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Maxx Lavaro on the microphone

Roberts on the microphone

Cordova coming out to the ring

Cordova getting into the ring

Cordova talking on the microphone

Jason Skyy coming out to the ring with the Elite Title

Cordova, Roberts and Lavaro standing in the ring with James Pittman

James Pittman talking to all 4 men

Jason Skyy smiling with the Elite Title

Jason Skyy taunting with the Elite Title

Maxx Lavaro walking to the ring

Sean Cordova making his way out

Cordova and Roberts going away at Lavaro and Skyy

Cordova and Roberts after being hit with the Ladder

Double Backdrop off the Ladder

Lavaro about to take Roberts off the Ladder

Sit-Out Powerbomb onto Cordova

Cordova pushing Lavaro off the Ladder

Skyy and Lavaro fighting over the Ladder

Seconds after an Asai Moonsault

Cordova flipping onto all 3 men outside the ring

Cordova pointing at the Elite Title

Skyy trying to take Cordova off the ladder

Cordova kicking away at Roberts while on the ladder

Cordovathrowing a chair onto Skyy

Maxx Lavaro picking up the Ladder

Lavaro stomping away at Roberts

Roberts jumping up for a Hurricanranna

After placing Lavaro on the Ladder

Lavaro placing tin over the Ladder

Lavaro about to Superplex Cordova onto the Tin and Ladder

Roberts placing a Chair on Lavaro

Roberts blasting Lavaro with a Steel Chair

Sean Cordova Seconds later after being hit with a Steel Chair

Jason Skyy standing tall over the men

Lavaro being Hurricanranna'ed through a Ladder

Cordova climbing the Turnbuckle Slowly

Cordova holding his back while on the Turnbuckle

Lavaro about to hit Cordova with a Chair

All men in the ring

Cordova about to throw the chair on Lavaro's back

Roberts placing the Ladder on the Turnbuckle

Roberts stomping away at Cordova

Skyy about to throw the chair at Cordova

Cordova lying on the outside of the ring

Another picture of Cordova lying on the outside of the ring

Double Catapult on Roberts to the Ladder

Springboard Dropkick from Roberts to Lavaro

Cordova throwing Roberts off the Apron

Cordova about to kick Lavaro while on the Apron

Cordova flying off the turnbuckle onto Skyy

Lavaro bringing in a hugh piece of board

Cordova nailing Roberts with the board

Cordova standing tall with the board

Lavaro climbing the ladder while Skyy is outside the ring

Skyy flying off the turnbuckle with a Missile Dropkick

Cordova giving Roberts a knee to the stomach

Cordova setting up the ladder

Skyy pulling Cordova off the ladder

Skyy punching Cordova in the stomach

Skyy climbing the ladder to jump on Roberts and Lavaro

Roberts hitting Lavaro with the Chair

Seconds after Lavaro hit a Running Big Boot on Cordova

Roberts after winning the Ladder Match

The Referee holding Roberts' hand after winning the Elite Title

Roberts leaving with the Elite Title and Ladder