|| -Scene: Undertaker's home!- ||
|| -Forward-||
Wrestlemania...We found out who was the true icon, who was the true champion of the Premiere Wrestling Alliance, and at Wrestlemania, our answers were solved... The Undertaker, climbed over the cage, and became the 3rd ever PWA champion.. The Rock and Scott Steiner, both shocked they lost, but Scott Steiner and his NWO buddies, all attacked the Undertaker after his win. But nevertheless, Undertaker walked out as the PWA champion. Undertaker won the first main event ever at the first WrestleMania, which is quite an accomplishment. But now Undertaker has to defend his title after his first win, the Undertaker is defending his title against Stone Cold Steve Austin. The last time both these men faced each other, Austin gave Undertaker the stunner, and pinned him for the 1....2...3. But that was in Undertaker's fortnight frightnight. But now Undertaker has gotten better again, and Undertaker is going to do anything in his will power to keep his title, at least for a week. So tune into Revenge only on ESPN, this Sunday, and see if Undertaker can get his first pin against the Rattlesnake, or if Austin get's the pin to Undertaker again, and takes away Undertakers title in just a week!!!
|| - End Forward-||
-:)[Scene](:- "The scene fades in and we see the PWA champion, the Undertaker on the lounge room couch, asleep, and dribbling. The lounge room looks like a wreck, everything out of place, everything messy, then on the floor, is the General Manager of the PWA and the manager of the PWA Champion, Eric Bischoff. Bischoff is also asleep... Undertaker start's slipping off the couch, Undertaker then falls to the floor, which stuttles the sleepy Bischoff. Bischoff then slowly wakes up, get's off the floor and look's like he has a major hang over.."
-:)["E z e" Eric Bischoff](:- "Oooooooooooow, my head..."
-:)[Scene](:- "Bischoff then look's over in Undertaker direction, who is sound asleep on the floor. Bischoff slowly get's up, holding his head, and then walks over to the Undertaker."
-:)["E z e" Eric Bischoff](:- "Hey, hey, Undertaker...Get up."
-:)[Scene](:- "Bischoff then bends over to tap Undertaker, Undertaker then grunts, and turns over."
-:)["E z e" Eric Bischoff](:- "Come on, Taker come on, get up man.. I am not in the mood for this. It's like 3pm."
-:)["The American Badass" The Undertaker](:- "Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, leave me alone...."
-:)[Scene](:- "Bischoff then kicks Undertaker.. Undertaker then slowly opens his eyes.."
-:)["The American Badass" The Undertaker](:- "Errr, Bischoff get coffee.. What time is it?"
-:)["E z e" Eric Bischoff](:- "It's about 3pm."
-:)[Scene](:- "Bischoff leaves to the kitchen, to make coffee, while Undertaker slowly pushes himself up onto the couch, and sit's there waiting for Bischoff. Bischoff returns with the coffee, and also sit's on the couch, and hands a coffee to Taker."
-:)["The American Badass" The Undertaker](:- "Damn son what a party, I can't remember a damn thing boy. The last thing I remember is climbing over that cage, becoming the 3rd ever PWA champion, and had a few drinks with you here, the rest I just can't remember boy."
-:)["E z e" Eric Bischoff](:- "Yeah and look how trashed your lounge room is. Your lounge room is sometimes a bit messy, but this is far worser."
-:)["The American Badass" The Undertaker](:- "Boy as long as I got my PWA title, and as long as I am going to kick ass each week, defendin my damn title. I don't care how damn messy my house is son."
-:)["E z e" Eric Bischoff](:- "Uhhhhh, Undertaker, where is your title?"
-:)["The American Badass" The Undertaker](:- "Well Bischoff, it SHOULD be on the coffee table?"
-:)[Scene](:- "Undertaker and Bischoff then stare over to the direction where the coffee table is, and notice the coffee table is tipped over. And there is nothing on it or near it, and the whole room is messed up!! Both Taker and Bischoff jump up from their seats in panic."
-:)["The American Badass" The Undertaker](:- "Okay boy just don't panic!! DON'T PANIC!! Damn it Bischoff it has got to be around here somewhere."
-:)["E z e" Eric Bischoff](:- "I'm not panicing, i'm calm, it can't have gotten far."
-:)["The American Badass" The Undertaker](:- "Boy I need that damn title to defend, I need that damn title to get my respect, I need that title to put on my shoulder or my waist. I need that title to laugh at the other wrestlers in the PWA and smile at them thinking that I am better then them, I need that title to prove that I am the best in the PWA, god damn it Bischoff we have to find that damn title son!! Or I am screwed!!"
-:)[Scene](:- "Bischoff and Undertaker start searching all over the lounge room, under the coffee table, behind the 'broken' TV, under all the bottles of Alcohol, under the couch, behind the cabnit, behind the broken curtains, under the rug, but it is no where to be found in the lounge room."
-:)["The American Badass" The Undertaker](:- "Damn it Bischoff, we have searched all in the lounge room."
-:)["E z e" Eric Bischoff](:- "It might not be in the lounge room, when making coffeee, the kitchen was also messy, it could be anywhere in the house."
-:)["The American Badass" The Undertaker](:- "Bischoff I need that title to go in a match, I need that title Bischoff, Vince could fire both our asses if we don't bring that title to Revenge. I need that title Bischoff, I gotta face Austin this Revenge, I gotta do my first defence, and boy, I can't really defend my title if I have no title to defend, Vince will fire me and you boy, and if he fires me and you, not only will I lose my title, but boy, I won't be able to kick Austin's ass, I won't be able to show him how better I have gotten. I won't be able to beat the respect out of him, give him his Last Ride and show him that I am the best boy, and that is why I am the PWA champion. Because boy, there is no-one in the PWA, better then me. And if I have that title, I can still kick Austin's ass, and show him that you do not dis-respect the Undertaker!!!"
-:)["E z e" Eric Bischoff](:- "Just try and think Taker, after you won the match at WrestleMania, try to think what we did, at the party. After you won, after you got hit with some sweet chin music by HBK."
-:)["The American Badass" The Undertaker](:- "Speaking of him boy, he should learn that you do not mess with the Undertaker, he should already know that, and he will get his payback for messin with the PWA champion boy."
-:)[Scene](:- "Undertaker closes his eyes, attempting to think where he put his title."
"Big Evil" The Undertaker: Bischoff boy I did it, I am finally PWA champion!!!! I don't give a damn if HBK Swee Chin Musiced me, because tonight should be a night of celebration!!!
"General Manager" Eric Bischoff: Exactly Deadman, let's get lots of alcohol, and have a HUGE party at your place!!!
"Big Evil" The Undertaker: Good idea Bischoff!!!
"Big Evil" The Undertaker: Iiiiiiiiiiii am the champion, Iiiiiiiii am the champion, give me more whiskey Bbbishoffe..
-:)["The American Badass" The Undertaker](:- "Bischoff, I can't remember anythin about losin my title, I remember speakin to you after I got Sweet Chinned Music, I had my title then, and then I remember singing some song boy, and I didn't have my title on.."
-:)["E z e" Eric Bischoff](:- "Well it has to be in this house somewhere, it couldn't have just got legs and walked out while we were sleeping."
-:)["The American Badass" The Undertaker](:- "That would be pretty funny though.. But Bischoff, it won't be as funny when I kick Austins ass, and we will find that title, because once I get that title, I will ride down that ring with my title, give him his Last Ride, and pin him for the 1.....2......3. Because boy, when you step in my yard Austin, you are goin to get your ass kicked. And when I do find that title, Austin, all you have to do, is shutup and fight!! That's all son, nothin more, nothin less. And when I kick your ass Austin, I just can't wait to see the sad and angry look at your face boy, I wish I would have a camera for it boy, because it will be worth it takin a picture of it."
-:)["E z e" Eric Bischoff](:- "Hahhaa, I know what you mean, but we gotta find that damn title!! Or you won't be able to kick Austin's ass at all!! We have to search the whole house."
-:)[Scene](:- "Undertaker and Bischoff go off to different rooms to the search, all rooms are searched, the bathroom, the kitchen, the dinning room, the spare bedroom, the backyard, the frontyard, closets, everywhere.. Both men then come back to the lounge room."
-:)["E z e" Eric Bischoff](:- "Grrrrrr, well we can't give up, it has got to be somewhere."
-:)["The American Badass" The Undertaker](:- "Bischoff, stop being in denial, we have searched everywhere. The only other thing is if I say a special code, and this wall ride here Bischoff, opens up, and there is a secret room I didn't know about.. We have searched everywhere..."
-:)["E z e" Eric Bischoff](:- "You're right, you're right.. I will go and ring up McMahon.."
-:)[Scene](:- "Bischoff walks over to the phone, but then suddenly, the phone rings."
-:)["The American Badass" The Undertaker](:- "I will answer that one Bischoff."
-:)[Scene](:- "Undertaker goes over to the phone, then answers it."
-:)["The American Badass" The Undertaker](:- "What son?"
-:)["Red White Blue" Kurt Angle](:- "Yeah hey Taker it's Kurt."
-:)["The American Badass" The Undertaker](:- "Yeah boy what the hell do you want?"
-:)["Red White Blue" Kurt Angle](:- "Look I ain't your freaken friend or anything Taker, Vince just asked me to call you and ask what time are you coming back to pick up your title?"
-:)["The American Badass" The Undertaker](:- "What..?"
-:)["Red White Blue" Kurt Angle](:- "Yeah, you left your title here after WrestleMania, because Vince said he will keep it for the night because you and Bischoff were going to drink loads, so he kept it so you wouldn't lose it...remember?"
-:)["The American Badass" The Undertaker](:- "Uhhh, yeah."
-:)["Red White Blue" Kurt Angle](:- "Okay good, because me and Vince thought it would have been freaken funny as if you and Bischoff were curious to where the title was, and searched your whole house.. Hahaha."
-:)["The American Badass" The Undertaker](:- "Ha...ha..ha....I will be around soon."
-:)["Red White Blue" Kurt Angle](:- "Yeah cause you should spend the most time with that title as possible, because I am going to freaken take that title off you.. Oh it's true, it's damn true!!!"
-:)["The American Badass" The Undertaker](:- "Yeah...Whatever.."
-:)[Scene](:- "Undertaker hangs up the phone in a confused state. Undertaker then stares in the air stunned."
-:)["E z e" Eric Bischoff](:- "Who was that Taker?"
-:)["The American Badass" The Undertaker](:- "Oh no-one boy, that was just Kurt Angle asking when are we going to pick up the title from backstage.."
-:)["E z e" Eric Bischoff](:- "WHAT!??"
-:)["The American Badass" The Undertaker](:- "Don't do an Austin quote Bischoff, that is for Austin. Well boy, me and Austin, another match at Revenge, this time for the title on the line, and he beat me once fair and square, and boy, Bischoff, to be serious, I would be honored if Austin beat me. He is a great wrestler, and a great performer, and I wish him the best of luck.."
-:)["E z e" Eric Bischoff](:- "What? Really?"
-:)["The American Badass" The Undertaker](:- "No not really Bischoff.. That was just an April Fool's joke."
-:)["E z e" Eric Bischoff](:- "How you like Austin or how the title is backstage?"
-:)["The American Badass" The Undertaker](:- "No, liking Austin was April Fool's, the title backstage is not."
-:)["E z e" Eric Bischoff](:- "Uhh, Taker, April Fool's ended awhile ago."
-:)["The American Badass" The Undertaker](:- "Boy I don't care what date April Fool's is, I can say an April Fool's joke whether I am a day early, a day behind, a week yearly, a week behind, a year early, or a year ahead."
-:)["E z e" Eric Bischoff](:- "Uhh, if it was a year early or ahead, then it would be April 1st again, so you would be on time."
-:)["The American Badass" The Undertaker](:- "Bischoff, shutup son. Now that I know where my title is, now that we put it backstage, I can focus on kicking Austin's ass, I can focus on retaining my title, and being the best there is in the PWA. And at this Revenge, I will prove that I can beat anyone who steps up and wants to face me, and this Sunday, that will be proven. I will face Austin again, and this time boy, Austin won't be so damn lucky. Once Austin steps in my yard, I am going to beat the respect out of him, and then pin him for the 1......2..........3.. And once I am done with Austin, Bischoff, Austin's....
-:)[Scene](:- "The scene fades out with Undertaker cracking his kunckles as Bischoff looks stunned still, as the scene fades out.."