the cold hard floor below, and quickly knees AP in the groin, and pulls back. AP goes over the top rope, with L left panting in the ring. AP lands hard, but quickly gets himslef to gether, and slides into the ring. L reponds by laying into AP with kicks to the kidneys, and several quickly timed elbowdrops. L heaves up AP, and headbutts him into the corner. He hooks AP's arms around the ropes, securing his body to the turnbuckle. AP looks surpirsed, but then it dawns on him why L is tanding on the other side of te ring. Just as AP strugges to remove himself from the turnbuckle, the ring post explodes in a ball of fire that sends hot, scorching pieces of metal shrapnel in every direction. L covers his face with his hands as the cloud of hot debris dissapates, to reveal a badly bleeding and burned AP. L moves closer, and trys to raise AP to his feet. In a show of tremendous strength of will, AP thrusts out a hand around L's throat, a defient gleam in his eyes. L struggles, but AP hits a huge chokeslam down onto the outside. L hits the concrete with a stomach-churning thump, and groans loudly. AP, still smouldering from the turnbuckle manages somehow to step down to the outside and plant a kick to L's now bleeding head. L shudders, and trys to rise. AP staggers over to the commentators table, and picks up a steel chair. He hefts the vhair over his head, and brings it crashing down onto the back of L's alreday badly beaten skull. L's head bounces off of the floor, as another cut opens up on the back of his head. Ap hefts the chair agaian, but L manages to hit a low blow, causing AP to drop the chair, and double up. L staggers to his feet, and runs AP into the announcers table. He smacks his head onto the hard wood, and then rolls the larger ma up on to the table. The corwd start up a 'Holy Shit' chant as Lycan steps up onto the table. He heaves AP up, and assumes a powerbomb set up position. He lifts AP, but the taller man struggles, and L drops him down. L tries again, but AP flips L up into a flapjack, that sends both men through the announcer's table!! Splinters fly everywhere, as Ozzy J and D Boss scatter away. The two broken bodies of Apocolypse and Lycan lie battered and bleeding on the floor, and amazingly, both of them stir, and attempt to move. Lycan is cradling his left arm, whcih hang limply at his side, whilt blood covers Apocolypses face, and his hair is thick with blood and sweat. AP gets to his feet first, and staggers back to the ring, where he rolls in. L does the same, but meets the end of AP's boot as he does. L repsonds with a sinlge leg take down, whcih flaws both men. The referee begins the count. 1....2....3....4....5.....6....7....8 - AP stirs - ...9... - L heaves himslef up on the ropes, and stumbles into the center of the ring. AP moves to charge down L, but the werewolf sidesteps, and qucikly grabs AP in an Abdominal stretch. The crowd go wild as Lycan heaves AP up to hit the Dog meat!!!!
L covers, and the ref counts.
**Bell Rings**
Ring Announcer: The winner of this match the Werewolf, Lycaaaaaaan
D.Boss: My God! What a match! In all my years a commentator, never have i seen so much blood spilt in such a intensive match!! Apocalypse's undefeated run comes to a shocking end! What will this result mean for Lycan?
Ozzy J: Awwww, they wrecked our table!.
D.Boss: For Christs sake Ozzy, Anyway folks, that's all the time we've got this week, see you next Monday!
Ozzy J: I really liked that table, *sob, sob*
Cameras fade to black...