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...............BELIEVE THIS DREAM TO BE REALITY..................

The Mezzanine is playing their cd release show in the near future.
The purpose of the show is to promote their new cd. Here are the facts:

The Mezzanine
Not Waving But Drowning
This Day Forward
Open Hand
At the Des Moines Botanical Center
On July 7th
6:00, $6

Need directions? Go to Morty's website.

What makes the Mezzanine better than all the other bands playing? First of all, this is their cd release show. Secondly, their new cd is called "Hell's Penis", and it has seven songs on it. As a third point, they don't even have actual lyrics for any of their songs. The set is 25% improv and it ALWAYS ROCKS. Check it out. This is their third show and anyone who saw their last show will tell you that they get better every time they play. Come support xxxDIYHXCxxx and see The Mezzanine on July Seventh!

Click here for stories from our last two shows!

This is the vocalist, Richard, rocking out to one of The Mezzanine's seven songs featured on Hell's Penis.

This is The Mezzanine's drummer, Andy, looking goofy, but he still rocks...ESPECIALLY LIVE!

The Mezzanine consists of four members: Richard on the vox, Elliot on the electric guitar, The Willabong on electric bass guitar, and Andy on drums. Elliot also plays in a punk rock band called Lost Cause. The Willabong and richard play in a local kick ass Godsmack cover band called Buttsmack. Andy plays in school concert and jazz band. The Mezzanine was formed in September (?????) of 2001 and played their first show a couple months later. The Mezzanine and all of its contributors reside in Des Moines Iowa and will continue to until Elliot moves next fall. The Mezzanine has been many times proclaimed the saviors of the Des Moines Screamo scene after they wrote their first song. Come see The Mezzanine make history on July Seventh when they play with Not Waving But Drowning and a few other awesome bands!

This was the band's name before they changed it to The Mezzanine. No one in the band really knows why the hell they did actually decide to change it.