Torrie Wilson
Torrie ~ Wilson!



Roleplay #

People Mentioned:



Being the Hottest Diva


Read & See

None Yet

Feeling It Yet!

Today in the WEW building there is a rush for the wrestlers to go into teh arena and the ring to talk about matches as well as other wrestlers. We have seen The Rock, Stephanie,Trish Stratus and many other WEW superstars out into the ring and in the arena tonight so far. But right now it had been announced at the beginning of the show that there was going to be a new diva coming here tonight. And the people aren't sure who it is yet but have been given clues. Some of them have there guesses and hopes and are cheering awaiting the arrivial of the new diva. In the packed house arena, the fans hold up there bright colorful signs as they appear on the titantron and they cheer. the announcers are currently sitting at there booth talking in fact about the new diva said to arrive here tonight...

Jim Ross (J.R):"Well King, i suppose you are very excited about the arrival and debut of the new diva tonight. Now we dont want to give away her name because these people are very excited to see her and i think they will be surpised. I think having her in this federation will be a great thing. She is a very smart person and a phenomenal wrestler. She'll fit in nicely. She is suppose to be here very soon and i know i cant wait for her to get here.. What do you think King... King?"

He looks over at his friend Jerry "The King" Lawler beside him and King is looking at the latest edition of the WEW Divas magazine. He is gawking at it as J.R rips it away and says "Cant you pay attention.."

King: Sorry J.R, it was just that it was Trish Stratus and puppies and you know my obsession with her... oh.... nevermind i forgot your a married man. But J.R, i am very excited for the new diva's arrival here tonight. She also has some nice puppies and is very hot to mention more and yeah also she is a very talented young lady... and hot too, did i mention that already. (laughs) When is she coming i really cant wait.."

J.R: Well King we were told soon very soon. And you know i think these people are really going to love her. I mean in the WWE she was a big hit with the people and i feel she will be here to. She has an amazing smile too..

King: Thats not all thats amazing...

Suddenly on the titantron, a long white limo pulls up to the outside of the WEW building. It stops quickly at the closest point to the door as it can. The driver gets out and rushes to the back door and opens it and holds out his hand. All of a sudden, a young beautiful blonde lady steps out of the limo and into the parking lot...

The people in the arena jump to there feet for the new diva and cheer and hoot and whistle as she smiles to herself and stands ther outside the limo. She leans against it and the driver walks over and attempts to hand her the bags...

New Diva:Excuse me but umm.. dont you take my bags. I dont mean to be rude or anything but i dont have the time right now to carry all those bags to my room and then go on with what i was originally suppose to be doing tonight. Do you think you could do me this favor and take them for me...

Driver:Well Torrie.. i mean Miss Wilson, its not.. my job..

Torrie Wilson: Guess i have to be a little mean sometimes... (she smirks at him..) Well im sorry but whatever you job was before it now includes taking my bags to my room... Thank you...

She then takes the bags and throws them into his arms and puts her stilletoes on top. He walks away into the building and she smiles to herself and sighs, looking up at the sign that says WEW and at thhe door ahead of her. She walks to the door opens it up and goes into the building. As she walks down the hallway she looks up at the walls and sees diva pictures all over. She smiles to herself knowing she will be up there very soon, and as the womens champion. She shakes her head and then looks down a hallway trying to figure out where the locker rooms are. She then turns a corner and bumps right into a security guard standing there...

Torrie: Oh... im so sorry. But you should watch where you are going too you kno.. hey.. you can help me. Im looking for my room, i am Torrie Wilson the new diva here.. but of course you alreayd know who i am.. Could you tell me where i could find my locker room.....

The man looks at his list and his map and tries to find her name on it. He finally finds Torrie and he looks up at her and smiles...

Man:Well Torrie, you go down that last hallway turn left and then its the last room on the right. Do you want me to take you there or do you think you can find it ok?"

Torrie then shakes her head.

Torrie:I think i can manage. Thank you very much. At least your a helpful person around here. Goodbye.....

Torrie smiles at him as he cant help but look back at her and smile back thinking how beautiful and nice she is...

She then walks off down the hallway in search of her room. She goes by the person's directions and turns left. She walks to the end of the hallway and then comes to the last room. She then takes out her key and unlocks the door and opens it. Torrie walks into her locker room and looks around...

Torrie:Just like i asked for... its perfect and has everything i wanted!Hmm... i could start liking this whole people getting my locker room ready for me. This has turned out nice...

She then smiles to herself and throws her purse down on the leather couch as the camera fades off to commercial...





After the cameras comes back from its break, it shows a replay of the lovely Torrie Wilson coming to the WEW and then the owner Vince McMahon watching the monitor.....

J.R:Well King theres our new diva... Torrie Wilson is here!!! And im very happy with these peoples reaction to her. I knew that they would love her and by the sound of things they loved her more than i thought.. But at least we know they like her and they are very very happy shes here and i know i am too and by the looks of your face when she came out of that limo, you are happy to!

King:I am definitly happy that Torrie is here in the WEW. She's so hot and her puppies... her whole body is so.. perfect... Im telling you these people better be nice to her, i want her out here as much as possible....

J.R:Well i agree. She is an amazing wrestler and hey she isnt bad on the eyes either. And did you also see the owner Vince McMahon watching her arrival. I wondering what he is thinking about the new diva Torrie?

Suddenly, the lights dim in the arena and then Torrie's music *Need a Little Time* hits over the pa system. Her entrance video starts up on the titantron and the people start to cheer and scream and whistle. Then from behind the curtain, Torrie walks out into the packed house arena. She walks to the top of the rampway and poses for the crowd. The people jump off there seats and cheer for the blonde diva as she stands there posing for them. Cameras flash all over and she smiles as they continue to cheer for her. She smiles again at them and then poses for a second more before starting to walk down the rampway towards the ring.

When she gets to ringside, she then walks up the metal staircase...

She then slides under the second rope and enters the ring. Once in the ring, Torrie walks to the center and poses for teh crowd with her hands in teh air and flashing her beautiful smile. She then runs and jumps to each turnbuckle and taunts the crowd as then more of them cheer than boo. Torrie smiles and jumps down off teh last turnbuckle and turns and waves to J.R and King at there announcers booth. They both smile and wave back as Torrie looks at them. She then walks to the center again just as the ring announcer is coming into the ring. The announcer walks over to Torrie and taps her on the shoulder. Torrie spins around and looks at the announcer who then hands her a mic and delivers a nice welcome to her. Torrie thanks her and then takes the mic and walks to the center of the ring and pauses to look around at the crowd. She then puts the mic up to her mouth and starts to talk...

Torrie:Well thank you all for that wonderful welcome... (she makes a cute smile). I HAVE ARRIVED IN THE WEW AT LAST!! And i am so happy to be here at last. I have been waiting andd waiting to come here but i felt that now was the perfect time for me to do just that. And i am all ready to wrestle and of course become the champion. The reason i wanted to come to this federation so badly though was because i see alot of talent in it. Let's see well for the girls the only talent i see is Trish Stratus and maybe Stephanie McMahon. But for teh male we've got a whole bunch whom i a m sure are doing great as all the women are here. And you know what i am just going to add to it. I am also a great wrestler and i will be a great addition to this federation and i will be the womens champion also in this federation as well. Im not sure who the champion is but i know i can take her out easily. And who knows maybe there is another title i can take, im sure i can and i will when i feel like it. You see because there are also people like Stephanie. I cant stand that girl, what a little bitch. She bothers me and i think i should make that known to her. But not yet, not yet at all. We will wait and see what she thinks of me and who knows maybe she wont hate me so i wont have a reason to hate back. You see i also can be a nice person. very cute and very sweet. But when i get professional and mouthy watch out! I have attitude but most times i keep it to myself, unless i want something about me known..

The crowd cheers and Torrie pauses to look around...

Torrie:You see because i like being nice and sweet but i also like people to hear me out. Know why im here and what i stand for. I am probably one of the best female wrestlers in the business but i dont parade around about it like some girls here.. Stephanie McMahon " The so called QUEEN BITCH.. or so ive heard"... she is only good at being a bitch. And i too am good at it too i just prefer not to be one unless i have to. So if any of those women perticulary Stephanie and hey! men too want to mess with me i can be one very quickly. But like i said im also a nice person, most of the time i am. And i am smart. And like i said there is talent in this federation and wheres there is talent there is power. And i love power. So if any of those guys would like to associate themselves with a powerful, smart,sexy, beautiful woman then let me know. You know where my locker room is. And for Trish Stratus, who knows me and you could be a team here in the WEW, you can also let me know because i know we work well as a team and it would be great if we were to.

The crowd starts to chant TRISH!TRISH! but she doesnt come out...

Torrie: I do have one person in particular that i would like to say a thing or two too. His name i will not reveal yet, and i know how you ladies think he is so cute, well i noticed it too when i came here. you see as i was making my way to the ring, i saw him in the hallway and ive seen him on t.v but he is much better in person. And like i said i am looking to manage someone here and i think he would be just perfect for me.


Torrie" You see Stephanie tends to get her head to far up in teh clouds and doesnt see any other talent besides her. Which if she is so smart she shouldnt do. she has underestimated me before and for future references, she really shouldnt do it again. I am going to show her why. I am going to kick her ass and win the womens title someday. And im sure later she will come out here and flap her gums at me saying that she will win the title but i really dont care. People dont bother me with there words, especially not Stephanie. As far as im concerned she needs to grow up and stop acting like a little girl anymore. Because when match time comes, nice and sweet as i may be *Torrie smiles cutely*, Stephanie and who ever else are both going down without a doubt and that title , that, womens title, is coming with its true owner, TORRIE WILSON"

Torrie then drops the mic and looks around at teh crowd and smiles...

Her music then hits again over the pa system and she then poses for a moment and then slides under the ropes and exits the ring. She walks back up the rampway and gets to the top and waves goodbye. She then leaves the arena with the people cheering and whistling for her...

Cameras then go to a commercial break...

When the cameras come back from commercial break Torrie is seen in Vince's office

Torrie:Hello Mr.McMahon nice to see you again

Vince:Its nice to see you too Torrie. Is your room ok?

Torrie:Yes everything is fine Vin.. i mean Mr.McMahon. But i was wonderng i know i am new and all here but i think that i deserve a title shot

Vince:Well maybe nex..

Torrie cuts him off and grabs his tie and looks into his eyes and smiles

Torrie:I think maybe i deserve one sooner!!

She then sits on his desk and waits for his answer