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. .: mister iconic CHASE STONE :.

Name - Chase Stone
Job - Wrestler, Ex-Hollywood Actor
Age - 29
Weight - 215lbs
Height - 6 ft 0
Hair Colour - Brown, Long and Slick
Eye Colour - Brown
Stable - None
Alignment - Heel

2020 - Signed with IWA

Roleplay Info 
Match -  -vs- Mystery Opponent
Stipulation -  Win and Make Name for Self
People Used - Read and Find Out
Event - Monday Night Mayham
Roleplay Number -  1




Famous names and stars are seen walking down on the Red carpet. There are lines of cameras, photographers and interviewers from various of entertainment networks. Lights shine bright, sounds of camera shutters going off and everyone is trying to talk over each other asking the important questions. People start rolling into the Chinese theater for the premier of the latest Chase Stone movie. Earlier in the day, TMZ broke the news and speculated that this could possibly be the last movie by Chase Stone. There has been no words yet and no appearance by the great actor on the red carpet. Everyone is impatiently waiting. Then a limo arrives and pulls up. The driver hops out, adjusts his hat and walks around the back. He opens the door and out pops the star, the main actor of the movie, Chase Stone. Dressed in a dark navy suit, signature pink shirt and sunglasses, Stone starts his walk into the Chinese Theater. Other the otherside of all the the interviewers and camera are fans. Lining up, screaming to see all there favorite stars. When Chase Stone turned around and waves. The girls scream in excitement, some cry in joy and some continue scream for more attention. As predicted, TMZ are first up. Wanting answers on the speculation they broke news with earlier today, they wait in anticipation.

"the reporters" TMZ
Chase..We've heard rumors that this movie is and will be your last you'll make. What's your take on all these rumors.

"Mr Iconic" Chase Stone
During the whole making of this movie and even before this movie started there was chat and rumors about me retiring or giving up the movie business. But it is with great sadness that I inform you, right now on the red carpet of the premier of my latest film, 'A Silent Witness' that I am not retiring from the movie business

Some people are shocked. Reporters and interviews are scribbling notes away on their notebooks while the fans standing across from the interviewing set scream and cheer in joy. Chase Stone turns around and does his signature pose as all the fan girls take pictures. Stone turns around back to the TMZ crew, takes his sunglasses off and places them in his jacket pocket.

"Mr Iconic" Chase Stone
All you reports are just insane. You hear or see some kind of information, without getting any fact you turn it into some untold, surrealistic story or blow it well out of proportion. You want the truth? Want to know what I plan on doing at all this...after this premier?

Stone turns his back on the TMZ crew. He walks over towards the fans who get louder and louder the closer he gets closer. Girls out there hands out to grab a touch of a feel. Other girls try and grab 'selfies' with the star. A few autographs are signed and couple of poses are done for those fans watching just photos of the movie actor. He walks back over towards the TMZ crew who continue to anticipate.

"Mr Iconic" Chase Stone
How many movies have I starred in? How many have I made some type of cameo? The list is so long, even I'm unable to count. But it's time for change. It's time for my skills and talents be used somewhere else. I always say, Some are a born great, but Chase Stone achieve Greatness, therefore as of tomorrow morning I have decided to become a professional wrestler and I have signed with a company called II.W.A. I won't be shying away from the bright lights or the camera, in fact everything do I, will be on show and just like the movie screen I do plan on stealing the show.

Photographers camera shutters are going off, Lights flicker as all are trying to get the perfect shot of Chase Stone to along with the story. Reports and interviews are all shouting and trying to ask questions or wanting more. Chase Stone puts his hand up in a stop motion.

"Mr Iconic" Chase Stone
STOP! I have nothing more to say at this moment in time regarding wrestling or my future within the wrestling business. I'm here for one reason and one reason and that's for the movie. So unless you've got questions regarding that. I'll be more then happy to answer any. If you want to hear more about my wrestling and my debut, then please check for updates and further interviews.

A cell phone starts to ring. Stone pats down his suit to check where his phone is. He then reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone. He checks the number before answering it. Stone flips the phone open and answers it. His manager is on the other end of the phone


Sitting backstsge in the The Grand Ballroom in New York, NY. Chase Stone and his manager are awaiting his first interview for his new job. Sitting in his own director like chair. Stone is getting his hair and make up done. So use to getting it done, Stone closes his eyes and leans his head back. A robe is thrown over the front of Stone and then hair spray is sprayed in his hair. Chase Stone opens his eyes to see who's there and before his eyes is a beautiful woman, with a can of hair spray in her hands. She covers the actors eyes. She sprays a few sprays and waits before uncovering his eyes. Lost for words, Chase Stone just stares as his manager is talking away.

"Chase's manager" Laura Gordon
Chase. So Elena Garica is the interviewer here for I.W.A and she is going to just ask you a few questions about your match. Got it?

Stone is still staring and lose for words. His manager Laura looks at him and bumps him to get his attention. Chase shakes his head and comes back to earth. He looks at Laura who's just shaking his head.

"Chase's manager" Laura Gordon
Focus Chase. I was saying the interviewer is going to ask you a few questions about your Match in I.W.A.

"Mr Iconic" Chase Stone
What's the interviewers name?

"Chase's manager" Laura Gordon
Elena Garica

"Mr Iconic" Chase Stone
And who's my match against?

"Chase's manager" Laura Gordon
You’ve got a mystery opponent

"Mr Iconic" Chase Stone
Really? Like it could be anyone.. even some junior jobber who hasn’t even wrestled before? Piece of cake

"Chase's manager" Laura Gordon
Don't get too cocky Chase. Remember that time when you thought you nailed the audition only to find out in the end you were just the supporting role?

"Mr Iconic" Chase Stone
You had to bring that up didn't you.

The Hair and Make up stylist returns and gets back to doing Chase's hair. She starts styling and brushing. Stone doesn't realise she's doing it a different way to what he usually likes it. Stone is too busy in awe, watching as she handles his hair carefully. She walks away. Chase just stares at her and she walks off.

"Chase's manager" Laura Gordon
Are you going to talk to her. Or just watch her? I've been your manager for 10 years now and I've seen you talk to every girl come your way. What's different about this one?

"Mr Iconic" Chase Stone
There is something about this one Laura. She's just got this...I seems to just connect with her when I saw her.

"Chase's manager" Laura Gordon
Maybe find out her name. That's the least you can do, might want to do it quickly, I think we're up next....

Moments later, Chase Stone find himself standing in the backstage interviewing area. Standing next to him is I.W.A backstage interviewer Elena Garica. She gives the cameraman a nod and before you know it, the interview had begun.

ELENA GARICA backstage interviewer "My guest at this time, I.W.A superstar Chase Stone, Chase it had come to my attention this is your first ever wrestling business you've been apart of. Before this you were an actor in Hollywood. How do you prepare yourself for something like this "

"Mr Iconic" Chase Stone
ELENA, in Hollywood I would prepare before a scene by sitting in my trailer, headphones on listening to music. Just because I have never been in a wrestling organisation before or wrestled at any stage of my life doesn't mean my preparation will change. There isn't much difference between acting and wrestling, therefore how I perform will just be like I'm auditing for apart in the movie or playing out a scene in a big budget movie. I plan to going out there, showing the word, just who I am.

ELENA GARICA backstage interviewer "So your first match in I.W.A is against.. an mystery opponent "z

"Mr Iconic" Chase Stone
In the acting business you've got this ladder and its helps you describe actors, actresses and movies. You see, there are mega stars like myself and Chris Evan and Chris Hemsworth, then you've got your Superstars like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie and below them you've got rising stars who cant really reach high, but still able to touch the ground, people like Josh Hutcherson and Jamie Dornan. Just to drop some Hollywood names. But the point I'm making is, you can carry that ladder wherever you go. Meaning, if I were bring it to I.W.A, I could easily make a list and label everyone. but seeing as it's all so new and everyone is really debuting here, I won't.

ELENA GARICA backstage interviewer ”Are you concerned if your opponent is someone who may have some experience within the wrestling ring? Does that affect you in any way? "

"Mr Iconic" Chase Stone
Experience is always vital. The more, the better. But if my opponent does have a wealth of experience and they want a show, they’ll be dealing with the wrong type of person. 10+ years in the show business, movie business and all that jazz, so I know what I'm doing. You are probably saying to yourself that wrestling is nothing like acting, well listen here Miss GARICA. When the light go on, the beams shine bright and the camera starts rolling, Chase Stone as arrived and when it all happens, I ain't leaving until I have the part. But too break it down into 'wrestling terms' Chase Stone will drop as many neck breakers as I need to, land as many jumping DDT's as I can and when it's all said and down, it'll be End Scene and Mr Mystery oppenent will be nothing more then just an extra in my movie.

ELENA GARICA backstage interviewer "Finally, do you see yourself as an successful wrestler as you were a successful actor? "

"Mr Iconic" Chase Stone
Every movie, I've been in as been nominated for an award. I may. Of have won many awards, but it shows just how great my movies are. I am. Of one to blow my own trumpet, but look at me Miss GARICA. I'm the whole package. What's not successful about me? I made the switch to wrestling from acting because there wasn't much as I hadn't achieved in Hollywood, I need to expand my horizon and broaden my depth. Like I said before, wrestling and acting aren't that much similar, but one thing is for certain. Just like on the big screen, I'll make myself a name on the little screen and before you know, every household will know the name if not, continue to know the name of Chase Stone. And for after Monday Night Mayham, whoever decides to met me in the middle of that ring, will just be the name everyone will tend to forget. Get ready, cause It's SHOWTIME

ELENA GARICA backstage interviewer "Thank you for your time Chase Stone. There you have it ladies and gentleman, strong words from the rookie Chase Stone "

Chase Stone walks over to his manager with a smile on his face. Stone looks past Laura's shoulder to see if he can see the stylist in sight. With no luck, Stone just drops his head as his Manager Laura Gordon puts him arm around his shoulder and both guys just walk off.



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