Wrestling Then and Now

by Dale Pierce

DALE PIERCE: You drew your name from the Ray Stevens song, The Blue Cyclone, right?

CYCLONE: It is very true, I did get my name from the old Ray Stevens song.

DALE PIERCE: Where was your first match?

CYCLONE: I debuted March 11th, 2002, in Vale North Carolina. I have just wrestled on the North Carolina scene.

DALE PIERCE: You were trained by whom?

CYCLONE: My cousin Will Bradshaw, who was trained by Nikita Koloff.

DALE PIERCE: Do you have a Web page?

CYCLONE: http://www.thecyclone.8m.com

DALE PIERCE: Can fans contact you through this page?

CYCLONE: Fans can reach reach me through my site. I love hearing and interacting with fans, because they are the ones that put me over.

DALE PIERCE: You are also big on the Christian wrestling promotions and such.

CYCLONE: Yes, I have posted a testimony on my site, and I do incorprate it into my career, cause God made it possible for me to live my dream.

DALE PIERCE: How do you feel about Christian wrestling promotions, like the one DiBiase runs? Would you work for him?

CYCLONE: I would love to join a fed like DiBiase's group. I admire what they do, but I don't know if I'm good enough to make there.

DALE PIERCE: How do you feel about the changes in wrestling today overall, with the vulgarity, sex angles, and the like?

CYCLONE: I hate what this sport has fallen to. I remeber in the 80s, workers didn't need to be vulger to get heat with the crowd. To me, it says they aren't doing their job. To answer your question, it makes me sick.

DALE PIERCE: Just for the thought, have you ever thought of running your own Christian wrestling group or having some of your associates start your own group of this type?

CYCLONE: Yes, all kinds of Christian people have put their 2 cents in about me wrestling. I said what better way to change them than to work on the inside, and I said, "Didn't Jesus say not to judge? Didn't he?"

DALE PIERCE: Would you like to see wrestling go back to the old days, so to speak?

CYCLONE: You dang right I would, but I know it will never happen due to the moral decay of society.

DALE PIERCE: Favorite holds?

CYCLONE: My fav holds ... Indian deathlock, T-bone suplex, airplane spin, big swing ... and so on.

DALE PIERCE: Favorite wrestlers from the past? Any old favorites you grew up watching?

CYCLONE: All the NWA stars like Ric Flair, The Boogie Woogie Man, Magnum T.A., Chief Wahoo, Nikita ... God, I could go on all night with that question! LOL

DALE PIERCE: Are you happy with the indys, or are you geared for bigger things?

CYCLONE: For me, that is a complex question. In a way, I am content with where I am, cause I don't have to focus on wrestling all the time. I can seperate myself from The Cyclone, but in a way, I'm disappointed that I'm not on the top, wrestling in other countries like Mexico and Japan making the big money, but some of the happiest people are the poorest. I thank God for this chance that I got.

DALE PIERCE: In your area, what other wrestlers do you really think are worth watching?

CYCLONE: From the North Carolina scene, Tommy Gunn, Kurt Solo, & Matt Huston (The Unholy Empire), T-Money & Robbie Evil (Wicked Cash) ... but there are so many.

DALE PIERCE: Future plans?

CYCLONE: My plans ... Keep on wrestling long as I am able, hopefully make it to the PWI Top 500.

DALE PIERCE: Closing comments?

CYCLONE: Never give up on your dreams, and have faith in God. It worked for me. Also, thank you for doing the interview, and stop on by my website and give me a hollar ... Good night and God bless.

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