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Next Match:
6'1, 232 lbs
Summer's Mist
Wins-3 Losses-0
"The Sexy" Summer Kye Summer Kye Still Women's Champion!

The scene arises in front of a large hotel. There is a tarp, placed right above the front doors, which are made with a reflective transparent glass. Summer Kye is standing in fton of the door with a cellphone to her ear. She looks annoyed as she paces back and forth, creating angered faces each passing second she speaks into the cellphone.

Summer: Well you tell those damn skanks they can have her. I have no intention of modeling for a company that can't even realize beauty when they see it. Michelle, I want you to phone Mr. Herald, and tell him he can go stick my contract up his ass! You got that?

She lets out a puff of steam as she leans to her other leg. For the first moment, she stops pacing and stares ahead of her.

Summer: Good! And tell him if he tries to contact me in any way, shape, or form, tell him I will press charges. But I have got to go, my ride is here.

Summer quickly folds the phone in half and stares down the busy, suburban street. Many cars are placed along, all waiting at a red light. The streets are contaminated with garbage disposal and the only decent looking item in the area is the hotel. A screech is heard and can easily be depicted as tires haulting to a stop. The camera paces 180 degrees to get a view of a long black limo, arrayed with a dozen set of windows. Summer slowly walks up to the black vehicle, each step clicking with the sound of her heels tapping the concrete. With no respect, she doesn't even attempt to open the limosine's door.

Summer: Come on...

The limo driver comes from the oppisite side of the vehicle, almost off balance, racing to open the back door of the limo. Summer just stands there, leaning on one leg and her hand pressed upon her hip. As the driver slowly pulls open the door and presents the interior of the car, Summer sighs with an angered look.

Summer: Slow enough...

Summer then proceeds into the vehicle without hesitation. Hunching over, she sits down and the driver politely closes the door, making little sound of the door. As if there was another camera rigged in the back seat of the limo, it catches Summer Kye staring out of her window. Soon enough, a cellphone rings and Summer growls in frustration. She then reaches into her pocket and pulls out her cellphone. Flipping the phone open, she pulls the antenae up and places the phone against her ear.

Summer: Hello?

A rumble of speech sounds from the reciever of the phone, but is vague and unable to tell what the other end is saying.

Summer: I know that already. But it's not my fault. Bryan Matherson hasn't placed me in a match for about a month now. Perhaps he wants me as the Women's Champion for longer. Honestly, I don't care. I don't plan on losing the title any time soon.

As she pauses, she stares at her nails. The polishing is perfect. Even a reflection can be seen in the distance. Turning of the rist, she folds and unfolds her hands, taking an array of views of her fingernails, trying to spot any mistakes.

Summer: Don't even bother talking about my modeling career. There's so many assholes out there it's making me sick. But tell me something, do you think I'm beautiful?

A quick second passes by as Summer forgets about her nails.

Summer: You see, everybody else can see it, why can't those damn magazine photographers? I'm one of the hottest females of the world and certainly in the XPWA, but they don't even have the decency to take a good look at me. And did you read this week's edition of "Modelz Weekly"?

Summer rolls her eyes and slightly shakes her head in pure disgust.

Summer: Those whores rated Jennifer Lopez hotter than me! Can you actually believe that? She needs liposuction on her ass for christ's sake! I mean, I can see Carmen Electra or someone like that, somebody more popular, but J'Lo?! I just want to take a gun out and shoot every single one of those article writers for that damn magazine.

Conciously, Summer stares at her faded blue jeans. She dusts off something on her thigh and then proceeds to stare out of the window. Slowly the camera pans at an angle to see a better view of the surroundings. It seems as if the limo hadn't moved and the vehicle was in the same remote location. Dusty streets, flooded with cars.

Summer: Yeah, I already know that. I'll be sure to ask Matherson for a match sometime soon. He wanted me for next week, but something came up, so I'm not really sure if I'll be wrestling.

The camera then rotates back to it's original position.

Summer: Why? Honestly, I've thought about it, and I'm still a little unsure. I think wrestling just fascinates me and gives me the time to take out my frustration on something. And in the XPWA, they allow me to do pretty much whatever I want. If I want to strip in front of the audience, they'd let me. Besides, I can get that fool Mike Daoussis to do pretty much whatever I please. It's something the model agencies will never give me. Freedom...

Summer Kye lets out a deap breath as a tiny portion of the window fogs up. Within a second, the fog is gone and the portion becomes clear once again.

Summer: Ugh, fine I'll talk to you later. But can you do me one thing...? Make sure Bryan and Mike get my message?

For the first time, Summer smiles, reflecting her perfect teeth. Within an instant, it ends and she crosses her left leg over her right thigh.

Summer: Thanks girl, love ya. Bye.

The scene slowly fades to black as Summer closes her cellphone for the last time. Her face stays focused on her surroundings past the window.

"Lala" by Ashlee Simpson shoots on the sound system as the lights slowly fade. Eventually, the whole arena is pitch black. A single blue spotlight is shone on the center of the stage. Then as if from nowhere, blue sparks begins to shoot from the top of the titantron and rain down on the stage. The sparks slowly stop and the spotlight shoots the the entrance to the stage. Summer Kye is standing there, staring down the audience. A mixed reaction pops from the crowd as Summer slowly walks with her hips swinging from side to side down the ramp.

HC: Yummy!

JL: Stop drooling Howie!


Summer smiles as she takes her first step off of the steel ramp. A quick pose excites the fans as they cheer and whistle. She then slowly walks over to the steel steps and slowly walks up each step, smiling. Only the spotlight creates a visual of Summer. With her heels tapping the mat, she walks along the ring aprond and bends over and proceeds under the bottom rope, knowing her jean skirt is much too small. Summer sarcastically pretends like she doesn't know as the lights slowly fade on.

HC: Come on Jim, let me go! I want to give her a twenty!!!

Summer retrieves a microphone from the other side of the ring and tip-toes her way back to the center of the ring. The music slowly fades to nothing.

Summer: You are now looking at the World's Sexiest Diva!

Many of the men cheer triumphantly as the women proceed to boo. Disappointed, Summer continues on.

Summer: I didn't come out here to rant and rave about how sexy I am, I came out her to tell you people the truth. Now we all already know I am the Women's Champion, and also that all of the other women in my division are absolutely no competition. So, I am going to propose something to the XPWA. Since I know that the Women's division will be much too easy, I will be going into the men's division. But men, don't worry, I will still please you to my full ability. I will still be wrestling in matches such as Mud Baths, Stripping Your Opponents, etc., but we will of course, varify those matches... to make them more... exciting.

Summer smiles as the fans cheer. She slowly begins to walk around the ring, strutting every step. She cocks one brow up as she slowly drags the microphone close to her jaw.

Summer: However, I will be fighting, beating, and... stripping other girls as well. I won't stop being the Women's Champion and I sure as Hell won't stop dominating my division. Summer Kye will still stand number one, and Summer will still stand as the ONLY Women's Champion in XPWA history! And if any girl, man, or hermaphradite has anything to say about it, they can just kiss their dreams good-bye, 'cause I'm the one and only... "Sexy" Summer Kye!

Summer stops pacing and stares dead straight into the crowd.

Summer: Now it has been your privilage to single-handedly meet "The Sexy" Summer Kye!

Summer tosses the microphone as it thuds, knocking against the canvas. A grimmacing looks shines across Summer's face as she slowly walks to the outskirts of the ring, bends down under the second rope, and silently exits the ring as "Lala" by Ashlee Simpson roars on the sound system. The scene slowly fades to black...